The so-called treasures of heaven are actually a seal, an immortal rope, an immortal robe, and a waistband.

Mo Linyuan regarded them as treasures and was very careful when taking out these treasures. He placed the table in front of Li Ping'an with a proud and satisfied smile.

"Come on, play with it!"

Li Pingan nodded with a smile, a little light flashed in his eyes, suppressed the power of heaven in his body with all his strength, and picked up the seal and put it in his hand.

His eyes were slightly in a trance, and he vaguely saw a palace in the clouds, with fairy light constantly hovering behind the palace.

After blinking his eyes, many visions quietly disappeared.

Li Ping'an looked at the pattern of the seal and glanced at the bottom of the seal. It was a bit blurry, as if there were four seal characters slowly growing.

He slowly put down the seal and nodded slowly: "My guess is indeed correct."


Mo Linyuan smiled and said, "What did fellow Taoist guessed?"

"The way of heaven has been running," Li Ping'an sighed softly and said casually, "It's just because the ancient heaven collapsed, and the main grip between the way of heaven and this world is missing. This world needs order, and the embodiment of this order is The way of heaven, in other words, the avenue of order is an important part of the way of heaven."

"Fellow Taoist's understanding is really thorough."

Mo Linyuan gave a thumbs up and said with a smile:

"This seal was actually brought down by Pindao from ancient times. There was a period of time, probably when the Heavenly Court was just overthrown. Pindao's seal was the lowest, and it no longer had any mark. But probably after Chiyou died in battle and the human race After the tripod was settled, the seal began to change again, which indicates that Pindao will still have the opportunity to exert his remaining enthusiasm in the new heaven in the future."

Li Ping'an leaned back and leaned on the throne made of green trees and vines.

He glanced around the corner and stared at the two seriously injured demon kings.

Mo Linyuan's main hall was also quite magical. At this moment, wisps of life flowed out from the walls of the main hall and penetrated into their bodies.

The injuries of these three big monsters are healing quickly.

Many thoughts passed through Li Ping'an's heart like running water, and he said slowly: "Senior Mo, my cultivation is not worth mentioning in front of you..."

"Hey! Don't say that!"

Mo Linyuan smiled kindly and said warmly:

"Cultivation into the Dao realm is of absolutely no use in front of the way of heaven.

"Pindao has been close to Heavenly Dao for a long time, and he already knows a lot about Heavenly Dao.

"One of the great characteristics of the way of heaven is that it must comply with the wishes of living beings. The reason why the ancient heaven collapsed was related to the fact that Emperor Jun slaughtered all the tribes and caused fear in the hearts of all the tribes. In the battle when the heaven collapsed, Emperor Jun and Dong Even Huang Taiyi has not borrowed the power of heaven."

Li Ping'an smiled and said, "It was because Heaven gave up on them that they were defeated?"

"No, no, no, it should be said that the living beings no longer trust them, so Heaven gave up on them, and that's why they were defeated."

Mo Linyuan said seriously:

"There is a big difference. The way of heaven has no spirituality. It wraps every living being and the world like a thin film. The will of the living beings will control the development of the way of heaven.

"So, this is something fellow Taoists must think about in the future, how to educate all spirits."

"Senior said, it's like I am really the Emperor of Heaven."

Li Pingan sighed:

"Now I am just living in despair, living with my father. The demon clan wants to get rid of my father. I don't know how to protect my father now."

"My Taoist friend is truly the most filial and loving person."

Mo Linyuan sat on the other side of the table and said warmly:

"Pindao probably knows a little bit about what's going on here. Previously, there were some masters on the Baizu side who spread the word about the dangers of your father, a man of great luck.

"They have no idea that those with great luck are the chess pieces of Heaven chosen to accomplish some great things in the future.

"Even if fellow Taoist doesn't protect you, your father is not in danger. Under the operation of heaven, your father can avert danger."

Mo Linyuan changed the subject and said with a smile:

"However, seeing how worried Taoist Taoist was, Pindao went to help Taoist Taoist to move around a little later.

"Your Majesty, this man of great luck, was prepared by Heaven for the Dao Immortal Tribulation. Even the three Taoist sect leaders should protect and make friends with him in order to gain some initiative in the Dao Immortal Tribulation.

"But now, most living beings don't know the power of Heaven's way, and they don't know the meaning of Heaven's way. The six masters in the world don't take Heaven's way in their eyes, as if they can truly transcend themselves without the help of Heaven's way.

"In the world created by the Great Saint, how can I become a Great Saint unless I destroy this world?"

Li Ping'an was shocked.

"What senior said does have some truth to it."

"So," Mo Linyuan took the initiative to stretch out his right hand and patted the back of Li Ping'an's hand, "Fellow Taoist, you don't have to worry about anything, just run a good business among the human race."


Li Ping'an didn't know why and said seriously:

"Senior, to be honest... I feel some closeness in you. As long as you are close to me, my soul will jump for joy. Can you talk to me in detail?"

Mo Linyuan's eyes were filled with emotion: "I am a poor Taoist, but I am also very close to my fellow Taoist."

He took out the tea he had made before and poured a cup for Li Ping'an.

Li Ping'an picked it up with a smile, drank it all in one gulp, and said: "Good tea."

"These are the buds from the laurel tree."

Mo Linyuan said:

"Why should we run a good business in the human race? Because the way of heaven predicts that the human race will be the protagonist in heaven and earth.

“Since the beginning of the human race, we have had a unique ability.

"Mortals also have intelligence.

"Since ancient times, in this world, since ancient times, since the innate creatures have flourished, dragons and phoenixes have competed for hegemony, and hundreds of races have contended, there have always been only a very small number of creatures that can give birth to spiritual intelligence. Most of the creatures are ignorant, or like this towering giant tree. , between heaven and earth, it is just a passer-by of spiritual energy coming and going.

"Look at that little guy from the Demonic Cow tribe over there."

"Well," Li Ping'an turned around and saw the Crazy Mountain King.

Mo Linyuan sighed: "The village where he was born can be regarded as a village with relatively pure bloodline in ancient times. However, no matter what level of demonic cow it is, if a new demonic cow is born, if the method of enlightenment is not used, a spiritually intelligent demonic cow will be born. Less than a hundred, not to mention, the higher the cultivation level, the harder it is to conceive. His village has only had a thousand people at most since ancient times, and now there are only a few hundred people."

Li Ping'an probably understood something: "You are saying that only intelligent beings can influence the way of heaven."

"Yes, innate Tao body and complete spiritual intelligence, these are two elements."

Mo Linyuan said slowly:

"If we say that a demon beast has been cultivated by Demon Cow Village for thousands of years, has accumulated a lot of demon power, but has incomplete intelligence, then his influence on the way of heaven is the same. A young human race who was born twelve years ago has an influence on the way of heaven. The impact…is a thousand copies.”

Li Ping'an was startled: "The gap is so big?"


Mo Linyuan sighed:

"Compared to hundreds of ancient races, the human race is too special. Mortals reproduce very quickly. Every mortal is a fundamental element of heaven.

"The reason why mortal souls are a great tonic in the eyes of evil creatures is also rooted in this.

“They eat people in order to increase the power of the demon soul and increase their own cultivation.

"His Majesty the Emperor ordered the massacre of the human race, which was also a major reason... The human race had threatened His Majesty the Emperor's rule. At that time, people with a deeper understanding of the way of heaven said that the human race would be the protagonists of the world in the future.

"Later, you also saw that the Heavenly Dao protected the human race through the most difficult years, and the human race began to rise rapidly. Both Taoist sects and Western sects showed their favor to the human race.

"Up to now, the way of heaven has completely favored the human race, because the will of the human race accounts for 90% of the will of living beings.

"The war between the human race and the hundreds of races will definitely be victorious in the future. This is the general trend. No matter how hard the hundreds of races struggle, they are already abandoned by this world.

"Therefore, fellow Taoist must manage well in the human race. It is best to let all races know you and trust you."

Li Ping'an said: "I work for the Human Emperor just to make some changes in Dongzhou."


Mo Linyuan raised his hand and slapped himself gently:

"I always tell lies, so your idea is right."

Li Ping'an:...

Okay, telling the truth these days is generally not believed by anyone.

Mo Linyuan asked: "Fellow Taoist, can I ask what Huangdi Xuanyuan's attitude is towards this matter? He is the Human Emperor. If the new heaven can be established, we still need his nod."

Li Ping'an pondered for a few times: "This is to say to you, senior, that I shouldn't tell you such things. His Majesty the Human Emperor actually said similar things. He doesn't want to continue to lose lives. The human race and the hundreds of races will find a way to cease the war. Immediately The human race is the main one and the hundreds of races are the auxiliary, and the heaven is used to mediate ancient grievances."

"Xuanyuan Huangdi is truly a god!"

Mo Linyuan was filled with emotion:

"He is the most radical of the three human emperors after the collapse of Heavenly Palace. Unexpectedly, he also has the biggest pattern!"

Li Ping'an said: "Senior, I ask you to come forward when the demon clan targets my father."

"Easy to say, easy to say."

"Senior, is there anything you need me to do?"

Li Pingan said seriously:

"As the saying goes, there is no reward for no merit. Senior has helped my family so much, so I should always do something for him."


Mo Linyuan sighed:

"I only hope that Taoist friends will practice well and gain greater fame among the human race as soon as possible... That's right, Taoist friends, you are now suppressed by the way of heaven, and you cannot accept the way of heaven. How can you improve your cultivation?

"Fellow Taoist, your current soul is not like what a human Qi Refiner in the Heaven and Earth Bridge Realm should have."

"I have a secret method, given by the Emperor."

Li Pingan said slowly:

"I only need some Five Elements treasures, and I can make the soul grow stronger."

"Five Elements Treasures?" Mo Linyuan said, "Wait a minute, fellow Taoist, I have some here too."

"Hey! This is inappropriate!"

"Suitable! Suitable! I have collected a lot of good things from ancient times, and I also have a batch of Five Elements treasures! Fellow Taoist, wait a moment!"

"Senior...there's really no need...ok."

Li Ping'an failed to stop Mo Linyuan and sat behind the table with his head lowered in thought.

Someone looked away.

Li Pingan looked up and saw the snake demon who seemed to have some mental problems. The latter frowned and glanced at Li Pingan, and then continued to meditate to heal his injuries.

Li Ping'an looked away.

King Yinkui opened his eyes and whispered: "Although I was responsible for Ah Zheng's death, he died at your hands after all. When we meet on the battlefield one day, you and I will also be responsible for the consequences."

Li Ping'an didn't say much, just cupped his hands.

This King Yinkui... is a difficult enemy.

However, Li Ping'an cared more about Madam Hu from the Tianhu clan than King Yinkui.

Madam Hu had spoken a few words before, instigating and inducing things easily. She was so cunning and cunning that she had to guard against it.

Moreover, Mo Linyuan had pointed out Madam Hu before, saying that she had spread rumors several times and put King Cai Lin in a dead end...

In other words, the Linzheng Immortal Dynasty’s demon disaster and King Cailin’s appearance in Dong’an City was caused by Madam Hu?

Li Ping'an considers himself not a small-minded person.

But he was really thinking about this Tianhu Hu Niang.

Mo Linyuan returned with more than a dozen treasures and spiritual roots that contained the rich essence of the Five Elements, and forced them on Li Pingan. Li Pingan refused for a while before reluctantly opening his cuffs.

The materials used for the third spiritual transformation are more than enough.

In the next half day, Mo Linyuan took Li Ping'an around his cave, talking about the movement of heaven and the affairs of heaven.

Li Ping'an revealed some of his 'understanding' of the way of heaven, and Mo Linyuan looked at him with a gentler gaze.

Li Ping'an felt that if Mo Linyuan had a granddaughter, he might be tied up and sent to the bridal chamber tonight.

But fortunately, Mo Linyuan does not have a granddaughter.

Li Ping'an borrowed more than ten books from the collection, and seeing that it was getting late, he said goodbye.

Mo Linyuan's eyes were full of reluctance.

"Oh, in this world, if I can have fellow Taoists by my side, I will never be alone in my way. I will not be alone in my way."

Although Li Ping'an really wanted to ask about the Ten Thousand Demons Heaven, he was worried about offending the Great Luo Jinxian, so he suppressed such thoughts.

He smiled and exchanged a few words, saying that he had benefited a lot and had a deeper understanding of the way of heaven.

In front of the main hall of the cave.

Mo Linyuan solemnly made a whirlpool, letting the whirlpool slowly wrap around Li Ping'an. He did not forget to say this when casting the spell:

"Fellow Taoist must remember that earning fame in the human race is a top priority."

"Thank you for the reminder, fellow Taoist," Li Ping'an said seriously, "but I really want to do something for the human race. I am also a human race."

"Right, that is it."

Mo Linyuan breathed a sigh of relief and raised his hands forward.

The wind whirled and Li Pingan's figure suddenly disappeared.

After Li Ping'an left, Mo Linyuan stood there for a long time, his expression changing several times, sometimes thinking, sometimes laughing, sometimes frowning, sometimes intoxicated.

After a while, he called out, and Kuangshan King Niu Benben, who had the lowest cultivation level and the fastest recovery from his injuries, hurried over.

"Senior Mo, are you looking for me?"

"Come, let me tell you a few words of truth," Mo Linyuan waved.

Niu Ben Ben Niu felt a little uneasy, but he still hurried forward, bent over and let the old man hold his arm.

He certainly knows the reputation of "saving in vain".

Mo Linyuan said warmly: "Kangshan, do you know what the way of heaven is?"

Niu Benben swallowed and said, "Hey, I've heard of it."

"Perceive carefully, this is the way of heaven."

Two golden flames appeared in the depths of Mo Linyuan's pupils, shaking like candlelight.

Niu Benben's expression was stunned for a moment, and two balls of golden fire appeared deep in the bull's eyes.

Then, Niu Benben trembled all over, and the two looked at each other.

"Senior and junior, I understand that the way of heaven is all vitality, all hope, all gifts, and all gifts."


Mo Linyuan raised his hand and patted Niu Benben's arm.

"Remember, Ping An will be your Taoist friend from now on. You will have many opportunities later, and you will soon enter the realm of the Golden Immortal.

"That Madam Hu has tried to stir up trouble before, intending to undermine the overall situation of heaven and earth, and she has already decided to die.

"Fellow Taoist Ping'an asked me about Mrs. Hu's identity before, so I'm probably very dissatisfied with her... Then don't keep her. Wait until you break through the Golden Immortal and send her to Friend Ping'an."

"Yes," Niu Benben said with a smile, "She doesn't have enough skills, and she already has a way to kill her."

Mo Linyuan waved his hand gently, and Niu Benben resigned, turning around and returning to the hall.

The old man hummed a melodious tune and turned back to the main hall.

In the corner, King Yin Kui and King Cai Lin were healing their wounds, but they did not notice that Niu Benben had gone out.

As the rich vitality poured into their bodies, they felt a little more satisfied in their hearts, as if they had returned to the days when they first opened their spiritual wisdom, immersed in their mother's arms, feeling happy in their hearts, and the spiritual light faded away.

Additional update in the morning!

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