The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1154: treasure house

A flood dragon secret realm contains no idea how many worlds, even though their ancestors' mana is huge, but they have created so many worlds, in fact, these worlds are still very fragile and can only accommodate a certain number of people.

Beyond this number, major changes may occur.

"Hurry up, it's so far." Seeing that the people were still motionless, the Jiaolong patriarch couldn't help whispering.

The Secret Realm of Flood Dragon represents many treasures, which is equivalent to the treasure house of their ancestors of Flood Dragon. Whoever can run to the front will have the opportunity to get rare things, so he couldn't help being anxious for the people at this moment.

It's a pity that he can't replace the people of the tribe, otherwise how could Wang Feng surpass them so much.

"The sense of crisis is getting stronger and stronger, and it's not far to come to the things that arouse my feeling." After flying forward for a while, Wang Feng muttered to himself.

"Brother, nothing will happen here, right?" Hengmei asked the old way at this time.

"The Secret Realm of the Flood Dragon was created by our ancestors, and what is left in it is full of wealth and treasures. Even if there is a situation, it will not be too dangerous to come."

"Don't worry, wait and see first." The Jiaolong patriarch said, but he came to comforting his old eyebrows.

"I want this statue."

At the forefront, Wang Feng saw a humanoid statue standing in the desert not long after. The statue looked dilapidated after weathering, but Wang Feng's heavenly eyes could see that the statue contained a very majestic power.

As long as it is activated by power, this statue can burst out with the power of destroying the world.

This is a taboo weapon.

Originally thought that Wang Feng's statue was something that brought him danger, but when he put the statue into his space ring, that feeling still did not fade.

"It looks like this is a treasure house." With joy on his face, Wang Feng didn't stay here at all, and still headed toward the depths of this world at full speed.

"Catch up."

After a joint struggle, these people finally got rid of the oppressive force that Wang Feng imposed on them, but at this time they were already very far away from Wang Feng. Even if they wanted to catch up, it would be impossible in a short time.

"Burn Shouyuan and catch up."

One of the dragons spoke, and a fierce expression flashed across his face.

Every time the Dragon Secret Realm is opened is a great opportunity for them. Now Wang Feng wants to cut off all of them by himself, so they have to work hard.

Desperately, there may still be a chance to get something. If you don't work hard, I'm afraid that Wang Feng's chicken feathers will not be left to them.

"Okay, I finally started to exert my strength." Seeing that the people finally started to move, the head of Jiaolong breathed a sigh of relief again.

"So many spirit stones."

After Wang Feng flew about a dozen miles ahead, he saw a Lingshi Mountain again. There were too many Lingshi, and it was impossible to count how many.

Seeing this scene, Wang Feng didn't hesitate at all, and moved this Lingshi Mountain away with a wave of his hand.


"Jade Jane."

Soon all kinds of babies began to appear in Wang Feng's line of sight, which made his heart throb.

He has an idea of ​​making money one step at a time. This place is simply a treasure trove, and he can get it at will.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a good place for this dragon clan. It seems that this trip has not come in vain." Wang Feng said, waving all these things away.

"There is still a sense." Looking up and looking forward, Wang Feng found that the sense of crisis in his heart became stronger and stronger, and the thing that gave him that feeling had not yet appeared.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) "If he goes on like this, he might find something of the supreme level." Outside the Jiaolong Secret, seeing Wang Feng's light spot rushing upwards, the head of the Jiaolong clan's brows Can't help but wrinkle.

"He is not the supreme, the more you go inside, the heavier the pressure, even the supreme is not easy to resist those pressures, he can't go far." At this time, Hengmei said.

Although this flood dragon secret realm was a shocking wealth left by their ancestors, their ancestors also set up a powerful suppression force in it.

The more you go inside, the heavier the pressure, which is equivalent to a test for their descendants. If anyone can go further with the pressure, the greater the chance of them discovering the treasure.

"what happened?"

Sure enough, before Wang Feng had flown far, he felt his whole body sink, as if an invisible suppressing force had descended on his head, giving him the feeling of carrying a mountain on his back.

And the more you go inside, the heavier the pressure is. A two-mountain-like coercion Wang Feng can ignore, but a dozen of them are brought to you at once, even if Wang Feng is somewhat unable to hold it.

Putting his practice into operation, Wang Feng still chose to move forward.

A sense of crisis points him to the direction, and he is not afraid that there is no good stuff in it.

"The speed has slowed down, and I don't know how far he can go." Seeing that the light spot representing Wang Feng has slowed down on the stone tablet, the Jiaolong patriarch and Hengmei Lao Dao couldn't help but pay attention.

In the past, they have also reached the level of Wang Feng, and have steadfastly broken into it.

Now that some people have reached their level, they naturally want to pay attention.

Among the entire Jiaolong clan, there are very few who can walk as far as Wang Feng.

"Grass mud horse, what is this stuff?" In the secret realm, Wang Feng's pressure on his body was getting heavier and heavier, which made him couldn't help but burst out.

Isn't it a good treasure house? Why did it happen like this?

He can now hear the creaking sound of his bones rubbing against each other, and the pressure he has to resist now is unimaginable.

The blue veins on his forehead violently, and with the big beads of sweat rolling down, Wang Feng originally flew at a very high altitude, but now he can only be forced to land on the ground suppressed and chose to walk.

The sand was originally very soft, but under this pressure, these sands were harder than stones.

"He was able to resist the pressure and rush in." Not long after Wang Feng entered, the people of the Jiaolong clan finally caught up.

They just couldn't see Wang Feng's back when they came up. This pressure was aimed at all those who came here, so Wang Feng would go forward under the pressure, and the same was true for them.

Moreover, in all aspects, Wang Feng will far outperform them, so it is basically impossible for them to catch up with Wang Feng.

"It can make me feel dangerous. No matter what it is, I must look at it." With his teeth clenched, Wang Feng's robe was already wet with sweat.

It's just that this can't stop his footsteps. He has a hard work in his bones. If he doesn't want him to get something, the more he wants it.

It's not that Wang Feng has not felt the pressure, so as long as he can't kill him, then he can continue to move forward.

"This axe, mine." After walking for about a kilometer, Wang Feng saw an axe floating in mid-air. This axe was very large, and looked like it was used by a giant.

Moreover, the astonishing evil spirit was transmitted from this axe. I don't know how many creatures were killed. This is a good weapon, at least it must be used by the Supreme.

It’s just that Wang Feng wants it, but what

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) How to obtain it is a difficult problem for him.

There is no power of the rules of the three days here, and his ability to fly is severely suppressed, so he wants to obtain this axe floating in the air, but it is not that easy.

"Can't stop me." Looking at the axe, Wang Feng's cellular power burst out at this moment, and his body began to vacate. He grabbed the axe and put it into his space ring.

The reason why he was suppressed so badly before was because he did not explode his own cellular power.

It is only under pressure to develop potential. Wang Feng did that on purpose.

But now in order to obtain this axe, Wang Feng can't take care of that much.

The sense of crisis in his heart is getting heavier and heavier, and Wang Feng believes that what gives him this feeling is not far away.

So after hesitating a little, he stopped hesitating and burst out with all his strength.

In an instant, his body turned into a flash of lightning and went straight to the depths of this world.


Seeing Wang Feng's light spot rushing to the top of the stone tablet, the Jiaolong clan chief and Hengmei Lao Dao were shocked.

They originally thought that Wang Feng couldn't hold back the coercion, but now it seems that things have completely exceeded their expectations.

"This elixir is mine." Wang Feng took away all valuable things when he saw it along the way.

And in terms of quality, the things in it are much more valuable than what Wang Feng had discovered before. With powerful power running in his body, Wang Feng's pressure at this moment has not been reduced by many times.

He doesn't know how long he can hold on. In short, his cells are hard to recover in a short time when he runs out, so he must hurry up and see what he wants to see.

"How did he do it?"

Outside, because of Wang Feng's acceleration, the patriarch of Jiaolong, his eyebrows were old, the elder Jiaolong's eyes widened, revealing an incredible color.

This matter seemed to them to be completely impossible. After entering the area of ​​pressure, the speed could be maintained so fast, could he ignore the pressure?

"He has surpassed me."

Almost a minute later, the patriarch Jiaolong stared at the stone tablet in front of him. On the stone tablet, the light spot representing Wang Feng had reached the top, and the record created by the patriarch Jiaolong was broken.

As for how far he went inside, it was not shown at this moment, because there was no one in front of him that could be used as a reference for Wang Feng.

"The supreme weapons have already appeared, are there fairy weapons in them?"

In the great pressure, Wang Feng muttered to himself. At this moment, his speed has also slowed down, because the pressure inside has begun to affect him.

Even if he exploded his own cellular power, he was not invincible. According to Wang Feng's experience, the pressure he felt at this moment was at least half a fairy.

And this coercion is still increasing step by step, and I don't know what the terrible pressure will look like in the end.

"It's over, we can't keep up at all." Wang Feng had already walked a long way in front, and behind him, the group of Flood Dragons had chosen to give up.

They are inferior to Wang Feng, nor do they have the perverted cell power of Wang Feng, so they have almost reached their limit now, and they cannot continue to go deeper.

"I can only look back for something valuable." Looking at the world ahead, these people sighed in their hearts and could only give up not chasing Wang Feng.

Because they can't catch up, they don't have that qualification.

Before the secret realm of Flood Dragon was closed, it was time to find something valuable as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)


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