The fairy father

Chapter 198 The road to catastrophe started by one’s own hands!

Li Pingan often listens to the allusions about the Virgin Mary creating man and Nuwa patching up the sky;

Today, I saw the Holy Mother's murderous intention, and personally felt the sadness and helplessness, but it made Li Ping'an a little... I don't know how to comment.

The human race needs a leader-level master as a backer. This is a problem that must be solved now.

But how should he speak and persuade the Holy Mother not to look at the ugliness of the world?

The Taoist heart of the Holy Mother Nuwa has obviously been broken by the human sacrifices in Nanzhou.


Li Ping'an said in a deep voice: "The human race needs your protection."

Nuwa didn't say anything, she just lowered her head to carve the bluestone in her hand. After sighing softly, she regained her previous calmness.

The shadow of Nuwa behind the bamboo building disappeared.

Li Ping'an glanced at Qing Su, and some words came to his lips, but he didn't know how to say them.

He wanted to say that most people are kind.

But upon closer inspection, this statement is untenable.

Today's human race has a powerful class. Corruption and depravity of the powerful class are everywhere, and most people have less resources. Kindness is just a virtue that is praised by others when individuals survive in a group.

What Nuwa really cannot understand is the distortion of some human races.

Human sacrifice, human sacrifice.

At this time, it is best to think of a way to solve this problem instead of talking about big principles to the Holy Mother.

How to solve it?

Wouldn’t it be better to abolish human sacrifice?

But is it really that simple?

Li Ping'an was slightly distracted by the stone carvings in Nuwa's hands, constantly thinking about such issues.

He has Chinese mythology and Chinese history in his mind, because in his previous life he was quite agile and eager to learn, and he did not miss out in the nine-year compulsory education. Now he has really gained a lot of inspiration.

If we look at it from the perspective of the Nanzhou people, what is the history they know now?

The ancient human race was born, the human race prospered for the first time, the human race was annihilated, the remaining fire species continued to multiply by chance, the human race prospered for the second time, the Suiren clan led a hundred thousand demon soldiers to counterattack the ancient heaven, and 90% of the first generation of humans died in battle in exchange for the destruction of heaven. When hundreds of clans were destroyed and prosperous, the human emperor became the co-lord of the world. In the Fuxi era and the Shennong era, the human race achieved great development. The Xuanyuan human emperor fought against Chi You. The human race defeated the hundreds of clans and the remaining forces of the ancient heaven. The human race became the protagonist of the world.

This is the history shared by the Dongzhou people and the Nanzhou people.

But then, Nanzhou and Dongzhou took different development routes.

Li Ping'an had read some classics in ASEAN and had a rough understanding of Nanzhou.

For Nanzhou:

Huangdi Xuanyuan rode a dragon and left with the beauty. The three thousand harem became a legend of the emperor. Then it was passed down to Zhuanxu, and then entered the era of the abdication of the Five Emperors.

Nuwa set up a great formation to defeat the heavens, and there were rumors that Zhuanxu had surpassed the heavens and the earth in Nanzhou, so Nanzhou was sealed off.

After Nanzhou was closed, the practice of cultivation was gradually abolished. However, the Five Emperors probably preserved the method of cultivation, and their lifespans were relatively long. Many ancient countries emerged in various parts of Nanzhou. Immortal magic disappeared, farming flourished, and the Holy Mother Palace was nearby. With support, there is no shortage of enlightenment and enlightenment.

Finally, the abdication system was broken, and the Great Xia Immortal Dynasty unified more than half of the population in the core area of ​​Nanzhou, and it became known as the Middle Kingdom and the Four Barbarians.

In the process of opening up the Great Xia Immortal Dynasty, continuous conquests and battles were inevitable, which produced a large number of prisoners, and thus a large number of slaves were born. To maintain the population of slaves, it was necessary to consume food rations.

This is where the issue of human sacrifice comes from.

Li Ping'an tried to look at this problem from the perspective of the Human Emperor, and quickly found a solution.

It's very simple. As long as the Juetian Formation is removed, the immortals of Dongzhou are allowed to enter Nanzhou, and Nanzhou is transformed into hundreds of immortal dynasties similar to Dongzhou, the problem of human sacrifice can be easily resolved.

But more problems will arise.

Although there are human sacrifices in Nanzhou, the "wheel of history" has moved forward.

The human race is constantly moving forward, and there will always be sages among mortals who will stand up to innovate the government, improve the system, and establish ethics and education.

Everything has to be a process.

‘Use this to persuade the Holy Mother? ’

Just as Li Ping'an was about to speak, some doubts flashed through his heart.

He suddenly thought of the Dao Immortal Tribulation.

The Taoist Immortal Tribulation will come at an unknown time, the Human Heavenly Court where all forces have their own plans, the closed Nanzhou, and the great merchants of the Nanzhou Immortal Dynasty have appeared...

The Great Tribulation of the Gods! ?

Nuwa suddenly said: "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing, nothing, I'm thinking about how to help you solve your problem."

Li Pingan's Adam's apple trembled up and down, and he looked down at his palm.

It occurred to him just now.

If he succeeded in persuading the Holy Mother to return to heaven and earth, and he had made a contribution to humanity, then the human heaven that Emperor Xuanyuan Huang had envisioned before would probably continue to be promoted;

It is very likely that Nanzhou will become the stage for the Dao Immortal Tribulation;

There is a high probability that he will be involved in the whirlpool of the human race's heaven;

After the human race's Heavenly Court was successfully established, Heavenly Dao had a new starting point, and the Great Tribulation of the Gods was launched accordingly, filling the new Heavenly Palace with masters from all walks of life...

If so;

Was he the one who initiated the Great Tribulation of the Gods?

Or is it the influence of heaven? Is Taoist Hongjun, who gave up his position in ancient times, plotting secretly?

Does his father's great luck correspond to this?

Li Ping'an's thoughts became very confusing, so he simply closed his eyes and meditated, and a little cold sweat gradually broke out on his forehead.

Nuwa stopped carving and looked at Li Ping'an's condition curiously.

Qing Su on the side snorted softly, slowly opened her eyes, saw the beautiful woman in front of her, thought of the statues of the Virgin that could be seen everywhere in Dongzhou, and immediately stood up to salute.

But Qingsu found that she seemed to be trapped in a transparent film. At the moment, she could only hear and see, but could not move or make a sound.

Qing Su looked at the apprentice aside, a little confused.

What is the apprentice doing?

After an unknown amount of time, Li Pingan opened his eyes and looked at Nuwa, stood up, bowed, and said firmly:

"Your Majesty, please forgive me for being rude! I want to... discuss something with you!"

When Li Pingan said this, he felt really uneasy.

What he faced was the Holy Mother of the human race, the founder of the human race, the top master in the world who has protected the human race since ancient times;

Logically speaking, he shouldn't have made any conditions.

But after sorting out his thoughts, he discovered that "the general trend is irresistible", and he was trapped here because of the resonance of heaven.

He must take this opportunity to jump out.

Therefore, Li Ping'an was shameless and courageous, and said to Nuwa, "discuss and discuss".

What he didn't expect was that instead of being angry, the human Madonna's eyes were a little more curious. She stopped carving on her hands, and a gentle and slightly novel smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

She asked slowly: "What are we discussing? Seeing that you have been thinking about it for so long, it must be something big. Just tell us and listen."

Li Ping'an made a deep bow.

Nuwa added: "It's been a long time since anyone has discussed anything with me. When the human race prays for me, most of them want me to bless them. When the Human Emperor comes to me, most of them ask me if I can help balance the Western religion." Leader."

Li Ping'an sighed secretly in his heart, sorted out his words, and bowed:

"Empress, what I want to discuss with you is whether you can help me expel the power of heaven from my body."

"It's not that difficult."

Nuwa nodded slightly:

"This is outside of heaven and earth, at the edge of chaos. Heaven is attached to heaven and earth. The power of heaven in your body is just a strange spiritual power here.

"It's just, I do this for you, what do you give in exchange?

"You said it was a negotiation."

"This," Li Ping'an said seriously, "I have a plan that can determine the affairs of Nanzhou and put an end to the matter of human sacrifice!"


Nuwa's interest became more intense: "Then tell me first, what kind of strategy? The Human Emperor is at a loss what to do about this matter, and insists on me to solve the great formation. But if the great formation is solved, Nan The continent will be cut off."

"This is a bit troublesome to talk about!"

Li Ping'an took a deep breath, looked at Nuwa with his most sincere eyes, and said loudly:

“Now, all forces are actually staring at the human race to see when the human race will establish heaven.

"After I resonated with Tiandao, I was once held hostage by a Daluo Jinxian named Mo Linyuan. He talked a lot with me. He was deeply influenced by Tiandao, and I also got some inspiration.

"Your Majesty, in my opinion, the human race heaven and the Taoist tribulation are actually the same thing!"

"What's the same thing?" Nuwa frowned slightly, "Why do you say that? Although the Chanjiao helped the human race in ancient times, if the human race established the heaven, it would not have a deep relationship with the Taoist sect."

"No, empress, this relationship is very important!"

Li Pingan said loudly:

“The foundation of the way of heaven is the living beings who have developed spiritual intelligence. With the rapid rise of the human race in the world, the way of heaven is also expanding rapidly.

"Due to the collapse of the ancient heaven, the way of heaven lost its grip to directly intervene in the world, so the way of heaven was not revealed and could not be noticed by others.

"According to the Great Luo Jinxian, the human race provides 90% of the power of heaven and earth in this world. Calculated based on the number of hundreds of races in ancient times and the current number of human races, today's power of heaven is stronger than when the ancient heaven was at its peak. Out two to three times!

“The Dao Immortal Tribulation is the battle between heaven and living beings.

“The innate beings and acquired beings belonging to the three Taoist religions control too many great ways, and the operation of the heavenly way requires complete control of the great ways.

"The three leaders of the Dao Sect have predicted the Tao Immortal Tribulation since the end of ancient times. This is because the Dao Sect is too strong, there are too many Golden Immortals and Da Luo, and the rise of the Heavenly Dao is the general trend. The three leaders cannot directly suppress the Heavenly Dao.

"What is the Dao Immortal Tribulation?

"The masters of the three religions were killed, and the great avenue was released and controlled by heaven!"

Nuwa nodded slightly: "What you said does make sense, but the power of heaven today is not two or three times stronger than in ancient times, but more than sixty times stronger."

Li Ping'an was shocked: "Is it so many?"

Nuwa sighed slightly:

“When Tiandao was born, he was suppressed by Emperor Jun.

"The term "Tiandao" was actually proposed by Emperor Jun. He kept saying to the outside world that he was upholding the will of Heaven and teaching all spirits on behalf of Heaven.

"I never thought that after this statement spread, the creatures would have the impression of heaven, and then... Di Jun really discovered that a strange will was born in heaven.

“It seems to be the will of heaven and earth, and its relationship with living beings is that you are in me, and I am in you.

"Dijun was a little afraid of this will of heaven and earth, and used the ancient heavenly formation to suppress the newly born heavenly law.

"Later, the ancient heaven was destroyed, and the way of heaven fully unfolded, disappearing from heaven and earth. Therefore, the three leaders of the Tao sect noticed the existence of the way of heaven, and deduced that the will of heaven and earth would be difficult to suppress... such things as the Tao Immortal Tribulation, In fact, it was deduced by six masters at the leader level, so what you said is correct."

Li Ping'an cupped his hands and said, "My knowledge is so shallow that it makes you laugh."

"How can I laugh at you?"

Nuwa said seriously:

"You actually figured out so many secrets just by resonating with the way of heaven, and it's even more rare to be so weak.

"I do understand why Xuanyuan, with his stingy temper, would give you the Xuanyuan Sword Token and the Xuanyuan Sword Sheath at the same time."

"Uh, is His Majesty the Emperor stingy?"

"Yes, and he also likes to be jealous. He has so many Taoist companions. If any Taoist companion has a happy relationship with another man, he will be angry for a long time."

"Ah, I originally thought His Majesty Xuanyuan's only shortcoming was that he was too carefree."

"It's more than just a love interest," Nuwa shook her head helplessly, "The yin and yang are out of balance, and yet he insists on saying that he has the Yellow Emperor's Secret Scripture, and is not afraid of this, and tries his best to extend the lifespan of his Taoist companions, but his Taoism Except for a small number of lovers who broke through the Golden Immortal and gained immortality, most of them have exhausted their lifespan, and they all rely on him to hold on. This is the biggest problem."

Li Pingan asked in a low voice: "Then can you help me expel the power of heaven..."

"You just talked about the Taoist Immortal Tribulation, but you haven't mentioned the solution to the problem." Nuwa's eyes flashed with a smile, "I'm not that easy to fool."

"This, I forgot about it."

Li Pingan took a breath, cleared his throat, and said seriously:

"The trick I can give is to make full use of the Dao Immortal Tribulation!"

"Using the Dao Immortal Tribulation?"


Li Ping'an's eyes were full of light:

"If I guess correctly, the problem in Nanzhou is not only the human race's wanton sacrifice of human beings, but also the intervention of heaven!

"There is a divine court hidden in the sky above Nanzhou. I estimate that the divine court was probably made by heaven!

"This divine court should be the condensed belief of all living beings in Nanzhou, and it will also protect Nanzhou. The law of heaven will play a role in it, thus forming a perfect closed loop in Nanzhou!"

Nuwa nodded slowly: "That's true. This is what makes me most sad."

"Empress," Li Ping'an asked, "why don't you order Nanzhou to ban human sacrifice?"

Nuwa sighed softly: "Although I have sworn not to interfere with the reproduction and reproduction of mortals and to give them the greatest freedom, after the rise of human sacrifice, I also ordered the priests of Nuwa Temple to preach against human sacrifice."


"The priests of my temple have been sacrificed."

"This?" Li Ping'an frowned, "Is it so cruel?"

"Now Nanzhou believes in that divine court," Nuwa sighed. "For me, there is only one way to solve this problem, which is to overthrow Nanzhou and start over."

"Why? Withdraw the Jue Tian Formation?"

Nuwa's expression was gloomy: "Although I set up the Juetian Formation, it is now under the control of Heaven."

Li Ping'an:...

Nuwa smiled bitterly: "In the future, the only way is to destroy Nanzhou."

Li Ping'an said: "Then why not use the human heaven to kill the divine court?"

"The Divine Court was born from the way of heaven, but it is also extremely difficult to deal with," Nuwa said slowly, "What's more, the Divine Court here covers Nanzhou. If it acts rashly, it can easily cause a disaster."

"That's it!"

Li Pingan calmed down and waved his sleeves:

"Establish the human clan's Heavenly Court, contact the Heavenly Dao, and then rely on the power of Heavenly Dao to resist the pressure of the three religions, or more simply, win over the three Taoist religions.

"If you don't want to change the situation of separation between immortals and mortals in Nanzhou, then we won't change it.

"The Dao Immortal Tribulation is the conflict between Heavenly Dao and the Taoist Immortals. After the Human Race Heavenly Court is established, we can also take advantage of this contradiction and use the condition that 'the Human Race Heavenly Court can resolve part of the Dao Immortal Tribulation' to invite the three religions to join the game!"

Nuwa asked: "Invite the three religions to join the game?"


Li Ping said calmly:

"The quickest way to change the Nanzhou people's sacrifice of human sacrifice is to overthrow the current Immortal Dynasty and replace it with a Great Immortal Dynasty!

"By changing dynasties, we can establish new etiquette!

"The majority of people in the Great Shang Immortal Dynasty are mortals. Although there are occasional divine generals to protect the country, most of the soldiers are mortals. The merchants will definitely not be able to manage too much land, and they will inevitably enfeoff the princes in various places.

"Support a prince, challenge the authority of the Great Shang Immortal Dynasty, overthrow the Great Shang, and overturn human sacrifice and human sacrifice!

"Let the Dao Immortal Tribulation be tied to this change of dynasty. As long as we solve the problem of immortals accidentally injuring mortals in their fighting skills, we can use the power of the Dao of the immortals of the three religions to disintegrate the divine court! The human heaven will replace it!"

Li Ping'an felt ashamed in his heart.

He actually started from the answer and forced a set of logic. There were many mistakes and omissions here.

So what's the answer?

This is the Great Tribulation of the Gods.

Without Hongjun Hedao, no one would have told the great powers in the world that there would be a catastrophe in the future!

Li Ping'an thought about it carefully at this moment, and suddenly found that his statement of starting from the answer and working backward was really true.

The human race’s Heavenly Court was established, the Great Tribulation of the Gods was launched, and the immortals of the three religions entered Nanzhou to weaken the Heavenly Court of Heaven in Nanzhou... It really looked like that!

Nuwa suddenly stood up.

Li Ping'an quickly lowered his head and held his hands in his hands. His heart tightened and he was inexplicably nervous.

Nuwa asked: "Are you the human form of heaven?"

"Uh, this... I am a human race, and I have just told you my request..."

"Yes, you want to expel the law of heaven."

Nuwa nodded slowly:

"Although there are still many errors and omissions in this matter, careful calculation does contain a way to solve such a difficult problem.

"However, do you really want me to help you expel the Heavenly Dao? I think you are indeed a good candidate for the Heavenly Emperor, and it is even more rare that you are from the original human race."

Original human race?

Is the empress mirroring the two majesties of Fuxi and Shennong?

Li Ping'an bowed again: "Mother, I want to cultivate myself to become a heavenly immortal or a golden immortal, and to pick the fruits of freedom. However, it is not my wish to be a slave of heaven! It is difficult for me to balance the general trend of all parties! Even if the future is stuck in a bottleneck, the three thousand years of my dream have already passed. But I left with no regrets... My father said that life is about the process, not how it ends!"

"Your father is also a wise man."

Nuwa sighed softly:

"I cannot break my promise, and I want to help you expel the power of heaven.

"Why don't you practice first, and I have to make some preparations. Later, after I expel the power of heaven for you, your suppressed realm will rise rapidly. I will arrange a place with all five elements for you, so as to help you with your cultivation. become."

"Thank you, empress!"

Li Pingan bowed deeply and almost burst into tears.

Finally...he's about to get through it...

Nuwa thought for a moment, with a kind smile on her lips.

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