The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1052: Worship 1 division

? Just like sea water is being drained away, at this moment the ground on the seabed is also being drained away by a force, as if something is about to come out of the seabed. ◇↓,

Wang Feng didn't dare to use the eyes of the sky, because at this moment, there was an extremely terrible connection between the rune of the treasure map and the rune below the seabed. The soul power he had just emitted was instantly swallowed, so naturally he dared not try again. .


The earth was so fierce that the sky seemed to be shaking at this moment, Wang Feng and Liu Yidao's clothes were blown by a violent wind at this moment, and under their eyes, a huge altar finally rose from the seabed crack.

This is a huge altar of more than twenty feet. The altar exudes various colors of light. Although there is a mask across it, Wang Feng still senses the breath of the most precious.

"It's that sword!"

At this moment Liu Yidao spoke excitedly, because he saw what he had always wanted to obtain.

All kinds of things are in this altar. At this moment, even Wang Feng couldn't help but breathe shortly. The supreme treasure has finally appeared.

Liu Yidao discovered the saber, and similarly, Wang Feng also saw some jade slips and some pill exuding majestic power.

"Is that a twelfth-grade pill?" Looking at one of the mouth-sized pill, Wang Feng's heart trembled, revealing an incredible color.

The eleventh-grade pill is already the limit that Wang Feng has seen. He can't refine the twelfth-grade pill, and he has never seen it, because it must be a taboo. It is estimated that the raw materials for refining the pill are difficult in the world. Find.

And since those jade slips can be placed in this place, I don't know what shocking information is recorded in it.

Exercises? Supernatural power? Or is it an ancient secret?

At this moment, many speculations appeared in Wang Feng's heart, and he couldn't help but want to make a move.

The treasure right now didn't appear in the eyes of the two of them. There were also many monks in the distance, and they should all be the business travelers who had passed away.

Even Wang Feng suspected that they had passed the message here, so if he wanted to obtain the treasure, Wang Feng had to hurry up before the arrival of the master.

Otherwise, when the master comes, everything has nothing to do with him.

It took a huge amount of effort and almost a crisis of death to find this place. Wang Feng must get this treasure.

But at this moment, there was a horrible atmosphere on the altar. Wang Feng was afraid that he would be crushed by this force in the past, so even though he wanted to make a move at the moment, he had to endure it.

Sweat broke out in his palms. At this moment, Wang Feng was undoubtedly nervous. Compared with him, Liu Yidao seemed even more nervous, because what he needed was right in front of him, and he desperately wanted to get it.

There is not a single spiritual stone on the altar, mostly jade slips and jade boxes, but Wang Feng believes that any thing inside it is priceless. If measured by spiritual stones, it is completely devalued.

The people in the distance were also very excited, because they also saw the things on the altar. They had no idea that there would be such a shocking treasure in the place where they usually do business.

At this moment, their breathing has also become hurried, as for Wang Feng's previous threats have been completely forgotten by them at this moment.

As long as they can get the things on the altar, even if they are in danger of death, they will accept their fate.

"what is that?"

At this moment, Wang Feng and Liu suddenly looked aside, because they had a strong light shining in the center of the altar at this moment.

These rays are composed of one after another, and with the rotation of these rays, a person's figure gradually appeared in the center of the altar.

"how is this possible?"

Seeing this scene, Wang Feng and Liu were shocked, and even those nearby monks retreated in fright. Someone appeared in this altar, which was something that no one had expected.

After a while, a person appeared on the altar. This was a young man. He looked like he was only in his twenties. His appearance was very handsome. It would not be an exaggeration to describe him as a handsome man.

It's just that this person seems to be dead, his eyes closed, like a statue. ,

But at the moment this man appeared, the treasure map in the sky suddenly shook, and then a space was split, and a figure walked out of it at this moment.

This was also a young man, and his appearance was exactly the same as that of the young man on the altar. Wang Feng and Liu Yidao recognized it almost instantly. The figure that emerged from the treasure map was a soul body.

This soul body should be the soul of that young man.

Great Sage Qilin!

The same words appeared in the hearts of Wang Feng and Liu Yidao at this moment, and they couldn't believe what they saw before them.

Great Sage Qilin was still alive, and his soul body was hidden in this treasure map. He brought the treasure map to explore the treasure, but he didn't want to resurrect him.

At this moment, Wang Feng had a thought of being used by others, and this use still lasted for several years.

The Great Sage Qilin did not die. At this moment, he was about to resurrect, and a Holy Realm Supreme was about to recover.

Terrible power diffused from this soul body. At this moment, the world was silent, and there was no other sound except the heartbeat of everyone.

The soul body of Great Sage Qilin first glanced at Wang Feng and Liu Yidao, and then at the flesh body on the altar, and then he stepped into the altar in one step and moved into that flesh body.

"Are you finally back?"

Almost at the moment when Great Sage Qilin's soul and physical body merged, a man suddenly opened his eyes in a sacred mountain far away, and his mouth made a calm voice.

At this moment, his figure disappeared and he had already come towards the sea of ​​taboo.

With the control of the soul body, the physical body of the great sage Qilin stood up from the altar, the mask covering the altar shattered, and the coercion of the holy realm permeated all sides. At this moment, everyone has the idea of ​​life and death controlled by others, and the body is more It was unable to move and was completely suppressed.

This is the terrifying aspect of the Holy Realm Supreme, their actions are destructive powers, and all the Venerable Reincarnation Realm masters are equivalent to ants in front of them.

The runes on the bottom of the sea extinguished, and the ancient runes on the treasure map were also extinguished. At this moment, the treasure map shrank rapidly, and finally became the size of a palm and fell into the hands of Great Sage Qilin.

His gaze swept across the surrounding area, and then his gaze fell on Wang Feng.

"come here."

He spoke calmly, and then Wang Feng felt his body galloping towards Great Sage Qilin uncontrollably. At this moment, he couldn't resist, his body couldn't move the slightest.

Even he felt that even if he had a glazed green lotus tree body guard, he could not resist.

Because there is too much disparity between him and Great Sage Qilin.

He has cultivated Great Sage Qilin's Hunyuan Divine Art. Is he going to be taken away?

At this moment, Wang Feng was very nervous, because he could be killed by Great Sage Qilin at any time.

"Thunder body, body of all spirits, not bad." Great Sage Qilin said calmly, already seeing through the two special physiques that Wang Feng possessed.

It's just that the more he says this, the more nervous Wang Feng's heart is, because he has a thought of being treated as a commodity.

"You seem to be nervous?" Seeing Wang Feng's change, Great Sage Qilin asked calmly.

But as he spoke, the pressure that was covering Wang Feng suddenly disappeared, and Wang Feng resumed his ability to act independently.

"Wang Feng, a disciple of the junior Xuanyu Great Emperor, has seen seniors." At this moment, Wang Feng said respectfully.

"Move him out to deter me?" Upon hearing Wang Feng's words, Great Sage Qilin laughed.

In fact, what the Great Sage Qilin said was correct. Wang Feng was now absolutely helpless in front of him. Wang Feng could only rely on the name of the master.

"No wonder you can cultivate to such a level at a young age. I didn't expect you to be the old fellow's apprentice. If I was not his opponent before, but now, that's not necessarily the case."

Great Sage Qilin smiled slightly, making Wang Feng completely ignorant of what he was thinking.

He is not afraid of his master, is he trying to take away himself?

"Don't be so nervous, I have my own clone, I won't covet your body." Great Sage Qilin said, and then said: "Since you have cultivated my mastery of Hunyuan, you are my inheritor, and I will let you over. , I just want to see you."

Great Sage Qilin spoke, and the big rock in Wang Feng's heart finally fell to the ground. Fortunately, it wasn't to seize the house. If he insisted on taking the house, Wang Feng would only die.

"Congratulations, seniors recover." Wang Feng said with a fist.

"You don't need to call seniors. Since you have practiced Hunyuan Divine Art, then you should call me Master. After all, in the entire heaven, you are the only one who learns my Hunyuan Divine Art.

Great Sage Qilin spoke, making Wang Feng's face all embarrassing. He hasn't even seen the real body of Master Tianjie. Is there another master now?

If the Great Emperor Xuanyu knew about this, he wouldn't know if he would lose his skin.

"What? You don't want to worship me as a teacher?" At this moment, Great Sage Qilin asked.

"Of course I am willing, Wang Feng, apprentice, to see the master." A holy realm supreme wants to accept himself as a disciple. This is a happy event in heaven. How could Wang Feng be unwilling.

"This time I can be resurrected thanks to your help. Back then, I hid a soul in the picture of annihilation in order to come back one day, so I have to thank you for this matter." Great Sage Qilin said with a face. Soft colors.

It turns out that the treasure map is not a treasure map at all. The terrible magic weapon called the Netherworld Map was deceived by Wang Feng and Liu with a knife.

"To be able to collect all eight pieces is enough to show that you and me are destined to be masters and apprentices. Today you are apprentice for the first time. If you are interested in something here, just take it." Qilin Dasheng is very generous. Said.

"Really?" Hearing his words, Wang Feng's little heart beat violently.

Everything on this altar is amazing, with extraordinary value, and now he lets himself take it whatever he wants.

"Is it necessary for me to lie to you in the Saint Realm? And these things are not very useful to me, you just have to, it doesn't matter if you take all of them." Qilin Dasheng was really bold, and heard this. , The monks outside are envious.

Originally, they thought that they would wait for someone to get these things, but now they think it's just a joke.

There is a holy realm supreme here, they can't even move, let alone **** magic weapons.

"In that case, I'm not welcome." The benefits have been delivered to him, and Wang Feng has no reason not to take it.

At this moment, he came directly to the side of a twelfth-grade pill and took it into his space ring.

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