The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1179: Terrible nileism

Previous Chapter: Chapter 1178 The Crisis in the Jueluo Sea

"Patriarch, the big thing is not good."

Just when the two of Wang Feng were about to fly away from here to fight, suddenly a panicked voice sounded, and at this moment a Jiaolong clan member was running towards here with a panic expression.

"What kind of demeanor is it? What's the matter with you?" Patriarch Jiaolong asked with a deep face.

"That's the case. Just now, the Water Scorpion tribe sent someone to deliver the news that they have been annihilated as a whole, and their ancestors are dead." The Jiaolong tribe said, making Wang Feng's expressions change.

"What are you talking about?" A stride came to the front of the tribe, and Patriarch Jiaolong couldn't help but increase his voice.

"I said that the Scorpion tribe has been annihilated as a whole." The Jiaolong tribe said, he was about to stand unstable due to the pressure of the patriarch's half immortal breath.

"What you said is true?" Patriarch Jiaolong asked again in an uncertain tone.

"It's true, a member of their Scorpion Clan escaped to tell me personally."

"What about others?"

"It's outside."

"Take me to see him right away."

While talking, the Jiaolong clan leader left here directly. The Scorpion clan is a big clan in the Jueluo Sea area, so why are they exterminated?

Who did it?

Following the Jiaolong patriarch, Wang Feng and Liu Yidao soon saw the Scorpion tribe.

The appearance of the water scorpion tribe is a bit the same as that of the scorpions on land. Of course, this is only the appearance and habits. There is a huge difference between the two, because the water scorpion tribe lives in water.

The Scorpion clan in front of him was weak, his whole body was wounded, he didn't even have the power to maintain his human form, and he could only fall into the hall as his body.

The blood was flowing out of his wounds at this moment, and this person has been dead soon.

The eyes of the sky opened, and Wang Feng found that his meridians had been broken. It was a miracle that he could rush here alive.

Of course, Wang Feng is not impossible to save him, but saving the other party will cost a great price, and Wang Feng is not ready to do it.

Because it cost a huge price to save someone who had nothing to do with him, Wang Feng was not so kind.

If Wang Feng might have done that on Earth before, it's just that he has been cultivating for so many years, not to mention that his heart is like a rock, it is probably the same. (Hua)

Because he had seen too many intrigues, and saving a dying person needed a high-level pill, Wang Feng would not be so kind.

"What is the matter with your Scorpion Clan?" Looking at this person, the Jiaolong Clan Chief asked.

"Ni... Luo... teach!"

These three words were spit out word by word, and then under the gaze of all the Jiaolong tribe, the Scorpion tribe finally died in anger.

Hearing his words, almost all the faces of the Flood Dragons present changed drastically.

Could it be said that the Nile religion has been violently committed?

There used to be a dark age ruled by the Nile in the Jueluo Sea. Will the same thing happen again?

The dignified water scorpion clan was completely destroyed before the news spread. Perhaps this can only be done by terrifying forces such as the Nile Sect.

"I don't know how many people have come." His brows furrowed deeply, and the Jiaolong Patriarch felt unprecedented pressure.

As the half immortal on the bright side of the Jueluo Sea, he will definitely be targeted. Before, he thought he was quite honorable now, but now, the honor is likely to turn into murderous intent.

He was envious of Wang Feng. People also possessed the strength of a half immortal, but the entire Jueluo Sea Region knew that he possessed such strength. I am afraid that they are the only ones from the Flood Dragon clan.

If there is no mountain or dew, once it breaks out, it will be terrifying combat power.

"Send someone out to check the news immediately to see what's going on." At this time, Hengmei said the old way, causing the Jiaolong patriarch to nod slightly.

Knowing themselves and knowing that the enemy is a hundred battles, they have not figured out any news now, and the words of a Scorpion tribe alone are not enough to send them troops.

If this is a trap, I'm afraid they will all suffer.

"It seems that the Jueluo sea area is destined to not be calm anymore." The Jiaolong patriarch said, his expression a little ugly.

"You have to come sooner or later, if you can't hide, then just hit the head." Wang Feng said, his tone nonchalant.

Anyway, he is alone, and he will leave if he can't beat him. There is always a place for him in the vast sea of ​​taboos.

"Patriarch, it's not good, it's not good." At this moment, another panicked voice came, causing the attention of all Flood Dragon tribesmen to be attracted once again. &65288;&26825;&33457;&31958;&23567;&35828;&32593;&32;&87;&119;&119;&46;&77;&105;&97;&110;&72;&117;&97;&84;&97;&110;&103;&46;&67; &99;&32;&25552;&20379;&84;&120;&116;&20813;&36153;&19979;&36733;&65289;

"Could it be that another clan was annihilated?" The Jiaolong clan chief asked with a sullen face.

"Yes, the Chi Jia clan has been annihilated as a whole." The Flood Dragon group swallowed and said.

As soon as this news came out, it was like a thunder blasted in everyone’s minds. Just annihilated a Scorpion tribe, and now a Crimson Clan has been destroyed. Isn’t it true that the Nile Sect is trying to bring all the Jueluo Are all the ethnic groups in the sea extinguished?

Not long after, news came that some second-rate ethnic groups were also destroyed, and it was the Nile religion that destroyed them.

If only a water scorpion tribe is extinct, they can still imagine this as a trap, but now so many tribes have been exterminated, it can be seen that the Nile religion has really come to their Jueluo sea area.

"Immediately unite with the nearest ethnic group nearby, and we must immediately discuss countermeasures." Patriarch Jiaolong said, he could not sit still.

"You guys are discussing here slowly, I'll go see what is going on first." Wang Feng's figure gradually disappeared while speaking, and Liu Yidao disappeared with him.

This felt that Wang Feng had already seen the map of Luo Hai, so he knew the approximate location of the Nile Sect.

They should have been pushing all the way, crushing one power when they encounter it. It won't be long before they can truly go deep into the Jueluo Sea. At that time, the Jueluo Sea will be in chaos.

"You go and just go. Why are you dragging me together?" Liu Yidao shouted loudly when Wang Feng caught him.

"I am worried that it is not safe for you to stay with the Dragon Clan alone. Do you think it is safer to stay with the Dragon Clan or is it safer with me?" Wang Feng asked.

"What you said seems to make sense." Hearing Wang Feng's words, Liu Yidao nodded. He understands the power of Wang Feng, and he also knows that if he is in danger, Wang Feng will definitely be the first to stand up for him. of.

And if he is in danger in the Flood Dragon clan, it might be possible.

"As soon as we put away all our breath, we will see what the situation is." Wang Feng said, and then he directly exploded with supreme power.

With the help of the teleportation of the power of this rule, Wang Feng's speed was almost to the extreme.

It was probably just a few minutes later that Wang Feng felt an astonishing battle erupting from a distance.

Hidden his body, he restrained his breath even more.

With the help of the sky's eyes, Wang Feng could see that it was a huge ship with a standard Nile religious pattern hanging on the bow, which could not be faked.

A tyrannical aura erupted from the ship, killing a piece of sea clan under the ship with heavy casualties.

This sea clan is called the abyss clan, and seldom shows up outside on weekdays, and is considered a second-rate force.

It's just that now their entire ethnic group has suffered a devastating blow, the Nile Sect's ship is simply invincible, and the burst of power has slaughtered nearly half of their ethnic group.

"Really cruel." Liu said with a knife after seeing this scene.

You must know that some of those sea races were just children, they didn't understand anything and were slaughtered like this.

It didn't take half a minute, this sea area was quiet, the entire Abyss Clan had disappeared, the sea water had been dyed red by blood, even if Wang Feng was so far away, he could smell the **** smell.

Just when Wang Feng was about to use his heavenly eyes to see who were in the boat, suddenly a terrifying aura swept over him directly, and it was a certain master in the boat who shot.

"Sneaky peeking here for so long, you should pay the price of blood for it." An indifferent voice came from the boat, and no one stepped forward.

"Even women, children and children are not spared, I think your conscience has been almost lost." Wang Feng said, and then he punched out.

The swept power was only the supreme level, so Wang Feng's punch easily resolved the attack.

"This inferior race will be destroyed if it is destroyed. Whether it is a woman or a child, you have reached the Holy Land at a young age. I wonder if you are interested in joining our Nile religion?"

At this time, a voice came from the boat, causing Wang Feng to laugh.

Join the Nile religion?

The hatred between him and the Nile Sect is not small. If they see through their true colors, they will be crazy enough to kill themselves immediately.

They have swept through several clans, and Wang Feng does not believe that they have not searched for their souls.

As long as they search for their souls, they will be able to know who killed the many geniuses of their Nile Cult that day.

"Nile taught me that I am afraid that I will not be able to climb high, and I am not interested in joining forces like you who love to kill innocent people." Wang Feng said, causing a cold snort from the boat.

Then a few terrible forces erupted from the ship, and the people in it even attacked Wang Feng.

"Do you really think I'm so bullying?" Wang Feng sneered, and then directly put Liu Yidao into his dantian.

"Smashing Star Fist!"

The power cells were activated, and Wang Feng directly exploded out of the broken star fist with nine punches superimposed.

With a punch, the vast power exploded above Wang Feng's fist. The ship not far away could not resist Wang Feng's power, and suddenly disintegrated in midair.

As the ship disintegrated, several people appeared in the void. The head was a gray-haired old man, while the others were middle-aged, all of whom were very powerful, and the lowest was the mid-sacred stage.

With so many masters, it is no wonder that they can sweep all the way.

"Young man, you are killing yourself." The old man headed by Wang Feng said calmly.

"It's a laugh, the mere sacred pinnacle dare to say such things to me, don't you know that the wind conference flashed his tongue?" Wang Feng sneered.

Even the flame patriarch of the half-immortal level was almost beheaded by him, what are these Nile Cult people in front of them?


Looking at Wang, they also knew that Wang Feng was not that easy to provoke, so at this moment a few of them directly formed a huge circle and surrounded Wang Feng.

I saw them pinch the tactics with both hands, as if controlling some terrible formation.

It's just that such a scene is not at all threatening to Wang Feng, because he has the confidence to kill all these people here.

Originally, he thought these people were so powerful, but now it seems like that.

There is no need to send troops from the Jiaolong clan, and now he can solve all these people alone.

"Five elements must be formed!"

The old man among them shouted, and then a light mask directly enveloped Wang Feng. In this formation, Wang Feng felt some pressure, and seemed to have a sense of crisis.

But this is just that.


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