The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1045: Guan Fu's Change

? "Inner strength. ⊥,"

In a short while, Guan Fu's realm plummeted to her inner strength. If this continues, her power will definitely regress completely, until she becomes a mortal without the power of a chicken.

"This little girl is afraid that she will really become a mortal." Liu Yidao said.

While he was speaking, Guan Fu's realm "successfully" fell below the inner strength and returned to the outer strength. If the outer strength and the inner strength were compared with mortals, they would be a lot more powerful, but for Wang Feng and the others, it was in such a state. The strength of the monk's body is estimated to be equivalent to the strength of their breath, or even less.

Finally, after two breaths of time, Guan Fu finally dissipated all the power in her body, and now she has no external power.

Sweeping away, her body was hollow. Although she had a physique stronger than ordinary people, she did not have the slightest power to use.

Even her breath didn't have any power entering her nose, it seemed to be a rejection of all power.

All her strength was dissipated, and her condition finally stabilized. She is now an out-and-out mortal, extremely weak.

Power could not enter her body, and in the end the green light of Wang Feng's glass green lotus tree could not attach to her body. Her body seemed to have some kind of antibody. Wang Feng was shocked to see.

Summoning his own colored glaze green lotus tree, Wang Feng found that her body gradually rose with a faint colorful light.

This colorful light should undoubtedly be the power of the divine origin, but this light is too dim, and you can't see it if you don't look carefully.

The eyes of the sky opened, and Wang Feng wanted to see what changes had taken place inside her body, but Wang Feng showed a different color at this look, because at this moment he actually saw the colorful light permeating every inch of her flesh and blood.

In other words, the power of the source of the gods is likely to be a fusion in the true sense of her physical body. Wang Feng knew that her previous power of the source of gods did not fit her body perfectly, and now her realm plummeted to nothing, becoming For a mortal, this is likely to prepare for the integration of the power of the gods.

There is an old saying that goes back to basics, which means that the more ordinary things are, the more extraordinary. Although she does not have the slightest power in her body, the power of the gods is actually blending with her flesh and blood at this moment, which is enough to prove that she is happening. Variety.

Perhaps after she regained consciousness, the power of the source of God would become her thing in the true sense.

"Did you see what happened?" Liu Yidao asked at this moment.

"Her Divine Origin Power is fusing with her flesh and blood." Wang Feng said, telling the truth.

"Then you mean that her decline in realm has something to do with the power of the gods?"

"It should be about the same." Wang Feng said, and then stood up. Since the power of the source of God is trying to merge with Guan Fu, this is enough to show that it is a good thing.

The terrifying Wang Feng of the power of the gods has already seen it. If this Guan Fu can take this share as his own, he may become a master in the future.

Of course, now she is in a coma, and Wang Feng doesn't know whether her strength will recover after she wakes up, but it is always a good thing to be able to integrate the power of the gods.

The multicolored rays of light are slowly becoming richer now. About a minute or two later, Guan Fu's whole body is covered by the multicolored rays of light, like a multicolored cocoon. At this moment, Guan Fu's breath has been completely isolated.

Perhaps it will be the moment when she breaks out of the cocoon and rebirth, that is, when the power of the gods truly merges with her.

"It seems that this important task of finding the treasure can only be done by the two of us." Looking at Liu Yidao, Wang Feng said with a wry smile.

"What are you afraid of? Anyway, no one will come to **** us. Fewer people will get more things." Liu Yidao said nonchalantly.

Guan Fu was afraid that she would not wake up in a short period of time, so he glanced at her and Wang Feng directly included her in his space ring. Right now, the Lord’s Lord is dead, and the hatred of the past has been reported, so Wang Feng and Liu Two people with a knife did not stop, and rushed directly towards the sea of ​​taboo.

However, before the coastline arrived, Wang Feng and the others were stopped by a group of people. This was not a monk from the Kingdom of God, but a group of monks from the mainland.

"You two stop, want to go over and hand over the valuable things from you." A cultivator of the Celestial Spirit Realm in the lead said with a fierce look.

Nowadays, there is war everywhere in the middle three days, and some people with unruly minds have also begun to move, taking advantage of the chaos.

These people are supposed to do this kind of activity here. With the development of the perspective ability, Wang Feng found that each of them has a lot of space rings on his body, and he has succeeded many times after thinking about it.

It's just that these people are the strongest at the Profound Moon Realm level, and they want to rob Wang Feng and two of them. Isn't that a matter of death?

"I advise you, if you don't want to die, hurry away, or be careful for a while. There are no people who will collect your corpses." Wang Feng said indifferently, not paying attention to these people at all.

"Please Shaoguang Daxian." Hearing Wang Feng's words, these people did not show fear at all, but bowed to the void.

Seeing them look like this, Wang Feng and Liu Yidao couldn't help but look at each other. Are these people still gods?


Almost just after they worshipped, the void split open, and an old man stepped out of it. The black mist of the old man, accompanied by an astonishing evil spirit, should have been beaten out of the sea of ​​blood from the dead mountain.

It's just that this appearance doesn't seem to match the name of the immortal long, such a monk should be described as a devil to be more appropriate.

"Is it the two of them?" The visitor glanced at the two of Wang Feng and shouted.

This person is quite strong and has reached the mid-Xuanming realm. No wonder these people dare to plunder here openly and honestly. I think they are relying on this mid-Xuanming realm sage.

It's just that he is too weak to be alone. Venerable Wang Feng has killed at least dozens of people, and he really hasn't put such people in his eyes.

"Hui Xianchang, they are the two of them." These people spoke respectfully, and then turned their eyes to Wang Feng and the others.

"It is said that you have to hand over the space ring yourself. Now if you don't hand it over, then wait for death." The tone of the person who spoke was very determined, as if he thought that such an impossibly longing could deal with the two of Wang Feng.

It's just that he was thinking too much. Almost as soon as his voice fell, he felt his body float towards the opponent uncontrollably.

A mysterious force restrained his body at this moment, making him unable to move.

"Since you want us to die so much, then I will kill you first. I want to see how capable you are." Wang Feng said, and then Yaokong grabbed this person.

The reason why Wang Feng was able to catch this person in the air was because of the power of the rules of the middle three days. This clamoring person was only at the level of the heavenly spirit realm. Such a monk was like an ant in front of Wang Feng. It was too easy for Wang Feng to kill him.


Seeing that Wang Feng was about to do something, the Great Immortal Shaoguang snorted, and suddenly a breath of a master of the Profound Moon Realm diffused out. From the eyes of the Great Immortal Shaoguang, Wang Feng, a monk in the middle of the Profound Moon Realm, was really weak and pitiful, so he This blow can completely kill the opponent.

It's just that Liu Yidao moved as he did it. Liu Yidao is also the strength of the mid-Xuanming Realm now. This Shaoguang Great Immortal is at the same level as him, so Liu Yidao didn't take the other party seriously.

Even a person like the saint Liu Yidao dared to rush forward and fight, what is this Shaoguang Great Immortal.

"I'll talk about it after passing my level."

Liu Yidao shouted, and directly blocked this Shaoguang Great Immortal in front of Wang Feng.

At the same time, the person Wang Feng had caught was also cut off by Wang Feng, and died of anger.

"Want to be resurrected?" Realizing that this person is using his own kingdom and world to resurrect, Wang Feng sneered, and then he waved his big sleeves, and suddenly a kingdom and world hidden in the space was revealed, and was beaten by Wang Feng's strength. It was going to collapse.

"Next are you guys." After killing the cultivator in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, Wang Feng directly cast his eyes on the other cultivators. These people were not strong enough, so even if they fled madly at this moment, they still could not escape and would die. The ending.

It's just that the two breaths are less than time, all this person is violently killed, and only this shaoguang immortal with a vicious look is left.

"If you don't do a good job of making money, you have to do this kind of housebreaking activity here. I think you may be tired of work." Looking at this Shaoguang Great Immortal, Wang Feng said lightly.


Hearing Wang Feng's words, the Great Immortal Shaoguang let out a cold snort, and a more terrifying black mist erupted all over his body. Not only did he not have the intention to escape, he seemed to want to kill Wang Feng and Liu with a single knife.

It's just that he may not have figured out his own situation at all. A cultivator Wang Feng in the middle of the mysterious realm can be killed by himself, not to mention there is a Liu Yidao here. It can be said that this Shaoguang Great Immortal is here to die.

"Send you on the road." Now that everyone has cleaned his neck, Wang Feng doesn't mind helping him.

Turning his hands and taking out his own colored glaze green lotus tree, Wang Feng swept down the opponent's head.

"Natural Shinto!"

Seeing the glazed green lotus tree in Wang Feng's hand, the face of the Shaoguang Great Immortal changed drastically, and he already understood Wang Feng's identity.

People who can use saplings to fight have no second place in the whole three days except those who practice natural shinto, so this obvious feature is really easy to identify.

It's just that he understands and understands. At this moment, he wants to escape, but it is already impossible.

Because terrible power has already radiated from the glass green lotus tree, the power of strangulation is permeating the void at this moment, causing many cracks in the space.

As the person being attacked, the great immortal Shaoguang's eyes widened at this moment, and then he felt a chill in his Half of his body was completely broken at this moment, and he could not stop Wang Feng at all. Green glaze lotus tree.

"And mine." At this moment Liu Yidao's voice also sounded, and he picked up the Dragon Yuan sword in his hand and stabbed it towards the opponent's lower body.


The Long Yuan Sword was very sharp, and the flesh and blood that pierced the opponent was almost without waste. At this moment, the two kinds of attacking Shaoguang Daxian hated him, but he couldn't stop his speed of annihilation.

He is finished, and there is no hope even for his resurrection.

It's ridiculous that he just thought he could kill the other two. How could he have thought that now the other party only launched the first blow and he was finished.

He was extremely unwilling to die, but he couldn't help it, because now his body was about to dissipate except for a little unexpected movement of consciousness.

"Don't thank me too much." Putting away his glazed green lotus tree, Wang Feng showed a smile on his face.

It is said that a good person is hard to be a good person, but Wang Feng now seems to find it extremely easy.

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