The fairy father

Chapter 193 Shuo Shu Shuo Shu

"The front line is still working hard..."

Old Man Tianli sat on the chair in the middle of the Immortal Punishment Hall with somewhat empty eyes.

The hall was full of people kneeling.

There are many immortal soldiers running back and forth outside the hall, and people are constantly being brought here, divided into four areas, front, back, left, and right, some standing, some kneeling, some bowing their heads in silence, or looking forward in trance.

Tianli suddenly felt that he was not a qualified deputy ally.

"The front lines are still working hard."

Old Man Tianli frowned and murmured.

In the barrier in the corner of the main hall.

Li Ping'an was sitting on an armchair with a fairly calm expression.

Xu Sheng and Qing Su sat on his left and right, while the two brothers Xinghe Xinghan and Feng Tingzhu stood quietly behind Li Ping'an, performing their duties as personal guards.

The Sunset Arrow had been dropped, and the fake Sunset Arrow had turned into dead wood because it had been there for at least several thousand years.

This is no small matter.

The ASEAN Treasure House is the foundation for the ASEAN Immortal Soldiers, and it is also a trophy obtained by the human race from the ancient heaven.

A divine arrow was lost in the treasury because they were looking for it.

There are tens of thousands of treasures hidden in the treasure house. More than 300 of these treasures were randomly checked just now, and 12 of them were dropped or disappeared.

These are not calligraphy, paintings, or antiques. These are treasures that are closely related to the combat power of the human race and can be regarded as the heritage of the human race.

Twelve pieces are missing from three hundred pieces, and twelve hundred pieces are missing from thirty thousand pieces.

At this moment, there are more than ten ASEAN senior officials, holding account books and jade talismans, constantly checking the treasure house. The specific figures will be available soon.

There are at least three big problems here.

First, if a rat steals a treasure, it is most likely to be theft itself.

Second, the supervision is negligent. ASEAN has a special Treasure Hall to manage the treasure house, and there are three Immortal Halls for cross-supervision, namely the Twelve Halls of the Immortal Hall, the First Hall of the Zhiwu Hall, and the Immortal League Hall. The Immortal League Hall is equivalent to the Deputy League. Our 'secretariat'.

Third, there were major flaws in the regular inspections of the treasure house.

The people kneeling in the Immortal Punishment Hall at this moment are all the immortal officials who have served in the Treasure Hall in the past ten thousand years.

Li Pingan glanced at it and found that the highest grade here was only the third grade.

Will this matter be related to which sub-alliance?

The Sunset Divine Arrow was taken away by Wanmotian?

If we follow this clue, can we find out who the master is on the "blood cloud" and target him in advance?

Li Pingan kept thinking.

"Hey, peace."

Senior Xu Sheng leaned sideways, leaned towards Li Pingan, and whispered:

"What's going on? Can ASEAN's treasures still be swapped? There are so many masters here, and there are more than ten layers of treasure in the array."

Li Pingan shook his head with a smile: "It's hard to guard against domestic thieves... I don't know for sure, we just have to watch."

Qing Su asked: "Will blood flow into a river again?"

"Probably not," Li Ping'an said slowly, "In most cases like this, we only punish the culprits, especially now that a war is going on on the front lines. If there is blood flowing in the rear, the morale of the troops on the front lines will easily be unstable. If we really want to liquidate, we have to wait until the war is over. ."

Senior Xu Sheng sighed: "ASEAN has protected Dongzhou for 60,000 to 70,000 years, and finally something went wrong."

"How come it's finally?"

Li Ping'an wondered: "Senior, are you still hoping for trouble in ASEAN?"

"No way, I have a lot of acquaintances in ASEAN," Xu Sheng raised his chin, "Look at the few golden immortals who just came over there. They were all good friends with me at the beginning, and most of them owed me favors... eh , why are you all kneeling down?"

Li Ping'an said: "Don't be nervous. It's not necessarily that they are corrupt. They may feel that they have neglected their duties."

There was a crying cry from the other side: "Three alliances! The last general is guilty! The last general in the treasure house has taken something!"

Everyone around Li Pingan:...

"That's okay," Li Ping'an said, "Even if you take it, you may not take something too valuable."

A golden immortal over there shouted again: "Three alliances! The last general was short of spiritual stones thousands of years ago, so he secretly took away twelve treasures and sold more than 200 square meters of spiritual stones!"

Li Ping'an frowned: "Senior, don't worry, it's only two hundred square meters of spiritual stone, so it shouldn't be a crime..."


Xu Sheng pressed Li Ping'an's mouth and glared: "Stop talking, you! It's really hopeless!"

Qing Su asked from the side: "Is this a serious crime?"

Feng Tingzhu, the female guard behind Li Ping'an, cupped her hands and said: "Returning to the armed forces is considered a serious crime. Theft while in custody is an additional crime. If this person dares to stand up on his own, it is not a big problem."

"Now I just want to know..."

Li Ping'an narrowed his eyes slightly, with some doubts in his eyes.

"Where did that sunset arrow go? This is very important to me."

Senior Xu Sheng whispered: "Ping'an, if you want a spear, I have a spiritual treasure here. You can take it and use it. Just lend me the Cang Yuezhu to play with for a few days."

"No need," Li Ping'an said sternly, "My strength is limited by the Tao realm now. Even if I have the Lingbao spear, I don't dare to fight the enemy hand-to-hand, so let's forget it."

Xu Sheng nodded: "Then do you lack any treasure?"

"There seems to be no shortage for the time being," Li Ping'an said warmly, "Senior, every time you see Cang Yuezhu, you always smile, which is a bit not elegant. You have to be more refined so that you won't be disliked by Cang Yuezhu."


Xu Sheng frowned and thought.

Not long after, ASEAN immortal officials gathered inside and outside the Immortal Punishment Hall.

When Li Ping'an first came to ASEAN to work at the grassroots level, he went to the Immortal Temple related to the treasure house to 'work' and conducted a 'fundamental investigation' of ASEAN's treasure house storage.

Looking back now, he still overestimated it at the time.

The existence of Shuoshu was not considered.

Senior Tianli's voice suddenly came over: "Ping'an, come and judge me. I'm a little exhausted mentally and physically. You have the sword command, so just behead me."

Li Ping'an heard the frustration in the deputy ally's mouth.

He thought for a moment.

Finding the whereabouts of the Sunset Arrow is also very important to me.

So he shook his sleeves, lifted up the hem of his Taoist robe, stood up, and said slowly:

"Xinghe Xinghan, bring me tables and chairs and place them behind Senior Tianli. Tingzhu will call some people over."


"Sir," Feng Tingzhu asked, "Who do you want me to transfer?"

"The Feng Yu guards who can show up," Li Ping'an said, "or the Feng Xiang's guards. You just need to bring my words to Feng Xiang, and Feng Xiang will make arrangements."


Feng Tingzhu responded, bowed his head and left in a hurry.

Li Ping'an cupped his hands and said, "Senior, Master, you two continue drinking tea here, I'll be back soon."

Xu Sheng couldn't help but remind: "There is still fighting on the front line."

"Those who deserve to be killed must be killed," Qing Su said, "Apprentice, please do not betray His Majesty the Human Emperor's trust."

Li Pingan immediately held his head high and stepped forward.

He stepped out of the barrier in the corner and immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the hall.

Li Ping'an has experienced many big scenes now, and he did not show any timidity at this moment. The light blue Taoist robe on his body had a little glow, and he casually took out a Taoist crown with belts on both sides and put it on his head.

By the time he reached the center of the Immortal Punishment Hall, the place had already been decorated.

A long table was covered with red cloth, which seemed to indicate that today would see the light of blood. The wooden chair with its carved dragon reflected the glow, and was filled with the aura of green wood. It looked like it was not ordinary at first glance.

Xinghe Xinghan stood with a sword, and the second-grade supervisor sat in front of the stage.

After Li Pingan took his seat, old man Tianli stood up, turned to Li Pingan, sighed, and whispered:

"I'm watching from the sidelines, and the supervisor can handle the matter on his own."

Li Ping'an cupped his hands and said: "Three alliances, let's go and have a rest. I have my own discretion in this matter."

After saying that, he threw the Xuanyuan Sword Order on the table, took out a few more jade talismans, and lined them up one by one.

Old man Tianli went to sit aside and closed his eyes to rest.

More than a dozen ASEAN senior officials whom Li Ping'an had met before came and took a look at the situation in the palace. They all went behind Old Man Tianli and sat down in two rows according to their first- and second-grade official titles.

Li Pingan was playing with a handful of jade talismans, with a smile in his eyes.

He suddenly threw the jade talisman on the table, and his clear voice floated everywhere.

"Everyone, please get up. You don't have to kneel."

Li Pingan said warmly:

"Someone, bring some futons over."

There is an immortal general on the side who takes orders.

Not long after, a large number of immortal soldiers poured into the Punishing Immortal Palace and quickly set up hundreds of futons.

These immortal officials in the palace who were related to the theft of the treasure house were hesitant, but they still followed the instructions and sat cross-legged to meditate.

Most of the soldiers-raising secret realm immortals outside the hall who were surrounded by "three circles on the left and three on the right" were a little puzzled.

Li Ping'an is now also famous far and wide.

There is a song praising:

There is a famous scholar in Dongzhou who has enlightened the Tao, and his father Yun, who is rich in wealth, is his teacher.

The Qi sect's path to immortality is revealed, and it is easy to read the scriptures and discuss the path.

Once the wind turns into a sharp sword, it kills the blood evil and chokes the demon blazing.

The evil girl was scolded in front of the Holy Palace, and hundreds of corpses were hung in front of the Immortal Punishment Palace.

A few years ago, Li Ping'an warmed up ASEAN with wine, invited Feng Xiang to go on a killing spree, bloodbathed the lineage of the two vice-alliances, and cut off the path forward for the two vice-alliances. This matter will never be forgotten by the Qi Refiners.

Today, the theft of the treasure house came to light, and it was the flaw found by this 'murderer'...

Most of the people involved and onlookers believed that Li Ping'an was afraid that he would go on a killing spree again.

But now, with a smile on his face and a warm voice, Li Ping'an not only ordered someone to bring in the futon, but the first words he spoke also left the immortals scratching their heads.

“Well, most of you are older than me, so it’s really not appropriate for me, a descendant of the human race, to interrogate you.

"How about this, I sit here for six hours.

“Those who surrender will be given a lighter sentence, and those who report will be punished.

"These six hours are your last chance. If you make a mistake in the heat of the moment, there is still room for recovery."

The immortal officials looked at me and I looked at you, and most of them lowered their heads.

Even the golden immortals who had previously confessed to Old Man Tianli bowed their heads and remained silent at this moment, as if they did not want to speak to Li Ping'an.

Beg for mercy from old man Tianli, he is really soft-hearted.

But this young man...

Old Man Tianli said in a deep voice: "Are you mute?"

"Sanmeng, if you leave this matter to me, then I will naturally have my own methods and my own criteria for judgment." Li Ping'an turned around and said, "The Xuanyuan Sword Order is here. Please don't interfere."

"Okay, okay," Tianli waved his hand, "It's up to you to judge."

The immortals outside the hall were also interested, and they were all waiting for Li Ping'an to show off his power.

Ruins of Heaven, a great city in the secret realm.

"Brother Wang! Brother Wang!"

Ye Zisang walked quickly, climbed over the courtyard wall and rushed to the study in the Wang family's backyard.

The study window opened by itself, and Ye Zisang jumped in.

The thin middle-aged scribe was meditating facing the empty wall. He closed his eyes and sighed:

"Zisang, I'm practicing. If anything happens, I can leave a jade talisman."

"Did you break through?"

"Not yet, just recovering from an old injury."

Wang Shan opened his eyes, his eyes were filled with divine light, and his face was filled with red light.

He stood up and looked at Ye Zisang with gentle eyes.

"You did make a breakthrough."

"Master Li's secret method of spiritual transformation is truly amazing!"

Ye Zisang laughed twice, then remembered why he came here, and said hurriedly:

"Something happened again in ASEAN. The Hall of Immortal Punishment is now full of people. I heard that someone stole some unpopular treasures from the treasure house. A total of 1,300 ancient treasures were lost from several large treasure houses!"


There was a little more light in Wang Shan’s eyes:

"Treasure house rats have been inevitable since ancient times. It is not uncommon for someone to guard and steal the ASEAN treasure house.

“According to the ASEAN adults’ handling style, shouldn’t it be to turn a blind eye, close one eye, put the overall situation first, and keep quiet?

"Why is it handled with such fanfare?"

"Do you know how this broke out?"

Ye Zisang laughed loudly:

"Brother Li came to ASEAN to ask for a treasure from the third deputy alliance!

"I heard this from my master!

"The treasure that Brother Li wants is the Sunset Divine Arrow from ancient times. ASEAN happened to have one in its collection. Moreover, this thing is of no use. It is neither a spiritual treasure nor a plaything. After the Sunset Divine Arrow was destroyed, it It's just a memorial.

"I didn't expect that the Sunset Arrow was lost thousands of years ago, and what's in the treasure house is just a dead tree! Hahaha!

"I heard that my master's face turned green at that time!"


Wang Shan frowned and pondered, and said slowly: "The master of Treasure Hall six thousand years ago was Wen Huaiwu."

"You mentioned this name, and it really impressed me," Ye Zisang blinked, "Brother Wang, could this person be related to what happened to you back then?"

"I checked on him."

Wang Shan closed his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief:

"Come on, let's go up there. If we can help Mr. Li, I can repay Mr. Li's kindness."

Ye Zisang asked: "Are you sure?"

"I'm somewhat sure."

"Wait until I change into my official robe!" Ye Zisang turned around and ran away, "Give me some credit! Now that my cultivation level has improved, I will hopefully become a first- or second-level true immortal, and I can become a sixth-level immortal official!"

Wang Shan shook his head helplessly.

Why didn't I see before that this person is still an official fan?

These six hours seemed extremely long.

Li Ping'an sat behind the red cloth table with a gentle smile on his lips.

It had been three hours now, and only a dozen people came to him before and after him. They picked up the jade talisman and wrote down their charges. They were all petty thefts and tinkering with spiritual stones. The most they could do was to be dismissed from their posts and investigated. .

He wasn't in a hurry, just waiting slowly.

Now is the time to compete for patience.

It is not difficult to investigate a case like the theft of a treasure house. The treasure hall has a duty watch. Even if these watches are burned, the patrolling immortal general can use the method of calculation to check his memory.

What's more, there is also the 'master of settling accounts' called Feng Xiang.

Don't look at the joy of jumping around before, but after the wind, I just pulled up the list.

Another hour and a half passed quietly.

Feng Tingzhu hurried back, handed over to Li Ping'an, and said in a voice:

"Sir, Prime Minister Feng has orders to investigate this matter at will. No matter who is found, they can get to the bottom of it. The treasure house is the foundation of ASEAN."

Li Ping'an nodded and said warmly: "Go and ask Feng Xiang if you can give me a list of people to kill? I have something to go to the Notre Dame Palace. It's inappropriate to stay here for too long and delay the things His Majesty has told me. ."

His reply was not transmitted through voice.

Feng Tingzhu immediately understood and bowed to Li Pingan:

"I will go and report this to the Prime Minister. Please wait, my lord. It will take some time to send the message back and forth."

"No rush, I'll wait slowly," Li Ping'an smiled gently, "You have to be patient when catching mice."


Feng Tingzhu left in a hurry.

Li Ping'an tapped his fingers on the armrest of the seat and closed his eyes in concentration.

Outside the hall, Ye Zisang and Wang Shan, who had been here for a long time, looked at each other in tacit understanding.

Ye Zisang pulled the corner of Wang Shan's clothes and said, "Brother Wang, it's time to make a contribution!"

Wang Shan frowned and replied, "Don't worry, I'll take a look and don't harm Mr. Li."

"Okay, you can figure it out yourself."

Ye Zisang laughed sarcastically.

He knew that Wang Shan only had doubts because of his own experiences.

'As long as Brother Li butchers the knife later, Brother Wang can put his worries to rest. ’

Suddenly, a famous old golden immortal stood up from the hall, cupped his hands towards Li Ping'an, and said loudly: "Supervisor, you are leaving us alone like this, but you think we old bones can be bullied at will? Please give me some advice from the supervisor." happy!"

Li Ping'an opened his eyes and asked with a smile: "Senior, do you think six hours is too long?"

Old Jinxian said: "It's better for the supervisor to speak frankly! Although you have made a lot of achievements, who of you here is not a hero of the human race? Don't rely on His Majesty's appreciation to be arrogant and domineering!"

Li Ping'an's smile never diminished: "What do you call me, senior?"

"Zhao Linfeng!"

"Okay, then I'll start the trial!"

Li Pingan said loudly:

"Someone is coming!"

Seven or eight golden-armored immortal generals raised their hands at the same time: "Yes!"

Li Ping'an said: "Invite all the family members of Senior Zhao here to assist in the investigation. Remember, don't miss any relatives."

Old Jinxian's expression changed: "What do you mean!"

"It's about investigating the case, please understand me, Senior Zhao."

Li Pingan said seriously:

"Hypothetical, I'm just hypothetical.

"If you take some treasures in the palace, these treasures will most likely end up with your family and friends. We will start with the family first, and then the relatives and friends.

"Don't worry, I will handle it impartially and will never bend the law for personal gain!

"There is a war going on on the front line now, and our principle today is that we must never wrongly accuse any good person.

"Why are you standing there? Go arrest someone."


All the immortal soldiers and generals suddenly agreed, and meteors appeared below the Immortal Punishment Hall.

Lao Jinxian's eyes changed several times in succession, and the corner of his mouth seemed to be showing an apologetic smile; but Li Ping'an had closed his eyes to rest and had no interest in continuing the conversation.

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