The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1073: Complete Hun Yuan Shen Gong


Wang Feng's figure slowly descended from the void. Seeing this scene, Yi Long and the others stood up moved, because they had no idea that they would see their younger brother again like this.

Isn't he annihilated? How could it be alive?

Seeing Yi Long and their reaction, Dongling Tianxue and Nansheng Fairy in Tiandi Pavilion were silent. They asked Wang Feng many times in the past six months, but the answers they got were surprisingly consistent. Wang Feng went out to practice. .

No real news was obtained, but with their intelligence, they also guessed that something must have happened to Wang Feng.

Now everyone's performance has confirmed their conjectures, and Yi Long and the others are really hiding the truth from them.

Tears fell from the corners of their eyes. Although they didn't know what happened to Wang Feng, they still felt their noses sour when they saw Wang Feng's return. They were tears of joy.

"Father." Seeing Wang Feng, Xiao Xueying broke free of Dongling Tianxue's hand and ran directly into the void.

Watching his daughter coming towards him, Wang Feng showed a smile on his face, and then he stretched out his arms.

After sinking in his arms, Wang Feng also felt happiness in his heart. Today, Xiao Xueying has grown up a lot. The standard little Lolita has bright eyes and white teeth, and her skin is even more like a porcelain doll, which makes people unable to help but give birth to love and pity. Mind, and she still smells of her mother, I'm afraid I'm tired of them every day.

After staying on his daughter for a while, Wang Feng's eyes fell on Dongling Tianxue and Nansheng Fairy on the sacred mountain.

There is no language, just a slight smile between the eyes, they have already understood what the other party is thinking, as the saying goes, everything is silent.

"welcome back."

At this time, the voice of the Great Sage Qilin made Wang Feng couldn't help but cast his eyes. This time, Wang Feng was able to survive because of the magical power of the Great Sage Qilin, so Wang Feng allowed his daughter to hang on his neck at this moment. Directly bowed to Great Sage Qilin and said, "Thank you, Master."

The Hunyuan Divine Art is really amazing. At this moment, Wang Feng admires the Great Sage Qilin very much, because only a real Tianzong Wizard can create such a technique.

Cultivating the Hunyuan Divine Art to the extreme can be called an immortal body, and even the form and spirit can be resurrected. Is this comparable to the world?

"Little Junior Brother, who are you?" At this moment, Yi Long and the others also rose into the sky and came to Wang Feng's side with a look of surprise.

Because they heard that Wang Feng called Dasheng Qilin as their master.

"To be honest, I have practiced Great Sage Qilin's Hunyuan Divine Art, so in name, he is also my master." Wang Feng said.

"Father, where have you been in this period of time?" Xiao Xueying asked suspiciously at this moment.

"I went on a trip to a mysterious place." Wang Feng said, making the doubts on Xiao Xueying's face thicker.

"Then can you take me with you?" Xiao Xueying asked.

"I'm afraid this won't work, but I can take you to more interesting places, do you want to go?"

"Go, Xueying is going." Upon hearing Wang Feng's words, Xiao Xueying became interested immediately and shouted.

"Little Junior Brother, how did you survive?" Yi Long and the others asked the biggest doubts in their hearts.

"I think this, Qilin Great Sage is truly qualified to answer." Wang Feng set his sights on Qilin Great Sage, who was also his second master in the heavens.

"To put it simply, the essence of Hunyuan Divine Art is to strengthen the cultivator's physical body, until the final collapse of the personal kingdom world, and then reorganize, but more importantly, in the process of this reorganization, the new kingdom world will be marked with the symbols of the rules. , As long as the power of the rules is immortal, the kingdom will never collapse, and even if the kingdom collapses at the end, it can be reorganized again with the help of the rules."

"Hunyuan Divine Art pays attention to... eternal immortality!"

The voice of Great Sage Qilin roared, and they all felt shocked when they heard Yi Long. This Hunyuan Divine Art has changed too much, right?

"The Great Sage, how did you tell that Jie Zun to kill?" Du Shi asked at this time.

He regretted it just as soon as the words were spoken, because he had revealed the supreme shortness again, and he was careful not to save his life.

"When did he really kill me?" Great Sage Qilin said proudly, "The reason why I chose to be killed by him is really looking for the best inheritor for my practice. You can see how he can now Kill me? He flees in both battles. He is not worth mentioning."

Great Sage Qilin's voice is very domineering, but it also reflects his strength. Indeed, he is the creator of this technique. If he does not want to die, Jie Zun has no way to kill him, because who can kill him because of the power of rules?

The treasure map has a total of eight pieces, and each piece contains the incomplete Hunyuan magical skill. As long as the eight pieces are collected, the Hunyuan magical skill is also complete, so that he will also be resurrected. The best of both worlds is also a huge calculation.

Everyone is practicing under the power of rules, and the power of rules permeates every inch of the void. Unless the entire world collapses, otherwise the world of the kingdom condensed by the Hunyuan Divine Art cannot collapse.

Speaking of cultivating this Hunyuan Divine Art, Wang Feng is also very emotional now. At that time Gongtian’s blow could indeed kill him, but Wang Feng was extraordinary. At that time, he decided to practice this Hunyuan Divine Art because it was his ability to improve his strength. One of the shortcuts.

He has seen Great Sage Qilin’s experience in cultivating Hunyuan Divine Art at the beginning, and he also knows the secret of how to cultivate Hunyuan Divine Art. It can be said that Wang Feng has not tried before because it is too risky. If he fails to train, he will Will truly be erased from the world.

At that time, a large part of the kingdom world was caused by Wang Feng's own collapse, so he was able to truly begin to practice this Hunyuan Divine Art.

After the world annihilation of his own kingdom, the cultivator would really die, but Wang Feng had the basis for practicing the magical power of Hunyuan, so at the moment his world annihilated, Wang Feng's remnant soul was directly attached to the force of the rules.

When it was just attached, Wang Feng could be said to be worse than life, because the force of rules wanted to destroy him at any time, and the power of destruction made Wang Feng feel like a flat boat in the stormy waves, which could capsize at any time. Drop.

However, this strand of remnant soul is the strongest remnant soul separated after the collapse of Wang Feng’s kingdom. It contains Wang Feng’s will and possesses the tenacity of Hunyuan’s divine art. Therefore, although Wang Feng feels that he is about to die at any time, he Still clenched his teeth and persisted.

Day after day, he was hurt by the power of the rules, and Wang Feng's remnant soul was getting stronger and stronger. In the end, his soul was even tainted with the breath of rules.

The power of rules permeated every inch of the void, so even if the remnant soul of Wang Feng survived, no one of Emperor Xuanyu could feel his breath.

Because his remnant soul aura is constantly floating in the power of the rules of heaven and earth, it can appear anywhere.

In the midst of such painful suffering, Wang Feng survived, and his remnant soul was imprinted by the power of rules in a nearly ridiculous way, which is what he now looks like in the kingdom world.

If the remnant soul is not destroyed, no one will perish. Therefore, Wang Feng has now recondensed a whole new kingdom world. Although this kingdom world is not as strong as the previous kingdom world, but in terms of combat power, he does not know how much it has surpassed. Times.

Because this kingdom cannot be destroyed at all.

The so-called defensive Wangfeng is no longer needed, because there is something in the world that can match the power of rules and defense?

All that floats under the sky is the force of rules. In other words, the force of rules is equivalent to the avenue. It is imprinted on the avenue, which is naturally indelible.

Wang Feng didn't know how Qilin Great Sage created such a technique, but Wang Feng knew that he must have paid a huge price when he explored this path.

Wang Feng is equivalent to stepping directly on the shoulders of giants to practice, completely enjoying the achievements of others.

So now he saw Great Sage Qilin's eyes full of gratitude. With this technique, Wang Feng's life-saving ability would increase countless times in the future.

Even if the Supreme wanted to kill him, it would not be so easy.

As for the realm, after this drastic change, Wang Feng's realm has been smoothly promoted from the Profound Moon realm to the Profound Ming realm, and it is not the early stage of the Profound Ming realm, but has skyrocketed to the middle of the Profound Ming realm.

For half a year, it was almost impossible for many monks to cross the two realms, because it was simply a fantasy.

In particular, Wang Feng’s realm has reached a very high level. For many people, at the level of the venerable, if they want to rise to the first level, it will take decades to 100 years to break through, like It is too easy for Wang Feng to do this.

Of course it is easy and not easy. Only Wang Feng and Qilin Great Sage know it, because they have all experienced such pain. For others, half a year may be just a retreat, but for Wang Feng, this half year is as long as half a century. .

Every day is spent in pain. It can be said that Wang Feng is now accustomed to that kind of pain, and he has paid a huge price to get this mark.

"Unexpectedly, it will be in the middle stage of the Profound Mind Realm so soon. If this continues, you will soon reach our level, Junior Brother." At this time, Yi Long spoke with a smile on his face.

They had always blamed themselves when they watched Wang Feng's fall, because even if one of them stood in front of Wang Feng, Wang Feng would not fall so easily.

But now it seems that Wang Feng's remark is extremely correct. Death may be a kind of new life.

Just like what he is now, his realm skyrocketed directly after he was resurrected, which is much stronger than practicing in retreat.

Especially when they see Wang Feng now, there is still a sense of fright, as if Wang Feng is standing here is a piece of sky, this feeling is very strange, but it is real.

Wang Feng's realm was much lower than them, and he was no longer at the same level at all, but such coercion made him frightened, thinking that this should be the effect of the Hunyuan Divine Art.

It's no wonder that the Great Sage Qilin was able to hit the Holy Realm Supreme at such a young age, and he was able to create such a technique ~ he was enough to go down in history.

"Why didn't you see our master?" Wang Feng asked now, letting out his soul.

Originally, he was going to return to Earth, but because of the Hunyuan Divine Art, the matter was delayed again.

"The master and big brother are now guarding outside the palace, and have never come back once in half a year." Tang Chen said at this time.

Great Sage Xianling was the first apprentice of Emperor Xuanyu in the middle of the third day. Now that he is resurrected, Yi Long’s identity has naturally been reduced to the second senior brother. They didn’t say anything about Yi Long because the rank is just a code name. Nothing has changed from before, they just have an even more terrifying senior.

"I want to see them!" Wang Feng said, his eyes revealing profound memories.

After so many years, he will truly return to Earth this time.

It has been almost eight years since the earth left. Wang Feng didn't know what changes would happen on the earth, so this time he had to return to the earth.


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