The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1102: Terrible high priest

? "Crap him, Lao Tzu knows that Jie Zun is not a good thing, it deserves to be beheaded. ∷," At this time Liu Yidao's curse came from the crowd, which made many people bear it. Can't help but look sideways.

Even Jie Zun heard Liu Yidao's voice in the chaos and cast a cold look.

"Reward you to go to hell." Looking at Liu Yidao, Jie Zun patted his place directly.

"Nima..." When he saw this scene, Liu was so scared that his face was pale. Jie Zun is the Supreme Holy Realm, what realm he is. If he gets this palm, he will undoubtedly die.

It's just that there are so many supreme beings here. Obviously, the palm of this realm is unable to fall, because at this moment the Great Emperor Xuanyu has already rushed up with the Boundary Breaking Sword in his hand.

His target is Jie Zun, and this person who has been entangled with him for a long time.

Once he and Jie Zun defeated the other side in a battle, since then, this Jie Zun seemed to have regarded him as an enemy, just because the Emperor Xuan Yu of Zhong San Tian didn't treat Jie Zun like anything.

Even if he came to participate in the Battle of the Natural Mountain, Emperor Xuanyu chose to attack the palace family first, but now that Jie Zun has actually contributed to all these changes, Emperor Xuanyu really kept him.

Although a supreme at the peak of the holy realm is very useful, even without him, Emperor Xuanyu can lead the middle three-day people to block the army of the demon realm. Do you really think that this world will not turn without him?

If Jie Zun wants to die, he will satisfy the opponent and send him to die.

"One world is separated by thousands of years!"

Seeing Emperor Xuanyu killing, Jie Zun looked solemn and directly displayed terrifying supernatural powers.

At this moment, the world seemed to be divided into two parts, Jie Zun was in one part, and Emperor Xuan Yu was in the other part. This was just like Emperor Xuan Yu's close proximity to the horizon.

"Don't say it's after thousands of years, even if it's after thousands of years, I will kill you!"

The Great Emperor Xuan Yu shouted, and his power was astonishing. At this moment, his figure overlapped, as if there were countless individuals of the Great Emperor Xuan Yu shooting at the same time.

With a sword, Jian Gang tore the void, and at the same time tore the two spaces. The terrifying power directly fell on Jie Zun's body, causing his robe to burst, leaving a deep trace on his skin. Blood stains.

That is to say, Jie Zun's body is far more powerful than ordinary monks. If it weren't, this sword would be enough to tear him apart, just like Emperor Xuanyu killed those devil emperors.

"High priest, don't take action at this time, when will you wait?" At this moment, Jie Zun made a huge roar, and then a channel spread directly from the space gate of the two worlds.

This passage was forcibly collided like a pillar. This passage from the Demon Realm contained a terrible power, and even the Great Emperor Xingyu changed their faces at this moment.

"I have fulfilled the promise, everyone is welcome." A calm voice came from the door of space, and then the Great Emperor Xuanyu only saw Jie Zun's figure flashing, he had already entered this passage.

As Jie Zun rushed in, Gong Jiexiong and the Emperor Nether rushed in one after another without any hesitation.

Obviously they knew this would happen a long time ago, but they just kept delaying here.

"Xuan Yu, I believe you will suffer the disaster of extinction soon, and you will not stay away for a long time." Jie Zun's voice resounded, making Emperor Xuan Yu appear murderous.

He didn't expect that this realmist would collude with the people of the Demon Realm. No wonder they dare to come here at this time, because they originally wanted to enter the Demon Realm.

"With me, you don't want to go easily." The Great Emperor Xuanyu said, and then the sword of rules in his hand suddenly lit up with an extremely rich light.

"Leave it all to me!"

At this moment, an extremely terrifying aura permeated from Great Emperor Xuanyu's body. It was a strength that surpassed the peak of the holy realm supreme. When they saw this scene, Yun Liudao Chang, they all showed a look of surprise.

This Xuan Yu really took that step, going further than them.

Although there has not been a real transition, at least some qualitative change has been caused.

Jian Gang filled the void, and at this moment a huge sword appeared in the void, and fell down towards this passage.

This is a blow beyond the supreme, almost the strongest force in the entire middle three days.

It's just that when such a sword fell on this passage, it just made the passage tremble, and it didn't cut it off.

"How is this possible?" Seeing this scene, Emperor Xingyu and the others were shocked.

"Don't waste your efforts, you can't keep us." Jie Zun's voice came, and then countless cultivators present saw this passage slowly retreating into the other end of the space gate, which was the land of the Demon Realm.

No one thought that Jie Zun and Gong Family Patriarch would go to the Demon Realm, and what happened to the high priest they called? Is it the leader of Demon Realm?

"Xuan Yu, I think we can meet again soon." At this time Gong Jiexiong's voice sounded, full of resentment.

The reason why the palace family has come to this step was entirely facilitated by Emperor Xuanyu, so this Gong Jiexiong could no longer confide in the hatred of Emperor Xuanyu. Maybe only if one of them died, this hatred could end. .

"Don't think that if you take refuge in the Demon Realm, I can't do anything with you. One day, you will die in my hands." The Great Emperor Xuanyu said, taking a deep look at the door of this space.

The channel that can block his full blow must be the hand of an expert. Perhaps the life-saving jade pendant of the devil emperor before was also from this person, this person must be a great enemy.

In front of countless people, Jie Zun, Gong Family Patriarch, Nether Emperor entered the Demon Realm, that is, the world where their enemies are.

The next time they come out again, will they be a monk in the middle three days? Or the enemy of the Demon Realm?

"Jie Zun has rebelled. From tonight, there will be no boundary alliance in the middle three days." The Great Emperor Xuan Yu said, and his voice did not know how far it had spread.

Needless to say, the people present also knew that Jie Zun had rebelled. As the main leader of Zhong San Tian, ​​he actually said that Zhong San Tian must be destroyed. How can such a frenzied person lead the crowd?

"His Majesty!"

Compared with the silence of countless people, the people of the Ghost Dynasty are very excited at this moment. Their majesty has now left them and entered the Demon Realm. They did not think about this, nor did they think about it that way.

We must know that they were still fighting here for three days before, but now, their majesty has gone to the hostile world, then what identity should they be here?

Ghost Dynasty? Or a member of the middle three days?

"I'm afraid the catastrophe... only now really unfolds." At this time, Yi Long whispered, and sighed.

In Zhongsantian these years, no top masters have been promoted. No matter how large the population is, it is definitely not as good as the demon's fertility, especially now that the three Jie Zun three opponents are no different from the situation. I don’t know how many people who once believed in him lost their lives.

For countless middle three-day monks, this invisibly suppressed their morale. After all, Jie Zun's accumulation of prestige was too heavy, and the highest tower of faith suddenly collapsed, and it is normal that ordinary monks could not accept it.

"Master, do we want to chase in?" Great Sage Xian Ling asked at this time.

"The Devil's Domain is not in the middle three days. We are afraid that there will be problems when we go in. We just need to guard this place. I believe that what should come out will definitely come out." The Great Emperor Xuanyu said, and did not pursue it.

He didn't even know much about the Demon Realm, because he had never set foot in the Demon Realm, so it would be irrational to break into such a place without knowing it.

Since the Demon Realm is going to attack Zhong San Tian aggressively, then the real master will definitely step out of this space gate, so he only needs to wait here.

Moreover, the current Zhongshan Heaven is only their supreme, if they continue to be less, Zhongsantian is afraid that it will be unable to resist.

"Wait, this war is far from over." Liu Yidao said, a look of exhaustion flashed across his face.

The rebellion of the ancestors of the Jie Zun Palace and the ghost emperor spread almost at a plague-like speed throughout the middle three days, and almost all the monks who followed this battle knew about it.

When hearing such a thing for the first time, the first thing many people think of is not to believe it, believing that the matter may have been deliberately spoken out by the gods of nature to discredit people.

Only as someone went to the front line, the news was confirmed that Jie Zun and others had indeed rebelled into the demon world. They might become enemies of Zhong San Tian in the future and deal with them in turn.

Hearing such news, many people could not sit still, their expressions shocked.

Good things do not go out, bad things spread for thousands of miles, Jie Zun’s rebellion is like a blockbuster thrown in the otherwise unquiet water of Zhongsantian. For many people, this is completely a belief. Even Jie Zun has rebelled because of the collapse, is there any hope in the middle three days?

Jie Zun had escaped, but the words of Emperor Xuan Yu came back soon.

"Welcome all people with lofty ideals to participate in the battle at the gate of space. This time, he will take the middle three-day cultivator to block the demon's army."

This is the original words of Emperor Xuanyu, and many people have heard it now.

In the silence, some people chose to go to the battlefield, and some people chose the real hidden training. They didn't want to participate in the battle, and they didn't want the orthodoxy to be destroyed, so they could only hide.

"It seems that my appeal is still not as good as Jie Zun." At the gate of space, seeing the endless middle three-day cultivator underneath, Emperor Xuan Yu showed a wry smile on his face.

He has always been very strong, but now, he is really wry smile. What he smiles wryly is that some people don't even know how to resist even when the enemy hits the door.

If you don't even save yourself, then who do you hope will come to save you?

"As long as we try our best." Chu Mengtian said at this time, but didn't continue, because he didn't want to hit anyone at this time.

The original nine supreme sages have now become eight, and I am afraid that the secret things they did before will be shaken out by the Nether Emperor. In this war, the middle three days are really hopeless.

Perhaps the middle three days may become The supreme is already doing his best, but those low-level monks have no right to restrict personal freedom, and even if they have the ability to retain people, they can Keep one or two, ten thousand and twenty thousand, but can they keep two hundred million, two billion, or 20 billion?

This is the sadness of the monks in the middle three days, they can't interfere.

With the intention to block the demon army, the countless monks in the middle three days made a joke with them. Maybe they only have the day when their family is destroyed and their lives are destroyed. These people will understand the disaster caused by their inability to contribute.

"It seems that the old body is destined to be damaged by this." At this time, the ancestors of Feng Xuan Pavilion spoke, causing Daoist Yun to sigh in their hearts.

This is not alarmist talk. With the powerful strength of the Demon Realm, it may be possible to kill the supreme among them. A mysterious high priest must be terrifying, and apart from this, the number of Demon Emperors in the Demon Realm is far greater than that of them. It was just an unfair battle, and the casualties were quite normal.

Perhaps the only thing they can do is to try to hold down those powerful Demon Emperors.

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