The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1023: Sky-high auction

? The kingdom collapses, and the monks die. "≤,

This technique is too dangerous, Wang Feng dare not try.

It's a pity that Liu Yidao, the old immortal, was not summoned by Wang Feng because of his personal reasons. Wang Feng now doesn't know who he should call to ask what the Hunyuan Divine Art is all about.

Wang Feng didn't dare to think about the collapse of his own country, nor did he dared to do it, so he just put away this technique just by sweeping it away. He didn't want to kill himself because of his attempts.

There is only one small life, Wang Feng cherishes it.

"Does this thing have a great effect on you?" Guan Fu asked at this moment.

"It's not too big, I just used it to study." Wang Feng said, and calmly collected the fragment into his space ring.

Eight treasure maps, now Wang Feng has seven. If the last one is collected, Wang Feng can find a treasure through the guidance of the treasure map.

Wang Feng likes to do things like opening treasures, because this is an opportunity to make a fortune.

The fragments of the treasure map were bought by Wang Feng for the price of a million spiritual stones, and many people secretly scolded them as silly. b, but Wang Feng would not take their words to heart, because these people who do not open their eyes know that this is the real Tibetan Baotu, it's just that they have eyes and no beads.

When the treasure map was shattered, it should have been flown into different spaces. Wang Feng didn't know where to look for the last piece left. The matter was left to fate.

The auction is still going on, and more products are sold. Of course, the prices of these products are not very good, because many people have never sold them, because their eyes are on the last ten tenth-grade sacred pills.

I heard that this time the owner of the pill medicine needs ready-made spirit stones, so in order to prevent the situation that the spirit stones are not enough, there are very few bidders in the VIP room during the previous auction.

They are all gearing up, waiting to auction the real big head.

Finally, with tens of thousands of people looking forward to it, the auction of the Ten-Rank Saint Pill began.

I saw the old man flipped his hand and took out a jade box, and said, "I don't think I need to explain what is in it."

"In our kingdom of God, due to the scarcity of alchemists, the relative pill is also very rare. Now what I have in my hand is the legendary tenth grade holy pill."

"It is rumored that the tenth-grade sacred pill has the effect of life and death, and even monks in the mysterious realm can use this pill to attack higher realms." The old man began to introduce the effects of the tenth-grade sacred pill. , As if Ten Stage Holy Pill is omnipotent.

Even Wang Feng felt a little itchy in his heart when he heard what he said. This person's eloquence that reverses black and white is admirable.

In fact, the tenth-grade sacred pill is not as magical as he said, and even the eleventh-grade pill is not as magical as he said. However, taking the pill can indeed help people improve their realm, but it also depends on who takes it. .

Wang Feng has taken a lot of pills, but he knows the most about its effects. This old man is completely fooling.

However, the more he fudges, the more likely he is to fry the pill to sky-high prices. Before the auction has started, Wang Feng has already used his eyes to see that many of the VIPs have stood up, and they should all participate in the bidding. among.

It took almost two minutes for the eloquent nonsense before the old man stopped.

"The effect of the tenth-grade sacred pill is amazing. At the request of the seller, this auction is all converted into spirit stones. The reserve price of this item is 50 million spirit stones. Now the auction... begins!"

The old man yelled, and then brought up the most auction atmosphere.

"Sixty million!"

Almost as soon as the old man's voice fell, there was a voice from a VIP room, and 10 million spirit stones were added directly.

Hearing such a price increase, many people were in an uproar, because it was simply a big deal, and the local tyrants were too bad.

It can be seen that the people in the venue stood up at this moment, as if they were more excited than the people in the VIP room.

Although they can't afford it, it's worth seeing such an unprecedented auction.

This time they entered the venue, but they paid a thousand Lingshi, which is the lowest standard admission fee. If it was before, the auction tickets for admission were at most about one hundred Lingshi, almost rarely exceeded this. price.

But this time, because of the auction of high-level pill, the threshold for entry has also been increased accordingly. It can be said that this time the auction, the Shenmeng Chamber of Commerce has also made a lot of fat.

And they don't have to pay anything, just provide a venue.

"I gave out one hundred million." Just when everyone was fighting for this tenth-grade sacred pill almost to break their heads, suddenly a calm voice came from a VIP room. Looking from the sky, Wang Feng found the bidder. It is a young man.

This young man is wearing a golden robe and a jade crown on his head. He should be a royal middleman. His realm has reached the early stage of the Profound Moon Realm. If calculated according to the middle three-day standard, he is also a top-notch genius. Up.

He estimated that his realm had reached Ping Jin, and he urgently needed this tenth-grade sacred pill to attack a higher level.

Originally, the price Wang Feng had expected was that the tenth-grade sacred pill was sold at a price of 100 million spirit stones, but according to the situation on the spot, it seemed that it would exceed his expectations a lot.

There were many masters on the scene, and they did not know who the bidders were between the VIPs. According to the rules of Shenmeng, they would not disclose the information of these VIPs to the public, so although the bidders may be extremely identities High, but there are still people who will participate in the competition.

If there is no such rule, then the auction has lost its original color.

Since it is a chamber of commerce, it will focus on interests, so this Shenmeng can't do the kind of thing that hits itself in the foot.

"One hundred and ten million." The next one was the head of the Miao family who had inquired about Wang Feng before. His cultivation level has also reached Ping Jin, and he urgently needs help from foreign objects.

If one or two hours ago he carried 100 million spirit stones on his body, Wang Feng might sell him a tenth-grade sacred pill, but it was a pity. Now if he wants to obtain this tenth-grade sacred pill, he needs to pay more The big price.

The price of Ten-Rank Sacred Pill is still soaring along the way. Although the price has exceeded the 100 million mark, there are still many people who shot it, because they all understand that if you sell this thing, you will lose one. The price of the following pill may be It will be even more terrifying.

After a few breaths of effort, the price of the pill had soared to 150 million. Even though Wang Feng was shocked to see this scene, it seemed that he still underestimated the allure of the pill for these cultivators of the kingdom of God.

The price of the tenth-grade sacred pill, which was originally priced at 50 million yuan, has now tripled. At this level of auction, even some monks who participated in the competition gradually gave up.

Because this price is no longer affordable by ordinary monks, those who are still auctioning, who are not masters, are truly rich.

In the end, the auction of the first ten-grade sacred pill came to an end, and the pill was finally bought by the patriarch of the Miao family for 170 million spiritual stones.

Through the eyes of the sky, Wang Feng could see that the face of the Miao family was full of regrets. The pill that could have been taken down by 100 million spirit stones, but now he had to spend an extra 70 million, if he had it at that time One hundred million spirit stones would be fine.

It's just that there is no regret about selling medicines in this world. He can't find Wang Feng anymore, so now he can only pay high prices.

"Unexpectedly, a pill is so valuable." Beside Wang Feng, Guan Fu said with some surprise.

When Wang Feng rescued her for the first time, he had given her an eleventh-grade restricted pill. Now thinking about it, I am afraid that what she eats is the sky-high price.

After all, the eleventh-grade pill is almost not circulated in the kingdom of God, the tenth-grade holy pill can be sold for 150 million yuan, and the more precious ones can't be bought with the spirit stone.

The price of a tenth-grade sacred pill is almost equivalent to several times the value of the previous total merchandise, and the next second tenth-grade sacred pill detonated the atmosphere of the entire auction hall.

The main effect of this ten-grade sacred pill is to save people. Compared with the elixir of realm, this life-saving pill is obviously more precious.

Because there is only one fate, almost everyone makes full bids.

In less than a minute, the price of this pill was directly sold at a sky-high price of 200 million yuan. Even Wang Feng himself had not thought of such a price.

One tenth-grade sacred pill was sold as two tenth-grade sacred pill, and the spirit stones he could obtain this time were far beyond imagination.

In the end, the second tenth-grade sacred pill was sold at a price of 230 million. The person who shot it was a sturdy monk with a scarred face. It is estimated that his activities are often life-threatening. That's why he didn't hesitate to buy this pill at a lot of money.

But no matter who buys it, as long as Wang Feng can only obtain spirit stones, it doesn't matter.

The tenth-grade sacred pill was sold one after another, and the transaction price of each pill was more than 100 million, which means that by the end of the auction, Wang Feng could obtain at least one billion spiritual stones.

With so many spirit stones, it must be enough for Guan Fu to urge her to the extreme.

When she grabbed herself at the beginning, she asked herself to help her get one billion spirit stones, so Wang Feng felt that these one billion spirit stones should be enough.

The atmosphere of the auction has become more and more overthrown. Perhaps among the auctions held throughout the Kingdom of God, today's auction can be regarded as a classic.

Because this matter has been mentioned even after decades, it is destined to leave a strong mark in the auction history of the Kingdom of God today.

Ten Ten-Rank Sacred Pills were finally sold. Wang Feng obtained a total of 1.7 billion spiritual stones. This was after the Shenmeng auction had deducted the interest, and after deducting Wang Feng’s consumption of elixir, Wang Feng still obtained sixteen. A hundred million spiritual stones.

Of course, the auction was not all smooth sailing. After the auction was over, many people clamored to see Wang Feng, the master, and almost broke the threshold of the inner hall of the Shenmeng.

If there weren't experts in this alliance, those people might have to break in.

"Friends of This is all the spiritual stones you have obtained this time. As the most honored guest of our Shenmeng Chamber of Commerce, this is our VIP card." The old man opened his mouth and took out one after turning his hand. A crystal card.

Of course, this was not made of crystal, Wang Feng just glanced at it to see through the essence of this crystal card.

This crystal card is actually made of spirit stones, and its purity is far superior to ordinary spirit stones, and it is even rarer than top-grade spirit stones.

Just like the paper money on the earth, although they are all paper money, they are also divided into different sizes. The same is true for this spirit stone. Generally, the spiritual energy contained in the generally circulating spirit stones on the market can only reach about 60%. .

Most of the remaining 40% were discarded stones, and the crystal card handed out by the old man in front of him contained at least 99% of its spiritual stones, which was the best.

"You made this crystal card?" Wang Feng asked looking at the crystal card.

"Yes." The old man nodded, and then said: "Our alliance has a pinnacle smelter, and this crystal card is purified by him using universal spirit stones."

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