The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1109: The secret of Emperor Xuanyu

"What do you mean by this?" Wang Feng asked. ∏∈,

"I'm afraid you have to ask himself about this." Dongling Tianxue said, and then she stood aside.

Hearing her words, Wang Feng realized that the aura of the Great Emperor Xuanyu was very weak.

You must know that his master Xuanyu the Great is a true semi-immortal powerhouse, even stronger than the Holy Realm Supreme, how could he be at the level of the Profound Moon Realm, even if it is a clone he separated at will This state.

Looking at the other party, Wang Feng was full of doubts, but he hadn't waited until he asked, and suddenly his expression changed drastically again, because he actually saw more Emperor Xuanyu with his heavenly eyes. These Emperor Xuanyu looked exactly the same, except that they were different. What is their strength.

After stepping back a few steps, Wang Feng couldn't believe what he was seeing. How could there be so many Emperor Xuanyu here? What's the matter?

Which is true and which is false?

"Say, what do you want to pretend to be my master?" Looking at the nearest Emperor Xuan Yu, Wang Feng drank.

His voice was very harsh, as if he would act if he didn't agree.

"I'm not your master." Hearing Wang Feng's words, the Great Emperor Xuanyu just gave a wry smile, and then said: "It's not just me, everything here is not your master."

"Since it's not my master, what kind of connection do you have with my master?"

"To put it simply, we are just the previous life of your master." The old man thought for a while and said.

"Past life?" Wang Feng was shocked when he heard this.

"Yes, the Emperor Xuanyu you see right now is not a complete Emperor Xuanyu. He has lived for hundreds of lives, and we are all the bodies that have survived the transformation."

"A hundred generations?"

Hearing this, Wang Feng's body shuddered and he barely stood firm.

"Then how old are you?" Wang Feng asked while looking at the other person.

"The years have passed for too long, maybe fifty thousand years old, or one hundred thousand years old, I don't remember clearly." The old man shook his head, seemingly reluctant to think about the past.

Even a transformed past life was already tens of thousands of years old. There were hundreds of profound feather emperors here, and Wang Feng couldn't imagine how terrifying his current master in the heavens was. This was completely beyond his imagination.

It's no wonder that Emperor Xuanyu didn't want him to come here, maybe there is the biggest secret of his life here.

The transformed previous life is still alive, does he finally want to fuse all these people together?

Speculation appeared in Wang Feng's mind, but he was not sure.

"Then why is your realm only Xuanyue realm?" Wang Feng wanted to ask for a moment.

"Because I am the body he transformed when he was in the Profound Moon Realm." The old man responded.

"Can't your realm be improved?"

"From the moment he transformed, our realm has been completely formed. You can understand that we are just a layer of skin, and we are not qualified to improve our strength."

"Then your final destiny will be swallowed?" Wang Feng asked.

"I don't know." The old man shook his head, and then said: "We are not real beings. If the deity wants to swallow us, that is our destiny."

"Little Junior Brother, let's go."

At this moment, the voice of Great Sage Xian Ling came from behind Wang Feng. He didn't know when he had entered this place.

"Meet the Great Sage." Looking at Great Sage Xianling, the old man bowed to him and said.

"We have limited time, it's time to go back." Without looking at the old man, Great Sage Xian Ling said to Wang Feng.

"Okay." Wang Feng nodded, but the moment he turned around, he took another look at the old man.

Knowing that they might be swallowed up and staying here might be the fate of these people.

My own master has lived a bit too long. Even the previous lives have hundreds of them. Wang Feng thought that there was only one Xuanyu Great Emperor. He didn't expect that there would be his previous life in this forbidden sea. Body.

Leaving this whirlpool world, Wang Feng only saw Great Sage Xianling wave his sleeves, and the whirlpool was immediately hidden in the void. Even Wang Feng's heavenly eyes could not see where the entrance of the whirlpool was.

"Do you have a lot of questions in your heart?" Great Sage Xian Ling asked calmly at this time.

"Yes." Wang Feng nodded, but did not avoid suspicion. Instead, he asked: "Brother, as the first disciple of the master, do you know the secrets of this?"

"Not all of them are known. I only know that the purpose of the master's doing this is to transform into a supreme divine body. He has been groping for this way for many years. I don't know too much. After all, I slept for a long time. time."

"Is the final fate of those previous lives being swallowed?"

"I don't know about this, but I think according to the character of the master, maybe he will do that eventually." Great Sage Xian Ling said, and then warned: "This matter is the master's greatest secret, you must not be outside. Tongue."

"I know."

"Don't ask if you see the master, you can just rot what you see in your stomach." Great Sage Xian Ling warned with worry.

"I know what to do." Wang Feng nodded, and then stopped asking.

Since this secret realm is the greatest secret place of Emperor Xuanyu, the safety here naturally does not require Wang Feng to worry about it. I am afraid that even if the entire middle three days have fallen, this secret realm will not have any problems.

Under the leadership of Great Sage Xianling, Wang Feng and him finally returned to the battlefield.

Just when he came back, Wang Feng noticed that Emperor Xuanyu's gaze had fallen on him, only with the warning from Great Sage Xianling. At this moment, Wang Feng looked as normal as if nothing had happened.

"I have properly settled my family, and I can give up my kingdom and world now." Wang Feng said.

"In that case, then you follow me!"

At this time, Great Sage Qilin spoke and led Wang Feng to the rear of the three-day monk in Infinite Middle.

With the arrival of the two of them, many middle three-day monks couldn't help but put their eyes on them.

One is one of the holy realm supreme, and the other is Wang Feng, who is able to kill the samsara realm master to lose his armor and abandon his armor.

"From today, our masters and apprentices will set up a stable rear here, and anyone who is injured or invincible can come in and recover." Looking at countless middle three-day monks, Great Sage Qilin said calmly.

Hearing this, countless monks were in an uproar, and then they showed joy.

In such a tragic battle they needed such a safe place so much. Many people died because of exhaustion. If there is a place where they can recover, then they can recover and fight again.

"Do it."

Taking a look at Wang Feng, Great Sage Qilin grabbed the void with his big hand, and an instant roar sounded, the void split open, and a vast world emerged from the void.

Compared with Wang Feng's kingdom world, Qilin Great Sage's kingdom world does not know how big it is, perhaps this is a kingdom world in the true sense.

With just a flash of his eyes, Wang Feng discovered that Great Sage Qilin's kingdom world was almost as big as the entire earth. Compared with him, his kingdom world was at least hundreds of times smaller.

This is the gap.

"Here is your rear from now on." Summoning the kingdom world, he placed it directly at the back of the crowd, filled with rich aura.

At the same time, Wang Feng also put his own kingdom world aside. Although this kingdom world is small, it is also very strong and can be used by many people to recover.

"The rear has been constructed for you. Whether it can be held in the middle three days or not depends on everyone present." With a fist at these people, the body of Great Sage Qilin disappeared directly from here, and he returned to the supreme circle.

As he left, Wang Feng finally left here, and his family was settled. In this battle, Wang Feng could finally devote himself to it.

"You left in a hurry, we haven't come to congratulate you on your successful promotion." At this moment, Wang Xuansong and his nephew arrived not far from Wang Feng and said with a smile.

Wang Xuansong's realm has been improved in this battle, and Wang Feng did not expect that Wang Yuan, a master of reincarnation realm, has also improved by a step in this battle.

"Everyone should make progress together." Wang Feng smiled slightly, without going on, at this moment he thought of the Little Demon King Jiuyou.

Little Demon King Jiuyou probably didn't know his Lao Tzu's plan, and he didn't know how he was doing in the Demon Realm now.

But if they go to the Demon Realm as human beings, they will probably not end well there. After all, there is the hinterland of the enemy zone, and if they go there, they will struggle to survive.

They all said cheating, this time Little Devil King Jiuyou asked his Laozi to cheat him.

"Wang Feng." At this moment, a nice voice came from not far away. It was Guan Fu who was speaking. Her realm was still in the early stage of Xuanming realm. This time she also killed many creatures in the Demon Realm, but she was Her realm is still stuck here, and perhaps her realm can be changed in the next battle.

"What's the matter?" Looking at her, Wang Feng asked calmly.

"I think you need to recover every time you fight. Do you need your innate spiritual eyes?" Guan Fu asked.

"Innate spiritual eyes..." Hearing this, Wang Feng was speechless. He was still thinking about the innate spiritual eyes not long ago, and he thought that Guan Fu had blacked him out.

But what he didn't expect now was that Guan Fu actually wanted to return this innate spiritual eye to himself.

It is true that the innate spiritual eyes have a great effect for Wang Feng, but in comparison, Guan Fu definitely needs this thing more. If he takes the innate spiritual eyes back, then Guan Fu’s divine power will become a tasteless one. .

In such a melee, if there is no terrible strength, she is very likely to die.

After balancing the pros and cons, Wang Feng finally shook his head and said, "You should keep this innate spiritual eye first, you need it more than I do."

"But this is your thing after Guan Fu's look is a bit embarrassing.

"If you can exchange this thing for your chance to save your life, it's worth it." Wang Feng said, and then he flew directly to another place, saying: "Live well in the battle, next time you give it back to me. ."

Seeing Wang Feng's back, Guan Fu bit his lip, but in the end he still didn't catch up.

She knew that Wang Feng had deliberately left the Innate Spirit Eye for her to use, after all, she knew how useful this thing was for Wang Feng.

"Little Junior Brother, you are really willing to pay for such a valuable thing. If you say you don't want it, then don't?" Senior Brother Du Shi asked ambiguously when he looked at Wang Feng.

"If you don't want it, you can give it to us." At this moment, Tomson took it strangely.

"This thing can play a huge effect in conjunction with her divine origin power, and since I am her friend, what I should do at this time is not to win love, but to help." Wang Feng said solemnly.

"I don't want any of my friends to lose their lives in this war." Wang Feng said, making Tomson and the others silent.

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