The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1012: Confrontation

 The realm of this realm envoy has reached the late stage of the mysterious realm, and it is not Wang Feng can resist. At this moment, he wants to grab the space ring with Wang Feng, and Wang Feng naturally can't grab him.

   It's just to **** the ring of space with himself under all eyes, Wang Feng is not so easy to give up.

   "Why? Did even the emissaries cheat for personal gains? Or do you think that my realm is low and I am easy to bully?" Wang Feng said, causing many people to show incredible colors.

   Isn't this nameless crazy? He even dared to challenge the Jie Meng, didn’t he know that the Jie Meng couldn’t afford it?

   "Don't be entangled here, this thing doesn't belong to you." Looking at Wang Feng, the Jie Envoy who robbed his space ring said calmly.

In his eyes, a nameless person is nothing at all. He can be killed at will. Yao An belongs to their league anyway. They can watch Wang Feng kill Yao An without stopping. The limit of tolerance.

   And Yao An's space ring might have something belonging to Jie Zun, so he snatched it back.

   It's just that Wang Feng is the kind of person who is willing to suffer. At this moment, in front of countless monks, he has a big quarrel with this world.

"Why? Do you think you can bully civilian monks like us at will? If you don't recognize your status, what would your ambassador be?" Wang Feng said, his voice getting louder and louder, let this ambassador All complexion changed.

   He is not so bold as the nameless, and dare to challenge him.

   "Anonymous, I know you are a young arrogant, but I also advise you, don't make mistakes." The ambassador said.

"Could it be that you still dare to kill me in front of all the people in the world? It is my own ability to kill Yao An, and your looting of my spoils is completely forcible. Can you do whatever you want? "Wang Feng's voice roared, attracting the eyes of more monks.

   "This thing originally belongs to our league. If you continue to entangle you like this, don't blame me for being rude to you." This world made the tone unpleasant and mixed with indifference.

   My own dignified ambassador, even asked a younger generation to scold me like this. If it weren't for the crowds here, he would have slapped it.

   "It looks like you are really going to **** my trophy?" Wang Feng asked again.

   "Yes, if you are not convinced, you can come up and **** it." The ambassador spoke, without any intention of returning it.

   The envoy of the realm opened his mouth and wanted to lead Wang Feng to take a shot at him. As long as Wang Feng shot first, he could use this as an excuse to destroy Wang Feng.

   Is it just that Wang Feng is that stupid?

"Don't fight everyone, come here and see, this ambassador is robbing someone else." At this time, Wang Feng suddenly shouted, his voice was so loud that it spread almost throughout the entire battlefield, so that the ambassador Everyone felt like their face was burned by fire.

   At this moment, hundreds of thousands of eyes all looked at them, mixed with various meanings, which made the world envoys change their faces.

   This namelessness is also too hateful, even in front of so many people slander them.

   But this is not considered defamation, because they did steal Wang Feng's spoils.

   "I think the spoils are small, and the face of your envoys should be more valuable than this, right?" Wang Feng said with a relaxed look on his eyes once again on the envoys.

   These people still want to cheat themselves, how is that possible? Wang Feng is not a fool.

   "Return the things to him." At this time, another envoy spoke. Although they wanted to destroy Wang Feng, they were indeed not suitable for the current situation.

   Now the people who block the monks of the Kingdom of God come from all major forces. If they openly kill Wang Feng, it will inevitably cause upset people. If they make the monks of the Kingdom of God invade the land because of their little error, then they can't shirk the blame.

   "Just let you go this time, don't let me meet you next time, or you won't want to escape from my palm." Throwing the spatial ring to Wang Feng, the envoy said with a grim expression.

   "I will talk about it next time when we meet, anyway, I got my things." Raising the space ring in his hand, Wang Feng directly penetrated his soul power into it.

  A bright light appeared in Wang Feng's mind. There are countless spiritual stones in Yao An's spatial ring, and I don't know how many there are.

   In addition to these spirit stones, there are more and more elixirs. Isn't Yao An collecting these things specifically these years?

   Spirit stones are sometimes not as powerful as the pill for monks, and Yao An doesn't know why he collects so much.

   But no matter how much he collected, he is now helping Wang Feng.

   In addition to the two conventional things, spirit stones and pill, there are some exercises and magical powers in his space ring, but these things seem to be useless for him, and they are directly abandoned.

  Of course, there is also Yao An's most handy exercise method: Earth Xingshu.

   This technique was originally just an ordinary technique, but this Yao An has actually cultivated to an extremely high level, making his body far more powerful than ordinary monks.

   Turning over this jade slip, Wang Feng quickly showed joy.

   Because the back of this jade slip actually recorded Yao An's experience in practicing this technique in detail, and he even recorded clearly how to surpass the original earth movement technique.

   At this moment, Wang Feng had to sigh, this Yao An is really a good person, and he did a great favor to himself when he died.

Although Wang Feng’s physical body is already very powerful, if he can become stronger, he will of course be very happy. If he only cultivates the earth movement technique, Wang Feng is too lazy to study it. Now that he has these records of Yao An, Wang Feng will be able to practice. It's very easy.

In addition to this earth movement technique, Wang Feng soon found another thing in Yao'an's spatial ring. It was a steel needle. Although it was not a soul-killing nail, Wang Feng sensed something on this steel needle. A destructive aura, this thing should be a taboo weapon that can be used to kill the enemy.

The amount of violent violence on it is very unstable. It is estimated that it can only be used once. Fortunately, this time Wang Feng killed Yao An within three short strokes. If he waits until he sacrifices this thing, I am afraid that it will be difficult for Wang Feng. Parry.

   Even if he finally blocked it, I am afraid he would have to reveal his original identity, this time it was a surprise.

   The soul-killing nail last time caused Wang Feng to suffer, and he almost died, and even the tyrannical world was broken a lot.

His kingdom world is much stronger than others. After all, when the kingdom world was built, Wang Feng not only added the strange metal, but also practiced the powerful kingdom's exercises recorded on the treasure map fragments. If not like that , His kingdom world cannot reach the level it is now.

   But under such circumstances, his kingdom and world are still being penetrated, which shows that the forbidden weapons used by Yao An are very amazing.

   This time, Wang Feng escaped the catastrophe by mistake.

   This steel needle should be the most valuable thing in Yao'an Space Ring, and it can be used as a hole card by Wang Feng.

   It is possible that this is something made by Jie Zun, otherwise, how could that Jie Zun be cheeky and **** it by himself.

   Soul power withdrew from the space ring, Wang Feng directly installed this space ring into his own space ring, which was his trophy.

   Without even looking at the realm's gaze that the envoy wanted to kill, Wang Feng turned around and moved closer to the Little Demon King Jiuyou.

   As Wang Feng drew closer, Wang Xuansong didn't know where he came from and ran to his side.

  The movement that Wang Feng just made was so big that Wang Xuansong couldn't even pay attention, but he really admired Wang Feng's courage, and even dared to fight against the envoy.

   There were only two people who knew the identity of Wang Feng, one Wang Xuansong and Guan Fu. Guan Fu is now a prisoner and despairing in her heart. Of course, she will not shake Wang Feng out, because Wang Feng once saved her life.

  Wang Xuansong is even more impossible to say. He knew Wang Feng's true identity and saved him, so he couldn't say it.

   He and the realm are enemies, Wang Feng still dare to fight for the space ring with the other party openly, isn't he afraid of revealing his identity?

   Such courage made Wang Xuansong have to admire. If it were him, he would probably choose to be patient. After all, no matter how good things are, his life is not as important.

   Everyone has a different personality, but it is a pity that Wang Feng is not like that of Wang Xuansong, it is something that belongs to him, and he is not afraid of world leaders.

The reason why they are not afraid is the confidence that their big brother gave him last time. No matter how strong the Jie Shi is, they are not defeated. Therefore, they are not like the legendary enemy. They are also monks. As long as they are strong, Jie Shi Just say the same thing, just hit it.

  Since everyone is of the same kind, what else does Wang Feng have to fear? Anyway, in his life dictionary, he has no real fear of taking it seriously, and fear will only appear on the weak.

   "Brother Demon King, are the people in your palace coming soon?" Wang Xuansong asked at this time.

   "Don't call me Brother Demon King, my relationship with you has not yet reached that point." Upon hearing Wang Xuansong's words, Little Demon King Jiuyou said coldly.

   "Don't say that. At any rate, we used to suffer together. Rather than becoming enemies, we might as well become friends. As the saying goes, one more friend has one more way. You need to change this, Brother Demon King." Wang Feng said at this time.

   "But this guy once robbed me of my things, I am not convinced." Little Demon King Jiuyou spoke, making Wang Feng a little dumbfounded.

   These two people have such a story?

   "After all, those are things in the past. If you still worry about the devil brother, I will compensate you for the big deal." At this time, Wang Xuansong said with a slight smile.


   At the beginning, their strength hadn't reached the point where they are So if compensation is really required, then to Wang Xuansong, it would be nothing more than plucking a hair from the monkey.

   "I don't care about things, I'm just not convinced, why did you **** them away." Little Demon King Jiuyou said, with deep resentment.

   "If that's the case, why don't we have a match now?" Wang Xuansong said.

   "If you hit, you think I'm afraid of you?" Jiuyou Little Demon's character is too impulsive. When someone says hit him, he hits, regardless of the strength gap between the two.

"You two will stop for a while, we are not here now to fight, and if you fight, I think Gong Tian will be very happy to watch the joke." At this time, Wang Feng said, making Jiuyou Little Devil cold. He hummed, then turned his head and stopped looking at Wang Xuansong.

   "Brother Demon King, the friction between you and me is that time, I have already paid you anyway, you don't want my compensation." Wang Xuansong said, the little devil's breath was a little violent.

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