The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1148: Crisis from the Supreme

The power in the heart is very majestic. For Wang Feng and Liu Yidao, this is indeed a great destiny. Only half a day after Liu Yidao entered here, his realm has been elevated to the mid-reincarnation stage, which is comparable to his own. There is too much practice in retreat.

Although Wang Feng's realm has not improved, it has reached the peak of the early stage of the reincarnation realm, and has the opportunity to enter the middle of the reincarnation realm.

The killing outside has gradually stopped, because the evil spirit released by the Huotian Half Saint and others has gradually faded away. Without the influence of the evil spirit, those who had lost their minds have gradually recovered.

No one can count how many Sea Clan monks died this time. In short, there are dead bodies all over the heads of Wang Feng and Liu Yidao, and the blood dyes the earth red, looking like a piece of hell.

The sea races are leaving gradually, because there is no chance at all in this world, maybe there is that terrible killing, blood, and death are the main melodies of this treasure hunt.

Many forces suffered heavy losses in this battle, so less than an hour after these Sea Clan monks had left, the Supreme entered this world, and his soul power swept the entire world, and almost found Wang Feng and Liu The space where the knife is located.

In terms of formation, Wang Feng and Liu Yidao are both proficient, so although the formations they jointly put together cannot hurt the supreme, it can hide them.

As long as the Supreme can't see them, they can stay in that heart until they absorb all the power in the heart.

After absorbing such a long time, they only used half of the power in this heart, and the remaining half was still very majestic.

For Yu Wangfeng and Liu Yidao, this was a gluttonous feast, and both of them received amazing benefits.

For two or three consecutive days, at least four supreme lords ushered in this place, but although these supreme lords have explored this place with their soul power, they still did not find the two Wang Feng under the ground.

Therefore, Wang Feng and Liu Yidao have been very comfortable these days, absorbing all the power in that heart.

Liu Yidao's realm successfully broke through the middle stage of the reincarnation realm and reached the peak of the middle stage.

Although Wang Feng had also absorbed a huge amount of power, it didn't take long for his realm to rise. Although he had the idea of ​​raising it, the shackle was like a big rock that he couldn't move.

So his current realm is only the peak of the early stage of the reincarnation realm, and he has never taken that step.

But even so, Wang Feng didn't feel that he was at a disadvantage, because he was already very satisfied with being able to raise his realm to the early peak of the reincarnation realm in such a fast time.

If he had some chance next time, maybe he could step into the middle stage of the reincarnation stage, but he also understood that the matter of cultivation is not urgent.

Moreover, the advancement is too fast, and the dark diseases that countless cultivators can’t pay attention to are left behind. These dark diseases will not affect the cultivators in normal days, and once the cultivators advance to the next level, the dark diseases will be enough for the cultivators to eat. Suffering, and even defeat overnight is not uncommon.

Therefore, it is not a bad thing to have no advancement. This can allow Wang Feng to slowly settle in this realm until he can progress to the next level in a natural way.

"It's a pity, if I have more power, I might be able to advance to the late stage of reincarnation." Liu Yidao sighed, rather helpless.

"Satisfaction, it is pure luck for us to seize this opportunity. If we only rely on retreat and practice, we don't know how long it will take to break through the realm."

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) Hou Wangfeng spoke and slowly stood up.

Although his realm has not changed, his breath has become more profound. If Wang Feng encounters a semi-sage now, he is confident that he can kill them in just one or two strokes.

"Perhaps... the early days of the Bible couldn't do anything to me." Wang Feng muttered to himself, flashing light in his eyes.

"Fortunately, your realm has not improved." At this time Liu Yidao glanced at Wang Feng, and suddenly he was a little gloating.

Originally, Wang Feng's realm was the same as him, but now he is one step ahead of Wang Feng. In contrast, his heart is naturally much more balanced.

This is the typical bitch.

"Let's go."

Wang Feng opened his mouth and was too lazy to take care of Liu. He took this heart in one step. Of course, he didn't forget to take away the black bead before he left. This bead can absorb a huge amount of evil spirits and is definitely useful.

The half-holy body of the fire outside has long been annihilated, the place is empty, and there is no chance to find any more.

The eyes of the sky opened, and Wang Feng could see that the fighting outside had already stopped. Above their heads, apart from the dead bodies over there, there was no more living person.

This Huotian Half-Holy is indeed cruel enough. He even used the blood of countless sea creatures to improve his realm. That is, Wang Feng and Liu Yidao came here. If they don’t come, maybe this Huotian Half-Holy is really there. may.

Without the formation method to withdraw here, Wang Feng and Liu Yidao directly penetrated the soil layer and came into that huge space.

A strong **** smell filled the mouth and nose, even if a few days passed, the **** aura hadn't dissipated. This shows how many Sea Clan monks died here.

At first glance, the ground was full of corpses, which was no different from a tragic battle.

And many of them still died tragically under the hands of their kinsmen, perhaps they still didn't believe that their kinsmen would swing their butchers at them.

A strong evil spirit filled the surrounding areas, and after the death of these Sea Clan cultivators, the unwillingness in that femur was transformed.

At this time, the evil spirit still wanted to affect Wang Feng's mind, but Wang Feng had a glazed green lotus tree, and the power of this sapling was just a slight operation, and these evil spirits could not get close to his body.

"The chance of blood." Wang Feng sighed, and then he stopped staying and galloped away.

Not long after, Wang Feng and Liu Yidao came to the outside world, but before Wang Feng had time to breathe in fresh air, a huge palm greeted him.

A strong life-and-death crisis permeated his heart, allowing him to display the Primordial Runes without hesitation.


Wang Feng yelled, grabbed Liu with a knife, and backed crazy.

Primordial runes are things from the prehistoric times, their power is extraordinary, and as Wang Feng’s realm improves, the Primordial runes he has displayed are by no means comparable to before, so the opponent’s palm is blocked by this ancient rune, and there is no It fell on Wang Feng and Liu Yidao.

Looking up, Wang Feng could see that it was an old man who shot at them again. The old man's hair was all white and he didn't know how old he was. Moreover, his breath was amazing, and he was a holy realm.

A sacred realm was waiting for them here. Fortunately, Wang Feng reacted quickly, otherwise he and Liu would be finished.

"I knew there were still people hiding in it. Although the old man didn't know what Huotian's plot was, he hadn't appeared for so long. It was enough to imagine that he was dead, young man, you have his breath in you, right? Did you kill him?"

The old man spoke and looked at Wang Feng

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page). From his words, it is not difficult for Wang Feng to understand that this old man is one of the two supreme members of the Flame Race.

A sacred realm was guarded at this door. If it weren't for Wang Feng's tricks, he would have lost his soul with just that palm.

"Did it have anything to do with you? The dignified sacred realm supreme actually shot our two reincarnation juniors, do you still have the slightest shame?" Wang Feng shouted, making the old man laugh.

"As the saying goes, killers are always killed. Since you dare to do it, don't you have the courage to admit it?"

"Admit Nimei."

Shouting loudly, Wang Feng grabbed Liu with a knife and left, surrounded by the power of rules. Wang Feng was confident that he could get rid of the opponent.

Before, Wang Feng murmured to himself that the supreme in the early days of the Bible might not be able to help him, but this old man is obviously not a figure in the early days of the Bible. In front of him, the life and death crisis in Wang Feng's heart cannot be faded, so he only Can walk.

With the help of rules, Wang Feng's figure disappeared from the front of the old man almost instantly, which made the old man look strange.

Because he could feel that at this moment, the two of them had reached a very long distance, which was definitely not a space shuttle.

"A mere cultivator of the reincarnation realm, if you let you escape under the old man's nose, wouldn't I practice all my life in vain?"

Looking at the direction where Wang Feng and the two were leaving, the old man spoke in a low voice, and then his figure disappeared directly from the spot, chasing Wang Feng and Liu with a knife.

"Stopping at the door, this old guy is simply too disgusting." Liu Yidao cursed.

"Don't chirp, wait until we escape."

The life-and-death crisis did not fade away, but instead became more and more intense. Wang Feng knew that the opponent had already pursued it, so now he continued to run for his life.

The direction of his escape was the place where the Flood Dragon clan was. There were two Supremes of the Flood Dragon. One of the Supremes had received his favor, and the other was an'old acquaintance'. Wang Feng didn't believe that these two men would not save him, so he He arrived at the Jiaolong clan, then he was safe.

No matter how strong the Huo Clan is, it is impossible for them to fight against the Dragon Clan.

"You can't escape." Across the endless distance, the old man's voice had already reached Wang Feng and Liu Yidao's ears, causing both of them to change their expressions.

"You said I can't escape, I just want to run away to show you." Wang Feng shouted, without looking back.

With the help of rules, his speed is extremely fast, even if the supreme is unable to catch up with him in a short time.

If he is alone, he doesn’t have to flee, and he can even fight. Because of the power of rules, the opponent can hardly kill But now Wang Feng still has a Liu Yidao here, this old guy can Not a supreme opponent, so instead of saying that Wang Feng is escaping for his life, it is better to say that he is saving Liu Yidao's life.

The Jiaolong clan is very far away from here. Although there are rules to help, Wang Feng still can't rush to the Jiaolong clan land in a short time.

Under his power of perception, he could perceive that the flame race's supreme was getting closer and closer to him, and if he procrastinated like this, he would be overtaken by the opponent.

I flipped through the hands and took out the dagger that Master Chu once gave him. The dagger was very short, but the power contained in it was amazing. After all, it was something refined by the peak of the holy realm.

If Wang Feng used this object, those who chased him behind him would be severely injured, but thinking that this object was used by himself to save his life, he gritted his teeth and put it away again.

He hasn't reached a desperate moment yet, he doesn't want to use this thing.

(End of this chapter)


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