The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1029: Huitiandi Pavilion


"If this young man can really control this force, it is indeed a god-given opportunity, but I look at his current situation, if I want to save it, I am afraid it will be difficult." Chu Mengtian shook his head, making his original look of hope. Fu instantly paled.


In front of Wang Feng and the others, Guan Fu actually knelt down at this moment: "Senior, please save my brother. I am left with his last relative in this world. As long as you can save him, let alone the power of God's source. , Even if you want my life, I have no complaints."

"I don't like others to kneel to me, so get up first." After a glance at Guan Fu, Chu Mengtian said indifferently.

"If the predecessors don't save my brother, I would not hesitate to kneel and die here," Guan Fu said through gritted teeth.

Seeing this scene, Wang Feng sighed, but did not help her.

"I just said it's difficult, but I didn't say that there is no way. Let me put your brother here for a month. I will try my best to help him control his power. Of course, if he can't control his power in the end, don't blame me. Second, the most important thing is to make his own efforts." Chu Mengtian said, finally giving Guan Fu a little bit of hope.

"Thank you senior, thank you senior." Hearing Chu Mengtian's words, Guan Fu's head directly knocked on the cold ground, making a crisp sound.

"Get up first," Chu Mengtian said.

"My Tiandi Pavilion is a place to do business. Although I promised to save your brother, you have to pay the corresponding price first. I never do business at a loss."

Hearing this, Wang Feng almost didn't faint, is this uncle too cheating? Even at this time, I haven't forgotten to collect the benefits.

"I don't know what seniors want to get?"

"It's very simple..."

"Uncle Master, she is the person I brought, otherwise you look in front of me and don't accept her benefits, okay?" At this time, Wang Feng interrupted Chu Mengtian's words and interjected.

"You stand a little farther away. I haven't asked you to settle the account for what you owed me last time, and you don't know what I want. What are you doing in such a hurry?" Chu Mengtian scolded.

"As long as I have it, seniors can take it, I have no complaints." Guan Fu replied at this time.

"It's very simple. I don't need the power of your gods, nor the valuable things on your body. You only need to give me a drop of your blood." Chu Mengtian said, letting Wang Feng and Tang Chen both All showed a different color.

This puts the power of the source of the gods, what do you want a drop of blood from others?

"Okay." Guan Fu didn't hesitate when he heard that he wanted his own blood, and directly swiped his right index finger against the palm of his left hand.

In an instant blood flowed, Guan Fu wrapped a mass of blood with his own strength and finally sent it to Chu Mengtian.

"I don't know if this is enough?"

"It should be enough." Chu Mengtian nodded, and then said: "Don't worry, I want your blood to be for your younger brother besides research. You have the same roots as him, and your power may be able to guide you. He controls these forces."

"If Senior has any other needs, just speak up." The running power healed the wound on the palm of his hand, Guan Fu continued.

"I don't need anything for the time being, let me keep it here, and then come to me to lead someone in a month." After speaking, Chu Mengtian stood up directly from the first seat and took Guan Xing away.

"Wang Feng, your wife and daughter are in the backyard, you have to see them go by yourself." Chu Mengtian's voice came, and then he quickly disappeared in front of Wang Feng and the others.

"What's the matter?" As soon as Chu Mengtian walked on the front foot, Guan Fu's body on the back foot fell softly to the ground. Fortunately, Wang Feng reacted quickly to hug her, otherwise she would definitely fall to the ground.

"The blood she just released is her origin power, so much blood should be consumed by her own origin." Tang Chen said, looking far more carefully than Wang Feng.

"Isn't this stupid?" Wang Feng cursed secretly before laying her flat on the ground.

Others just said that they want a little blood, and they didn't say that they want the original blood. This is simply asking yourself trouble.

But thinking that Guan Fu cares about Guan Xing, Wang Feng feels that it doesn't make sense for her to do so. Her relatives always want to give him the best things. Guan Fu will do this, and perhaps Wang Feng will do the same.

Instilled a gentle force into her body, Wang Feng served her tenth-grade sacred pill, and then put her into his space ring.

There is plenty of air in her space ring, and she won't have the slightest problem in it.

"Junior Brother, you are so lucky." At this time, Tomson spoke, with an ambiguous smile on his face.

He had seen Dongling Tianxue and Fairy Nansheng for a while while living here, and even Xiao Xueying often followed him as uncle, but he was amused for a while.

There are already two wives here, and Wang Feng has brought back another one now. Isn't this woman a bit better?

"Senior brother thinks too much. I don't have that relationship with Guan Fu. The reason why I saved her is entirely because I had the same experience as her. This is just an outburst of sympathy."

"You don't need to explain this matter, brothers have a good idea." Tang Chen didn't seem to believe Wang Feng's words at all, making Wang Feng's face all helpless.

Sometimes the explanation is that the description gets darker, as it is now, he was misunderstood by his brother.

However, since the explanation is not clear, Wang Feng didn't bother to continue entangled in this topic.

"Brother, I haven't asked why you are here. Didn't Uncle Chu say that he rarely contacts us?" Wang Feng asked suspiciously.

"Oh." Tang Chen sighed when he heard Wang Feng's words, and then said: "This matter is a long story..."

"Then try to be as long as possible," Wang Feng said helplessly.

"I was rescued by Uncle Chu." Tang Chen said, and then said: "When I went to hunt down the head of the mountain, I never thought that the old guy secretly called the helper of the palace family, and I didn't know it was Xu. What good is it for the other party."

"The three of them hit me one at the time. If Master Chu happened to pass by and sensed my breath, I might already be dead now." Tang Chen's voice was very emotional.

Although they are extremely tyrannical people who practice natural shinto, they can walk sideways for almost three days, but there is an old saying that heroes can’t stand a lot of tigers and wolves, and no matter how strong they are, they can’t stand siege. The door is the best example.

The three teamed up and almost didn't kill Tomson. Fortunately, in the end, Chu Mengtian rescued him, and sneaked back to Tiandi Pavilion to heal his injuries.

The fact that Chu Mengtian and Emperor Xuanyu were brothers was almost unknown for the entire three days, so Tang Chen had a very leisurely life here, and his injuries slowly recovered.

When he was brought back, there was only a sigh of relief left. If it weren't for the numerous treasures in the Heaven and Earth Pavilion, his injuries might be far heavier than now.

"What about Big Brother Yi Long?"

"I asked Senior Uncle Chu about this matter, and Senior Uncle Chu said that at that time, Senior Brother Yi Long and the others fought extremely horribly, and many hidden people appeared and wanted to besiege them to death."

"What's the final outcome?" Wang Feng asked nervously.

"Basically all were injured and ran away." Tomson spoke, and then made a very hateful voice: "These people really think that our group of brothers are good bullies, wait, it won't be long, all these people All have to pay a heavy price."

Practitioners of natural gods all have strange saplings. This sapling can not only be used to kill enemies, but also can be used to sign up, so it is simply impossible for those people to kill them.

However, although their lives were saved, injuries are inevitable. They themselves are people rejected by the whole world. Everyone wants to kill them. If they failed to kill them this time, then I am afraid who will kill whom next time. It's hard to say.

"Then how did the cultivator of the Kingdom of God advance inland?" At this time, Wang Feng asked again.

"Hmph, the group of people in Jiemeng thought that they could stop others from advancing with a broken artifact. I heard that the emperor of the kingdom of God made the move and personally beat the artifact into a broken weapon." Tang Chen was full of face. sneer.

"Brother Tang, we master don't know when we can come back?" Wang Feng asked at this time.

To return to the earth, Wang Feng must rely on the help of his master, because he has a clone on the earth, which shows that he absolutely has a way to return to the earth. This is what Wang Feng wants to do most in recent years. The time for the gathering of the sacred mountain of nature is near, and the old guy who wants to come to the master should be coming back soon.

"Don't worry about this. The master has already escaped from the sea of ​​taboos. Maybe he will return to the middle three days soon, and then it will be the time when we fight back." Speaking of his master, Tomson's face couldn't help it. There was a hint of pride.

The prestige of Emperor Xuanyu resounded throughout the middle three days, and it was rare to meet an opponent, even the Jie Zun of the Jie Meng was not an opponent of his old man, and it was an extremely honorable thing in itself to be able to worship such an expert.

"Also, the last time you must have exposed your identity in front of everyone, I suggest you go out with another look." Tomson reminded kindly.

"Don't worry, this senior, I have been running away for so many years, and I know what to do."

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot an extremely important thing." Suddenly Wang Feng seemed to have thought of something and asked quickly.

His sapling has repeatedly refused to listen to his orders, how Wang Feng had to figure out this matter.

Although the colored glaze green lotus tree has given him a great help, and I don’t know how many times it has saved his life, but this thing sometimes does not listen to his master’s command. This is like an untimely bombing. If If you don't figure out what's going on, it will be like a dog in your throat, and Wang Feng will be a little bit separated.

"What's the matter?" Looking at Wang Tomson asked lightly.

"Please see."

While speaking, Wang Feng released his colored glaze green lotus tree from his pubic pubic area and placed it in his palm.

When Wang Feng got this glazed green lotus tree, it was only a seed. Now that so many years have passed, the seed from the past has now grown into a small tree. Although there are not many leaves on the trunk, this sapling It is far more tyrannical than it was at the beginning.

"Isn't this your sapling? What's so good about this." Tang Chen asked suspiciously when he glanced at the green glaze lotus tree in Wang Feng's hand.

As a disciple of the Great Emperor Xuanyu, one of these saplings was provided by their brothers and sisters. Although everyone's saplings had different functions, they were roughly the same. Everyone had them, and naturally there was nothing unusual.

"I know there is nothing beautiful. I want to ask my senior brother that my sapling has not listened to my orders many times. I am afraid that this sapling has its own spirit." Wang Feng hesitated for a moment, but he still asked.


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