A sea clan master in the middle of the reincarnation realm was killed by someone in front of him. At this moment, many people who were chasing after him stopped because they were not sure to kill the opponent.

Someone stopped because of their limited strength, and this time there were a large number of people who wanted to deal with the two of Wang Feng, so at this moment, there were still nearly twenty rays of light rushing towards the two of Wang Feng.

Among them is Qimen Yaozun, and there is also the human half-holy, so many people rushed up together, and the momentum was shocking.

"You two stop." At this moment, at least five people uttered this sentence at the same time, causing Wang Feng and Liu Yidao to sneer.

It is said that people die for money and birds die for food. These people all want to get Wang Feng's things. If Wang Feng is a true Venerable Profound Underworld Realm, I am afraid it will be over today.

Is he just the Lord?

Yes, he is the Venerable, but his combat power is far superior to the Venerable, and even the semi-sage has been damaged several places in his hands, so these people who deal with him today are destined to be a tragic end.

"You have to chase us all the way, you are really interested." Looking at the group of people who appeared, Wang Feng asked calmly.

"There is no place for you to speak here." An elder of the Sea Clan in the late Reincarnation Realm yelled, without putting Wang Feng in his eyes.

At this moment, almost all the pressure was exerted on Liu Yidao. Perhaps in their opinion, Liu Yidao was the one who spent billions of spiritual stones.

"The old man Qimen Yaozun has never been like this. Today you have no way to escape." An old man said, it was the Qimen Yaozun who was almost irritated by Wang Feng.

His realm is the late stage of the reincarnation realm, and it can be considered relatively strong, but this strength is not a big threat to the two Wang Feng at all, they can easily take care of it.

"I only want that Dao seed." At this time, the human semi-sage of Ziyun Nation said calmly.

"I want to save the grass." Qimen Yaozun also said at this moment.

"If that's the case, then I want the other treasures on him."

"I want spirit stones."

At this moment, many people spoke, really wishing to cut Liu into the body.

And listening to their tone, it seems that Wang Feng's things have become theirs.

"You won't get anything today, and you have to keep your life here." At this moment Liu said sharply.

"Everyone go together, don't give them a chance." At this moment, I don't know which Sea Clan cultivator shouted, and all of them rushed up in an instant.

"Leave it to me, Half Sage, you can take care of the others." Wang Feng whispered, making Liu Yidao nod slightly.

Relying on Liu Yidao's terrifying body, it is not a problem for him to block the creatures in the later stage of the reincarnation stage. The only threat to him is the semi-sage of Ziyun Kingdom.

It's just that now that Wang Feng is going to deal with the semi-sage, Liu Yidao can sit back and relax.


Perceiving that there is soul power locked in himself, this human half-sage in the void also flashed his eyes and looked at Wang Feng.

He could see that Wang Feng's realm was only at the pinnacle of the Profound Mind Realm, not even the Reincarnation Realm, but at the moment Wang Feng felt like a beast, which was a feeling that surprised him very much.

Obviously it was just an ant, but it made him feel like this.

"No matter who you are, if you want to challenge my coercion in vain, then I will send you to death."

This human semi-sage opened his mouth and took a picture of Wang Feng with a palm. In his opinion, his palm was enough to wipe out the appearance and spirit of the other person, because the realm gap between the two of them was too big.

"Confidence is a good thing, but you are too arrogant."

Seeing the disdainful color on the opponent's face, Wang Feng smiled slightly, and burst out a broken star fist.

At this moment, many cells in his body were activated, which in exchange for him was extremely terrifying power.

"Half-Holy, it's not enough to be arrogant in front of me." Wang Feng said, the terrible fist burst out directly.

Fists and palms collided with each other, Wang Feng's body was still in the void, and the half-sage of Ziyun Kingdom was blasted out hundreds of meters by him, with a look of shock on his face.

Originally, he felt that Wang Feng was very weak, but when the opponent punched, he felt a majestic force in the opponent's body. This kind of force appeared too suddenly, making him even prepared for it. No.

At this moment, his arm was sore that he almost broke.

"Unexpectedly, you have hidden your strength, but I underestimated you." Shaking his arm, the semi-sage's face returned to normal.

It's just that at this moment, there is no slightest insignificance in his heart, because he knows that the strength of the opponent is completely comparable to what he wants.

No matter what the opponent's realm is, at least this moment Wang Feng's combat power has completely reached the level of semi-sage, which makes him have to fight with all his strength.

"You are too arrogant." Wang Feng smiled slightly, his expression calm.

Under a collision, Wang Feng has probably figured out the strength of the opponent. It is estimated that this person is a bit weaker than the semi-sacred capital of the Demon Realm that Wang Feng once killed. Such a person is not difficult for Wang Feng to kill.

"If my guess is right, you are the one who really snatched from me." The human semi-sage shouted in a low voice.

"Yes, so what, not so?"

"I admit that I underestimated you, but if you think that Semi-Holy is something you can fight against, then you are too naive. Today I will let you take a look at the true power of Semi-Holy."

The human semi-sage of Ziyun Nation spoke, and his breath was soaring at this moment, as if a **** of war was about to be resurrected. At this moment, even those who fought against Liu with a sword felt the pressure from the semi-sage.

"What is the power of Semi-Holy?"

Hearing what the other party said, Wang Feng laughed: "There are already several semi-sages who have died in my hands, and it is not bad for you."

Wang Feng spoke, making this human half-holy complexion change.

"Don't be here to confuse the crowd. No matter what you say today, it will be difficult to change your mortal ending." With a loud shout, this half-sage stopped listening to Wang Feng's ghost talk and made a bold move.

In his opinion, Wang Feng definitely said this deliberately to blow his confidence in the shot, so he didn't believe it, but he didn't know how, Wang Feng had indeed killed a semi-saint, and he was not one.

"Shut up is death, do you really think that semi-sage is invincible?" Wang Feng sneered.

"Prime rune, town!"

Dozens of golden runes appeared in front of Wang Feng. These were all Primordial Runes, with amazing power.

Under Wang Feng's deliberate control, all of these Primordial Runes were printed towards the other party, at an astonishing speed.

"Get out of here!"

Seeing these golden runes, this human semi-saint instinctively sensed the threat. At this moment, he only saw his big sleeve wave, and suddenly a violent force burst out from between his sleeves.

He originally thought that his power was enough to wipe out these golden runes, but what he didn't expect was that the moment his power touched these golden runes would penetrate directly, as if the runes were not there. The same exists.

In his horrified feeling, these runes finally fell on him, making his mind shake.

Severe pain permeated his body from the surface of his body. At this moment, the power of the Primordial Rune exploded, and it was constantly suppressing him.

"Get out of here!"

The half-holy breath broke out, and he wanted to drive these ancient runes away, but no matter how hard he tried, it didn't work.

When Wang Feng was in the middle of the Xuanming Realm, he killed Half-Holy, and now he has reached the peak of the Profound-Ming Realm, and his realm has already been at the beginning, so this Half-Holy of Ziyun Nation is actually not a big threat to him.

"No need to struggle, today is your death date." Wang Feng said indifferently, and then he took out the sharp gun between his hands.

As soon as the spear was shot out, an earth-shattering breath of ghosts burst out, and a strong life and death crisis appeared in his heart. At this moment, the human semi-sage of Ziyun Kingdom was struggling violently. He wanted to leave here because he understood this. The spear definitely has the ability to kill him.

It's just that there was an ancient magic rune that suppressed him, and he found that the power he could use was getting less and less. The rune was like a tarsus maggot, leaving him here.

With the power of rules operating, at this moment Wang Feng truly imprisoned the opponent in the void, and it was impossible to escape.

Although this is the sea of ​​taboos, this place shares the same sky with Zhongsantian after all, so the power of rules here can naturally also be used.

Although the power of rules is not as strong as Zhongsantian, it is too easy to imprison someone's actions.

Pour power into the Great Gun. At this moment, Wang Feng looked cold, and he threw the Great Gun directly.

Just like a meteor across the sky, at this moment the fierce spear rushed towards the human semi-sage of Ziyun Nation with shocking power, causing the pupils of the opponent to dilate suddenly.


The long spear was controlled by Wang Feng, and the immortal weapon from the time immemorial was directly inserted into the opponent's flesh and blood body at this moment, causing the human half-sage of Ziyun Kingdom to stare and cough violently.

Every time he coughed, he spewed out a lot of blood, his body was severely damaged by the sharp gun, his flesh and blood was necrotic, and his breath was also chaotic.

He couldn't stop the strangling power of the sharp gun at all.

"It's a pity, I was blinded by benefits." Looking at the opponent's unsatisfactory look, Wang Feng shook his head slightly, and then he took the sharp gun back.

"If there is an afterlife, I hope you can brighten your eyes. Today you are going to die." Wang Feng said lightly, and then he directly took off the opponent's space ring, which was his trophy.

At the beginning, this half-holy had bid with Wang Feng, so his space ring was destined to have no less spiritual stones. The powerful soul power exploded, and Wang Feng forcibly erased the soul mark left by this human half-holy on the ring.

After a little investigation, Wang Feng found that the opponent's space ring contained more than one billion spirit stones, which was a lot of wealth, just to make up for the spirit stones he had spent the past two days.

And besides the spirit stone, there are a lot of pills in this person's space ring. Although the grade is not high, there are also things like the tenth grade holy pill.

Speaking of which, this person is not too poor.

"You... can't die~www.NovelMTL.com~ Looking at Wang Feng, this human half-sage took a big breath, and then his breathing stopped forever. As for the curse that he said, Wang Feng didn’t care at all. on.

Because people are gone, everything is nonsense.

Looking up at Liu Yidao, Wang Feng found that he was completely surrounded by the crowd at this moment. Although his physical body was strong, but so many reincarnation masters besieged him, it was very good that he could save his life.

"go with!"

Seeing such a scene, Wang Feng thought of it and threw out the sharp gun in his hand.

The magic spear is an immortal weapon from the time immemorial. The body of the spear is inscribed with immemorial runes, so the power of this spear is really terrifying. It almost penetrates the bodies of more than ten monks in the reincarnation realm in a blink of an eye. .

Compared with Wang Feng, their combat power was too far apart, so Wang Feng's killing of them was nothing but a decay, and no one could stop them.


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