The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1170: escape

At a glance, the dragon family is full of dead and wounded. The dead dragons are now piled up and become a mountain. This is only a few of them. More dragons are killed by their bodies and spirits. There is no way to preserve the body.

Because of a flame clan, the Jiaolong clan is now forced to desperately, and can only hide in the protective clan array.

Although they have two supreme sages, in the previous battle, even if the Jiaolong patriarch and Hengmei Lao Dao joined forces, they were still hit hard by the flame clan patriarch.

Half Immortal is already half-footed into the level of a one-star immortal, so in terms of level, even the peak of the holy realm is far from them.

Not to mention the two teaming together, even if they were three teaming up, they might not be the opponents of the flame patriarch, just like the original Emperor Xuanyu.

When he was half immortal, he didn't have any effort to deal with several Supremes at the same time, and he could even kill them.

"It seems that there is a fight outside." At this time, someone from the Flood Dragon Clan who was in charge of watching sent back a message, causing many Flood Dragons to look at each other, wondering what the situation was.

"Could it be that the other party made a conspiracy?" At this time, Hengmei asked with some uncertainty.

The guardian formation of the Jiaolong clan was terrifying, even if the flame chief had been outside for a few days, he couldn't break it.

So they are very likely to use some tricks to trick them out.

As long as they are out of the clan guardian formation, their lives cannot be guaranteed. At that time, whether they are alive or dead is entirely within the other's thoughts.

"Let's investigate again, and we must find out the actual situation." I really don't worry about whether the other party is a conspiracy, so this old man can only say that.

"Yes." The human being transformed by the dragon nodded, and then left quickly.

After less than ten breaths, he came back again. This time he brought back very accurate news: "There is indeed a battle outside, and the flame race members have now suffered heavy casualties. It is estimated that at least tens of thousands have died."

This Jiaolong said uncertainly.

"Who is fighting outside?"

"If the subordinates are not mistaken, it should be two humans, they are now slaughtering the Flame Race people."

"What about the patriarch of the Flame Race?" Hengmei Lao Dao and Jiaolong patriarch were very surprised when they heard this.

"The subordinates have never seen the flame patriarch, he seems to be no longer here."

"What?" Hearing this narration, the Jiaolong clan leader and Hengmei Lao Dao couldn't help but exclaimed. At such an important moment when they came to the Jiaolong clan, as the strongest expert in the flame clan, he was no longer here. What did he do?

That is, there are people fighting outside. If this is not the case, perhaps they will not be able to discover that the flame clan chief has left.

"Anyway, the fighting outside is a good thing for us. We will immediately gather all the current forces, withdraw the formation, and let us fight out together."

After thinking about it, the Jiaolong patriarch said very decisively.

Being trapped in their own formations, the only ending waiting for them is death, so if there is a chance to rush out now, then they may survive.

The Dragon Clan can't take it now, but as long as they are still alive, then the Dragon Clan is also considered destroyed.

There is a way out for killing, and not killing, they can only sit here and wait for death, so everyone present knows what they should do.

"Subordinates will do it right away." After receiving the order from the patriarch, the Jiaolong passed on immediately.

In less than ten seconds, those flood dragons leaped into the sky one after another, this is what they broke through.

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) A battle, so at this moment their morale is unprecedentedly high.

"The outside has helped us open a way for him to escape. Those who want to live will kill them with me at this moment." The Jiaolong chief said, and then he took the initiative to withdraw the guardian formation of the Jiaolong clan.


The deafening shouting and killing sounded, and all the people of the Jiaolong clan who could fight were all flying up at this moment. This battle was about their lives, so their eyes were already red before they even started hitting them.

Because of this flame race, many of their relatives and friends died, and sometimes they even watched their relatives fall with their own eyes, without the slightest way.

So the root of hatred has long been buried in their hearts, and now is the time for their revenge.


A huge roar resounded through the void, led by the Jiaolong patriarch and Hengmei Lao Dao, and the flame tribe members who were far from them almost all died.

Because they are absolutely impossible to block the Supreme's attack.

"It's finally out."

Seeing the people of the Jiaolong clan kill out, Wang Feng heaved a long sigh of relief.

What he worries most just now is that this dragon clan will not lead the army out to fight, but hide inside to watch the excitement.

The situation is now moving in the direction he expected, and he is of course very happy to see it.


As he moved closer to the Jiaolong patriarch, all the enemies that stood in front of Wang Feng were killed by him, and no cultivator of the Flame Race was his opponent.

Although all the Sea Clan cultivators of this Flame Race can be regarded as invincible of the same rank, Wang Feng is not a Sea Clan, and his combat power is also higher than these Sea Clan, so it is too easy for Wang Feng to kill them.

"Senior Jiaolong, if you don't want to be buried here, you'd better take someone with me now."

"who are you?"

Seeing Wang Feng not far away, Patriarch Jiaolong asked with some caution.

"Don't you know who I am? Don't you know why this Flame Race is attacking?" Wang Feng said, making the Flood Dragon Clan Chief shocked.

Obviously he recognized Wang Feng's identity, because the Flame Clan came to attack their Jiaolong clan, and one of the most legitimate reasons was that they had contained Wang Feng.

Therefore, the Flame Race has reason to believe that they harbored Wang Feng, and that this disaster was brought about by Wang Feng. Now looking at Wang Feng, the Jiaolong patriarch only feels complicated in his heart.

Everything started because of Wang Feng, and now Wang Feng has rushed back to rescue them. Who can tell who is right?

Wang Feng rescued Hengmei Lao Dao, and at the same time brought about a catastrophic disaster. Compared with the two, it is really difficult for him to choose.

"Don't hesitate. The flame chief was only temporarily distracted by me. He will return in less than a minute at the latest. Not only you, but I am afraid that I will stay here for the funeral. Should I escape to survive? Stay here and wait to die, you can make your own choice." Seeing that the other party seemed hesitant, Wang Feng directly spoke of the huge threat of Patriarch Flame.

Sure enough, when he heard the words, the head of the Jiaolong patriarch flashed his eyes, and then gritted his teeth and shouted: "All the Jiaolong clan listened to the order and immediately broke out of the encirclement and left here. We abandon the ancestral land."


Hearing the words of the patriarch, the flood dragons who were fighting were shocked.

This place is the place where their Dragon Clan has survived for countless years. Could it be that they just gave up and gave up?

You must know that the treasure left by the ancestors is still on the island.

"obey orders."

Seeing the shock on the faces of those people, Patriarch Jiaolong shouted again.

The flame patriarch's realm has reached a half immortal,

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) If it is really as Wang Feng said, when he returns, I am afraid that everyone present will lose their lives.

Although the ancestral land was left by the ancestors, but their current strength is limited and cannot be kept. When they become stronger in the future, perhaps they can return to this place to take the ancestral land back.

Sometimes, giving up does not mean giving up, because they have not really lost.


With Wang Feng's guidance, the Jiaolong patriarch no longer hesitated, and went directly to the outside to fight.

"Go." When he came to Liu Yidao's side, Wang Feng turned and left, because he felt that the flame chief should be coming back soon.

After the war for so long, Wang Feng did not believe that the people here did not pass the news back.

As long as he comes, then Wang Feng and others are afraid of one and don't want to leave alive.

The mighty team directly broke through the encirclement of the flame clan, and the flame clan couldn't stop them from leaving.

But when Wang Feng and the others were about to leave, the void suddenly split, and a terrifying breath swept out directly from inside.

Before the people arrived, the momentum had already diffused. Patriarch Huo, rushed back!

"Don't resist everyone." Seeing this scene, Wang Feng yelled out this sentence almost subconsciously.

In the next second, Wang Feng opened his dantian to the fullest extent, and incorporated all the more than 70,000 flood dragon teams into his dantian.

Of course, there are also a small number of Flood Dragons who have resisted Wang Feng's swallowing, so they can only stay in this void.

For these people, Wang Feng could not swallow them, nor could he rescue them, because he had no time.

Saying sorry to these people in his heart, Wang Feng turned around and left without any pause.

And just after he left, those dragon cultivation bases that had not been included in his dantian exploded and died. They were crushed to death by the terrifying aura of the flame chief.

"You can't escape."

A roaring sound came from behind Wang Feng. It was obvious that the flame chief had spotted Wang Feng and pursued him.

"Where is the Territory nearby?" In the process of fleeing, Wang Feng directly asked the many dragons in his dantian.

They are the natives of the Jueluo Sea area, and they should know this well.

"Do you want to use Jueyu to get rid of the opponent?" Jiaolong patriarch asked.

"Do you have other better methods besides this?"

"Of course, you call your master, the flame chief naturally dare not do anything to us."

"Aren't you stupid?" Wang Feng shouted, "How far away is three days from middle school, if we wait for him to come ~ I'm afraid we will already be ashes. People can't need others every time. To save, we must know how to save ourselves, and immediately tell me where there are extremities nearby, or we will all die."

"I know one place of Jueyu, but it's very dangerous there. People who go there almost never return. Are you sure you can come out alive after entering?"

At this time, Hengmei Old Dao said, his tone was very worried.

"Even if it is a life of nine deaths, we have to try. If we are stuck like this, we have no other way but to die, so if we give it a try, we may still get a chance."

In that case, I will show you the way now.

While speaking, this old way of horizontal eyebrows pointed Wang Feng a direction to move forward, and then Wang Feng's body directly turned into a phantom, instantly passing an endless distance.

This is fleeing with the help of the rules, if it weren't, he would have been pushed by the opponent.

(End of this chapter)


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