The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1015: Identity exposure

Looking at these newly-appearing people, Yi Long's face showed a smile and looked extremely calm.

"It turns out that they are all old acquaintances, why? Are you also going to shoot us?"

"Yi Long, everyone in the world who cultivates natural gods will be condemned. Don't think you can do whatever you want here." At this time, the ancestor of the palace cried out loudly.

"It's a joke. I think the talents who cultivate your palace's mental methods are punishable by everyone. Compared with the practices of former gentlemen and villains, I think we are much taller than you do not know. At least we know that we dare Be brave." Yi Long sneered.

"You don't want to spit people."

"Haha, spitting blood?" Upon hearing this, Wang Feng's fourth senior brother Yuren also spoke.

He is also the strength of the reincarnation realm, very tyrannical, even facing the ancestors of the palace family, he is fearless.

"Not long ago, you used the battle with the Wang family to secretly attack many forces. Although most people don't know about this, how long do you think you can keep it? If the forces are too powerful, others are not allowed to survive. This approach is really true. It's shameless." Yuren spit on the void, looking extremely disdainful.

Hearing the words of fish kernels, many people present were shocked. Obviously they didn't know that something like this happened some time ago. If fish kernels didn't say it, they might never know.

"You can't say anything, who do you think will believe you?" The ancestor of the palace family sneered.

"If you don't believe it, let's look at it." While talking, the fish turned his hands and took out a fist-sized crystal ball. This is a memory crystal, which acts like a camera.

The crystal ball was thrown into the void, and then the fish's kernel was pointed at the crystal ball, and half of the sky appeared for a moment.

What is shown in the screen is that the people of the palace family are destroying a force, and there is no room for action. Although there is no sound recorded by the memory crystal, many people seem to be able to feel a murderous attack.

No matter whether it was a powerful monk or a low-level monk, none of them escaped from the palm of the palace family. They were all destroyed, and even the mountain gate was razed to the ground. The scene was very bloody.

From the old to the young, no one lives.


At this moment, the memory crystal shattered silently, and the ancestors of the palace family cast murderous glances at the fish kernels.

"Why? Turned into anger from embarrassment?" Looking at the other party, Yu Ren smiled, not afraid.

"I don't dare to admit what my family has done. Compared with us, is your palace really a villain?" Yuren laughed so much, making the ancestors of this palace look ashen.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, it's important to **** someone back." At this time, Yi Long said, his eyes swept across the faces of the reincarnation masters, and said: "If you don't want to die, hurry away, or you might be buried. here."

Yi Long's words are full of threats, and he also has that kind of strength.

It's just that there are so many masters on the other side, and they don't even buy it.

The rise of Yi Long and others has offended too many people, so they can't be exaggerated to say that they are enemies of the world. Now the other side's reincarnation is no less than the five of them, so naturally they will not be afraid.

"Yi Long, I know you are very strong, but if you want to **** someone, it's impossible." The ancestor of the palace sneered and spoke, and didn't plan to hand him over.

"In that case, I will solve you first."

Murderous intent flashed across Yi Long's face, and then his figure disappeared from the spot in an instant.

He seemed to be invisible, even if Wang Feng had Heavenly Eyes, he didn't realize how Big Brother disappeared.

"The little tricks of the past are still used to show ugliness." Seeing Yi Long's body disappear, the ancestor of the palace sneered, apparently knowing what tricks the other party used.

Only after waiting for the next second, Yi Long's figure did not appear, but he felt a pain in his arm and was cut off.

"It's ridiculous, do you think everyone is stagnant like you?" It was Yi Long who cut off his arm. At this moment, Yi Long had snatched Guan Fu and was in front of many reincarnation masters.

Coming to Wang Feng's side, Yi Long directly threw Guan Fu to him.

Seeing this scene, Wang Feng's expression changed drastically, but he subconsciously stretched out his arm.

A beauty was in her arms, but countless sharp gazes greeted Wang Feng. At this moment, because of Yi Long's actions, Wang Feng has become a target of public criticism.

Even people like Jiuyou Little Devil had never thought that Wang Feng would actually get the power of the gods, why did Yi Long give him the power of the gods?

"Just stay here for me, wait until I get rid of them." Yi Long said, and then with a wave of his big sleeve, a mask directly covered Wang Feng.

That's it!

Upon seeing this scene, Wang Feng screamed, knowing that he definitely couldn't leave here.

The mask was set by the senior brother of the pinnacle of reincarnation, unless he unlocked it, otherwise Wang Feng could not leave from here.

Of course, this light shield will also protect it from attacks by the nobles, because they cannot break this light shield.

Originally, Wang Feng thought that they would give people to himself after they left here, but now Big Brother Yi Long gave people to himself in front of hundreds of thousands of monks. Isn't that harmful?

There is definitely no way to continue pretending to be Wang Feng's identity, which means that the nameless person will eventually disappear.

The previous efforts are now in vain.

"Please save my brother." Holding Wang Feng's shoulder, Guan Fu's face was pleading.

"You already look like this, you still want to save others, do you know that I might become a public enemy all over the world because of you?" Wang Feng said.

"You want the power of the gods and I can give it to you, but can you promise me to save my brother, I am just such a relative." The strength from his shoulders was greater, and Guan Fu looked a little excited.

If it weren't for Wang Feng's tyrannical body, maybe the flesh and blood on his shoulders would be smashed by him.

"Don't get excited, where is your brother now?" The other party had already asked himself to be successful, and Wang Feng was embarrassed to continue to blame others, so he asked in a low voice at this moment.

"My brother was hidden in the Kingdom of God before I left, but now he has been arrested by the monks of the Kingdom of God." Speaking of his only relative, Guan Fu's eyes were red.

"That said, this time you are here to return to the kingdom of God?"

"That's it. Now that I am seriously injured, I am afraid I am unable to return to the kingdom of God, so you must promise me to save my brother. I can't lose him." I have to work hard before.

In fact, Wang Feng wanted to say that I would help you save a fart. I am not a savior, but he still couldn't say it to the point of his lips, because that would be too unsympathetic.

"In your eyes, is your brother's life more important than your own?"

"Since my parents passed away, I have depended on each other with my brother. He is only a teenager and has great youth. I don't want to cause his death because of my fault. I would rather use my own life in exchange for it. , As long as you are willing to help me, I can now give you the power of the gods." Guan Fu said bitterly.

"I want your power of the gods to do anything. If I really need it, I took it by myself last time."

"Then as long as you are willing to help me, will I give myself to you? Even if you occupy me, I have no complaints." Guan Fu said, making Wang Feng's eyes widened.

Isn't this trying to sell yourself?

After groaning for a moment, Wang Feng still said: "I am not the kind of person who takes advantage of others. I don't need the power of your divine origin, and I will not save people, because I am not a savior and want to save. People, go by yourself."

While talking, Wang Feng turned his hands and took out a tenth-grade sacred pill and directly fed it into Guan Fu's mouth.

The last time Wang Feng gave her the 11th-grade pill because she was seriously injured, now Wang Feng's 11th-grade pill is left, so I can only take the tenth-grade pill.

"Take this pill, and I will let you go when you leave here. This is the last time I will save you. If you continue to be caught next time, then please be blessed."

There is also a limit to doing good deeds. To save the same person over and over again, Wang Feng did not have that energy, and in order to save Guan Fu, he himself lost a lot of things.

The fruit of the tree of the world, plus the current targets.

The identity that had been hidden for so long must now be exposed, so Wang Feng's loss is also very large now, and it may even endanger his own life.

It is already very difficult to save people. Wang Feng would not help her to save any younger brother. People are dead every day in the world, and Wang Feng did not care about it.

"If you don't help me, I will save myself. When I rescue my brother, I will repay your life-saving grace." Guan Fu said, and then stopped talking.

The palm of the mountain leader who slapped her before nearly killed her, so now her injuries are not light.

The battle between Yi Long and the others has broken out in the sky. Except for Brother Tomson who left, all the remaining six senior brothers have participated in the war.

Even Du Shi is no exception. His injuries have already recovered and he is even stronger than before. At this moment, he alone has restrained a reincarnation master, and has not fallen into a disadvantage.

Their battle was so fierce that even the monks dared not get close to watching, because the aftermath of their battle was enough to swallow the venerable alive.

"Brother Wuming, tell me what is going on?"

When the battle broke out in the sky, the little demon king of Jiuyou also got rid of the protection of his uncle and came to Wang Feng's light shield.

Why didn't he think that Yi Long would hand over people to Wang Feng?

"Don't you understand yet?" Wang Feng said calmly looking at the Little Demon King of

Perhaps it was the time when the two of them broke up, and the only friend they had made in the heavens might now disappear.

But this was something that Wang Feng had already thought about. From when he cheated Little Demon King Jiuyou to speak, he expected such a day, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

"What do you understand? Are you a disciple of one of them?" Little Demon King Jiuyou said, making Wang Feng's eyes black, and he almost didn't faint.

Isn't it the tofu residue in this head?

Moreover, his guess was too good, he thought of going to the level of the disciple.

"If you really don't understand, ask Wang Xuansong, he knows everything." Wang Feng said, making Jiuyou Little Devil look strange, and then cast his eyes on Wang Xuansong.

"Could it be that you are Wang Feng?" At this moment, the Little Demon King Jiuyou seemed to have thought of something, showing a shocked expression.

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