The fairy father

Chapter 196 The person who solved the problem [Third update please vote]

Chapter 196 The person who solved the problem [Third update please vote~]

‘I wish to burn this miserable life and shine a bright light on the surrounding area! ’

Wang Shan's words lingered in Li Ping'an's ears for a long time.

Li Ping'an could somewhat understand Wang Shan's mood.

Wang Shan back then is just like him now;

Naturally, although his cultivation level is not as good as Wang Shan's, he has a stronger background than Wang Shan because of the favor of Teacher Yun Zhongzi.

Later, Wang Shan encountered huge resistance. After the departure of the Holy Mother, the human race was short of masters at the leader level. The Feng Queen had no choice but to give up on the second annihilation of Ten Thousand Demons, and Wang Shan became a victim.

'what about me? ’

Li Pingan asked himself a question.

He has now truly felt the amazing effect of his father's great luck.

Because he and his father created an assembly line to refine weapons, this concept was unprecedented in the world, and accidentally attracted the attention of Teacher Yun Zhongzi;

And because there was Teacher Yun Zhongzi behind him, the Human Emperor wanted to use the power of Chan's teaching to favor him in every possible way;

Now, with the power given to him by the Human Emperor, he can move in and out of ASEAN freely, and can chat and laugh directly with the deputy leaders of ASEAN, becoming a new powerful person that others cannot match.

Take advantage of the situation and take advantage of it;

If the power is taken away, what will happen to me?

Li Ping'an sighed softly with his hands behind his hands, looking at the sky ahead, strolling to the end of the Qinglong Yunzhou, looking at the stars in the sky above Nanzhou.

The radiance of the starry sky is projected on the dome of the Juetian Formation, illuminating a tranquility like a sea of ​​mirrors.

"Are you worried?"

A soft voice penetrated into Li Ping'an's ears.

He turned to look at the master who was walking beside him, watching the master leaning on the railing, looking at him, the disciple who always did not let the master worry, with his eyes that were not contaminated by any worries and dust in the world.

Li Ping'an smiled and said, "There's nothing to worry about. It's just that I feel a little sad when I think of Wang Shan's experience."

"Well, he is indeed miserable."

Qing Su said:

"Wan Mo Tian is the largest demon cultivator organization, and there must be many masters in it. I heard that they are very arrogant, and even ASEAN doesn't look down on them.

"If you confront them in the future, I'd better protect you personally."

"Thank you, Master..."

"It's not that I'm making sarcastic remarks."

Old Man Tianli's loud voice rang out, and he and the two Golden Immortal generals walked over.

"Although the strength of Qingsu Martial Arts Master is good, it is not as good as Wang Shan's peak. Wang Shan was attacked by a master in an instant, and our master had no time to react."

Tianli sighed:

"If Wan Motian gets ruthless, he can recruit the Great Luo Jinxian to take charge of them.

"I remember very clearly that during the first siege of Ten Thousand Demons, I followed Feng Xiang and led hundreds of masters to hunt down the remaining members of Ten Thousand Demons. As a result, the opponent hid deep in the West Continent, where the sky was filled with rays of light. What about us in the leader's dojo? We can only exit outside the door and stare angrily at the remaining members of Wanmotian.

"At that time, I also felt the powerful avenues colliding in the sky. It must have been the Holy Mother and several His Majesty the Human Emperor taking action at the same time.

“But the result was unsatisfactory, and the Ten Thousand Demonic Heavens still survived.

"Now, in the past six thousand years or so, the Ten Thousand Demonic Heavens have begun to make moves again, but it is impossible for us to enter that dojo again."

The two Golden Immortal generals also looked depressed.

Li Ping'an crossed his arms and tsked softly: "So, senior, you sometimes act stupidly on purpose, and you don't really favor those people?"

"You're just being stupid on purpose!"

Tianli said angrily:

"Just tell me what I do wrong in my daily life!

"That's why you kid dare to say this, otherwise I will hang you up and beat you up!"

Li Pingan sneered and quickly changed the subject.

"Senior, where do you think the clues to the departure of the Holy Mother are?"

"In the Palace of Our Lady, do you need to say this?"

Old Man Tianli walked to Li Pingan's side, folded his arms as well, and looked up at the sky.

His beard is much thicker than Xu Sheng's, and the whole thing is silvery white.

Tianli sighed: "If you can really find out the whereabouts of the Holy Mother, it will be a great achievement. You should be given the position of leader of ASEAN."

"This is so difficult."

Li Pingan asked back:

"Senior thinks that what His Majesty, the Human Emperor, cannot do, can I, a little monk in the Heaven and Earth Bridge Realm, really do it?"

Tianli clicked his tongue: "Ah? Otherwise? Why did Your Majesty leave this matter to you? Your Majesty must have your reasons."

"At that time, His Majesty just wanted to use a compromise method."

Li Pingan sighed quietly and continued talking about business:

"I think the clue should be on that wordless tablet."

"Isn't this obvious?"

Tianli said slowly:

"The wordless stele contains the rhyme of the Great Way of Creation. Perhaps, if someone understands the Great Way of Creation, they will be able to know what clues the empress left behind.

"The question now is who can understand the Great Way of Creation."

Tianli, Qingsu, Xinghe Xinghan in the distance, the two golden immortal generals, and the immortal soldiers standing guard in the distance all looked at Li Ping'an at the same time.

Li Ping'an had several black lines hanging on his forehead.

No, who gave these people the illusion that he really has such a high level of understanding and can use the Heaven and Earth Bridge Realm to understand the great ways of the leader and quasi-sage?

He didn't even understand the Great Way of Clouds!

Now, at best, it's an arm-wrestling with a true immortal!

These people really are!

If you can't do something yourself, you still have to rely on others!

"Don't look at me!"

Li Pingan muttered dissatisfiedly:

"It's difficult for me to become an immortal now. You know the reason, senior, and I won't mention it anymore. It's basically impossible to understand the Great Way of Creation.

"I went to the Notre Dame Palace this time just to give it a try. This can be regarded as an attempt to fulfill His Majesty's order."

Wang Shan looked over curiously, with a bit of a smile in his eyes.

Senior Xu Sheng walked out of the cabin carrying the new wooden support made for Cang Yuezhu and looked at this place.

Old Man Tianli sighed: "If the Holy Mother was at home, why would we be so passive on the front line now? Now, we must hide part of our strength, and we can't let the demon clan think that they have figured out our background."

"Are you still hiding some of your strength?"

Qingsu said softly:

"Our human race has withstood the tyrannical offensive of hundreds of tribes on our own, and we still have some strength left."

Li Ping'an smiled and said: "Master, think about it, our human race has had three human emperors since the Suiren Emperor. Each human emperor was a king of outstanding men and made extraordinary achievements. And every human emperor, They all have a political team, and the only ones active in the world now are His Majesty Xuanyuan’s team.”

Qing Su suddenly realized: "I have ignored this kind of thing."

But old man Tianli shook his head with a gloomy expression: "Yes, this is our current reliance, but this reliance cannot be used easily. If we use it, we will be really in trouble later."

The two Golden Immortal warriors couldn't help but said:

"If the Holy Mother hadn't left temporarily, the demon clan wouldn't have dared to organize such a counterattack."

"There are certainly people in the Holy Mother Palace who have tipped off the Monster Clan, and even participated in the Monster Clan's raising of troops outside the world."

Li Ping'an said: "This matter is really complicated."

"There are no simple things in the world," Old Man Tianli patted Li Ping'an on the shoulder, "Young man, just try your best to understand the Great Way of Creation!"

"I really can't."

"Your dad said that a man can't say he's not good... Our Lady's Palace is coming soon, so brace yourself! If anything unusual happens later, just form a formation!"


A chorus of responses came from all over Yunzhou.

Li Ping'an turned and looked forward, and the familiar white jade gate vaguely emerged.

Anyway, give it a try.

Although Tianli sent people to the Notre Dame Palace in advance to say hello, if you want to enter the Notre Dame Palace, you still have to be made difficult by the disciples of Zuo Zuo.

"Enter the Notre Dame Palace to investigate?"

The eldest disciple of Zuo Shishou, a middle-aged woman with a beautiful face and a hot figure, was standing in front of the door wearing an ancient skirt.

She looked at Li Pingan and Tianli at the front of the pair with phoenix eyes, and said calmly:

"Do you think this is your ASEAN government office, where you can come and investigate whenever you ask? This is the Holy Mother's Palace, a holy land for the human race, and one of the few religious monasteries in the world.

“The many decorations inside are deeply loved by the empress.

"If you break something or disturb any spiritual beast, this is a huge sin."

Li Ping'an thought secretly in his heart: 'Did you look at her last time in the wind fortune telling? ’

In this kind of situation, there was no need for him to speak.

Old Man Tianli gave a smile, and moved his hands forward: "Fairy Bi Ni, Ping An was ordered by the Emperor to find clues to the departure of the Holy Mother. The Xuanyuan Sword Token is in his hand. You saw it last time. It’s better to be less difficult today, so as not to cause too much unpleasantness.”

"Making things difficult?"

Disciple Zuo Shishou’s eyes turned cold:

"Are the Three Alliances saying that our women are petty, unruly and difficult to deal with?"

"I don't dare, I don't dare!"

Tianli smiled:

"What we are saying is that when you follow the Holy Mother to practice, you are not only cultivating the Tao, but also your heart, and your emotional cultivation. Looking at this world, there are really not many people who can compare with you.

"The Holy Mother is not at home, and the Human Emperor is worried about the safety of the Holy Mother, so he sent the Dawu Quanxian, the most enlightened human being, to come here to investigate. This is also reasonable and reasonable, and fully expresses the filial piety of our Majesty the Holy Mother towards the Holy Mother.

"Everyone, His Majesty the Human Emperor is here to express his filial piety. Is it possible that you need to stab him with your sword a few more times?"

"What a filial piety!"

The eldest disciple of Zuo Shishou was still scolding angrily when a soft call came from behind him.

"No rudeness!"

Several old women wearing dark dresses came in the clouds.

But in addition to the right servant, there were several Nuwa Palace masters who appeared that day who were biased towards the human race, including two human race princesses.

An old woman said: "The right servant has an order to ask a few immortals to come in to investigate. There is no need for the immortal soldiers to go in."

The eldest disciple, Zuo Shishou, snorted coldly, turned around and entered Nuwa Palace.

When Li Ping'an saw this, he understood clearly.

The last time millions of immortal soldiers suppressed Zuo Shizuo, he and Gu Qingcheng used a 'rogue' move, which severely damaged Zuo Shizuo's vitality. In the Notre Dame Palace, the right servant temporarily overpowered Zuo Shizuo. The chief servant.

However, the left servant is a member of the Holy Mother family after all. As long as the Virgin returns, the left servant will quickly expand again.

‘Even this leader’s dojo is a struggle for power. ’

"Please, please."

At the moment, Old Man Tianli was walking in the front, followed by Li Ping'an, Qing Su, and Xu Sheng.

Xinghe Xinghan and the two Golden Immortal generals were considered as guards, and they consciously waited at the door.

Li Ping'an took two steps and turned to greet: "Wang Shan, let's go in together to consult with the staff. Your strategy is very comparable to others."

Wang Shan was startled for a moment, then immediately moved forward with his hands in his sleeves, and followed Li Ping'an step by step.

The maids of the Notre Dame Palace had no other expressions.

Li Ping'an and the other five rushed straight towards the main hall where the wordless tablet was located.

On the way, Li Ping'an smiled and greeted the four accompanying old women, said a few witty words to make the old fairy happy, and quickly got along with several seniors of the human race.

He took the opportunity to talk about the current predicament of the human race.

The four old women also sighed.

Several old ladies lamented:

"Although the human race is prosperous, it ultimately lacks accumulation and masters. Now the human race has grown a new group of golden immortals and Taiyi golden immortals, but they are still too immature when facing the power that determines the general trend of the world."

"Yes, if not for the protection of the Holy Mother, the human race would not be in the situation it is today."

"There are many powerful people in the three Taoist sects, but they are good to us. The Sanqing Taoist ancestors also care about the human race. I can only hate the two leaders of the Western sect who deceive the world... That's all. It's useless to complain. "

"They said that humans cannot be allowed to monopolize the world, otherwise all spirits will turn into monsters in the future, and humans will continue to harm all spirits."

"Actually, as long as the human race destroys the remaining great monsters from ancient times whose hands are stained with the blood of the human race, how can they continue to embarrass the hundreds of tribes? The hundreds of tribes and the demon tribe are actually different. Back then, my father used the title of monster tribe to divide the hundred tribes into The clan also has such thoughts."

Li Ping'an kept nodding, putting on a teachable expression.

There were no clues about the whereabouts of the Holy Mother.

Approaching the main hall, Li Ping'an asked directly: "Guys, please tell me, this junior, what did the Virgin Mother say before she left?"

The four old women looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time.

Xu Sheng lowered his voice and said in confusion: "This shouldn't be the case. Logically speaking, there should be a reason."

The old woman said: "Oh, I can't tell you about this matter."

Li Ping'an asked: "Is it because of the quarrel between Your Majesty and the Holy Mother? This is what Your Majesty told me."

Several old women said again:

"His Majesty the Human Emperor trusts you. He has told you all these things."

"But we really don't know the details of this matter. We only know that His Majesty the Human Emperor looked very unhappy that day. He rushed directly to the main hall and asked in a questioning tone: Why did the Holy Mother want to interfere with the human race's war?"

"Then the Holy Mother's rhyme unfolded and we lost hearing it."

"Only half an hour after the Human Emperor left, we heard a sigh, and then the empress disappeared, leaving only this wordless tablet on the throne in the palace."

Why does the Holy Mother want to hinder the human war?

Li Ping'an sighed: "Sure enough, it was because of the quarrel with His Majesty the Human Emperor."

"Is the empress angry?" Qing Su asked softly.

"You can't talk nonsense about this," Old Man Tianli said hurriedly, "Let's go in and take a look. The rhyme of the Great Way of Creation is left on the wordless tablet. If any of you have any insights, please tell us immediately."

Xu Sheng, Qing Su, and Wang Shan nodded at the same time.

The four old women just smiled bitterly.

Although the Great Way of Creation is not good at fighting, it is one of the most magical and mysterious ways in the world. How can it be understood so easily.

They continued to lead the way, and the five of them climbed up the stairs.

Tianli and Xu Sheng were the first to enter the barrier of the hall, followed by Li Pingan and Qingsu, and Wang Shanzi followed at the back.

The light wall of the barrier rippled like water. Li Ping'an stared at the wordless tablet. He was about to say something when Qing Su's voice suddenly came from the side.

Everyone turned around to see a lotus flower on Qing Su's forehead, and her pretty face suddenly turned red.

She was swaying, as if drunk, and subconsciously reached out to Li Ping'an.

Li Ping'an quickly reached out, held his master's arm, and asked in a low voice: "Master, what's wrong with you?"

"My soul...that piece of loess essence seems to be peeling off..."

call out!

The wordless tablet suddenly flashed with colorful light!

Everyone's Taoist hearts trembled, and they felt the familiar yet obscure Taoist rhyme. The ones with the highest cultivation barely saw a beam of rays of light shining towards the palace door, and at the end of the rays of light there seemed to be an endless void.

But the glow came and went quickly, and the wordless monument returned to calm. At the same time, the left and right attendants who appeared looked solemnly in the direction of the throne.

"The empress's Taoist charm."

"The empress has not returned."


Wang Shan's voice suddenly sounded, pointing to the empty area in front: "They are gone!"

The pair of master and disciple have disappeared!

at the same time.

Outside the black and yellow, at the edge of the sea of ​​chaos, inside a certain colorful bubble.

"Huh? What I sensed was just the essence of a piece of loess, not the first generation...sigh."

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