The fairy father

Chapter 162: Cooking wine to determine ASEAN! 【Super large cup! Please vote! 】

Within three months…

As soon as Li Pingan said this, everyone around the low table was shocked.

Qing Su was quite calm. She held up her hair with her hands, blew on the hot spiritual root fragments, put them in her mouth and chewed them gently.

Gu Qingcheng smiled and said: "Let me tell you, Senior Brother Ping An will never let those who set the fire go!"

Ye Zisang frowned slightly: "Brother Li, this matter is very important and we need to consider it in the long term. Why don't I introduce to you the official structure of ASEAN first."

"No need," Li Ping'an said confidently, looking at the hot pot of magic weapon in front of him, "Brother Ye just prepare the fountain of youth. Brother Ye also mentioned before that a friend wants to try the method of spiritual transformation?"

Ye Zisang smiled and said, "Yes, I have a good friend whose cultivation has been stuck at a bottleneck for a long time."

Li Ping'an smiled and said: "Let's wait until this matter is over. Let me introduce you."


Ye Zisang cleared her throat and lowered her voice: "Brother Li, can you give me some air? How will I investigate next?"

Li Ping'an smiled mysteriously: "It won't work if you say it. Brother Ye just looks at it. People are doing it, and God is watching. If you don't want others to know, you have to do nothing."

Master Wenrou and Ye Zisang were full of doubts.

Ye Zisang felt like there was an extra cat's claw in his Taoist heart, scratching it up and down, making him really itchy.

After all, Wenrou's Taoist cultivation was much stronger, so she didn't ask more questions like this.

After eating the hot pot, Wenrou and Qingsu left the tent.

The two immortals said they were going for a sightseeing tour, but in fact they were going to investigate the fire in the immortal palace.

Wenrou is the daughter of old man Tianli, and she has some influence in ASEAN. She has been practicing for thousands of years, and she also knows some well-informed people in the secret realm of the military camp.

——These are not Li Pingan’s instructions.

Ye Zisang, the seventh-level envoy of Jingbian, personally led the team and enrolled Chen Ting'er, Gu Qingcheng, and Yu Yingshu into the military register, and obtained robes and standard magic weapons.

Since then, the three men have officially become ASEAN immortal soldiers, serving under the captain Li Ping'an.

The ASEAN army's troop leadership model is a simple non-rotation system in which generals lead troops in groups of tens or hundreds or hundreds or thousands.

Li Ping'an has not yet taken up his post, he is just staying in the military camp.

He also didn't know who his immediate boss Centurion would be in the future.

By the way, the standard magic weapon received by Chen Ting'er and the other two happened to be produced by Wanyun Sect's Zhuyuntang.

The three of them put on their immortal soldier uniforms, stood in a row in front of Li Ping'an, and bowed their hands in a decent manner.

"Greetings to the Captain of Ten!"

Li Ping'an laughed sarcastically: "You should call me squad leader. This captain of ten is too ugly... The three of you should practice first. Later we will go around the military camp."

The three of them all smiled. The excitement of entering the military camp for the first time outweighed the uneasiness of witnessing the fire in the Immortal Palace.

Wen Ling'er asked in a low voice: "Xiaozu, don't I need to take a post in the army? You are just a captain of ten, and if you let your maid serve you, you will be gossiped about."

"You are the mount keeper of a third-grade patrol envoy," Li Ping'an said calmly, "What is your relationship with my tenth captain?"

Wen Ling'er chuckled: "That's a good relationship, I'm going to feed the little tiger!"

Ye Zisang looked around and couldn't help but ask: "Brother Li, how do you want to investigate them? I'm really worried about this."

"What are you worried about, Brother Ye?"

Li Pingan smiled and said:

"Are you worried that they will be forced to take action against me, or are you worried about Master Fenghou's divination skills?

“There should be nothing that can be hidden from His Majesty the Yellow Emperor regarding the human race.

"Brother Ye only needs to tell the Ye family members that if there is any involvement, cut it off as soon as possible. If there is no involvement, just sit back and watch."


Ye Zisang sighed:

“If there is any news from my side, I will come to you immediately.

"What I'm actually worried about is that within ASEAN, there are too many connections between masters and apprentices, marriages, sworn friendships, and robes. Even if it takes hundreds of years, it would be difficult to sort this out."

Li Ping'an suddenly laughed: "Actually, I didn't have a clear direction before, but the other party took action this time and pointed out a clear path for me. Brother Ye, feel at ease. I can take care of the stakes here."

Ye Zisang stopped trying to persuade him, bowed to Li Ping'an, and left.

Li Ping'an stretched.

He looked at the three new immortal soldiers who had begun to meditate in the corner, thinking about how to recruit soldiers later and make good use of the remaining seven 'personal soldiers' quota.

His Majesty the Yellow Emperor allowed him to join the army. Could it be that he wanted him to start from the rank of captain of ten, accumulate merits, and then be promoted to a general or something?

Although Li Ping'an had some expectations for this, he knew it well in his heart.

In the human army, meritorious service is one thing, but strength is another.

If he didn't have the fighting power of the Heavenly Immortal or the Golden Immortal, even if His Majesty the Yellow Emperor issued a decree to reward him, he would still have trouble convincing the public.

Strength is the real foundation for gaining a foothold in the military!

‘After my father taught me the last time, my magic power has not increased much, and I am afraid it will reach the limit at this stage. ’

‘Now you should be able to try the second spiritual transformation... What treasures are needed for the second spiritual transformation? Do you want a magical elixir or a treasure? ’

Li Ping'an moved to the main seat of the big tent, closed his eyes and began to carefully comprehend the method of spiritual transformation.

As for the fire in the Immortal Palace...

He really didn't care at all.

After that, ASEAN was really busy for three days.

On the first day after the fire, the leader of the ASEAN Alliance, a good man with a hundred thousand years of age, got angry and did not catch the person who set the fire. He only asked the immortal generals and soldiers who were responsible for guarding the immortal temple area for dereliction of duty.

On the second day, the ASEAN leader convened all the immortals in ASEAN and held a meeting of ten thousand immortals. He criticized the problem of some immortals in ASEAN who were willing to degenerate and gave ASEAN a hard beating.

However, such beating seemed to have no effect, and the reactions of the immortals were not great.

On the third day, an ASEAN immortal general captured two 'demon' spies. Both of these spies were bribed by the demon clan, or they themselves fell into the demon clan's beauty trick.

These two people were really miserable. They were killed by a deputy alliance leader himself, their souls were eliminated, and their bodies were hung outside the Immortal Palace.

At this point, things seem to have come to an end.

But any immortal with a brain can see that these two are just scapegoats.

They were indeed spies, and their deaths were not unjust. However, the time at which they were caught was too subtle, and it was easy for people to think of their connection with the fire in the Immortal Palace.

On the fourth day, Old Man Tianli appeared in the secret realm of the barracks and found the large tent protected by layers of immortal soldiers.

Unfortunately, Li Ping'an was practicing in seclusion at this time.

Old Man Tianli did not disturb Li Ping'an's retreat. He just asked Wen Ling'er to tell him that when Li Ping'an came out of seclusion, he would send someone to notify him.

When old man Tianli left, Li Ping'an opened his eyes through a slit.

Qing Su sighed softly: "Apprentice, this senior has taken great care of us. If you have a way to investigate the case, why not just talk to him. It is not good to hide like this."

"Master, don't worry. This disciple is well aware of this. This opportunity is rare, so he should practice in seclusion for a period of time."

Li Ping'an said in a voice, and then continued to close his eyes and carefully comprehend the method of spiritual transformation.

"Okay," Qing Su said with a ray of fairy light around her, "I'm in seclusion too."

In the corner, Gu Qingcheng was cultivating two fairy swords, Yu Yingshu was cultivating his Taoist body, and Chen Ting'er had entered deep concentration and understood Qingyun's wonderful method.

The whole tent was filled with Qingyun Daoyun.

Let's say that when old man Tianli returned to his dormitory, he was thinking about it and felt uneasy.

He summoned Wenrou and asked Li Pingan what he had said before;

Wenrou called Ye ZiSang. Ye ZiSang pondered for a long time, but still could not withstand the tremendous pressure from his master and recounted his chat with Li Pingan.

‘If there is any involvement, cut it off as soon as possible. If there is no involvement, just sit back and watch. ’

‘There should be nothing that can be hidden from His Majesty the Yellow Emperor regarding the human race. ’

"Ping An said that if those people don't take action, he still doesn't have a clear direction?"

Old Man Tianli tapped his temples with his thick fingers and sat in his chair, thinking for a while.

"What does this mean? Did Ping An really hold the key evidence? Wouldn't it be better if he just brought it out if he had the evidence? This time the alliance leader was really angry. Even if it was the deputy alliance leader who did this, he would be tortured. Fan."

Wenrou said softly: "Father, I do understand Ping An's temperament. He will definitely not target without aim."

Old Man Tianli sighed: "But he can't move. Why is that? Isn't he the one who has the greatest connection with this matter? Why does he look like he is sitting and watching a play...Eh? Sitting and watching a play?" "

Tianli suddenly stood up.

"No, I'll go find a few of them to discuss it!

"Rou'er, Zisang, master and disciple, you two, don't do anything. Just go to Ping An. Tell me where he wants to go immediately!"

"Yes, father."

"Master, Brother Li and I are close friends, and I don't want to spy on him."

"Is this surveillance?"

Old Man Tianli kicked him, causing Ye Zisang to stagger half a step.

Tianli scolded: "I have spent hundreds of years hurting you in vain! Can I still harm Ping An? I am Ping An's backer... Well, I was before."

Wen Rou smiled lightly, but the figure of the bald man flashed across her heart.

'He should know Li Ping'an best. If things here get out of control, we should ask him to show up. ’

Old man Tianli rushed to the secret palace in a hurry.

Wenrou gave some instructions to Ye ZiSang and asked Ye ZiSang to go to the barracks and keep an eye on her while she went to find some rare ingredients for Qing Su.

"Looking for ingredients?" Ye Zisang's eyes were full of confusion.

Wenrou blinked at Ye Zisang and whispered: "Don't ask any more questions. Just listen to your master and I'll come back as soon as I go."

In this way, on the fourth and fifth days after the arson incident in the Immortal Temple, ASEAN gradually returned to calm.

The attention of the immortals seemed to be no longer on this matter.

The Immortal Temple, which was burned down to only a dozen stone pillars, also began to clean up.

Li Ping'an never showed up again, and it seemed that he really didn't want to pursue the matter.

However, on the sixth day, things suddenly changed. ASEAN, which was supposed to be calm, was hit by a huge rock.

Two fairies from Xuanyuan Palace came to ASEAN, received the pass, and entered the Tianzhixu barracks.

They went to find Li Pingan and stayed in Li Pingan's tent for a while.

Later, Li Ping'an sent the two fairies out of the tent, his face full of emotion, and he bowed to the fairies.

A fairy said with a smile: "Dawu Quasi Immortal, don't hesitate any longer."

Another fairy said: "We are just here to deliver a message to you, we don't dare to say anything else, so I will leave now."

Li Ping'an bowed his hands and said, "Two fairies, walk slowly."

The two fairies looked at each other, flew to the entrance and exit of the secret realm on clouds, and returned directly to Xuanyuan Palace.

Then, Li Ping'an raised his head and looked into the sky from the front of the big tent, turned around and was about to go back to continue the retreat.

Ye Zisang emerged from the tent opposite and called out, "Brother Li! What's going on?"

"Nothing, just two sisters coming to visit."

Li Pingan sighed to Ye Zisang, turned around and returned to the tent, leaving only one sentence:

"The auspicious time has not come yet."

Ye Zisang was confused.

Auspicious time? What auspicious time?

For a time, rumors spread among ASEAN.

Under the seemingly calm lake surface, several catfish kept swimming.

After the fire, on the night of the sixth day.

There are many people in the ASEAN Secret Palace.

The leader of the ASEAN Alliance, Old Man Tianfen, and the first, second, and third deputy allies all appeared. Dozens of gray-haired old men and women were standing or sitting.

In the main seat, the shrunken old woman frowned and listened to the reports of the people on the side, with a few layers of confusion in her eyes.

She murmured: "The fairy who came out of Xuanyuan Palace..."

The ASEAN leader sighed: "There is no way to verify whether it was sent by His Majesty."

"Are you stupid? Your Majesty would not care about such a trivial matter? It should be some adult who sent someone to send a message to Li Ping'an."

Old Man Tianli picked up the tea and brought it to his mouth. He threw the tea cup on the side table, patted his thighs and stood up: "I'm going to ask if you're safe!"


The second deputy ally grabbed the old man Tianli's arm and pushed him back to his seat.

"What are you asking! Don't you think it's not chaotic enough now?

"If Li Pingan wants to tell you, he will come to you directly... Think about it carefully, why do people avoid you when they see your daughter and disciples?"

Old Man Tianli frowned and said, "He feels that I am too oppressive!"


The second deputy ally sprayed the old man Tianli with foam on his face: Xingzi:

"I'm reminding you! You're not clean either! Didn't you listen to what he said to Zi Sang? Just cut it off! I'm advising you!"

"What's wrong with me!"

Old Man Tianli glared and cursed:

“I behave well and stand upright, but in my heart there is only Your Majesty, Your Majesty and Your Majesty!

"The dirty things they did can't be blamed on me!"

The old woman in the middle whispered: "Not stopping it is tantamount to condoning it. You and I should be guilty of dereliction of duty."

All the old men kept silent.

One person asked: "Your Majesty, do you want to dissolve ASEAN?"

The old woman slowly shook her head: "I have heard this statement a long time ago. It was said that Nanzhou was isolated from Dongzhou, and ASEAN could not control the entire Dongzhou. The human race should establish an immortal dynasty. However, this matter subsequently occurred due to the fate of the human race converging on Nanzhou. Let it go."

Old Man Tianli suddenly said: "I remembered!"


"When I followed His Majesty on an unannounced visit to Dong'an City, Li Ping'an's Qiao Master once said these words when he was chatting with his father's Taoist companion."

"No!" the second deputy ally frowned, "Master, father, Taoist companion, why are the relationships so messy?"

An old man said: "Nowadays, young people play very fancy things, which is different from the ancient rules where we got married with a stick."

"Don't interrupt!"

Elder Tianfen, leader of ASEAN, urged: "What is going on? Tianli, tell me quickly!"

"Li Pingan's new policy is to set up an inspection department in Fang Town. It is not Li Pingan's real new policy. It is just a way that Li Pingan had conceived for a long time to deepen ASEAN's influence on Dongzhou and protect casual cultivators."

Old man Tianli whispered:

"Li Ping'an has an even bigger new deal! It's most likely to reform the administration of officials!

"No wonder, as soon as this kid came to ASEAN, I asked me to arrange for him to go to the grassroots level for training, and he went to observe the operation of the entire ASEAN.

"He chatted with His Majesty alone for half an hour... This was half an hour. When had His Majesty ever chatted alone with a man he met for the first time for so long?

"Yes, this arson case gave him a reason to take action directly."

You can hear a needle drop in the hall.

The old men who were originally prepared to see the so-called ‘Western Faction’ and ‘Wagong Faction’ suffer misfortune, now their expressions somewhat changed.

If so...

"Everyone, how should we do this?"

The old woman in the middle sighed softly: "Don't make random guesses. If my father wants to reform ASEAN, you and I will fully cooperate."

The leader of the ASEAN alliance also sighed: "I am not a person who clings to power. It doesn't matter if I don't want to take the position of the leader of the ASEAN alliance. Everything will be subject to His Majesty's will... Ping An will step up the protection there. Tianli, please pick more masters to protect you secretly."


Old Man Tianli responded, looking a little worried as he lowered his head and thought.

Two more hours later.

A piece of news has spread within ASEAN.

[His Majesty personally appointed Li Ping'an as the Third-Rank Inspection Envoy and Commander-in-Chief of Ten, in order to allow Li Ping'an to reform the government and transform ASEAN into the second court of the human race. 】

[The first step in reforming official governance is to cut off the rot in ASEAN. 】

Old Man Tianli paced back and forth in his dormitory, and several old men beside him also looked thoughtful.

There are more than ten situations like this in ASEAN headquarters.

Old Man Tianli sighed: "Why doesn't Ping An even see me? Doesn't he still trust me?"

An old man said: "It should be that he sees something wrong, rather than distrusting the Three Alliances."

"Three Alliances, if this is true as rumored, this might be a chance."

"Yes, the three alliances. ASEAN is indeed too loose to manage the entire East Continent. East Continent is no longer the East Continent it was 60,000 to 70,000 years ago."

"What's the matter with chance? I'm a fan of officialdom!"

Old man Tianli said it loudly, and then lowered his head and sighed:

"If he uses the arson case as the starting point, he will inevitably involve the Nawa Gong faction. There are many people in the Wa Gong faction. If ASEAN is damaged, what will happen to the next war in Xizhou?

"Although I allowed those people to act recklessly before, it was because they were still useful.

"How can anyone be without fault if it is clear or turbid?"

"But this is a fallacy after all. If ASEAN tolerates dirty things and cannot uphold justice, then why don't all the major sects in Eastern Continent follow suit? If Wan Motian hadn't easily escaped the liquidation back then, how could there be the Blood Evil Palace? A place where evil spirits gather like this?"

Several old men nodded.

An old man laughed and said: "The division of factions is really clever. Protector of the Emperor, the West, and Wa Palace summarize our identities in a concise and comprehensive way."

"Maybe Li Pingan did this intentionally," Tianli old man raised his head and sighed, "If this was something Li Pingan had planned in advance, then this guy would be too scary."

One person suddenly asked: "How about we tie the arsonist to him? Then cut off the connection between the arsonist and the faction behind it, and describe this matter as a deliberate revenge by the Tiantian Clan? In this way, the vitality of the Wa Palace Sect will not be affected. damage."

"We are the Emperor Protector Faction," another old man sighed, "Why are we going to help them?"

The man said: "Oh, although there are factions, we are all the same old robes. Do you really want to see Li Ping'an pick up the Xuanyuan Sword Order and kill him with blood?"

Old Man Tianli frowned and glared at the old man, who lowered his head and sighed softly.

"No," Tianli asked, "Have you found out who is the arsonist?"

"I was just about to report it to you. Although I have no evidence, I found a clue."

An old man stroked his beard and nodded:

"Based on the traces of the fire outbreak and the results of hundreds of reflections, the altar of Guiyuan True Fire did not bloom from the Sixth Hall of Immortals, but poured down from the northwest corner.

“At that time, there should have been sixteen people in the temple.

"We compared the confessions of the immortal soldiers who patrolled this place, and found something strange, that is, the interval between the two teams of immortal soldiers patrolling the airspace near this temple was one more time for burning incense.

"The deviation of this stick of incense is nothing at all, but it happens that the leaders of the two patrols of immortal soldiers are both strict people and have never made any mistakes on weekdays."

Several old men spoke one after another:

"Each patrol team changes their patrol locations once a month. We went to the Martial Arts Hall to check secretly. There are no signs of the patrol books being rewritten, but one book is missing, related to the Sixth Hall of Immortals."

"But doing this is really superfluous."

"When the Celestial Leader patrolling the Immortal Soldiers goes to receive tasks, they are all issued by a Commander of the Martial Palace. This matter was issued by the Commander of the Martial Palace."

Old Man Tianli said angrily: "Then what are you waiting for? I'll arrest him immediately!"

The old men looked at me and I looked at you, each sighing.

One person said: "Three Alliances...that is your old general, the eighth-grade golden immortal and the fourth-grade commander, Wang Erdan."

Old Man Tianli frowned, closed his eyes and sighed in pain.

"Why does he have anything to do with those people? He..."

"Sanmeng, we found out this news yesterday. I think other companies who are pursuing this matter have more or less clues."

"Do we really want to tie him up and go see Li Ping'an?"

Old Man Tianli slowly took his seat while holding the desk, slumped in the chair, and looked up at the ceiling.

He suddenly laughed miserably and whispered: "Could it be that what we know is not the whole picture? Wa Palace and the Western Sect have already put their hands into our backs and spines? No wonder Ping An doesn't want to see me. What about the human race? What His Majesty Xuanyuan doesn’t know is that Lord Fenghou is the grandson of His Majesty Fuxi, and his divination skills can reach the gods... Well, write a note, find an opportunity, and secretly pass the clue to Li Pingan."

"Pass it in secret?"

"Well, don't make any noise and see how he reacts."

Old Man Tianli said in a deep voice:

"It would be great if he could just stop it."

Several old men nodded and began to discuss how to act.

So, in the early morning of the seventh day, Li Ping'an just opened his eyes from meditating and saw two jade charms floating in front of him.

These two jade charms still have the charm of Jinxian Dao, but they are relatively unfamiliar.

Li Ping'an called out: "Master?"

"Well," Qing Su opened her eyes and said, "The one on the left was sent at dawn, and the one on the right was sent at midnight. They were all black shadows passing by, and I couldn't see who it was."

That's it?

One hundred thousand immortal soldiers are guarding this place in a large formation. Shouldn't these old golden immortals who can command one hundred thousand immortal soldiers be allowed to come and go freely?

Li Ping'an picked up the jade talismans and observed them carefully. He quickly raised his eyebrows slightly and handed the two jade talismans to his master.

Qing Suqi said: "The contents of the two jade talismans are almost the same. Wang Erdan, the fourth-rank commander of the Third and Worthy Halls, is the person involved in the arson."

Li Ping'an whispered: "Master, you may need to go out for a walk."

Qing Su asked: "Do you want to fight?"

"No," Li Ping'an said with a smile, "Go and paint. You find this Wang Erdan. In front of him, preferably also for others to see, draw his figure and appearance, and write down his name and official title." Yun, then no matter who asks you anything, you don’t have to answer, just turn around and come back.”

Qing Su didn't know why, but she didn't like to ask too many questions. She took two jade talismans and left the tent.

With Ye Zisang, a native of ASEAN, it is not difficult to find a general in ASEAN.

Half an hour later.

Qingsu returned and handed a painting to Li Ping'an. The painting was quite neat and he could identify who this person was based on the painting.

Ye Zisang asked in a low voice: "Brother Li, ah no, Inspector Li, what are you going to do next?"

"Ah, don't do anything."

Li Ping'an took out a storage magic weapon, put the scroll in it, and smiled at Ye Zisang: "I bet he can live for three hours."

Ye Zisang looked confused.

Noon on the seventh day after the arson.

In the resting hut in the corner of the third duty palace, boundless spiritual energy suddenly gushes out, large clouds appear in the sky, and there are constant thunders.

The immortals broke through the outer barrier of the hut, pushed open the door, and cried out one by one.

Wang Erdan, the commander of the Zhiwu Palace, was wearing a golden battle armor, with his long hair disheveled, kneeling on a futon. His Lingbao sword penetrated his chest and the spiritual platform. His seven orifices were bleeding, his Taoist body was releasing his spirit, his soul was stretched, and the avenue was silent. He was suspicious of himself. Destroy and die.

There is a suicide note in front of him, which states "the whole story of arson in the Chouxian Palace". The reasons are also clearly written, and there is even a detailed location identification...

Privately receive hundreds of spiritual stones, one spiritual treasure, hundreds of beauties, and three mansions from the Tiantianmen.

The purpose of burning the temple is to destroy the internal accounts of ASEAN. This account has many flaws.

The leader of the ASEAN Alliance was furious and sent the second deputy alliance and the eighth deputy alliance with 100,000 immortal troops to station at the Tianmen Gate to investigate the matter.

Arson cases in ASEAN seem to be solved without being solved.

It seems that the truth behind this matter is already clear. It is the Tiantianmen's intention to cover up the accounts and bribe ASEAN generals.

This time, Tiantian Clan has found it difficult to be kind.

At dusk on the seventh day.

Li Ping'an walked out of his tent and looked in the direction of Xuanyuan Palace for a long time, then sighed and turned back to his tent.

Where is this?

The ASEAN wine tastes better the hotter it gets.

On the eighth, ninth, and tenth days after the arson incident, ASEAN seemed particularly quiet.

But many immortals have already felt it, and there is an emotion called tension in the air.

At midnight on the 10th, the Second Vice-President of ASEAN returned in a hurry.

Half an hour later, the ASEAN leader summoned the ASEAN immortal officials above fifth grade to discuss matters.

The leader of ASEAN, Taoist Tianfen, smashed the table in front of him with one palm and shouted:

"How much benefit have you received from the Tiantian Clan!"

"There is an account in the Tiantian Gate that has been mostly destroyed, but only half is left. The number recorded is shocking! Wait! Wait!"

"You and I are both ancient robes. Taking advantage of the Tiantian Clan and speaking good words for the Tiantian Clan is not a crime that will lead to death! It's still too late to stand up and admit it now!"

You can hear a needle drop in the hall.

The ASEAN leader glanced at the faces of several deputy allies, but the latter did not look at him.

"Do you really want me to name you?"

Taoist Tianfen smashed a mostly burned jade slip on the table.

Suddenly I heard several long sighs, and twelve military generals and sixteen golden immortals stood out from the crowd of immortals. They bowed their heads forward and bowed. Dozens of old men hesitated, looked left and right, and then bowed their heads and bowed forward. Dao Yi.

Only at this time, nearly seventy people came forward.

There are nearly seventy high-ranking immortal officials, half of whom are masters of the Golden Immortal Realm. They join forces to fend off the enemy, forming a powerful fighting force.

"You! You!"

Old Man Tianfen glared at one of his deputy allies, but the latter just lowered his head and sighed.

Old Man Tianli said: "Let's seal off the cultivation level first and put him in jail. We will discuss how to punish him later. We also need to find out whether the only crime is corruption and bribery."

Old Man Tianfen waved his hand and said nothing more.

ASEAN is very uneasy today, and various parts of East Asia have also been affected.

The eleventh day.

ASEAN posted a notice to the outside world, saying that thirty-two golden immortals and hundreds of heavenly immortals and true immortals were imprisoned in the human prison.

The Tiantian Clan has been bribing the immortals of ASEAN for a long time. The ancestor of the Golden Immortal in the sect who was involved in this matter has been taken to ASEAN to face accountability. The Tiantian Sect will be punished for nearly five thousand years to defraud spiritual stones from ASEAN.

When this news reached Li Ping'an's ears, there were already six golden immortals from Forging Heaven Sect, who were on their way to ASEAN.

Li Ping'an frowned and said, "Is it just a punishment of spirit stones for the Tiantianmen?"

Ye ZiSang, who came to talk about this matter, felt a little uneasy.

Ye Zisang said hurriedly: "Brother Li, the influence of Forging Heaven Clan is there, and there are so many disciples of Forging Heaven Clan, not everyone is involved in this matter, five thousand years of revenue has been cut on their necks. ."

"That's not it."

Li Pingan smiled and said:

"ASEAN imprisoned sixty-eight immortal officials themselves, but they only called a few golden immortals from Forging Heaven Sect to train and imprison them. ASEAN is too gentle."

Ye Zisang frowned and sighed: "Do you really want ASEAN to bleed into a river of blood?"

“Behind the arson case, it shouldn’t be as simple as the Tiantianmen covering up the accounts.

"Did the commander of the Martial Palace really commit suicide?"

Li Pingan shook his head and said with a smile:

"Senior Tianli, please come over. I'll treat you to a hot pot."

"No!" Ye Zisang lost his voice, "Master is the murderer behind the scenes?!"

"What are you thinking about?"

Li Ping'an smiled and said: "I just want Senior Tianli to escape from the whirlpool. After all, this is a senior who is kind to me. How can I watch him get involved in the next big case."

Big case!

Ye Zisang was shocked, turned around and flew away in a hurry.

In the big tent, several people who had been practicing in seclusion looked over at the same time.

Li Pingan breathed out lightly.

"Qingcheng, Brother Yu, and Senior Sister Chen, please keep busy for a while, and we'll make the hot pot again that day.

"Wen Ling, take two bottles of wine I brought in Dong'an City.

"Master...what kind of meat do you want to eat?"

"It was just as good as last time," Qing Su said with a smile on her lips, "How on earth did you do it? The Tiantian Sect was taken down so easily."

"It's just the general trend."

Li Pingan smiled and said:

"When Senior Tianli comes, I will explain in detail what happened during this period.

"Also, Master, please make two portions of this hot pot. You can take the four of them to eat one portion at Senior Wenrou's house, and I can use one portion to entertain Senior Tianli."

After saying that, Li Ping'an took out the Xuanyuan Sword Token from his sleeve, feeling a little confused in his heart.

Does His Majesty the Yellow Emperor know that this token will cause so much trouble?

You should know.

After all, he was the Yellow Emperor, the last human emperor who led the human race to a desperate situation, defeated the army of hundreds of tribes led by Chi You, and completely established the human race as the master of heaven and earth.

Half an hour later.

Old man Tianli appeared in front of Li Ping'an.

The old man's old face was much haggard, and his eyes were a little bloodshot, like a lion that could go crazy at any time.

Li Ping'an stood up and bowed deeply, saying in a low voice: "This junior has been neglectful a lot before, please forgive me, senior."

"Forgive me? Do I dare to forgive you?"

Old Man Tianli snorted, and subconsciously he was about to walk to the main seat given by Li Ping'an, but after taking two steps, he stopped and sat in the wooden chair opposite the main seat.

Li Ping'an glanced at the wide-open tent door and motioned for Ye Zisang, who was waiting outside the tent door, to come in with him.

When Old Man Tianli was about to set up the barrier, Li Ping'an smiled and said, "Senior, there is no need to work so hard. I want them to hear what I said today."


Old Man Tianli rolled his sleeves and frowned, and whispered: "What on earth are you doing?"

"Listen to me and tell me slowly."

Li Ping'an smiled, pointed at the four-grid hot pot in front of him, and tapped a ray of mana with his fingertips. The hot pot soon made a gurgling sound, and the four pots emitted steam at the same time.

“Looking at this pot, it may not be very vivid, but it is almost the same as ASEAN now.

"One is the Emperor Protector Faction, the other is the Western Faction, the other is the Wa Palace Faction, and the other is the Huzhi Faction."

Old Man Tianli nodded slowly: "What then?"

"You see, all you need to do is put a little fire under this pot. The four pots will soon overflow and the soup will splash out, confusing each other's tastes."

Li Ping'an smiled and took out the Xuanyuan Sword Token and placed it on the corner of the table.

"This is the fire."

Old Man Tianli was startled for a moment, then he immediately reacted, stared into Li Ping'an's eyes, and asked directly:

"Aren't you ordered by His Majesty to carry out ASEAN innovation?"

Li Ping'an smiled and said: "I really can't tell anyone what your Majesty talked to me. However, I have not received similar instructions before."


Old Man Tianli stood up suddenly and glared at Li Ping'an.

"What a good Li Ping'an! You actually treat us old guys like monkeys!"

"I don't dare, I don't dare," Li Ping'an stood up and bowed, "Senior, calm down, calm down. Although Your Majesty didn't say it directly, there must be a deep meaning in giving me this token."

Old Man Tianli raised his head and sighed: "You actually... ugh! What do you want me to say about you?"

Li Ping'an sat back in his seat and bowed his hands to Old Man Tianli.

"Senior, please try it. This meat is good."

"Who is in the mood to eat this from you!"

Old Man Tianli snorted, but he felt much more relaxed.

Ye Zisang rolled up her sleeves, cooked a few pieces of thin meat for her master and prepared various condiments.

Old Man Tianli took a bite, chewed with his eyes closed, and said slowly: "So, you didn't have any clues at first?"

"But I did something to make you think I had a clue."

Li Pingan smiled and said:

“Actually, I am just heating the ASEAN pot and letting the soup in the four pots boil.

“I’m actually not sure.

"But senior, you want me, a junior who has no Yuanxian realm, to investigate high-ranking officials in ASEAN in such a strange place. ASEAN is deeply interconnected.

"Maybe, as soon as I find something, some crazy old immortals will appear and slap me to death."

Old Man Tianli sighed: "You worry too much. Even if some people have crooked butts, they are still loyal to His Majesty."

"Senior, this is what you think."

Li Pingan poured a glass of warm wine and continued:

"Before I came to ASEAN this time, my father taught me two words - official authority.

"Although my father's explanation of official authority is very complicated, I can summarize it simply with two points.

“First, don’t let people see through your true identity.

"Second, learn to assess the situation, take advantage of the situation, and seek the opportunity to establish authority."

Old Man Tianli picked up the drink and took a sip. Without stopping with the chopsticks in his hand, he began to cook the meat himself.

He asked: "Take advantage of the situation?"

"I just took advantage of His Majesty's influence," Li Ping'an said with a smile. "Many of the several pieces of news I deliberately released were spread through your mouth. This is what I thought before. I thought it would take a month. It worked. Unexpectedly, I just added a little more fire and there was movement immediately.”

Old Man Tianli frowned and said, "Added fire?"

"A senior went to help my master find ingredients," Li Ping'an blinked, "Actually, he went to Xuanyuan Palace to deliver a message, asking two familiar and trustworthy fairy sisters to come to me."

Old Man Tianli's eyes widened: "That's right!"

"Well," Li Ping'an said, "Your Majesty didn't lecture you, and I didn't do anything."

Old Man Tianli said bitterly: "I believed your evil! Everyone thought it was His Majesty... Hahahaha! You kid! You are such a thief like his grandma!"

Li Pingan sighed with a smile: "Then, two clues were delivered to me, which gave me new firewood. I added a third fire and asked my master to make a portrait."

"Wang Erdan is my old subordinate!"

Old Man Tianli responded in a low voice.

"Yes, Wang Erdan then committed suicide out of fear of crime. He was also afraid that he would not be able to satisfy my appetite, so he threw the Tiantian Clan out so easily."

Li Ping'an clicked his tongue:

“The third largest sect in Dongzhou, in the eyes of these people, is just a discardable child.

"However, it is too quiet inside the Tiantian Clan. There may be something wrong with the five thousand years of revenue in the spirit stone. There should be a lot of knowledge in it. The founder of the Tiantian Clan is safe and sound.

"It's correct to think about it. There are no problems with the deputy allies behind Forging Heaven Sect."

Old Man Tianli said in a low voice: "That's enough, Ping An, you are new to ASEAN, and your results are unexpected."

"not enough."

"not enough?"

"Well," Li Ping'an put down his chopsticks, "the fourth bundle of firewood has been delivered to me."

Old man Tianli asked: "What do you mean?"

"I didn't mean to target anyone, but things have reached this point. If I go soft this time, someone will continue to retaliate against me in the future."

Li Pingan tapped the Xuanyuan Sword Order on the corner of the table with his finger.

He said: "I am adding the fourth fire now."

"How do you want to add it?"

"Senior, please mobilize the 100,000 soldiers and horses near me to form a large formation. I also ask senior to go there in person and escort me to Xuanyuan Palace."

Li Pingan said slowly:

"As His Majesty's personal third-grade inspector, I naturally have the authority to supervise ASEAN.

“Today I am writing to Your Majesty, stating the corruption within ASEAN, and asking His Majesty to order a thorough investigation into this matter!

"The Golden Immortal Commander set fire to the palace and burned dozens of immortal officials to death, just to cover up the accounts!

"The Golden Immortal of the ASEAN Martial Palace is suspected of committing suicide. He killed himself under his own sword just to deflect his gaze!

"The third largest sect in Dongzhou, Forging Heaven Clan, has been harboring filth and evil, and has been bribing ASEAN immortal officials for a long time. According to the initial investigation, hundreds of immortal officials have been corrupted by it!

"What's going on here is shocking! There must be a bigger secret behind it!"

Old Man Tianli suddenly stood up and stared at Li Pingan, not knowing how to speak for a moment.

Li Ping'an's eyes sparkled: "Senior, when you have done your duty to eradicate evil, you must cut it off."


"The Xuanyuan Sword Order is here!"

Li Pingan suddenly stood up and raised the golden token above his head:

"Senior, please obey your orders!"

Old Man Tianli raised his head and sighed.

There was deathly silence in the sky above Tianzhixu.

Half an hour later.

Li Ping'an took his master and his entourage, and with the support of the second deputy ally, Old Man Tianli, dozens of golden immortals, and a large formation of 100,000 immortal soldiers, they quickly flew towards the southern sky.

Ye Zisang also mixed in with the crowd.

At this moment, he hadn't come back to his senses yet, looking at Li Ping'an's back he was full of admiration.

Take advantage of the situation and take advantage of it.

Ye Zisang suddenly understood what he had heard from some old gentlemen when he first became an immortal.

That’s right, no investigation is needed!

There is no need to investigate any case at all!

Those who know the top leaders of ASEAN best are the top leaders of ASEAN.

First, the top leaders of ASEAN are distinguished by factions, and then they take advantage of the situation and take advantage of the shortcomings that have long existed within ASEAN - everyone almost knows what color the futon is under their buttocks.

As long as the fire burns the buttocks and endangers oneself, someone will jump out and bring the arsonist in front of Li Ping'an.

Li Ping'an did not accept the arsonist. The ASEAN senior officials, who were used to guessing, thought that Li Ping'an was dissatisfied with a golden immortal general.

ASEAN senior officials who are accustomed to measuring the value of a military general have made a decision again.

There may be many secrets here.

It doesn't matter whether Wang Erdan committed suicide or who killed him. What matters is that the person who caused this tragedy of Jinxian's suicide was thrown out of Forging Heaven Clan.

But it doesn't matter what the person who threw the Tiantianmen thought.

As long as the Tiantian Sect is led out, there will be a series of corruption.

Some people gave up their cars to protect the handsome man, but the 'car' became the 'brick' in attracting good news.

Such a major case, involving hundreds of immortal officials, is actually the largest corruption case in ancient times. Reporting this matter to Your Majesty will attract the sword of Xuanyuan Palace and serve as a reason to purge ASEAN!

This is the method of fortune!

This is the general trend, ignore the complexity! There are no plots or tricks, just the general trend forcing you to move forward!

Your Majesty may just need this reason!

This is how that token is used!

After getting this token, do you still use it to investigate cases or to fight against others? What kind of righteousness are you talking about?

No... not quite right...

Ye Zisang suddenly trembled. Li Ping'an's voice sounded in his heart, and he suddenly raised his head.

‘I want to add a fourth fire. ’

The fourth fire is now!

They were going to Xuanyuan Palace to submit a letter, and with such a big movement at the moment, it was impossible for Xuanyuan Palace not to pay attention to this place. In other words, the general trend had begun, and the ASEAN purge was imminent and had to be launched.

With this fire falling, ASEAN is about to...

Ye Zisang turned around and looked in the direction of ASEAN, his eyes a little stunned.

"Brother Ye?"

Li Ping'an turned around and said with a smile: "Qingcheng is also a good chess player, why don't you two play a game to relieve your boredom?"

Ye Zisang trembled a few times, smiled a little at Li Ping'an, and hurried over.

"Brother Li, I am a bad chess player."

"It's okay!" Gu Qingcheng pinched her waist and smiled, "I'm just an average expert!"

at the same time.

ASEAN General Association.

A huge light shield enveloped all the Immortal Palaces.

That old female voice spread everywhere:

"Soldiers will obey orders!

"I am a female tycoon, and I was ordered by my father to monitor ASEAN. I have been negligent many times, and ASEAN has become overrun with poisonous bushes.

"Order, the soldiers will seal off the Tianzhixu area. If there are any escapees, they will not be killed.

"Anyone related to arson cases, suicide cases, or corruption cases will surrender within half an hour and receive a lighter sentence. The matter will be investigated to the end. If the guilt is serious, the deputy alliance can also be executed!"

Everywhere in the secret realm shook, and hundreds of golden immortal dao rhymes swept up at the same time. Nearly a million immortal soldiers quickly gathered from the speed, turned into light and shadow all over the sky, rushed out of the secret realm from six directions, and surrounded ASEAN.

Most of the worshipers in ASEAN ignore worldly affairs and only practice their own cultivation.

Hidden in the secret realm of soldiers.

Inside Li Ping'an's tent.

The hot pot that wasn't turned off made a rumbling sound, oil and water suddenly splashed out, and half of the restraints on the pot had been destroyed.

(PS: Please vote for me!)

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