The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1112: Decisive Battle【2】

"what are these?"

Although this old man tried his best to prevent these ancient runes from coming, he was disappointed in the end, because any of his attacks could not stop the ancient runes.

These things from the time immemorial ago were all printed on his physical body, making his breath quickly begin to weaken.

It was as if he had been caught in the chaos of the ancient time and space, and the eyes of Wang Feng burst out.

He didn't expect that this Primordial Rune was so powerful that it would be hard to resist even Semi-Holy.

If he can truly comprehend the Primordial Runes, can the ‘Zhen’ tactics suppress people instantly?

At this moment, speculation appeared in Wang Feng's heart.

It's just that he is afraid that it will be difficult to prove it in a short time, because he has not comprehended the essence of this ancient rune. He is just staying in the stage of copying.

However, even though it was a copy, Wang Feng's power was consumed very seriously at this moment.

With the power of rules enveloped, Wang Feng was not afraid of the other party's escape, so at this moment he exploded with all his strength, and when he flipped his hand, Wang Feng took out the sharp gun.

Once Wang Feng was able to kill Half-Holy in the middle of the mysterious realm. Now he has broken through to the latter stage of the mysterious realm. He still doesn't know how strong his ultimate combat power is.

Pour the power into the sharp spear, at this moment, Wang Feng looked at the old man in the demon realm in the distance and threw it directly.

"Your doomsday is here!" Wang Feng said, and then the sharp spear rushed directly towards the old man like a bolt of lightning.

"The Aegis of Creation!"

Seeing this scene, a huge fear appeared in the heart of the old man, and he did not hesitate to take out a shield with amazing defensive power.

This shield was found from a supreme tomb in the past. It was a weapon of supreme warfare. He seldom used it, because almost everyone who had seen it had died.

Just seeing the shield, Wang Feng's face showed a sneer, because he knew that the shield could not stop the sharp spear.


An explosion resounded through the void. At this moment, the old man's face showed an unbelievable color, because his shield was directly shattered by a terrible force at this moment. It was a supreme weapon.


Before he could react, he suddenly felt a cold in his chest. At this moment, a long spear had been inserted into his chest, it was a sharp gun.

The terrible strangulation power permeated from the body of the sharp gun, making the old man's eyes widened.

He never thought that Wang Feng would cause such a fatal injury to him so quickly, which was inconsistent with the rumors.


There was a violent shout from Wang Feng's mouth, and then the old man only felt that his whole body was about to fall apart, and the immortal implement exerted a tremendous function at this moment.

"I understand." Seeing Wang Feng's late stage realm pressure pervading him, the old man suddenly laughed.

Before, he only thought that Wang Feng had the ability to kill Half Saint, and he didn't notice that Wang Feng's realm had improved a step compared to the original.

Half-holy can be killed in the mid-Xuanming realm. Now he is in the late-Xuanming realm, and Wuwei's strength has skyrocketed.

Although he was laughing, the old man laughed miserably, because his vitality was quickly dissipating at this moment, and the suppression of the ancient runes, coupled with the destructive power of the sharp spear, even if he was semi-sage, he could not resist at this moment.

"Middle three days, shouldn't come." The old man let out a tragic laugh, and then his half-holy body exploded in mid-air, and his body and spirit were destroyed, even the spirit and soul did not have time to escape.

"So fast."

Feeling the fall of Semi-Holy, Yi Long and others were shocked. After being killed by the Supreme, they still have this level of combat power, Wang Fengzhi

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) Qiang has exceeded their imagination.

It seems that after his realm has improved, his combat power has also improved a lot.

Take the opportunity to take away this semi-sacred space ring. At the next breath, Wang Feng came to the front of another semi-sage. This is a middle-aged man. When he saw Wang Feng's appearance, he turned around and left without giving it to Wang Feng. Opportunity to attack.

It can be seen that he is very decisive, knowing that he is most likely not Wang Feng's opponent, so he would rather retreat than face Wang Feng.

But how could Wang Feng let him go? You must know that the place here is the middle three days, as long as there is a place covered by the power of the middle three days rule, Wang Feng can easily teleport over.

So this person has appeared in front of him before he escaped from the 100-meter Wangfeng.

"Is even a monk at the level of the devil afraid?" Wang Feng said with a smile looking at the other side.

"go with!"

Looking at Wang Feng, this person's heart moved, and in an instant, a puppet was released from his spatial ring. The puppet was covered in black mist, filled with a half-holy pressure.

This puppet should have been a half-holy before his death, I don't know why it was made into a puppet by this person.

It's just that Wang Feng can kill even a living half-sage, so he naturally didn't pay attention to a puppet.


No one knows that Wang Feng underestimated the opponent's fierceness. The other party did not release the puppet to fight. Just when the puppet rushed to Wang Feng, a destructive energy filled the body of the puppet.

At this moment, a huge roar resounded throughout the world, and this semi-holy even exploded the puppet.

As Wang Feng at the center of the explosion, he suffered the most terrible impact at this moment. At this moment, many people were attracted by this place.

Such a big movement makes it hard not to be noticed.

Without looking at the situation behind him, the half-sage of the Demon Realm turned around and left at this moment. He asked himself that he was not Wang Feng's opponent, so he blew the puppet reluctantly, he just wanted to get a chance to get away.

"But are there any puppets to take self-destruction?"

It was just that he hadn't waited for him to get off, suddenly a light flashed in front of him, and a young man stood in front of him.

This person is not someone else, it is Wang Feng. At this moment, his body surface has been filled with a layer of green light, this is the green glaze green lotus tree that has activated the master protection mode.

The glazed green lotus tree had already exploded out of power at the moment when the puppet was there, so now Wang Feng has not suffered any injuries.


Seeing Wang Feng, the half-sage of the Demon Realm was shocked. A half-sage-level puppet blew himself up and couldn't lose the slightest bit of him. This incident had exceeded his expectations and made him feel shocked.

"It's a pity that such a good puppet, it would be great if you give it to me." Wang Feng smiled slightly, and then he didn't bother to talk nonsense. The cell power has exploded, so Wang Feng's peak combat power can't be maintained for too long. He must fight quickly. .

The power of rules enveloped the opponent, and Wang Feng exhausted his enormous power to display the Primordial Runes.

Almost the same moves before, Wang Feng did not change the slightest.


Power poured into the sharp spear, and at this moment Wang Feng threw the spear directly at the opponent.

"Do not!"

Seeing the spear attacking, the middle-aged man in the semi-holy demon realm shouted loudly. He wanted to resist, but at this moment he was bound to death, unable to move.

He could only see the spear pierced through his body, and at the same time brought his cultivation and vitality.

There are so many formations among the great guns Wang Feng has only seen in his life. Since the great guns were something ancient, some formations must have been lost in this era.

So many formations broke out at this moment, half holy

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) to survive.

The powerful aura is quickly dissipating, and this semi-sage has already reached the end, and his life will not be long.

"This is the price of your invasion." When he came to this person, Wang Feng directly took away his spatial ring, leaving his body to burst into the air.

After cutting two and a half saints, Wang Feng's power was almost consumed. After taking a look at the chaotic battle, Wang Feng finally came to the rear and released his kingdom world.

Putting the kingdom world in its original place, Wang Feng stepped in in one step, and as he entered, immediately hundreds of monks rushed in with him.

They are all injured and need time to recover.

As for Great Sage Qilin's kingdom, the world was almost occupied by injuries at this moment, and some who could not squeeze in could only wait outside.

Looking at the injuries of these people, Wang Feng remained silent and did not speak.

These people were indeed injured, but Wang Feng also saw that the injuries suffered by some people were innocent at all, and they could still burst out with all their strength.

Such a person also rushed in, simply occupying the empty space.

But now it's a big battle, Wang Feng is not good to talk about them. At this moment, he chose a place and began to silently recover. There are no people around him for almost a hundred meters, because they are all frightened by Wang Feng's power and dare not rely on it. Is too close.

As time passed, more and more monks entered Wang Feng's realm world. Many of them were covered in blood and had obviously experienced tragic killings.

It's just that some people are not injured at all, and the blood on their bodies seems to have been smeared on purpose. These people probably want to hide here and wait for the end of the war.

"If those who don't want to participate in the war can leave now, there is no need for you to occupy an empty seat here." An hour later, Wang Feng's strength recovered.

After this recovery, Wang Feng didn't go out to fight, he had to clean up these borers first.

"This war does not stipulate who must come. If you are afraid of death, please leave now. No one will blame you." Wang Feng said, making many people look embarrassed.

Obviously they are the kind of people that Wang Feng said. They came to the war with enthusiasm, but this war was really cruel, beyond their imagination. It is normal for some people to be fearful. After all, who There is only one life. It is natural for people to be afraid when they die head-on.

"I don't expect you to contribute in the war. I just hope you don't just take up empty seats here because of fear, and make room for those who really need it." Wang Feng said, and his body slowly rose into the air.

He has already said what should be said. As for whether these people will listen to him, it is not Wang Feng's intervention.

"It's our fault, we will leave right At this time, an old man blushed and said.

"Go, no one will keep you." Looking at the old man, Wang Feng said calmly, and then he didn't even look at these people, and directly rushed out of his own kingdom.

The eyes of the sky opened, and Wang Feng found that the war had turned white-hot, and both sides had suffered heavy casualties. The corpses on the ground no longer knew how much they had piled up.

The armies of the two sides are now in a thorough melee. If it weren't for the appearance of the creatures in the Demon Territory and the human beings, there might be many manslaughters.

But even so, some people are still unclear, because they will be affected by the battle next to them, and the tragic death of their own people will not happen.

After all, this is a battle between cultivators, not like mortals holding swords and guns back and forth.

Countless people died in three successive battles. This may be the worst battle that Wang Feng has ever seen since his birth.

(End of this chapter)


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