The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1135: Female corpse

Under the voice of Wang Feng, many people chose to be silent, and even some people who were preparing to bid also gave up.

The first price is two billion, unless they are crazy, otherwise they will not pay such a heavy price in exchange for a Taoism.

Moreover, they have already seen Wang Feng's character, and robbing him, fearing that it will cost more than two billion times the value.

Besides, Wang Feng might still be an alchemy master, and if he didn't fight with him, it would be regarded as a good bond in advance.

Therefore, during the few breaths of Wang Feng's voice, the entire auction house was silent, no one went to fight with Wang Feng, and even the Qi Men Yao Zun could only be silent.

This time he came here and only prepared a few hundred million spirit stones, and if two billion were allowed to pay for it, I was afraid that he would also have to empty the property.

In the end, this Taoist species fell into the hands of Wang Feng at the price of 2 billion spirit stones, and no one was robbed in the process. This was the first time that an auction house appeared.

It can only be said that Wang Feng's price is too high, which discourages too many people. Two billion is not something everyone can afford.

Not long after, Dao Seed arrived at Wang Feng's hand, and the spirit stone in his spatial ring was suddenly lost by as much as 2 billion.

Wang Feng didn't care if Lingshi was missing, because as long as his realm improved, he wouldn't feel wronged even if he spent 10 billion.

Holding the Dao Seed, Wang Feng could feel that his perception of heaven and earth became clearer, and the insight of the strong was really effective.

Because the auction was not over yet, Wang Feng was not in a hurry to practice, so he put away the item.

"Buy it, when you are killed, everything on you belongs to me." Among the VIP rooms of the Qi Men Yao Zun, Qi Men Yao Zun said murderously.

"Have you done what I ordered?" In the other VIP room, the human semi-sage of Ziyun Nation also whispered to his entourage.

"Return to your respect, it is ready."

"That's good." Nodded, then the person was not talking, but closed his eyes.

"It looks like there are a lot of people who have to deal with me." Wang Feng has a panoramic view of all the small movements among the other VIPs, and he has seen at least five or six forces giving orders to deal with him.

It is said that Piff is innocent and guilty. He deliberately revealed his wealth, and now he is really jealous of others.

It's just that Wang Feng didn't care about all of this. His purpose in coming to the Sea of ​​Taboo was to improve his strength. If there were no creatures to accompany him, how could he improve?

Calculate, when you hit me, you will know how wrong your choice is.

A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and Wang Feng continued to pay attention to the auction.

There are ten items in the finale, and only three of them are now available, and there are still seven items waiting to be sold.

Buying two items cost Wang Feng 3.5 billion spirit stones, but Wang Feng didn't sell the four items in the next auction, letting others buy them with more than one billion spirit stones.

Although they were all treasures, they were of little use to Wang Feng, so he watched the whole process calmly.

"The thing to be auctioned below is the 12-grade pill, which is what everyone wants to get." At this moment, the half-sage old man of the Flame Race spoke, and then you can see that hundreds of thousands of monks in the auction house are at least Most of them stood up.

They had never seen the twelve-grade pill in their entire lives, and even the eleven-grade pill was rare, so at this moment they all stretched their necks and wanted to see the twelve-grade pill.

"This pill is called Baicao Pill. It is made from hundreds of rare elixir. I think everyone present knows what the twelve-grade pill means. I will not say much. The function of this pill is to enhance strength. , The medicinal effect is magnificent, the starting price is one billion spiritual stones."

The half-sage old man of the flame race spoke, and then lifted the red in his hand.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) The silk reveals the size of a longan in his palm.

The size showed a greenish color, and a strong medicinal fragrance filled the entire auction house at this moment, making many Sea Clan monks intoxicated.

"It really is a twelfth-grade pill." Someone said shockedly.

Although the pill is good, the price is indeed extremely expensive. The starting price is one billion. It can be imagined that the transaction price of this pill is definitely more than many people imagine.

The twelve-grade pill has never been circulated in this sea area, so the flame race also knows that the value of this pill is extraordinary, and the direct starting price is set at one billion.

"Twelve products!"

Among the VIP rooms of Qi Men Yao Zun, Qi Men Yao Zun clenched his fists, looking a little excited.

His alchemy level is eleventh rank, although he is only one rank away from the twelfth rank alchemist, but he understands that this rank difference may hinder him for a lifetime.

If he can become a twelfth-rank alchemist, then his worth will definitely reach a brand new peak, and I am afraid that the supreme will come to him to make alchemy.

"1.2 billion."

The twelve-grade pill had already appeared, and those who came for this pill began to bid.

"This pill, I am bound to get it." Many people said the same sentence, fighting, this moment is the real beginning.

In a short period of time, the price of the twelve-grade pill directly soared by 2 billion, and depending on the intensity of the competition, this pill was not 3 billion, and I was afraid it would be difficult to get it.

Wang Feng had the twelfth-grade pill, but what he didn't expect was that the pill was worth so many spirit stones. He is now an eleventh-grade alchemist, and if he could make further progress, he could turn over and become a rich man in an instant.

It is very difficult for the 11th-Rank to become the 12th-Rank Alchemist, so the high value of this pill seems to be reasonable.

The price is endless. Many people didn't bid from the beginning, because their goal was to come for the twelve-grade pill. Now that the pill is available, they naturally began to bid crazy.

"Four billion."

Just when everyone was crazy about this twelve-grade pill, a voice suddenly resounded through the auction house, making many people's eyes widened, and quickly looked towards the VIP room that offered the price.

Among these gazes, Wang Feng naturally looked at it, but Wang Feng suddenly showed a different color at this look, because he had seen the person asking the price.

It was the second prince of the tide family that he and Liu Yidao had seen on that island more than ten days ago.

At that time, he said that he was bound to win this pill. He never thought that now he has actually paid the sky-high price of four billion, but the strength of the Profound Ming Realm dares to make four billion.

It just doesn't look like he has four billion spirit stones.

"Do you know the person who made the price?" Liu Yidao asked, seeing the strange color on Wang Feng's face.

"That's right." Wang Feng nodded, and then said, "Not only I know, but you also know. This person is the second prince of the tide clan we have seen."


Hearing Wang Feng's words, Liu cursed with a knife, and he slapped his thighs and said regretfully: "If we had known that he could take out so many spirit stones, we should have ransacked him."

Thinking of passing by the billions of spirit stones, Liu Yidao felt very regretful. That was billions of spirit stones, and he was losing out.

As soon as the price of 4 billion was released, the atmosphere of the fierce bidding before suddenly became cold. The price of 4 billion is an unattainable height for many people, and even some interested people are now discouraged. .

Because they can't get so many spirit stones.

At this moment, they all want to know who the price is, and they went crazy raising the price to

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page.) Four billion yuan. You know that four billion spiritual stones are very difficult to get out even by some forces.

The bidders stopped talking at once, and the venue with hundreds of thousands of people was terribly quiet at the moment.

"Is there anything higher than this price?" The half-sage old man on the high platform asked at this moment.

Four billion spirit stones can already be regarded as the highest price of this auction, even if Wang Feng's highest price is only 3 billion.

After asking three times, no one made any further bids. In the end, the second prince of the tide clan bought the twelfth-grade pill at an absolute high price of four billion, which caused many VIPs to sigh.

They were fully prepared to participate in the auction, but they didn't expect it to be such a consequence. This time they came in vain.

"Check it out for me to find out who actually bought the twelve-grade pill." Some people complain, and naturally some people yell. At this moment, many people want to know the buyer's news.

"Next one."

Others can't check it, but they don't care about the Flame Race, so when the twelve-grade pill is sold, the half-sage elder of the Flame Race directly started the next round of auction.

"The next thing to be auctioned is an adult female corpse. The origin of this female corpse is mysterious. I believe that everyone here also knows the meteor that fell from the sky a hundred years ago. The masters involved in the **** may also be there. This female corpse cannot be used for research, so It’s now being auctioned."

While speaking, the half-sage old man waved his sleeves, and suddenly a crystal coffin appeared in the sight of everyone.

Many people looked at each other when they saw this scene. They only heard about the auction of treasures and slaves. Why did they take out the bodies?

"This is the female corpse that fell from the sky a hundred years ago." The half-sage old man in the red robe spoke, and took the initiative to stand aside, allowing people to observe the female corpse carefully.

The female corpse is indeed a female corpse, and it looks very young. Although she is dead, her appearance has remained at the moment of her youth. This female corpse is beautiful, even as a monk of the Sea Clan. To a little dry mouth.

After all, everyone has a love for beauty, and this sea clan will transform into a human form at the end of cultivation, so the moment they saw this woman, many people couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the other person.

Although the female corpse's face felt pale after death, this paleness, combined with her and the beautiful face, showed everyone a kind of pathological beauty.

If this woman is alive, she must be a stunning beauty.

Once this female corpse fell from the sky, it triggered a battle between the powerful, but in the end, the supreme made a move to **** the female corpse in front of everyone, but who was the supreme who snatched the female corpse at that time? No one knows.

Because of the Supreme's action, the low-level cultivators can't see the other side's face clearly. Perhaps those who know the inside story are just a few I just want the Supreme to speak to them, so don’t think about it. Whether it is in the middle three days or this sea of ​​taboos, this supreme belongs to the absolute overlord, and countless creatures must surrender to their feet.

If they don't want to speak, no one can persecute them.

"I don't know what is the use of this female corpse?" A low-level monk asked at this time.

"I don't dare to say what is the specific use, but this female corpse fell from the sky in the first place, and has its own research. If there is a dao friend interested in this female corpse, you can bid and buy it." The half-sage old man shook his head. , And did not explain too much.

Because even the supreme can't study something, how can he know what it is? The only selling point of this female corpse is that it fell from the sky.

He never thought that this female corpse would be sold at a high price, because after all, the corpse was just a corpse, and even if it fell from the sky, it would have limited effect.

(End of this chapter)


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