The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1090: Clank iron bone


"Actually, there is a sentence that has been held in my heart for a long time." Seeing Wang Feng, the little Demon King Jiuyou showed a very strange expression.

"You...wouldn't you be?" Thinking of this, Wang Feng felt a bitter cold all over his body. He took a few steps back and waved his hand: "I think you are mistaken.

Hearing Wang Feng's words, Little Demon King Jiuyou was puzzled, and said, "What's going on?"

"It's homosexuality." Liu Yidao beside Wang Feng explained calmly at this time.

"Huh?" Hearing these words, Little Demon King Jiuyou yelled, and he quickly explained: "I didn't mean that, I mean no matter what your status is, you will always be my friend of Little Demon King Jiuyou. , This life will not change."

"Then you didn't say it earlier?"

"But you didn't give me a chance to talk."


During the brief conversation with the Little Demon King Jiuyou, Wang Feng had truly regarded him as his friend. After all, he was good at thinking of himself at the beginning, and he was considered a friend worth making.

"We must never fail in this battle." At this time, the voice of the father of the Little Demon King Jiuyou came from the supreme circle, very sonorous and powerful.

If they can't stop this battle here, the flames of war will spread to the entire continent in a very short time, and if they want to end, it will be difficult.

"It's not that we have the final say if we can't stop it. Some people don't want to do anything, and they deserve it if they die." The Great Emperor Xuanyu said with a hint of sarcasm on his face.

"Then we can only do our best." The Great Emperor Xingyu spoke, and then his eyes swept around, and his voice roared: "This battle we have to face is the extremely vicious army of the Demon Territory. You are willing to take your own Do you let your home go out?"

Emperor Xingyu's voice is too loud, as if it can move people's hearts, every word is Zhuji.


I don't know which cultivator was leading said this sentence, and in a moment, almost all the cultivators below shouted these two words.

As long as a normal person is not willing to give up his home to the aggressor, not to mention that the aggressor is still a fierce demon army.

If they were allowed to occupy the middle three days, the disaster would be endless.

"Take out all your strengths. This battle will show the arrogance of our Zhong Santian. We must let the monsters of the Demon Realm know that our Zhong Santian is not a place for them to come."

The voice of Emperor Xingyu became more and more thrilling, and even Wang Feng sounded a kind of enthusiasm at this moment, as if his fighting spirit had been infinitely amplified.

"This battle, we will surely win!" The voice of Emperor Xingyu was sonorous and powerful, as if it had been passed from the ancient times.



The loud voice resounded through this void, as if the sun in the sky had lost its color at this moment.

There were not many monks who came here to fight, but as the whole army of the ghost empire came here, the strength of Zhongsantian suddenly increased by several times, and the demon army wanted to cross this place and sweep Zhongsantian. , I am afraid it is not so easy.

"This battle will break out in two days at the latest. I don't know how many of you can survive, but you must remember that you died to protect your homeland. You died well, and your name must be passed down through the ages." Emperor Yu's voice roared, causing many people to slowly become silent.

In such a world war, there are bound to be endless monks who have lost their lives, let alone their names, even their corpses may be buried here.

In the past world battles, the endless monks who died were really difficult to deal with, so they chose to bury them on the spot. Regardless of where they are at the moment, almost all of them are lush forests, but anyone who has experienced the previous world battle understands , Under their feet... there are countless bones.

These mountains are bone mountains, all inside are human bones.

It is precisely because of the heroic spirits of these predecessors that the middle three days in exchange for a peaceful development opportunity.

"Everyone, rest right here and prepare for the next battle." Seeing that many people were silent, Emperor Xingyu did not continue to say, because he knew that what he said was extremely moist.

In his opinion, what is certain to win can be regarded as encouraging at most, and it is impossible to stop the army of the Demon Realm with the people on the middle of the three days.

"The Wang family is here to help out." At this moment, a voice came from the horizon. Looking up, it was a group of people walking in the air, led by Wang Xuansong and Wang Yuan.

The Wang family had been destroyed by Jie Zun and their cooperation last time. It can be said that they existed in name only, but after searching later, Wang Xuansong and Wang Yuan still found some royal family members scattered outside.

They were all people who rushed for the family outside, and it was because they were in the family during the catastrophe that day, that's why they escaped the killing.

Now that Zhong San Tian is facing a terrible Demon Realm, the Wang Family, as a member of Zhong San Tian, ​​has come to challenge.

It's just that their team is really shabby, forming an extremely powerful contrast with the Ghost Empire.

Seeing this scene, the Great Emperor Xuanyu and the others were silent, the Wang family was destroyed, and even the ancestors had been beheaded. What they left behind was at most a dilapidated force, with no effect at all.

But even so, they were a little moved at the moment, because they saw the iron bones of the middle three-day monks, even if only these people were left, the Wang family still attended.

"Sad." Yun Liudao long sighed.

The former Wang Family was so powerful that even the Ghost Empire could not say that they could destroy them, but now they only survived these dozens, and the Wang Family can be said to have been removed from them for three days.

"You are friends, welcome!"

At this time, Chu Mengtian spoke, which was regarded as acknowledging Wang Xuansong's royal identity.

As long as one person in the Wang family is still alive, then the family is not truly destroyed.

"He..." Seeing Wang Xuansong, Little Demon King Jiuyou was moved, because at this moment he saw something in Wang Xuansong that he did not possess.

"Feng Xuan Pavilion is here to help out." At this moment, the void trembled, and a large number of endless monks appeared. This was Feng Xuan Pavilion's power and one of the top powers in Zhong San Tian.

The big powers of the original Zhongsantian were the Palace Family, the Wang Family, the Liu Family, the Fengxuan Pavilion, the Ghost Empire, and the World League.

But with the last battle, the Liu family perished, and the Wang family was also destroyed before, only four survived.

Two of the four have now come, and the other two are afraid they will never appear again.

"Welcome." Looking at Feng Xuan Pavilion's ancestor, Chu Mengtian still said as before.

"A son of the old body was killed by a demon emperor in the Demon Realm, and today I am here to take revenge." Feng Xuan Pavilion is an old woman to the ancestor, and his body is filled with the pressure of the holy realm. He is also with Chu Mengtian and the others. The same realm.

Behind them, the disciples of Feng Xuan Pavilion are also endless, no less than the ghost empire, it can be seen that they really want to contribute to this battle.

In this way, Zhongsantian had Emperor Xuanyu, Great Sage Xianling, Great Sage Qilin, Great Sage Chu Mengtian, Great Xingyu, Dao Chang Yun, Master Ruthless, Emperor Ghost, plus this ancestor of Fengxuan Pavilion , Counted together, a total of nine.

Of course, Zhong San Tian is definitely not limited to their supreme beings. Gong Jiexiong and Jie Zun are both holy realms, but they are not here at the moment.

This time, the number of masters in the middle of the three days has increased a lot, and the low-level power has also increased by several dozen times.

Among the crowd, Wang Feng saw Xinyue. This woman provided information to Wang Feng at first, allowing Wang Feng to find the World Tree, solve the original injury, and seize many fruits of the World Tree.

Although Wang Feng was in danger during this capture, it was undeniable that it was her news that made Wang Feng regain his strength, and Wang Feng had not had time to report this.

With a thought, Wang Feng teleported directly to her side.

"You..." Seeing Wang Feng suddenly beside her, Xin Yue was shocked because she found that Wang Feng's realm had far surpassed her, and they no longer belonged to the same level.

Wang Feng's current combat power reached the Reincarnation Realm, but she was only in the Profound Moon Realm. How different was the difference?

It can be said that among the top geniuses at the time, no one can compare to Wang Feng, and he is at the forefront of everyone.

"I once owed you a favor, and I will pay it back today." Wang Feng said, turning his hands and taking out a jade box.

In the jade box, there is a fist-sized fruit of the World Tree. This fruit is very powerful in Wang Feng's life. It is enough to use this to repay his former kindness.

"What's inside?" Xin Yue asked calmly.

"When you feel that your strength needs to be improved, this thing can help you." Wang Feng said, turned and left.

The kindness was paid back, and they have owed nothing to each other ever since.

Holding the jade box given by Wang Feng and looking at the back of Wang Feng turning and leaving, Xin Yue was silent.

"Don't be discouraged, this battle of righteous demons is when you are waiting for the genius to sharpen it. If you want to improve your strength, this is the best time." Fengxuan Pavilion's ancestor said to Xin Yue at this time.

"I understand." Xin Yue nodded, and then put away the jade box that Wang Feng had given. She did not check what was in the jade box, nor did she check whether there was any manipulation on it.

He knew that with Wang Feng's identity, he shouldn't have done anything like that, and now there are many sacred realms here, and Wang Feng is not so courageous.

"This kid actually sent out the fruit of the World Tree. It's just a violent gathering of heavenly things." Seeing Xin Yue put away the jade box, Emperor Xuan Yu whispered.

"Let's just say a few words, I think you haven't kidnapped this thing from Wang Feng less before?" At this time, Great Sage Qilin said.

"What? Are you envious?"

"What do I envy, if I want it, do you think he will give it to me?" Great Sage Qilin said mockingly.

"Such a big enemy is currently Let's stop fighting, wait until everything is over." Chu Mengtian spoke at this time, and saw his big sleeve waving, suddenly a foggy space was nine. The Great Supreme is all over, they should be discussing important matters.

It is impossible for Wang Feng and the others to hear the sound if the supreme casts down the barrier, and even Wang Feng's heavenly eyes cannot penetrate to see what they are doing.

"Brother Wang, this thing is my prehistoric furnace, please accept it." At this moment, Wang Xuansong came to Wang Feng and took out his family treasure from his hands.

"What are you doing?" Wang Feng was taken aback when he saw Wang Xuansong's movements.

"It was your shot that the Liu family's supreme was destroyed, so after that, my uncle and I killed all the Liu family cultivators. Since you have a great kindness to my Wang family, this kindness is our reward." Wang Xuansong said, let Wang Feng All sighed.

This thing has been integrated with Wang Xuansong. If he removes it in this way, it will definitely cause great harm to himself. Moreover, as Wang Xuansong's friend, will Wang Shengfeng accept this thing? That is obviously impossible.


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