The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1034: God King defeated


The death of the Kingdom of God is the pinnacle realm, and Chu Mengtian is also at the holy realm level. At this moment, the two of them are almost inextricably fought. Their death can't break the defense of the Tiandi Pavilion, and Chu Mengtian never killed the other party.

There has been a record that the two strongest players have played for a hundred years without a victory or defeat, so this battle is easily afraid that it will not subside.

With the passage of time, Wang Feng's originally hanging heart gradually released, because he had already felt the power of Master Chu, and he hadn't let Tiandi Pavilion disappear for so long, and he was enough to protect his relatives.

"Did you see it? Our Master Chu has changed a lot. The God King has no choice but to take him." At this time, Tang Chen spoke with a smile on his face, because he had already felt that the real Wang Feng was back.

When the Divine King punched them before, it really frightened them all, because that force was too terrifying, it was the limit of the middle three days.

Perhaps there are only a few talents who can wield such terrifying power. Fortunately, Tiandi Pavilion has such a master as Chu Mengtian, otherwise Wang Feng's relatives and Guan Fu's younger brother will not have a living.

"Fortunately, there is Uncle Chu. This **** king has been on my blacklist. From now on, even if I catch up with the kingdom of god, I will definitely kill him." Wang Feng said, he has already moved to kill the **** king.

Although his current realm was unable to do anything to the other side, the difference was far, but he could cultivate from an ordinary human to the level he is now, he didn't believe he could not reach that level.

One day, Wang Feng will be able to break through the cycle of reincarnation and reach the ultimate peak.

Threatening the lives of his loved ones, if Wang Feng does not kill such a person, then he is not worthy to be called Wang Feng.

"My old friend, I'll help you." At this moment, the void split open, and another supreme power came.

This person is not a well-known strong person, he is a master who has been cultivating a long time ago, but his strength is undoubtedly, he is a true holy realm supreme.

The King of God is a master from the Sea of ​​Taboo, and he certainly has no friends in the mainland, so the old man who came here was to help Chu Mengtian.

Chu Mengtian has helped many people, and naturally there are many people's favors. Now that the **** king is coming, he did not hesitate to use these potential powers.

Two hit one, the **** king came aggressively, but now he fell into a disadvantage instantly.

"Helping me to kill this person actually tried to attack my Heaven and Earth Pavilion." Chu Mengtian said, already moved to kill.

"I haven't done it for decades. If that's the case, then I'll practice my hands too." The old man shouted, and then violent power permeated his body. At this moment, he seemed to be an unacceptable person. By his side, the void collapsed in layers and could not be repaired at all.

This is the terrible thing about the strongest, even the power of rules can't help them.

"Today's revenge, let's retaliate again in the future." At the same time, against two masters of the same level, this **** king gradually gave birth to a retreat. It is not that he will be killed, but that he does not want to waste unnecessary time here. .

"Come as you want, leave as you want, what do you think of my Tiandi Pavilion?" Chu Mengtian sneered, and then his body finally broke away from the sacred mountain of Tiandi Pavilion for the first time.

Now that a master came to help, he finally had no worries. The Pavilion of Heaven and Earth had been standing in the middle for so many years and had never been attacked. This was the first time, so how could this Chu Mengtian give up easily.

Regardless of whether he is a **** king or **** emperor, he has to pay for everything he did before.

And this price is naturally very simple, that is the life of the other party.

Before, he was concerned about the safety of the people in Tiandi Pavilion, and he had never tried his best, mostly to protect himself, but now that assistance has come, he is finally about to show his fangs.

What kind of **** **** king, he didn't stay in the sea of ​​taboos well, and went to the middle three days to go wild. Chu Mengtian hasn't killed anyone for a long time, but that doesn't mean he can't kill.

On the contrary, when he was not famous before, he was a famous killer. Now this **** king has aroused the murderous heart in his heart. This battle is endless!


The void seemed to have collapsed. At this moment, Chu Mengtian directly chased the space where the king's arm had been retracted. Behind him, the old man who had just arrived pondered slightly, and stepped into this space channel in the same step.

He was able to cultivate to the current level, and Chu Mengtian gave a tremendous help, so now Chu Mengtian wants to deal with the **** king, he should do his best.

In this way, the tens of thousands of miles after the battle just disappeared instantly like the scene of the end. The three masters disappeared together, and they should have gone to fight elsewhere.


Seeing this scene, Wang Feng, they reacted back. Under the leadership of Tang Chen, they logged into the sacred mountain of Tiandi Pavilion almost instantly.

Before Tiandi Pavilion was attacked, some of the buildings in it are now in ruins, and Wang Feng and his family are standing outside at this moment.


Seeing Wang Feng, the terrified Dongling Xueying rushed into his arms almost instantly and burst into tears.

The battle just now was really frightening. Although she now has a lot of strength, she is still only a little over a year old in the final analysis.

Such a small child would naturally be instinctively afraid of danger. Fortunately, Master Chu blocked the attack of the **** king, otherwise his daughter might be separated from his eternal heaven and man forever.

Holding his daughter tightly, Wang Feng was really fortunate. It seemed that God was still taking care of him, and he did not take away his daughter's life.

At this moment, Dongling Tianxue and Nansheng Fairy who was awakened during the retreat rushed towards Wang Feng's arms.

The previous scene not only frightened Xueying, but also frightened them. The Sacred Realm is really terrifying. They all thought they would definitely die. If they died, they might never have a chance to see Wang Feng. .

So now seeing Wang Feng, they only felt that all the grievances in their hearts had erupted, and they were sobbing in a low voice.

"It's okay, everything is over." Wang Feng comforted, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Watching his relatives being attacked, but he was powerless, this feeling made Wang Feng blame himself, everything was the fault of his strength, if he also had the cultivation base of the holy realm, he would have already gone to chase and kill the **** king.

"For the sake of safety, I think we should leave here first." At this time, Tomson said.

There must be other masters under the king's command. If the master dispatched by the king of the gods in the process of escape comes to attack the Tiandi Pavilion, I am afraid that the Tiandi Pavilion will be somewhat difficult to resist.

"Then where are we going?"

Wang Feng asked at this time.

This place is too dangerous, and it is indeed not suitable to stay for a long time.

"This sacred mountain is where Master Chu's stronghold is located. You can't give it up. Let's just stay here and don't move. I will take you away." Tang Chen's figure disappeared as he spoke, and he has appeared in the world at this moment. Outside the pavilion.

I saw his whole body burst into light. At this moment, the breath of the reincarnation realm diffused out of his body, and the light condensed towards the entire sacred mountain. After a while, under his lead, the sacred mountain of the heaven and earth pavilion began to rise. Moved in midair.

"All stand firm." Tomson said, and then the void was torn in an instant.

Now that there are no creatures around, it is an excellent opportunity for them to escape. After about half a minute of space shuttle, the sacred mountain of Tiandi Pavilion was finally taken by Tomson to another uninhabited mountain range.

"Okay, it should be safe now." Tang Chen said, and then descended next to Wang Feng and the others.

Originally, they were going to leave here to go out and wander around, but now that something like this happened, how could Wang Feng and the others leave? They had to wait until Chu Mengtian returned.

With Tomson, a reincarnation master here, Wang Feng and the others didn't feel any danger, because Tomson's breath always enveloped the Tiandi Pavilion. If there were any masters coming, he would also be in the forefront.

The sense of horror from the battle has slowly disappeared from their hearts, and Tiandi Pavilion has gradually restored its former calm.

In this way, Wang Feng and the others waited here for about ten days before Chu Mengtian rushed back from outside.

His breath had already converged into his body, and he didn't look like he was hurt.

"Are you all okay?" Chu Mengtian swept around after landing on the sacred mountain, and asked.

"Uncle Master, have you solved the other party?" Wang Feng asked.

"Let him run away." Chu Mengtian said, and only then showed a trace of sorrow: "Although he escaped, I planted a secret method on him. When I settled everything, I would naturally find it. he."

"Where is another senior?"

"The favor he owed me has been paid off, and he naturally went back to his own place." Chu Mengtian said, and then said, "Aren't you going to leave? You can leave now."

"Why are you driving us away in such a hurry?" Wang Feng asked silently.

"I want to cast a spell to completely hide the heaven and earth pavilion, if you don't want to leave, you can, that is, you will never leave this place in a short time."

"Uncle Master, are you going to find God King?" Tang Chen asked at this time.

"If this is not the case, what shall I do when I come back? Heaven and Earth Pavilion is a force created by me, and he cannot be destroyed in my hands."

"Then we will leave immediately." Wang Feng said, his tone was very decisive.

After going through this incident, Wang Feng knew that his realm was still too low, and he couldn't even protect his relatives, so what about cultivation?

"Father." Hearing Wang Feng's words, Xue Ying in his arms moved a little, and her little hand dragged Wang Feng's sleeve and didn't want him to go.

Is it just that Wang Feng can't leave?

His realm is only in the middle of the Profound Moon Realm, and there is still a distance from the Profound Ming Realm. As for the higher reincarnation realm, I don't know how far it is, so Wang Feng urgently needs to go out and improve his strength.

The king of the gods shot him, Wang Feng would naturally also shot the cultivators of the kingdom of the gods, anyway, now the world is full of people from the kingdom of gods, Wang Feng is not afraid of finding no one.

"Xueying dear, I will definitely come back when my father becomes stronger. I have to go now." Wang Feng said, cruelly pulling Xiao Xueying's hand away and handing her to Dongling Tianxue.

As a man, Wang Feng has the responsibility to protect Dongling Tianxue and Nansheng Fairy, and as a father, Wang Feng has to take care of the growth of his daughter.

But to do both of these things requires strong strength. If there is no strength, others can easily kill them. Therefore, Wang Feng is very cruel this time, and he won't go.

This is a very helpless thing, and Wang Feng was also forced out.


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