The fairy father

Chapter 159 Beating and Beating

Sun, beach, no bikinis.

In the immortal power barrier covering the beach on the east side of Dong'an City, Li Ping'an opened the buttons on his coat, holding a scripture in his hand, and thinking about three questions in his heart.

These three questions are quite critical.

The first question is naturally his big worry now. He has sharpened his sword, how to deal with the Tiantian Clan and its backers.

He couldn't just take Xuanyuan Huangdi's token and go to Tiantianmen to ask for the account book.

The second problem is naturally the disaster of his father.

Although Li Ping'an felt a lot relieved after telling his father what had happened, his father's calamity had not changed since the Blood Demon Palace was destroyed.

This issue is actually more critical, but compared to how to deal with the Tiantianmen, this question makes Li Ping'an more confused.

He couldn't even figure out what caused his father's calamity. Now he could only guess that it was related to demon cultivators and demons.

‘Could the colorful python that appeared last time be the key here? ’

Li Ping'an didn't know why.

The third question is more urgent.

Li Ping'an raised his head and looked at his junior sister who was standing barefoot on the edge of the waves, wearing a pink skirt as if she was about to ride the wind, and he thought a few times in his heart.

He made an appointment with Sun Yingying to get the news today.

This is business, and it is also a business. He gives the spirit stone and the other party information, which is a legitimate business, and he does not need to show his true colors.

But I felt a little guilty for no reason.

‘Is Sun Yingying really interested in me? She should be mostly playful, right? She is the owner of a brothel and has seen a lot of things between men and women, so she treats such things as a trivial matter? ’

Li Ping'an raised his head and sighed, slumped in his seat.

The key to dealing with the Tiantian Clan, the cause of his father's disaster, and the troublesome Sun Yingying...

A white shadow floated past like cotton wool.

Wearing only a loose white skirt, she sat down on the lounge chair next to Li Ping'an and took a pot of fairy fruit brew from the ice bucket on the side.

"Are you worried?"

"Master, have you tried the fresh food in Dong'an City?"

"It's just the same."

Qing Su raised her head and took a sip of the fruit juice, stretched her waist slightly, and looked at Wen Ling'er who was digging a hole to bury the little white tiger, her eyes slightly lost.

She said: "They feel so comfortable."

"Who? Wen Ling?"

Li Ping'an continued to turn over the scriptures and said with a smile:

"Although she is at ease, she does not have much strength to protect her. It is only because of Master's protection that she can be at ease.

"Master, will you feel tired in ASEAN?"

"No, Wenrou will take me around to play and see the scenery."

Qingsu closed her eyes and rested, and her voice became much softer:

"But sometimes I think that since I have accepted ASEAN's offerings, I should do something for ASEAN. Just playing around every day is a bit too leisurely."

Li Ping'an smiled and said: "Wouldn't it be better to have some leisure time? When I go to ASEAN this time, Master, please take Wen Ling'er with you and ask her to help me take care of the little white tiger. It will probably take some years for the white tiger to fully grow. "

"Okay," Qing Su glanced at him, "I heard Junior Sister Qing Xu say, are you recruiting immortal soldiers in the door? Why not recruit women?"

Li Ping'an said: "This is the rule of ASEAN."

Qingsu whispered: "But there are many female soldiers in ASEAN. They are all practicing, so women are not necessarily inferior to men."

"Having said that,"

Li Pingan raised his chin to Mu Ningning, who was treading water:

"If I don't impose restrictions, I'm afraid Ning Ning will follow her. If she asks, I won't be able to refuse. ASEAN will use troops against Xizhou soon, and I don't want Ning Ning to go to the battlefield."

Qingsu was a little confused: "Why?"

"This is my personal problem," Li Ping'an said with a squinted smile, "It's always a bit awkward to let the woman you like go to the battlefield."

Qing Su thought about it carefully: "So that's it. Have you asked Ning Ning?"

"That's not easy to ask."

Li Ping'an smiled and said, "Is it Master Qingxu who is looking for you?"

"Well," Qing Su nodded slightly, "Caiyun Peak wants to find you through the back door. You need three disciples to obey your orders. Caiyun Peak must have at least one."

Li Pingan was really in trouble.

If the female disciples from Caiyun Peak were allowed to go with them but not Ning Ning, how would Ning Ning be happy?

But he is a disciple of Caiyun Peak, and Caiyun Peak is the ‘mainstay’ of the sect, so he cannot completely ignore Caiyun Peak’s intentions.

I never thought that such a small thing could have so many concerns.

But if I really have to take my junior sister to the battlefield in the future...

Li Ping'an admitted that he was a bit chauvinistic, but he really didn't want to let the people he was supposed to protect face such danger.

Li Ping'an sighed: "Forget it, I'll go talk to Ning Ning."


Mu Ningning suddenly turned around and looked over, staring into his eyes from a distance of dozens of feet.

The two of them seemed to have a clear understanding of each other, each understanding something.

Mu Ningning raised her hand and stroked the hair beside her ears, and said softly: "I want to retreat inside the door and rush to the immortal realm. If I rush up to you before you become an immortal, then I have defeated you, how about it?" "

Li Pingan's heart was slightly touched, and he didn't know how to answer for a moment, so he could only nod in agreement.

Qing Su took out a scripture, lowered her head to read it, and said softly: "Then I will tell Junior Sister Qing Xu later and ask them to arrange a more powerful Yuan Xian."

"Well," Li Ping'an nodded slowly, "Master will just arrange it. Let's leave and return to ASEAN in three days."

"Just arrange it."

Qingsu raised her hand and rubbed her flat belly, frowned and muttered:

"If I had said I would go back in three days, I wouldn't have to be in such a hurry."

Li Ping'an:...

Fortunately, immortals don’t get fat by eating.

ASEAN, Zhengtian Temple.

Old Man Tianli clasped his hands behind his back, hummed a song, and stepped into the hall proudly.

More than a dozen old men and women sitting in a circle in the center of Zhengtian Hall opened their eyes and looked over at the same time.

"Oh, practice is all you need, look at what I do."

Old Man Tianli held his belt, walked to his seat and sat down.

In the past, they were in a semi-reclusive state, using the Dao realm of more than ten people to build a virtual practice realm, in which they could entrust themselves and comprehend the Dao together.

If anyone has something to do, please leave this virtual practice realm temporarily.

But now, from the alliance leader to the twelfth deputy alliance, everyone is awake at this moment, and the practice of virtual realm has temporarily stopped.

Such a situation has rarely been seen in the past tens of thousands of years. Every time all the alliance leaders and deputy alliances wake up at the same time, it indicates that a large-scale military force will be used against Xizhou, but today...

An old woman asked in a low voice: "Tianli, does your Majesty have any instructions? Instructions for us?"

"No," Old Man Tianli sat cross-legged with a slight smile on his lips, "Our cultivation level is not worthy of His Majesty's attention. I was kneeling beside His Majesty all the time, not daring to raise my head."

"I'm not asking you this. We wanted to kneel down, but His Majesty didn't even summon us!"

"You old boy is so proud! Look at him, his beard is almost sticking up to the sky!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Old Man Tianli laughed proudly and winked at the old men and ladies he was close to.

Taiyi, leader of ASEAN and the only one in ASEAN, caressed his beard and whispered softly: "Does your Majesty have an order for us to use troops against Xizhou in advance?"

"Your Majesty didn't even mention these things," Old Man Tianli raised his little finger and licked his nostrils, "Let me tell you clearly that your Majesty is going to Dong'an City to find the Immortal of Great Fortune and the Immortal of Great Enlightenment. "

The expressions of the old men changed, and they all felt a little depressed.

Thinking about it, they have been working for ASEAN for so many years. They have worked hard and worked hard. Although there are some small actions, they are generally loyal to His Majesty.

Unexpectedly, His Majesty went out to see the father and son without asking them to give them a few words of reprimand.

The leader of ASEAN said slowly: "Your Majesty's move should have deep meaning."

"Don't you see His Majesty's will?"

Old Man Tianli said warmly:

"His Majesty gave the Wan Yun Sect a plaque. This was given for Li Ping'an's sake.

"At that time, His Majesty chatted with Li Pingan alone for half an hour, and then he probably gave Li Pingan a token.

"If I sensed it correctly at the time, I was given the Xuanyuan Sword Token."

"Sword order?"

"When the sword command is released, it can kill traitors... this?"

An old man said angrily: "Then Li Pingan is so virtuous and capable!"

"How can you be so virtuous?" Old Man Tianli sighed, "I actually don't quite understand it, but after thinking about it carefully, I probably thought of something, but I don't dare to talk about these things to you."

"Tianli, we have been friends for almost 100,000 years!"

"You're a bit uninterested. Can we still leak such news?"

"That's right, Tianli, don't show off, tell me quickly!"


Old Man Tianli smacked his lips: "I didn't even order the 100,000-year-old fairy wine to moisten my throat."

"I know you!"

The second vice-president of ASEAN cursed, took out a gourd from his arms, and handed it to Tianli with a face full of pain.

Tianli laughed and grabbed the gourd and took a big sip.

Then, Tianli looked at the two old women sitting beside him and said slowly:

"Your Majesty actually heard a very interesting statement from Li Pingan, that is, ASEAN is divided into three factions.

“The Protector Sect, which occupies the main body, the Western Sect, which is suppressed by Western religion, and the Wa Gong Sect.

"The Emperor Protector Faction is simply loyal to His Majesty, the Western Faction is more influenced by the two leaders of the Western Sect, and the Wa Palace Faction is naturally more closely involved with several chief maids in the Nuwa Palace."


An old woman frowned and said, "We are all loyal to His Majesty! Why does Li Ping'an say that!"

"Don't worry, everyone," Old Man Tianli said with a smile, "Li Ping'an was discussing this matter with his father, and His Majesty accidentally overheard it. I was following His Majesty at the time, and I was also surprised. After hearing this, Your Majesty's expression changed. Although there is no change, I can notice that His Majesty’s Tao Yun has become a bit sharper.”

Six or seven people present could not help but frown.

The leader of the ASEAN Alliance stroked his beard and smiled and said: "Don't worry, your Majesty will not blame us because of Li Ping'an's few words...Tianli, what else did your Majesty say?"

"Your Majesty has great regard for the youngest daughter of the Gravity Mu family, who is now Mu Ningning of the Wanyun Sect. This is the daughter of an old friend as your Majesty calls her."

Old Man Tianli said slowly:

“In addition, we will also have thousands of troops stationed outside Wanyun Sect.

"Your Majesty has given you the words to carry forward the past and open up the future. You can understand the connotation here by yourself. Also, whose power is the Tiantian Clan, please give it a beating when it is time to make them restrain themselves.

"Leader, if according to our previous plan, we will march westward once in three to five years, we will still have 300,000 sets of magic weapons and 500,000 pieces of armor to prepare. How can we give this to Wan Yun Sect?"

The ASEAN leader asked: "What do you mean?"

All the old men and women nodded at the same time, no one objected.

The ASEAN leader smiled and said: "In that case, let Wanyun Sect do it. In addition, we also need 10,000 sets of immortal treasures, and we will give 3,000 sets to Forging Heaven Sect."

Old man Tianli cupped his hands and said, "Alliance leader, you are wise."

The leader of the alliance, Lao Dao, was a little embarrassed and sighed with a smile: "The main thing is that Wanyun Sect can save 60% of spiritual stones by making this magic weapon. We in ASEAN can't always be extravagant. Everyone, don't you think so?"

All the old men and women spoke one after another:

"What the leader said is absolutely true."

"Are you only going to give the Forging Heaven Clan three thousand sets of immortal treasures this time?"

"The purchase price of the Immortal Treasure must be kept low. The Forging Heaven Sect has really gone too far before. It directly burned down the hilltop of Wei Yuan Sect and burned more than a hundred weapon refiners to death. We really think we are old immortals." Are you so short-sighted that you can’t see their little tricks?”

"It's really time to knock on the Tiantian Gate."

"But will this matter anger some adults in the Notre Dame Palace..."

"Look, fellow Taoist, aren't you now the Wa Palace sect? We are all the Emperor Protector sect!"

"That's right, that's right!"

Old Man Tianli raised his hand and took another sip of the fine wine, with a bit more smile in his eyes.

What should be beaten has been beaten, and ASEAN seems to be stable for a while.

Suddenly a big hand poked out from the side.

Old Man Tianli was caught off guard. The wine gourd in his hand was snatched away. When he turned around, he saw a big foot enlarging his face!

"Just have a sip! How many sips have you had?"

There were a few more laughs in the hall.

After a while, most of the seats in the hall were empty, and the few remaining old men were in seclusion safely, and the fairy lights on their bodies were connected with each other again.

Three days later.

In front of all the Qi practitioners in Dong'an City, Li Ping'an and Qing Su stepped on a cloud boat, taking three Yuanxian, Tiandiqiao, and Hezhen Realm disciples of Wanyun Sect and fled toward the southwest.

Half a day after Li Ping'an left, two angels escorted Mu Ningning back to the mountain gate.

Because of the gift of words from His Majesty the Yellow Emperor, Wanyun Sect is still setting up a large flowing water table, and all the immortals are happy and overjoyed.

Mu Ningning followed her master around and collected many treasures given by her seniors.

Most of the immortals in the sect who went into seclusion because of Yun Zhongzi's sermon have now come out of seclusion. They have made breakthroughs in their cultivation realms, and the sect's strength has increased a lot.

However, the leader Yun Mo and several old immortals who are attacking the Golden Immortal barrier have made no movement at this moment.

It's so difficult to reach the Golden Immortal. After decades of seclusion and some entry into the country, it's a great achievement. It will probably take some time for them to get out of the seclusion.

It is said that Li Dazhi has important matters and will stay in Dong'an City for a while.

Everyone in the door knew that the Immortal of Fortune was just a beauty hidden in Dong'an City, but no one would reveal this.

In Zuiyue Tower in Dong'an City, Sun Yingying was still looking forward to it.

The cruel 'Mo Wenqing' did not show up at the agreed time, and the follow-up was even more impossible.

However, on the way back to ASEAN, Li Ping'an took a turn and went to Xu Xuntian's hiding place alone, entrusting the Five Directions Spiritual Stone to 'Mo Wentian'.

Li Ping'an really felt that he was about to be disturbed by that Sun Yingying.

Even when he gets along with his junior sister, Sun Yingying's graceful dancing will always appear in front of him.

Red skull, beauty withered bones, His Majesty the Yellow Emperor's teachings that day should always be kept in mind. This woman Sun Yingying is too lethal, so it is better to be rare for the time being.

Yunzhou traveled half a day longer for this reason.

After Li Ping'an returned from Xu Xuntian, he accelerated towards ASEAN.

The final stretch to the ASEAN headquarters.

Li Ping'an meditated from the bow of the boat and continued to think about how to grasp Tuo Tianmen's pigtails. The pendant transformed by Qing Su was attached to his chest, but he was too lazy to show up.

In the canopy of the boat, Gu Qingcheng sat cross-legged and meditated, placing the sword box across his knees, surrounded by wisps of fairy light.

He had just barely entered the realm of the Heaven and Earth Bridge before, and his soul had just swallowed a drop of the Fountain of Youth refined by Li Ping'an. He was now experiencing the transformation of his soul and experiencing the boundless wonders.

Opposite Gu Qingcheng, Yu Yingshu, who had grown taller and taller, was wiping a long knife with a fierce expression on his face, as if he was about to fight with someone.

Beside Yu Yingshu, a young Yuanxian with regular features and beautiful face sat quietly.

This is the female Yuan Immortal sent by Caiyun Peak. She has only been practicing for more than seventy years and has reached the top level of the sixth level Yuan Immortal Realm - Chen Ting'er.

However, this fairy seedling that has grown into a small tree is really uneasy at the moment.

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