The fairy father

Chapter 341 Mengniao

Maybe it's the price paid for achieving extreme speed;

Dapeng always feels that sometimes his brain is really not good enough.

This is not ridicule or insult by others, but the exact conclusion he has drawn himself.

Extreme speed, transcending the constraints of the Avenue of Heaven and Earth, ignoring the suppression of the Avenue of Time, breaking through the shackles of heaven and earth.

When he uses extreme speed, two tight membranes will appear in front of his eyes. Once they are penetrated, countless scenes from the past years will flow towards him out of control, and his own memories will hit his mind like a flood.

Dapeng only encountered this feeling by chance a few times, and afterwards he felt like he was missing something.

'That's the maximum speed I can handle. ’

His brother said that if he used that kind of super-critical speed a few more times, he might become a fool.

Therefore, every time Dapeng uses his magical powers, he only uses 90% of his own strength.

The only time in the last tens of thousands of years that he has gone super fast was when the Hongmeng Purple Qi was born... That was a great opportunity. If he could catch the Hongmeng Purple Qi and bring it back to his mother in the immortal volcano, her mother might be able to reach nirvana again from her endless sleep.

'It's a pity that I was tricked by the incredibly powerful Taiqing leader. I didn't have any extra Hongmeng purple energy in the first place. ’

And after that time, he seemed to have lost something.

What was lost?

Dapeng couldn't be sure. At this moment, he was sitting on this piece of mother's fire feather, using the magical power of this thing to detect the tiny changes in the void everywhere. But as he probed and probed, he began to be slightly trance-like, carefully recalling himself. What is the memory that was lost this time?

It’s a few scenes of playing with my brother in the immortal volcano;

There are also some scenes of fighting with some powerful enemies;

There are also many fragments that stay in the cave on weekdays... This is not important.

‘I’ll try my best not to use extreme speed in the future. ’

The Dapeng bird remembered something, took out a few jade charms from his sleeves, and began to write some more critical messages, in case he lost his memory by using extreme speed, and he could find the answer here.

For example, the first jade talisman states:

‘I am the son of Shi Feng, a golden-winged roc, with the fastest speed in the world and a firm Taoist heart. ’

At this moment, he wrote on the sixth jade talisman:

‘I am looking for the quasi-Celestial Emperor of the human race here, and I want to capture him alive to establish my status in the Western Sect in the future. ’

‘The Western religion is about to have two saints in one religion, and they can accommodate beings with great karma. This is a place where I can seek refuge, and it can also be regarded as a way for my brother to cast stones. ’

'Who would have thought that these foods could also become the protagonists of heaven and earth? If I had known, I would have been vegetarian back then. ’

After doing this, Dapeng smiled with satisfaction, and his oily and pink face felt a little more at ease.

He concentrated his mind and continued to use his mother's feathers to observe the fluctuations in the universe.

It’s just that the roc bird may have forgotten something——

His perception of the universe is indeed very delicate, and his hiding place is cleverly chosen. The boundless void is the best cover;

But in the eyes of the Phoenix Clan's old enemies, the fire feather under his butt was like a bonfire rising in the dark wilderness.

Dazzling and dazzling.

"This aura is unmistakable. He must be a master from the Phoenix Clan, right in front! He's probably tens of thousands of miles away!"

Master Huang Long said with determination, while he rolled up his sleeves and showed his thick forearms to Li Ping'an.

"Look, nephew, this poor Taoist's hair is standing on end!

"My dragon clan's combat intuition is still very accurate!"

Li Pingan did not dare to be careless, and immediately asked Gui Lingling to drive the silver shuttle, covering the silver shuttle with the power of heaven he could control, and slowly approaching the front.

Qingsu's forehead bloomed with flowers, and she held Nuwa's sword in her hand.

Gui Lingling held the Immortal Killing Sword in her left hand and the Turtle Shell Shield in her right hand, staring closely at Li Pingan's figure. If he was attacked, he would use a small combo of "cover the nephew and immediately shake him".

Li Ping'an murmured: "Could there be some group of masters ambushing here?"

"Are they so brave?"

Master Huanglong muttered:

"This place is not far from Kongmeng. Fellow Taoist Houtu has received the help of heaven's merits in recent years, and his strength has recovered very quickly, not to mention there are thirteen or four great witches."

"The Wu clan is not good at fighting in the void," Qing Su reminded softly.

Li Ping'an pondered for a while, with a little hesitation in his eyes.

He was wondering whether to go up and confront him head-on.

Since the other party deliberately ambush, they must have calculated how many masters they have, so it is really risky to go up like this.

But Li Pingan thought again.

The other party exposed itself tens of thousands of miles away. Could this be a deliberate attempt to reveal traces?

Li Ping'an thought about many possibilities for a moment, and his head almost started to smoke again.

"We can't act rashly," Li Ping'an said, "Let's advance to a position five thousand miles away from the opponent. If we are too far away, I will lose too much when I use the power of heaven to explore."


Gui Lingling agreed, and the silver shuttle was wrapped in the avenue and floated forward silently.

All the immortals broke into a cold sweat.

Luo Xuejing has also seized a few jade talismans. If there is a strong enemy here, she will send a message to Feng Jigui and other Tianfang Pavilion masters in time to ask them to help.

There was silence in the silver shuttle;

The void seemed a bit noisy.

Master Huanglong held his breath and concentrated, his body almost pressed against the bulkhead, carefully sensing the situation in the distance.

"It's less than ten thousand miles away!"

Li Ping'an sat cross-legged with his eyes closed, his soul holding the treasure mirror condensed by the power of heaven, and looked at his treasure pool of merit that had just formed a shallow puddle, and couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth a few times.

No matter how much merit you have, it is never enough.


A blurry picture appeared in Li Ping'an's treasured mirror - the golden-winged roc sitting alone on the fire feather, as quiet as if it was practicing.

He raised his hand to signal, and the speed of the silver shuttle suddenly slowed down;

With another flick of his finger, a few glimmers of light fell into the hearts of the immortals, and the immortals immediately saw the figure of the roc.

Master Huang Long murmured: "Bait? Could it be that he showed his appearance deliberately to lure us to besiege, and then the masters who were ambushing around us rose up to attack?"

Li Ping'an said: "Just retreat quietly."

"Why," Gui Lingling stared at her big round eyes, "Don't be afraid, great nephew! Why don't I call senior brother and the others first!"

Li Ping'an said: "He is the only one ambushing here. This is the result of my spending a lot of merit and deeds to find out."

Qing Su immediately understood what his apprentice meant and whispered: "The Dapeng bird is born with extreme speed and can move freely between heaven and earth. No matter how many experts we gather, it will be useless if we can't keep up with his speed."

Li Ping'an sighed with regret: "A lot of merit was wasted. This speed is really a troublesome magical power."

Gui Lingling muttered: "I'm actually not that slow at running."

Even so, she still turned the silver shuttle obediently and fled towards the southeast.


The golden-winged roc on the fire feather opened its eyes, with a slight smile on its lips, and stared straight ahead into the void.

He stood up suddenly, spreading his hands like wings;

From standing still in the air to rushing forward at top speed, it only took half a breath!

There is an extra golden thread in the universe, and this golden thread contains some kind of pure and ultimate avenue, as if it can penetrate the entire void!

In the silver shuttle, all the immortals held their breath and prepared for a battle with this fierce bird, but soon they all tilted their heads and watched the golden thread slanting across the silver shuttle hundreds of miles away.

The sharp claws of the roc broke through the void, grabbed a leopard demon from it, and then threw the latter viciously aside;

Both transformed into human forms at the same time.

The evil demon quickly knelt down on one knee, cupped his fists and reported:

"Grandpa Dapeng! His Majesty sent a messenger to ask you to be careful. Li Ping'an is full of tricks, but don't get his way!"

Dapeng snorted coldly and cursed: "Then couldn't you just come over here? Why did you have to hide invisibly! If it's because of you that you let Li Ping'an go, I'll take it seriously!"

"Grandpa Dapeng," Leopard Fierce Demon smiled bitterly, "I have so many karma, how dare I act openly and openly near the Kongmeng Realm? Don't be surprised. Don't be surprised."

The roc waved its hand impatiently.

"Go away! With such strength, you still work as a messenger! Doesn't the Western religion have a few Taiyi Golden Immortals who specialize in delivering letters?"

The fierce leopard demon nodded and bowed in apology, then transformed into its true form, its body quickly became translucent, and escaped from the void.

Li Ping'an quietly gave this fierce demon a mark of heaven.

The roc stretched, then sighed softly, opened its arms and shook twice, then turned into a golden-winged roc with a wingspan of three feet, and floated back to the place where it had been sitting cross-legged.

This is a junction point of the ‘Vertical and Horizontal Lines of the Universe’.

The Dapeng bird stays here, and with the fire feather of the First Phoenix, it can see the fluctuations of the universe within a radius of thousands of miles.

In the silver shuttle, Li Ping'an made a gesture, and the immortals gathered their heads together to discuss carefully for a while.

Soon, the silver shuttle slowly accelerated again, but it went straight towards the leopard.

When the silver shuttle was far enough away from the golden-winged roc, Huanglong became invisible. He grabbed an iron rod and a sack and escaped into the void. Under the guidance of Li Pingan, he found the trace of the leopard.

It only took a moment for Master Huanglong to bring the leopard back to Yinsuo and use great magic power to 'squeeze' the leopard into the size of a tabby cat.

Li Ping'an touched his chin and thought carefully, took out a pill with his backhand, and said with a smile: "Which one of us is good at transformation?"

All the immortals looked at a certain quasi-celestial emperor at the same time.

Li Ping'an's forehead was covered with black lines.

If he uses transformation to get close to the roc, wouldn't it be like beating a dog with a meat bun?

Gui Lingling asked: "What kind of elixir is this?"

Li Ping'an said sternly: "In the past few years, I used the merits of heaven to pour a batch of ten-thousand-year-old ecstasy pills, forcibly increasing their potency, and asked fellow Taoist disciples to help refine the holy ecstasy pills, but Daluo Jinxian is stunned, and there are only three of them."

The expressions of the immortals were a bit strange.

Master Huang Long couldn't help but mutter: "My nephew, your majesty, you are safe...which good person would go out of his way to practice this thing with the merits of heaven?"

Li Ping'an smiled and said, "Wouldn't this come in handy?"

"I'll give it a try," Qing Su said, "I'm pretty good at transformation."

"Master, it's too risky to go alone."

Li Ping'an immediately shook his head, and then thought carefully for a while.

He didn't want to miss such a good opportunity.

As the saying goes, wealth is found in danger. If you can control the golden-winged roc, you will save yourself a big trouble.

Why does the roc dare to ambush near Kongmengjie?

It's not just because of his extreme speed that no one can beat him.

Gui Lingling said: "I'll go with Qingqing, I'll hide in Qingqing's sleeves."

"It's better for me to go. Uncle Master can just hide it in my sleeve."

Li Pingan said seriously:

"To do this, you not only need to have superb transformation skills, but also have enough acting skills. After all, Dapeng is a famous Phoenix Clan powerhouse in the world. It is not easy to deceive him."

Qing Su frowned lightly: "It's too risky for you to go."

"That's right," Master Huang Long said in a deep voice, "You are the Emperor of Heaven and also our coach. How can any coach personally take risks and go into battle?"

Suddenly hearing a roar, Luo Xuejing turned into a leopard, looking the same as this ferocious demon.

She jumped to the side of the evil demon, lowered her head and took a gentle breath;

The aura of the fierce demon floated around the leopard that Luo Xuejing transformed into, and there was even a wisp of black smoke surrounding Luo Xuejing's soul.

Luo Xuejing smiled and said, "Your Majesty, how about this?"

"That's right," Li Ping'an praised, "I forgot that Tianfang Pavilion is the best at this skill."

"Going to the enemy camp to spy on information always involves taking some risks, but you have to learn such skills."

The leopard transformed by Luo Xuejing was surrounded by black light, and turned into the human form of the ferocious leopard, with a leopard face and a human body, and a ferocious light in its eyes.

She adjusted her voice and said roughly:

"Your Majesty, please give me the magic elixir, and I will go meet the roc for a while."

"Then I'll go too!"

Gui Lingling excitedly made a magic spell, and her figure transformed into a front tooth, which floated towards Luo Xuejing's mouth.

Li Ping'an put the elixir into the brocade box and handed it to Luo Xuejing. The latter carefully put it into his arms, cupped his hands to Li Ping'an, and ran away with the turtle spirit.

Master Huanglong said with emotion: "This fairy is also a talent."

Qing Su thought for a while: "Her daughter is also very outstanding."

"Wait for the news," Li Ping'an said, "Uncle Huang Long senses the direction over there. If there is any fluctuation in the fighting skills, we will rush there immediately."


Master Huanglong rubbed his big hands, and the War Dragon bloodline had been awakened for less than half.

Li Pingan sighed secretly in his heart.

Now that he has more and more subordinates, the opportunities for fighting are getting less and less, and his Taoist body is almost getting rusty.

Probably more than an hour passed.

Li Ping'an felt something in his heart. His soul held a treasure mirror and mobilized the power of heaven to observe the location of the roc.

The Dapeng bird meditating on the fire feather suddenly opened its eyes, frowned and said: "Come out!"

Some ripples appeared in the void, and a leopard jumped out, quickly transformed into a human form, and bowed to the roc.

"Grandpa Dapeng! It's the little one! The little one just forgot something!"


The Dapeng bird frowned and said, "If I hadn't smelled that fishy smell on your body, do you think you could be close to me?"

"Yes, Grandpa Dapeng has great magical powers. He is a first-rate master!"

Dapeng said: "Stop talking nonsense, what else is there?"

'Huabao' said hurriedly: "Your Majesty asked me to bring you two treasure pills. One pill can improve your eyesight, and the other can help you listen to the wind. Both of them can help you search for traces of the quasi-celestial emperor."

‘Leopard’ had two more brocade boxes in his hand, and he handed them forward respectfully.


Dapeng laughed and took the brocade box over casually. He grabbed one with his left and right hands, opened the brocade box and looked at the two pills.

He brought the elixir to his nose and sniffed it, with a sneer on his lips.


Li Pingan's heart immediately rose.

But fortunately, what Dapeng said was: "Oh, don't they think it's a fantasy for me to catch that Li Ping'an by myself?"

"Well," 'Leopard' whispered, "you have the power of extreme speed. Even if you can't catch it, you can escape in time."

"Asshole! Who said I can't catch him?"

The roc bird threw the elixir back and cursed:

"Take this elixir! I can capture Li Ping'an and go to the outer world just by relying on my own abilities!"

'Huabao' rolled his eyes, suddenly knelt down and saluted, and cried: "Grandpa Dapeng! Grandpa Dapeng, please save my life. If you let the venerable know that I can't even do this little thing, go back." I'm afraid I'll be hung up and beaten to death! Please put the elixir away! You can put it away even if you don't need it!"


The roc took the elixir back again, opened its big mouth, and swallowed the two elixirs into its belly.

Wisps of spiritual energy expanded from his abdomen, and the roc burped comfortably.

He cursed impatiently: "Get out of here!"

"Thank you Grandpa Dapeng! Thank you Grandpa Dapeng!"

The 'Leopard' turned around and turned into its true form and was about to leave.

Dapeng suddenly said: "Wait a minute."

'Leopard''s whole body tensed up.

The Dapeng bird said slowly: "You tell His Majesty that I will wait here for a month and then go back. I will not delay His Majesty's important events."

"Yes, the little one must bring the words."

‘Leopard’ jumped into the void and quickly escaped towards the main heaven and earth.

The Dapeng bird sat on the fire feather and yawned, and continued to close its eyes and concentrate, observing the 'vertical and horizontal lines of the universe' that were thousands of miles in radius.

This is the magical power his mother taught him...

Not long after, the roc's snoring sound that shook the universe appeared in the void.

The roc slowly leaned back and lay on the fire feathers, wrapping itself in the fire feathers, with a smile on its lips that only appeared when it was sleeping.

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