The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1130: Supreme exercises

"The second collection to be auctioned below is a piece of dead wood. This dead wood is called Thunder God Wood. Although it has withered, it is still very valuable. The starting price is fifty thousand spiritual stones." At this time, the old man turned his hand and took it out. A piece of dead wood.

"What? Thunder God Wood?" Hearing the old man's words, hundreds of thousands of Sea Clan cultivators were shocked.

Looking up, Wang Feng found that the dead wood was indeed the Thunder God Wood, but this Thunder God Wood was very different from the Thunder God Wood he had ever obtained. The Thunder God Wood contained a very majestic power of thunder. This piece of wood was auctioned. The power of thunder inside is almost nothing, maybe it really died because of withering.

So this thing is of little value, it just has the howling of Thunder God Wood.

Seeing this thing, Wang Feng's face was calm, but the monks below were already in madness. Within two seconds of the start of the shooting, this thing was directly fired to the sky-high price of two hundred thousand spiritual stones.

Of course, the price is still increasing, and it is estimated that there is no half a million. This thing is afraid it will be difficult to fall into the pockets of these sea cultivators.

Sure enough, after a fierce competition, this dead wood was bought by a sea monster for five hundred and fifty thousand spiritual stones, causing many people to show pain.

A piece of Thorwood, so let people buy it.

"I think many of the Hai Clan colleagues will be interested in the things to be auctioned below." At this time, the old man opened his mouth and took out a drop of water between his hands.

That's right, it is a drop of water, which looks no different from ordinary water, but when the divine consciousness is swept away, you will find that your divine consciousness will be swallowed by this drop of water.

"This is ternary heavy water, and its greatest effect is to enhance soul power. This item can be used directly to enhance soul power, or it can be refined into a powerful weapon of destruction. If used properly, it can instantly destroy the enemy’s soul Destroyed in time." The old man said, causing many people to take a breath.

"This object has a starting price of two hundred thousand spirit stones." The old man said, and then put the object in the disc.

"I gave out half a million spiritual stones." Almost as soon as the old man put the thing down, a quiet voice came from a VIP room, and the price was more than doubled.

This is the first time a VIP room has bid.

Looking up, Wang Feng found that the man who shot was an old man of the Sea Clan, whose realm was in the middle of the reincarnation realm. His breath was very unstable. It is estimated that his soul had been injured, so he would rush to buy this thing.

"Five hundred thousand spirit stones, are there any higher bids?" The old man looked around the hundreds of thousands of cultivators and said after a glance at the VIP room.

"Six hundred thousand." At this time, an old sea clan man in the hall said, his breath was also unstable, obviously he also needed this thing to heal his injuries.

"One million." The old man in the VIP room was still bidding, and this time he added more bids. Seeing this, he is bound to win the triple-yuan heavy water.

"Two million." The healing thing is about his own life, so even if the old man in that hall risked offending the master, he also paid a high price.

"Are you trying to die?" The old man's voice came from the VIP room with a serious threat.

"This fellow Taoist, please pay attention to your remarks. This is the auction house of our Flame Race. The auction requires fair bidding. If you continue to threaten others openly like this, don't blame the old for inviting you out." Semi-Holy on the high platform The old man spoke in a harsh tone.

"This matter is my fault. I paid three million for this three-yuan heavy water." There was a voice from the VIP, and one million spirit stones were added.

"Four million." Facing the healing holy relic, the old man in the hall refused to give up. At this moment, his eyes were red, and he gritted his teeth and gave a price he could not afford.

At this moment, the auction house is silent, everyone knows these two

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Renmao, the price of the three yuan heavy water is one million spiritual stones at the top. It is only because there is very little circulation in the outside world that this appeared in the auction house.

A drop of water, four million spiritual stones, this is really a sky-high price that makes people crazy.

"Since you have a lot of spirit stones, I will give you this thing." After a deep glance at the old man in the hall, the old man in the VIP room stopped bidding.

As for what he will do afterwards, it has nothing to do with others.

In the end, the price of the three yuan heavy water was bought by the old man in the hall, which was a full four million spiritual stones.

No one envied this scene, because they all knew that the old man in this hall had already got a master because of this thing. They were afraid that his life would be worrying after he left the town.

"The next one to be auctioned is a technique. This technique was created by the great demon Changtian thousands of years ago. Although others have long since disappeared, the value of the technique he created is clear to everyone present, right?"

"I don't know that what is recorded in it is the Heaven Absolute Demon Art of the Great Demon Chang Tian?" At this time, a sea monster asked in shock.

"Yes, the Great Demon Chang Tian used this technique to embark on the road of supremacy. There is no reserve price for this item, but every bidding must start with one hundred thousand spiritual stones. Now the bidding starts."

"Five million spiritual stones." A technique that can make people cultivate to the supreme level must be extraordinary, and the Changtian Great Demon is a truly famous and powerful person, and he has already reached the level of the supreme holy realm thousands of years ago. , So the exercises he left behind must be the supreme treasure.

So at this moment, when someone makes a shot, it will cost five million.

The bidder is a young man in the VIP room, the strength of reincarnation.

If the Great Demon's cultivation technique can be bought, it can be used as a power inherited object, so no one in the room knows how valuable this object is.

There is no reserve price and no upper limit. If anyone can afford the sky-high price, then this thing belongs to whom.

Undoubtedly, Wang Feng couldn't help but feel a little moved the moment he saw this thing. The value of the exercises left by the Supreme is unimaginable. Even if he doesn't practice, it's beneficial to just comprehend.

It's just that Wang Feng also understands that if you want to buy this thing, you need to pay an unimaginable price.

"Even the supreme exercises are sold out, and I don't know what more amazing things will be sold later." Liu Yidao said, his tone was also a little surprised.

"Ten million."

Five million is the first price, but it hasn't waited until the time has expired. There is another bid in the VIP room, this time it is directly doubled.

The eyes of the sky were swept away, and Wang Feng found that the bid was an old siren, and the strength of the peak of the reincarnation stage was probably a celebrity among some big forces.

"Fifty million."

Everyone wants to obtain the supreme exercise, so at this moment someone in the VIP room offered a very high price.

Hearing such an offer, the people in the hall were silent. They did not bid, because they all knew that this was a competition between the big powers, and it had nothing to do with them.

They don't have so many spirit stones, nor are they qualified to bid.

If there is no strong strength, even buying this thing is only a disaster, so at this moment they can only act as spectators.

"One hundred million from the old." At this time someone bid again.

Hearing this price, many people were silent, one hundred million spirit stones, this is an unimaginable wealth, and even some forces' collection of all resources is not worth this billion spirit stones.

And those who can afford this price must be the masters among the big forces, either rich or expensive.

"It looks like this is a good show."

Seeing that the masters are bidding for the supreme practice, Wang Feng understands that this billion spirit stone is absolutely

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page.) It is not the end. Although the supreme exercise can only be practiced by people, it may be priceless if it is true.

"One hundred and twenty million."

It didn't take long for the price of 100 million to be announced, and someone bid again.

"Is there a higher price?" Hearing the price of 120 million yuan, the old man on the high platform flashed his eyes and asked loudly.

"Fine, I used to make good friends with the Great Demon Chang Tian. Although others have left, as a good friend of him, I still don’t want his techniques to be obtained by outsiders. I have 300 million spiritual stones for this thing. How about selling it to me like this?" At this time, an old voice echoed throughout the auction house, shocking the body of the semi-holy capital on the high platform.

Obviously he knew who the speaker was and what the identity of the other party was.

It's just that the auction house has the rules of the auction house. If it is fair, this item is the one who has the highest price. Although 300 million is a sky-high price, if the auction continues like this, it will not be able to reach such a price, so at this moment this half-sage old man It was embarrassing.

"Give it to him." Just when the half-sage old man was in a dilemma, a voice echoed in his mind, causing him to shake his body and couldn't help but raise his head.

He knew that this was the ancestor of the Flame Race talking with him.

The supreme bid is of extraordinary significance. Even if the Flame Race is unwilling to offend the existence of this level, they can only sell it.

"Since it is the predecessor's bid, then this thing belongs to the predecessor." The half-sage elder bowed to the VIP room, causing everyone to remain silent.

Obviously, the people in these VIP rooms knew who made the bid, and it was definitely not something they could provoke.

To fight with the Supreme, isn’t that just death?

So in the end, the Absolute Demon Technique was bought by that mysterious supreme old man, and there was no objection from the audience.

A supreme exercise method triggered a boom in the auction house, so since then, almost every auction collection sold at a high price, which made many experts of the flame race laugh from ear to ear.

They know that this time the Flame Race has made a lot of money.

There are too many collections for auction, so even if one day has passed, the auction will continue, and at least half of the items have not been brought out.

During the whole process, Wang Feng did not bid once, because many things were of no use to him, and he would not mess with spirit stones on things that were beyond doubt.

"The next thing to be auctioned is called Duercao. This thing has grown for at least ten thousand years. It can be taken orally or used as medicine for alchemy. I think there are alchemists who can make a move." At this moment, the half-sage old man said , Took out a blade of grass between hands.

This grass is very different from the normal grass. It is surrounded by gold threads. It is very extraordinary. Everyone knows that it is a treasure.

"What I need is here." Seeing what was in the hands of the half-sage old man, Wang Feng's eyes flashed and thought of Ghost King Pill.

There are three main ingredients for Ghost King Pill: Sky Demon Lotus, Du'er Grass, and Burning Sky Sand.

The Heavenly Demon Lotus King Peak already had it, and it was still a long way from Ecao and Fentiansha.

Fen Tiansha rumored that only those places of destruction have a chance to appear, because this thing contains the power to destroy the world, and it is one of the three main materials of Ghost King Pill.

The Ghost King Pill is a treasure among the twelve-grade pill, its efficacy is almost comparable to the thirteen-grade pill, so if there is a chance, Wang Feng must refine this pill.

There is no material to pay back. Now both materials have appeared. As long as Wang Feng finds that Fen Tiansha again, then the refining of this Ghost King Pill is expected.

Wang Feng can disregard all of the items in the auction list, but he is bound to win this time.

(End of this chapter)


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