The fairy father

Chapter 168 The second-grade official inspector! [Asking for a guarantee]

When Li Ping'an saw the stone tablet, his heart was inexplicably touched.

What Nuwa Empress left behind was a tablet without words.

Feng Hou took out the Bagua plate and continued to deduce it in front of the stone tablet, keeping a serious expression all the time;

The four masters of ‘Feng Qiongjin’ from ASEAN were also thinking hard on the sidelines.

The Holy Mother is the backer of the human race and the only leader-level master that the human race can rely on. Her whereabouts are extremely important to the human race.

Outside Nuwa Palace, after getting the corpses of all the female immortals, Fenghou sent a message to the deputy allies and Jinxian generals who were waiting outside. Millions of immortal soldiers turned their backs to Nuwa Palace and returned to Tianzhi Ruins in a mighty manner.

Gu Qingcheng said goodbye to his newly adopted godmother.

He really didn't expect that this time he risked his life to plot Nuwa Palace, not only would there be no bad consequences, would actually...

Inexplicably, I met a godmother from the golden fairyland.

This godmother had already given him a lot of benefits. He tried calling "Mother" twice and got a bunch of elixirs that were special products of Nuwa Palace, as well as a token of this godmother.

The godmother also said that if she was bullied, she would come to Nuwa Palace to find her, and everyone in the human race would give a little less favor to the Golden Immortal of Nuwa Palace.

That's not all.

As soon as Gu Qingcheng returned to Yu Yingshu, who looked complicated, and Chen Ting'er, who looked envious, there were more real immortals and immortals in armor around them.

"Brother Gu, are you going to have a drink later?"

"I have often heard that Wanyun Sect's secret method of controlling clouds is extremely exquisite. Several brothers and I would like to learn a little bit about it. I wonder if Brother Qingcheng can give me a favor?"

"Brother Gu's move just now was very clever, I admire him very much!"

Gu Qingcheng maintained the sword cultivator's last arrogance, Feng Qingyun smiled lightly, and kept handing over to the immortals who came over.

Not far away, Yu Yingshu had a face full of regret, clenched his fist as big as a casserole, and complained to Senior Sister Chen Ting'er beside him:

"Damn it! If I have this opportunity again, I will definitely cry and scream! Senior Brother Ping An should choose me next time!"

Chen Ting'er had several black lines hanging on her forehead: "It's hard to do this kind of thing a few times, right?"

Yu Yingshu sighed: "That's the godmother of Nuwa Palace!"

Chen Ting'er couldn't help but raise her hands to her forehead.

I always feel that everyone’s ideas have been led a little bit astray by Elder Ping An.

Not to mention that the troops will slowly return to the ASEAN headquarters.

Three hours later.

A white cloud left Nuwa Palace, and the seven figures standing on the cloud were naturally Fenghou, Cangjie, Li Pingan, and the four ASEAN elders.

Old Man Tianli couldn't help but ask: "Feng Xiang, have you calculated anything?"

"No results."

After the wind, she put her hands behind her hands and sighed:

"The wordless tablet left by the empress is very mysterious. The charm of the great path of creation contained on it cannot be faked. This wordless tablet should be very particular.

"I have already carved out a copy of the Taoist rhyme of the wordless stele, and I will present it to Your Majesty later. If Your Majesty cannot decipher it, then it may really be unsolvable."

Master Cangjie said slowly: "The word Wu itself may contain many hidden messages, not just the Taoist rhyme."

Old Man Tianfen said: "The empress left a wordless inscription and then disappeared for more than six thousand years. It most likely means that she went to explore places that cannot be described in words, such as the sea of ​​chaos beyond the worlds beyond the sky."

The old man Tianqiong said: "It is also possible that the writing on it has not yet been revealed. Six thousand years is not an integer, or it may take ten thousand years for the writing to be revealed."

Li Ping'an: "This..."

Old Man Tianli also said: "There are many patterns on the edge of the stone stele. The texture of this stone stele is the jade-containing stone commonly used in Nuwa Palace. Maybe the piece of jade hidden in it is the correct answer. The stone stele needs to be split."

"How dare you chop the things that the empress left behind?"

"Tianli, you should use your brain to some extent!"

"It would be a big sin on your part to spoil the only clue to my queen's departure!"

Li Ping'an suddenly said: "Is it possible!"

Six human masters looked over at the same time.

Li Ping'an coughed and whispered: "Is it possible that the empress didn't know what to say, so she turned around and left without saying anything?"

Old Man Tianfen frowned and said, "What you say is not as good as Tianli!"

Old Man Tianli smiled honestly.

There is no way, among the six masters here, he has the lowest strength and the weakest status. The third deputy alliance has no official power at all.

Li Ping'an said: "What happened during the time when the empress left? It's not what happened in Dongzhou, but what happened in Nanzhou? When I was investigating human sacrifices in Xizhou before, I learned a lot about the human sacrifices in Nanzhou. The thing is, the empress may have left the human race because of her cold heart."

The six of them were silent.

Master Cangjie sighed: "Without strong enemies, the human race has begun to harm itself. As a mother, the Holy Mother, the Taoist heart will definitely not be at peace."

"If that's the case, where should we go to find your empress?"

Feng Hou put his hands behind his hands and sighed, looking at the clouds on the horizon, feeling a little lost in thought for a moment.

Li Ping'an vaguely understood something.

These two ministers of the Human Emperor should know some of the circumstances when Empress Nuwa left, such as Empress Nuwa's mood at the time, or the disagreements she had with the Emperor, etc.

In short, there must be something hidden behind the Virgin's running away from home.

"Don't mention such things anymore!"

Feng Hou smiled and said:

"This matter is over now, Notre Dame Palace and his party have gained a lot, and the Wahuang faction in ASEAN has also disappeared.

"Although He Tianqi and He Tianqi were at fault that day, they were coerced by the woman from Nuwa Palace. The mastermind is dead. The two of them should be dismissed from their posts and enter the Loyalty Pagoda to consolidate their Daoist hearts."

The three ASEAN deputy members bowed their heads and accepted the order.

Fenghou looked at Li Ping'an and raised her hand to signal Li Ping'an to move forward.

He pressed Li Pingan's shoulders and said warmly:

"Peace, to be honest, when I came to ASEAN, His Majesty had already set a reward for you. Although the reward is rich, it cannot outweigh your contribution to the plot against the left servant of the Notre Dame Palace.

"Do you want to accept the reward directly, or should I go to His Majesty and ask for credit for you?"

"There's no need to ask for credit," Li Ping'an said sternly, "Xiang Feng, can I leave ASEAN? To be honest, I can't stand the behavior of ASEAN's top and bottom members shielding each other."

The expressions of the three deputy allies were a little ugly.

Feng Xiang asked: "Then where do you think this matter comes from?"

"It comes from the mutual protection of golden immortals and the mutual protection of officials."

Li Ping'an shook his head. He deliberately said it more harshly so that he could find an opportunity to resign directly and return home:

"The entire ASEAN system seems reasonable at first glance. There are many bureaucracies within ASEAN. Although the laws are not complete in detail, they are generally there.

“But the only problem is that there is no oversight body within ASEAN.

"Not only is there no supervisory agency within ASEAN, but the consolidation of positions is also a problem. Jinxian has occupied a position for tens of thousands of years, and his daily achievements alone can accumulate into a large amount of merit, so his position becomes more and more stable.

"The most difficult thing is that ASEAN is already like this. It can neither start from scratch nor innovate internally."

Feng Xiang sighed with a smile: "The establishment of ASEAN was indeed a temporary measure. This was my fault. If I could have designed ASEAN well back then, it would not have become such a messy situation as it is now. However, there is one thing for you. That’s wrong, there is no oversight within ASEAN.”

Li Ping'an didn't know why: "Is there any?"

"Otherwise, how could I know all these crimes?"

Fenghou patted her sleeves and said slowly:

"They all know this. I have established a Wind Whisperer since 60,000 years ago to supervise the various ministries of ASEAN. You actually know a Wind Whisperer and are very familiar with her."

Li Ping'an was startled for a moment, and figures flashed through his mind.

"Senior Wenrou?"

"Really smart."

Li Ping'an had several black lines hanging on his forehead: "Didn't you use the Bagua disk to deduce the specific culpability of these masters?"

"Part of it is that gossip can only reflect the general trend, not the popularity of the people."

Feng Xiang raised his head and sighed:

"The thing I hate most in my life is using divination to calculate the evil of human nature.

"Peace, if you came to ASEAN just to bring down the backstage of the Tiantian Clan, then you have indeed done it now. Not only you have done it, but ASEAN will continue to find the Tiantian Clan to settle old accounts, and the Tiantian Clan will be severely damaged.

“But if you just leave after doing such a thing, it would be too disrespectful of His Majesty.

"We, the young people of the human race, should be both arrogant and humble. Your Majesty is looking forward to your great new policy. We must not disappoint His Majesty."

Feng Xiang gently patted Li Pingan's arm, and Li Pingan squeezed out a smile.

Although it is inappropriate to say so, he respected Emperor Xuanyuan, Feng Xiang, and Cangjie.

But now, Li Ping'an always has the illusion that he has boarded a pirate ship and cannot get off the ship halfway.

It's an illusion... It must be an illusion...

Feng Xiang said again: "By the way, Ping An, do you know why I invited Master Cangjie here?"

Li Ping'an sighed: "Feng Xiang, just tell me directly. I really can't guess what you are thinking."

"The kind of writing you used when you had a secret conversation with your father, that kind of very strange writing," Feng Xiang said with a smile, "Why don't you take some of it and test it against Master Cangjie?"

Cangjie suddenly smiled and narrowed his eyes, the light in his eyes became more intense, and he said gently:

"I know a little bit about words."

Li Ping'an's legs softened and he almost knelt down.

This is the only effective encryption method he has!

Let’s enrich my father’s English vocabulary later and avoid encrypted communication unless necessary.

[To pay tribute to the ancestors, Huang Di Zhao said:

There are dozens of female immortals from the Holy Mother Palace who are bewitched by the demon clan, intending to subvert the prosperous age of the human race and return to the chaos of hundreds of races. They conspire and collude with the masters of the demon clan and commit many crimes.

There are two ASEAN Vice-Presidents and hundreds of Immortal Officials who are involved in this, and they have framed the loyal, suppressed the virtuous, committed many murders, and committed many major crimes, in an attempt to destroy the morale of our human race and destroy the strength of our human race.

Now he has been executed, and his body hangs in Tianzhixu for three months.

Although the human race has prospered, the demons have not been eliminated. We only hope that the wise men of the human race will imitate the ancient virtues and do bright things.

ASEAN will elect a new deputy alliance and establish an inspection department starting today.

This is a warning to everyone. 】

[The virtue of a wise man, Huang Di Zhao said:

Li Ping'an, the third-rank patrol envoy of ASEAN and the captain of ten, made clever plans, cleared up chaos, eliminated evil spirits, and performed righteous deeds. He solved major corruption cases and palace burning cases in ASEAN. He refused to give in in the face of the pressure from Nuwa Palace. He is truly an example of the talents of our human race.

Li Ping'an is now appointed as the second-grade supervisory envoy of ASEAN, and also holds the position of commander of ten. When he breaks through in Taoism, his military rank will be promoted.

He was given a scabbard of the Xuanyuan Sword and a protective spiritual treasure to Li Ping'an, and four personal guards were given to him to protect the Tao and practice.

Li Dazhi, a wealthy immortal from the Wanyun Sect, rewarded his son with three spiritual stones and a precious garment for his meritorious service. 】


In Tianzhixu's secret realm of hidden soldiers, Li Ping'an lived in a large tent for half a month.

Li Ping'an banged his forehead heavily on the table, his staring eyes full of unwillingness.

After Fenghou announced the decree, she rode the wind with Cangjie's master and went to choose a new ASEAN leader.

Li Ping'an thanked him and escaped before all the immortal officials could congratulate him. He excused himself to feel unwell. ——Various rewards will be delivered later.

The resignation was not successful, and the third grade became the second grade.

He is also a second-grade supervisor, with the authority to supervise all the immortal officials in ASEAN.

‘Am I becoming Huangdi’s censor? ’

Li Ping'an's Taoist heart was extremely complicated.

On the one hand, he felt that Huangdi was indeed quite interesting. He, a 'disciple' of the Wanyun Sect who had no apparent strength in the Yuanxian Realm, was rewarded twice in a row and even gave him a scabbard of the Xuanyuan Sword.

Although the Xuanyuan Sword is only an acquired spiritual treasure, it is a human treasure and its power is comparable to an innate spiritual treasure. This scabbard is definitely not an ordinary thing.

He even promised that as long as he breaks through the Yuanxian Realm, his military rank will be promoted.

The reward given to my father sounds a bit shabby. How could Immortal Wealth lack these three spiritual stones?

But the meaning is extremely far-reaching.

Li Ping'an has now begun to marry his wife and shadow his father!

If Li Ping'an had a wife today, there is a high probability that his wife would be given a 'favor', which was a 'favour' to his family.

‘Emperors in feudal society were really good at winning people’s hearts. ’

But then, Li Ping'an fell into a dilemma.

He really wants to retire after his success. This is not a pretense, nor is it a child's play. He came here to fight against the backstage of Tiantian Clan and reduce the pressure on Wanyun Sect and his father. Now his goal has been achieved.

Li Pingan feels that this ASEAN is corrupt from the bottom of his heart.

Moreover, there is another very important reason...

Li Pingan glanced at the glow at the spiritual platform.

My father's calamity is still there and has not changed at all.

Obviously, the Tiantian Clan was not responsible for his father's disaster.

Who should it be? A demonic cultivator like the Blood Demon Palace?

The largest, most ferocious, and deepest demon cultivator in East Continent is the Ten Thousand Demons. The Blood Demon Palace was originally Wan Demons' supernumerary butcher's knife. Behind the Ten Thousand Demons are the Western Sect of ASEAN and the Western Sect.

There are now only two factions left in ASEAN, the majestic emperor-protecting faction and the increasingly restrained Western faction.

The Yellow Emperor appointed him as the second-grade supervisor, which meant to deal with the Western faction, continue to purify ASEAN, rejuvenate ASEAN, and continuously cultivate masters and immortal soldiers for the human race.

Will he join the Western party next? Wouldn’t it be like facing the Ten Thousand Demonic Heavens?

My father's disaster, isn't this just...

"Ah, headache."

Li Ping'an clicked his tongue lightly.

"What's causing your headache?"

A clear voice came from outside the tent. The master came back with his sword in hand, holding two tied spiritual crabs in his hand.

"Master, you are back," Li Ping'an leaned on the table and responded feebly, "This disciple wants to go back to the mountain to practice. The Tiantian Sect can't stand still for too long now, but His Majesty gave him a bigger official. "

Qing Su said: "Wouldn't it be better to just quit?"

Li Ping'an sighed: "Feng Xiang blocked my way to resign."

"Then continue to be an official."

Qingsu was obviously in a good mood, and she had a sense of playfulness when speaking.

"The people here are nice, they talk nicely, and there are a lot of ingredients that you can't eat in Dong'an City. I like it here too."

Li Pingan suddenly remembered something and sat up suddenly.

"Master, where is my father?"

"He said he wanted to visit ASEAN," Qing Su said. "When I came here, he was chatting with some golden immortal worshippers. He also said he wanted to go drinking. He is your father, so no one should make things difficult for him."

Comrade Lao Li has started socializing within ASEAN.

Li Pingan groaned for a few times, feeling a little embarrassed in his heart.

He wanted to remind his master and father that senior Wenrou was the Fengyu Guard and a spy under Feng Xiang, but when the words came to his lips, he felt that it was inappropriate to say this.

Senior Wenrou is one of the few close friends of Master.

'Fortunately, Senior Wenrou should have nothing to do with his father now, and we can get rid of it as soon as possible. ’

Li Ping'an sighed in his heart and went to talk to his father.

Moreover, is everything okay with Wan Yun Sect? No need for Aunt Yue to accompany you? The emaciated camels of Tiantianmen are bigger than horses, and they still have a lot of energy left.

My old father drinks, chats and socializes here, which is a bit unprofessional.

As soon as Li Ping'an swept his sleeves, he immediately got up and rushed back to the fairy palaces in the sky to find his father and give him some advice.

If my father doesn't work harder, how can he retire peacefully and become the son of the richest man in Dongzhou!

As soon as he stood up, several beams of fairy light fell outside the tent, and Wenrou arrived with two men and two women.

"Ping An, everyone is looking for you, why did you come back secretly?

"Come and see the reward His Majesty has given you.

"Your father is really powerful. It was just a plan that made so many big figures in Notre Dame Palace unable to resist."

In the next night, I still have to have an infusion.

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