The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1047: Place of treasure


"Let's go." "diǎn "Little "said, ..o"

Looking back at the mainland in the middle of three days, Wang Feng said.

"It's not fighting, what are you worried about." Seeing Wang Feng's worry, Liu Yidao said.

"Try to come back as soon as possible." Wang Feng said, and then flew towards the Sea of ​​Taboo without looking back.

Behind him, Liu gave a loud shout, and quickly followed him.

The sea of ​​taboo is endless, no one knows where the end is, and there is no specific coordinate in the sea of ​​taboo, it is difficult to identify the direction, and it is easy to get lost in it.

Turning his hand to take out the treasure map, Wang Feng found that a sixth red diǎn had appeared on the map. After a little identification, Wang Feng found that this red diǎn should be him and Liu Yidao. It seems that this map is still automatic The positioning function, in this way, it will be much easier for them to find this treasure.

The owner of this treasure map did a good job, saving Wang Feng and the others a lot of trouble.

"Let's go to the diǎn in the center first." Wang Feng said, without putting away the treasure map, he started the space shuttle like this.

If he only relies on flying, the speed is too slow. Anyway, the treasure map now also has the function of automatic positioning, so he doesn't have to worry about not finding the treasure.

After performing almost ten space shuttles on his face, Wang Feng found that the distance they had moved was only a diǎndiǎn, which was nothing at all.

In this way, the treasure is still very far away from Wang Feng and the others, and it has penetrated into the sea of ​​taboos.

"Liu Yidao, have you ever penetrated into this three-day taboo sea?" Wang Feng asked at this time.

"I came in once when I was chased and killed, but it was a long time ago. I don’t remember it clearly, and the sea of ​​taboos is endless. No one knows which place is the real depth. Let’s proceed carefully. That's it."

"In that case, let's continue the space shuttle." Wang Feng said, and then the space shuttle came out one after another.

Compared with flying, the space shuttle is not known how much faster, but even so, Wang Feng and the others did not travel a short distance after using the space shuttle for a day.

In terms of distance, the place where the treasure is placed is probably farther away than the kingdom of God.

It took less than half a distance to walk in a day, which made Wang Feng and two of them tired. After dark, the two directly found an island near this sea area and rested on it.

Anyway, there are no enemies here, and they don't have to hurry on their way.

With the help of this short period of time, Wang Feng asked Liu Yidao some information about the owner of this treasure.

The owner of this treasure is named Great Sage Qilin. This person once stood on the top of the middle three days, which is the cultivation base of the Supreme Holy Land.

It stands to reason that such a person would not die easily, but he did not know what caused the Jiemeng to provoke him, and thus planted the disaster of death.

What power is the Jiemeng? That was someone who couldn't be offended by many forces in Zhong San Tian, ​​and that Jie Zun was one of the best masters, suppressing Zhong San Tian for countless years.

After the death of the great sage Qilin, he broke the treasure map into eight pieces, then broke through the space and flew to different planes. Back then, Liu Yidao had the strength of the Venerable's early stage, so he was fortunate to see the shocking battle, and he knew This treasure map thing.

Now that the treasure map has been collected in Wang Feng's hands, they have a great opportunity to obtain all the resources of this Great Sage Qilin.

The treasure left by a holy realm supreme must be extremely astonishing, not counting spirit stones, but more importantly some things that Great Sage Qilin had used.

Something that can be used by the Holy Realm Supreme is definitely extraordinary in nature, even a gadget might be a treasure.

Speaking of this, the Great Sage Qilin is also a bit miserable. It has caused Jie Zun to provoke him, and he was young and vigorous at the beginning. This is the most direct cause of his death.

If he doesn't choose to fight hard with Jie Zun, Jie Zun probably won't be able to kill him, because reaching their extreme state, even if they want to die, it would be difficult.

"If we can get the treasure of the Great Sage Qilin, then we will truly make a fortune." After talking about the deeds of the Great Sage Qilin, Liu Yidao said with a look of hope.

A supreme treasure, if used, it will help them improve their realm, which is more important than money.


There were bursts of roaring voices in the ears. The night of the Forbidden Sea was not quiet. Many dark-loving creatures were now out foraging.

However, the two of Wang Feng are powerful, and they didn't put these sea beasts in their eyes, because these sea beasts could not threaten their lives.

I rested here all night, and the next day Wang Feng and Liu Yidao set off before dawn.

It was an endless space shuttle again, and Wang Feng didn't know how far he went into the sea of ​​taboos. In short, now he knew that if he wanted to rush back with all his strength, it would take at least two days.

After about four days in succession, the two of them finally got extremely close to the largest red diǎn in the center of the treasure map.

Since this red diǎn is so clearly marked, it may be the true place of the treasure. Of course, this does not rule out that the treasure may be deceived.

To be on the safe side, after approaching the red diǎn, the speed of the two Wang Feng slowed down. One is to observe the surrounding movements, and the other is to ensure the ability to respond to the greatest extent.

"It's quiet here, I guess there must be something weird." Liu Yidao said in a low voice at this time.

"Just be careful." Wang Feng said, and then stopped talking.

Just like what Liu Yidao said, it is indeed too quiet here, and it makes people feel a little panic in my heart.

In the previous seas, even if there were no sea beasts and other fierce things to touch, at least there was a sound from the undulating sea.

But in this sea area, there is no sound even from the undulations of the sea, which is really weird.

If the guess is good, it should be affected by the treasure.

Originally, Wang Feng thought they might encounter some danger, but the real situation is that they have been walking less than 20 kilometers without encountering any creatures, nor aware of any danger, and they are very quiet along the way.

However, the more so, the more depressed the hearts of the two of them, there may be some danger waiting for them in front of them, or how could it be so quiet here.

"The sea is beginning to change color." Liu Yidao said with his head down at this time.

The normal color of the sea is blue, but under their feet, the sea has a slight yellow glow at this moment, like corpse water.

And standing here, there were bursts of unpleasant breath coming, like the smell of a dead thing decayed.

After walking about ten kilometers further, the seawater under their feet has completely turned into yellow. This is already very different from normal seawater. What is it that causes the seawater here to change its color?

With the development of perspective, Wang Feng could not see anything in the area several hundred meters ahead.

There was a huge suppressing force here, suppressing his celestial eye ability, and at the same time he found that he was also under pressure, and his realm was receding from one diǎn to diǎn.

Turning around and looking at Liu Yidao, Wang Feng found that his complexion had changed a little, and he also encountered the same problem when he came.

"If this continues, I'm afraid our realm will fall to the same level." Liu Yidao said.

There are such powers in many strange places, which will suppress your various abilities, and the powerful power will not be emitted. Even the strange ability of Sky Eye will be blocked.

Some are caused by the power of heaven and earth, while others are caused by powerful monks. In short, it is almost impossible for them to enter the heyday.

Of course Liu Yidao's realm may plummet sharply, but Wang Feng is not, because only the power in his meridians is damaged, and his cell power cannot be suppressed at all.

If there is any danger, Wang Feng can still burst out with strength equivalent to the Profound Ming Realm.

"Has already fallen to the Profound Moon Realm." At this moment, Liu Yidao's voice came from Wang Feng's side. In such a short time, his realm had fallen to the Profound Moon Realm, plummeting three realms.

After feeling his own realm, Wang Feng realized that he now only has the strength of the late stage of Void Void Realm, and it has plummeted.

Except for the yellow water, it was still yellow water. There was no change at all. If they continued to go inside, they didn't know what level their realm would plunge to.

It's all here, so you can't turn your head and leave, so no matter what's in it, they have to see it with their own eyes.

Ruthlessly, Wang Feng decided to speed up. There was no danger along the way. He didn't believe that there was danger behind.

The speed increased suddenly, Wang Feng almost swept a few kilometers, that is, after a few breaths, Wang Feng saw a mountain from a distance.

A mountain standing in the middle of this forbidden sea, the peak is very high, towering completely into the clouds.

It's just that compared with other peaks, this mountain is obviously full of all kinds of weirdness, because there is no vegetation on this mountain, and it is bare and glowing with yellow light.

"Could the treasure be in this mountain?" Liu Yidao also came to Wang Feng's side and asked.

"It's not clear yet, let's go and take a look." After saying that, Wang Feng's speed suddenly increased, making Liu Yidao's face changed. Isn't this guy desperate?

Worried about Wang Feng's safety, Liu Yidao hesitated and followed.

"These are all bones?" Suddenly Wang Feng stopped, his face showing shock.

Looking at it, the densely packed foot of the mountain is full of bones, and even the yellow water comes from the rot of the flesh and blood of these humans or beasts. It is really corpse water.

The unpleasant smell spread out, and people couldn't help feeling nauseous. As a last resort, Wang Feng simply held his breath.

"How many creatures have to die?" Looking at the densely packed corpses around, I am afraid that there are hundreds of thousands of them. Although most of them are the bones of sea beasts, some of them are human.

Obviously this place is not so nice. There are so many dead things here, it must be dangerous. It is too quiet all the way down, so there may be murderous intentions hidden here.

Holding the treasure map in his hand, Wang Feng slowly moved closer to the mountain.


But just a few steps away, Wang Feng suddenly felt the pressure on his body heavier by countless times, and his body was forced to fall into the void.

His body slammed against these decayed bones, and Wang Feng was stained with yellow corpse water.

A slight pain came, and at this moment these corpse waters were actually corroding Wang Feng's flesh and blood, causing his face to change slightly.

With a thought, Wang Feng urged the green glaze lotus tree to move. There was such a strong suppressing force here, even if Wang Feng didn't expect it, he fell down suddenly and fell into a dog chewing action.

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