The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1018: Strange Sapling

? "The ancient creature should have left here." Guan Fu said.

I don't know how vast this place is, and the two of them are far from crossing here.

Opening his heavenly eyes, Wang Feng chose to continue walking inside. The pungent smell from his breath became more and more intense. It seemed like a sulfuric acid pool here. The smoked smell almost didn't make Wang Feng vomit.

In the end, he had to temporarily shield his breathing and let the real qi supply oxygen.

"Huh?" What is that?

At this moment, Wang Feng noticed something that seemed to be moving not far in front. He looked up and saw that it was a black cloud floating in the air, but when Wang Feng fixed his eyes, his scalp was numb.

Because these dark clouds were a combination of the type of poisonous scorpion he killed before, they were densely floating in the sky, because of the color of their skin, they looked like dark clouds.

Densely dense scorpions occupy half of the sky, and I don't know how many there are. In short, at this moment, Wang Feng has already given birth to a retreat mind.

"If you really need any treasure, the scorpion should be surrounded by it." Guan Fu said at this time, seemingly confident.

"How do you know that the scorpion is surrounding?" Wang Feng asked suspiciously.

"That was the case when I got the power of the source of the gods. Those scorpions seemed to yearn for these treasures, so they were densely wrapped around them." Guan Fu's tone was very determined, not like a joke.

The perspective ability was expanded, and Wang Feng's probing power passed directly through the black cloud formed by the combination of these shoes, and saw something deeper.

It was a strange little sapling growing on the top of an island, and the little sapling exuded an extremely soft light, just like another glazed green lotus tree.

This thing is definitely a rare treasure.

Seeing this scene, Wang Feng's face was full of joy. If Guan Fu didn't say anything, he might not specifically go to see what was in the depths.

How great the role of the Liuli Qinglian tree is, Wang Feng understands in his heart, and now he has seen another sapling, so he still has the least thought to leave now, so he must get the sapling on the top of the mountain.

If you don't see it, then forget it, since you see it, then Wang Feng will take action.

"I will use the power of the gods to draw these scorpions away, and you will take away the treasure as soon as possible." Guan Fu said at this time.

These scorpions seem to have a tendency to treasure. Although they surround this strange little sapling, none of them can get close to the little sapling, they are just surrounded.

There are many scorpions, and it looks numb to the scalp, but this does not mean that Wang Feng is afraid of these scorpions. On the contrary, he is not afraid of these gadgets at all, because with his powerful body, even if these scorpions crawl on him. Never want to break his physical defense.

"Don't be so troublesome, just follow me directly." Wang Feng said, and then a thunderous body broke out in an instant.

At this moment, the strong power of thunder radiated from Wang Feng's body, and even the invisible pungent smell was washed away abruptly at this moment.

Seeing this scene, Guan Fu's face was shocked, because she had never seen such a unique physique.

"Follow me." Waved his hand and cast a mask on Guan Fu's body, Wang Feng directly rushed towards the scorpions with the amazing thunder.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

Lei Ting had just come into contact with these scorpions, and the scorpions were scorched instantly, and they couldn't stop Wang Feng's progress at all.

The sky is like raining at this moment, but it is not raindrops that fall, but scorpions in the sky.

The smell of scorching permeated the surroundings. At this moment, Wang Feng was like a **** of thunder, and all the scorpions disappeared wherever he passed.


At this moment, a deafening sound came. Wang Feng didn't feel anything when he heard it, but Guan Fu's expression changed drastically.

"That ancient creature has woken up, let's run away." Guan Fu said, making Wang Feng's expression changed.

"Fuck me all!"

The creatures in Reincarnation Realm are not the two of them that can resist, so at this moment Wang Feng is also crazy, just pushing these scorpions horizontally.

After two breaths, all the scorpions that stood in front of Wang Feng were electrocuted alive, and Wang Feng saw the small sapling growing on the peak of the island.

This is a sapling that is only two feet tall, exuding a soft green light, and looks just like the previous Liuli Qinglian tree.

Looking at this thing, Wang Feng didn't hesitate at all, and directly stuck out his big hand.

It was just that he hadn't waited until his arm touched the sapling. Suddenly, there was a tingling pain in his arm, as if he was stabbed with countless needles.

"what's the situation?"

The arm retracted like an electric shock, and when he looked down, Wang Feng found that his palm was now blood flowing, and his fleshly body was hurt by the light emitted by this small tree sapling.

The roar from all around was even more intense, and it seemed that a huge creature was approaching the two of them.

"There is no time."

This sapling had a very strong damaging effect on Wang Feng, so at this moment Wang Feng took out his Liuli Qinglian tree as soon as he turned his hand.

The green light swept away, and all the injuries on Wang Feng's palm were recovered. At the same time, Wang Feng urged the sapling and galloped towards the small sapling.

Since the sapling had harmed Wang Feng, Wang Feng used the green glaze green lotus tree to recover his injuries. He still didn't believe that he could not take this small sapling away.

There was still a tingling sensation coming from his arm, but Wang Feng had already been familiar with this kind of pain at this moment. He seemed to feel nothing at all. At this moment, his palm unscrupulously grasped the plant. Tall saplings.

Finally, the sapling growing on the mountain peak was torn out by Wang Feng, as if he was holding a hedgehog in his hand. At this moment, Wang Feng's arm was painful and he knew that his flesh and blood must have been pierced.

At this moment, blood was dripping from Wang Feng's palm, and the bone mountain underneath it collapsed.

The power reaches the level of Wang Feng, even a drop of his blood possesses great lethal power, and its weight is naturally amazing.

While suffering the damage from the new sapling, Wang Feng was urging the self-healing ability of the Liuli Qinglian Tree to recover from the injury.

At the same time, he is also retreating quickly with Guan Fu at this moment. No matter whether there are any other treasures here, in short, he can't stay here anymore. If the two of them are intercepted by the ancient creatures, they will not be so likely to go. easy.

"Let's go."

Putting this Guan Fu into his own space ring, Wang Feng directly displayed the space shuttle. Before the monster had caught up, it was the best time for them to leave.

The speed of space shuttle is extremely fast, and in just a breath of time, Wang Feng has already left the strange sea area filled with the black house, and he appeared on a calm sea.

From the beginning to the end, Wang Feng didn't see what the ancient creature looked like and what strength it possessed, but this was not a bad thing for Wang Feng, because it meant that he had successfully escaped.

Taking Guan Fu out of the space ring, Wang Feng directly sat down in the void: "I want to study this sapling, you can do it yourself."

After saying this, Wang Feng stopped paying attention to her. At this moment, the sapling was hurting Wang Feng more and more. The blood continued to drip from Wang Feng's palm like raindrops, and the calm sea underneath it was swayed. Huge waves.

At the same time, the smell of blood attracted a lot of sea monsters. They all stuck their heads on the sea level, looking at Wang Feng greedily.

Seeing such a scene, Guan Fu pondered slightly, and then acted as Wang Feng's bodyguard.

The sea monster was dealt with by her, and Wang Feng focused on studying the sapling.

What is the name of the newly acquired sapling Wang Feng is not clear, he only knows that the sapling he acquired is now causing huge injuries.

Almost all of the saplings cultivated by these brothers and sisters have healing effects. Although they also have extremely powerful lethality, they are still focused on curing their masters.

But the sapling he got now, Wang Feng had never felt the slightest healing effect, only the terrifying sting.

"I still don't believe that you can't be subdued." Wang Feng said, and then he gritted his teeth and directly pushed the green glaze lotus tree to the extreme.

The gaze that was so strong that it could not be turned completely enveloped Wang Feng. This was the power of the colored glaze green lotus tree. Wang Feng wanted to use the colored glaze lotus tree to forcefully subdue the new sapling.

The green light enveloped Wang Feng and naturally enveloped the newly acquired sapling.

Two completely different forces erupted in front of Wang Feng at this moment. The newly acquired sapling seemed to feel the threat and launched an independent resistance.

At this point, Wang Feng can basically be sure that the sapling just obtained should be essentially the same as the Liuli Qinglian tree.

Wang Feng, a sapling of the Liuli Qinglian tree that can be planted in Dantian, has only been seen by a few of his seniors, and Wang Feng has not found such a sapling in any other place.

Wang Feng didn't know how Emperor Xuanyu got these tree species, but he can now confirm that he got the same thing.

The only difference may be that one is a tree species and the other is something that has grown.

The two forces fought fiercely at this moment, and Wang Feng, who was fighting away from them, had suffered at this moment.

Under the radiance of the new sapling, Wang Feng felt as if his whole body was being burned by fire. You don't need to look at Wang Feng to know that his skin must be punctured.

No need is the next moment, the light of the colored green lotus tree swept across, and Wang Feng's injury was instantly repaired.

It was under such repeated circumstances that Wang Feng actually saw that the Liuli Qinglian tree had some roots protruding, just like the tree of the world that Wang Feng had seen in the first place.

The roots quickly entangled the new sapling, and it seemed to be about to tie the opponent.

"what happened?"

At this moment, Guan Fu's voice came from Her voice was a little anxious. I don't know what happened to Wang Feng.

"Don't worry, it's okay," Wang Feng said.

The colored glaze green lotus tree has been with Wang Feng for many years, and during these years, the colored glaze lotus tree has gradually become stronger, especially the last time it plundered the power of the world tree, and the saplings have skyrocketed. Many come out.

In terms of strength, Wang Feng felt that this newly acquired sapling was definitely not as good as the Liuli Qinglian tree.

"Is this devouring?"

Suddenly, Wang Feng's expression changed, because at this moment he actually saw that the roots of the Liuli Qinglian tree were being transported with powerful force. The Liuli Qinglian tree seemed to be forcibly plundering the power of this new sapling.

"Hurry and stop." Seeing this scene, Wang Feng hurriedly urged the Liuli Qinglian Tree, motioning it to stop.

Although this newly acquired sapling did not harm him lightly, Wang Feng never thought of destroying it. After all, it was a treasure. If it were destroyed, it would be a shame.

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