The fairy father

Chapter 141 ‘Ordinary’ Wanyun Sect Tiandi Bridge


In the courtyard where ASEAN officials rest, Li Ping'an's room.

"This Guanhai Gate has quite a lot of problems."

Li Ping'an stood in front of the homemade blackboard with his arms folded, looking at the analysis diagram drawn on it, and couldn't help but fall into thought.

Ye Zisang grabbed a handful of spiritual fruit melon seeds and banged them. Senior Xu Sheng on the side held a handkerchief and carefully scrubbed the Cang Yue Pearl placed on the 'Peerless Jade Shelf'.

Li Ping'an whispered: "The last one was eliminated... I didn't expect that I could see it with my own eyes here."

Xu Sheng sighed with a smile: "Guanhaimen has been having problems for a day or two. Many immortal seedlings have been ruined by the style of Guanhaimen. How many talented young people can be unstoppable and ahead in every realm? What's more, in the field of cultivation, When it comes to things, sometimes haste leads to waste.”

Ye Zisang wondered: "Didn't anyone take care of Guan Haimen before?"

"This is the sect's sect rule. How can others control it?" Xu Sheng muttered from the side.

"This matter must be stopped."

Li Ping'an threw away the chalk, turned around and walked back to his seat to sit down, with his hands in his sleeves and some thoughts in his eyes.

Xu Sheng was like an 'old man walking birds in the park', holding the treasure rack and the moon bead in his left hand, and came over with a smile.

"Ping'an, what do you think about Guanhaimen?"

"What do you think?"

"That's it, you want to bring it down?"

"It's unrealistic to overthrow it," Li Ping'an felt a little helpless, "We are not demon cultivators, how can we still overthrow other people's sects?"

Xu Sheng was puzzled: "Then what are you going through here?"

"Of course we are working hard to transform Guanhaimen so that the disciples of Guanhaimen can have a better tomorrow."

Li Ping'an's eyes were very clear:

"I'm doing this seriously."

Xu Sheng was a little dumbfounded: "Aren't they the enemies of Wanyun Sect?"

"It was true before, but not necessarily now."

Li Pingan raised his chin to the small blackboard and said with a smile:

"I just analyzed it. Not counting the outer sects of Guanhai Sect, the core disciples of Guanhai Sect are roughly divided into four categories. There are obvious class divisions in these four categories.

"The first level is the lineage of the deputy hall master and founder of the Blood Demon Palace, which includes the first to sixth elders, as well as 30% of the Celestial Immortals and disciples of the Guanhai Sect. 30% of the people enjoy 60% of the cultivation resources.

"The second level is the second line composed of three Jinxian Patriarchs. The three Jinxian Dao successors occupy the positions of the seventh to twelfth elders, as well as 40% of the disciples of Guanhai Sect, and enjoy 30% of the cultivation resources.

"The third level, the third lineage composed of those supreme elders, has no Golden Immortal heritage, no elder position, occupies 30% of the disciples, and enjoys 10% of the cultivation resources.

"The fourth category is the casual cultivators who come here. These people bring their own food and grass."


Xu Sheng stared and said, "Why is the third level so miserable?"

Ye Zisang explained: "I know this. These Supreme Elders are actually the original founders of several sects that were annexed by Guanhai Sect. They all have the strength of first- and second-level heavenly immortals. The disciples of the third-level disciples have been working hard. , but received very few monastic resources.”

Li Ping'an said: "I have asked two worship leaders to check their accounts."

Xu Sheng asked: "Do you want to divide it into parts?"

"The general idea is this," Li Ping'an said, "support the second level, suppress the first level, and take out most of the first level's cultivation resources and give them to the second and third levels."

Ye Zisang thought carefully for a while and said with a smile: "Indeed, it is more advantageous for the disciples who support the Three Golden Immortals."

Li Ping'an tapped his fingers lightly on the table and said slowly: "Don't rush this matter. It will take half a year to do it. Brother Ye, I'll leave these things to you."

Ye Zisang stood up and held his hands in his hands, saying seriously: "I obey my orders!"

Li Pingan said quickly:

"First, we will use the ASEAN investigation of the Blood Demon Palace as an excuse to interview the Celestial Immortals and True Immortals from the lineage of the founder of Guanhai Sect every three days.

"In half a month, take over the worship hall of Guanhaimen on the grounds that the treasures in Guanhaimen are not from the correct source. If this does not go smoothly, ask ASEAN for help. ASEAN should have people who are good at searching accounts. If you have friends You can also call a group to come over and help.

"Dig out the monastic resources occupied by the first level and implement the strategy of receiving monthly payment based on realm within Guanhai Gate.

"This matter may encounter some resistance. We must find a way to get the disciples of the second and third levels to stand up against the first level."

"Yes!" Ye Zi Sang said solemnly, "I will accept the order."

Then he stood up and sat back down in his seat, returning to his usual smiling face.

Uncle Ye Di chuckled:

"I will immediately edit a letter and call a few friends with rich backgrounds that Guanhaimen dare not provoke to come over!

"As soon as they hear that it is Dawu Quasi-immortal summoning them, they will probably arrive tomorrow!"

Li Ping'an:...

The children of the human race's aristocratic families respect rules.

However, many of the current ills of the human race still originate from these aristocratic families.

"Peace," Xu Sheng asked with a smile, "What should I do? You're welcome, feel free to do whatever you want!"

"Senior, don't worry, you are helping me a lot by being here."

Li Pingan changed the subject:

"But then again, ASEAN sent a decree this time to commend us, but is it just a verbal commendation?"


Ye Zisang asked in a low voice: "Isn't this enough to be rewarded by the alliance leader's order?"

Li Ping'an was a little confused: "Isn't there even a little bit of physical reward?"

"Ah," Ye Zisang thought for a while, "How about I ask your master for you?"

"Forget it," Li Ping'an sighed, "I don't really want ASEAN to do something, I just think the reward and punishment system is not very clear."

Xu Sheng hesitated to speak.

Li Ping'an said: "Senior, what's wrong?"

Xu Sheng sighed, looked at Li Pingan carefully, and wondered:

"Senior Tianli invited me like this when I was having a drink at your place before. Why did you refuse, Ping An?

"Didn't you understand what Senior Tianli meant?

"This is Senior Tianli and the highest-level faction in ASEAN that he represents. They want to reuse you and let you fight against the unhealthy tendencies and unhealthy people in ASEAN."

Li Pingan shook his head with a smile: "I understand, I just can't agree."


"First, the order comes from the deputy leader, and the highest level is under the deputy leader. It cannot touch the foundation of the unhealthy trend. The bigger the noise I make, the greater the backlash it will cause later."

Li Ping'an leaned back in the chair, glanced at Ye Zisang, and said slowly:

“Secondly, Senior Tianli and the others have not made up their minds.

"The deputy master of the Blood Demon Palace has revealed his true appearance. Senior Tianli has been following closely. In the end, he was directly killed and the memory of the remaining soul was reassembled. This is the main reason why I rejected Senior Tianli. reason.

"They want to use me as their sword, and all they care about is my status as a teacher."

Ye Zisang sighed: "Brother Li, how did you see this? This is indeed what you said."

Li Ping'an raised his eyebrows: "Isn't this something that is obvious? The third and most important thing is."


"That's right," Li Ping'an said, "Now that the Holy Mother Palace has no owner, the human race should not have civil strife, otherwise others will take advantage of it."

Ye Zisang lowered his head and thought.

Xu Sheng frowned and looked at Li Ping'an, and muttered: "We are all blacksmiths, Ping'an, please don't fool me, Ping'an... why do you sound so mysterious?"

Li Ping'an picked up the tea and took a sip, but just smiled and said nothing.

At this time, the three of them looked at the courtyard outside the door at the same time.

Suddenly I heard a loud shout from outside: "Li Ping'an! Come out!"

Dozens of Guanhai Sect inner disciples dressed in long robes rushed into the small courtyard like a swarm.

Li Ping'an smiled and said: "Look, the founder's lineage can't sit still anymore."

As soon as he finished speaking, fairy light flashed around the courtyard, and two hundred fairy soldiers in silver armor rose into the air, heavily surrounding the intruding figures in the courtyard.

"Be bold!"

An immortal warrior jumped to the roof, spread his power and shouted angrily:

"Here lives the ASEAN special envoy, a third-level patrol! You came here with weapons in hand, and you have ulterior motives. You should be punished for your crimes!"

The momentum of these dozens of disciples instantly succumbed, and each and every one of them had weak legs. You looked at me, I looked at you, and they all wanted to retreat.

Several more rays of immortal light were seen flying towards him, and one Celestial Immortal and two True Immortals from the founder's lineage came, and they handed over their hands to the Celestial Immortal general.

"Don't blame the immortal generals, don't blame the immortal generals!"

"All the disciples were just impulsive! Please ask the Immortal General to calm down!"

"Yes, the disciples just feel that it is really difficult for ASEAN to convince the public to let a Wan Yun Sect disciple from the Heaven and Earth Bridge realm serve as a third-grade inspector, so there is such a misunderstanding."

The Immortal War General frowned and stared at these Guanhaimen Immortals.

At this moment, I don’t know how many immortal and spiritual consciousnesses are looking at this side. This general must think more carefully and not deal with it rashly.

Inside the main house wrapped in the Golden Immortal Immortal Power Barrier.

Ye Zisang, who was looking at the door, turned to look at Li Ping'an and said excitedly: "Brother Li! They are trying to blame you!"

Li Ping'an laughed and scolded: "Then you are still laughing! If they are brothers, go and chop them down!"

"My strength is really not good enough."

Ye Zisang from True Fairyland hurried back to Li Pingan:

"Brother Li, why don't you go discuss Taoism with them? I really want to admire Brother Li's elegance in discussing Taoism."

"No, no," Li Ping'an waved his hand, "Just let them make trouble, just give me a few words. As an ASEAN special envoy and a third-level patrol officer, how can I not have such courage?"

Suddenly I heard another disciple shouting outside the door: "Li Ping'an! I lost to you last time in the debate! Today I will definitely regain my place!"

This is……

[No object] Dugu Mei?

Li Pingan shook his head with a smile and did not answer.

The noise outside the door started again.

Another disciple shouted: "The Immortal of Great Fortune is said to be a person of great luck, but this Immortal of Great Enlightenment is just a false name! He doesn't even dare to discuss the Tao!"

Li Ping'an took out a scripture and began to read this heavenly scripture in a leisurely manner.

Suddenly I heard: "Li Ping'an's master is a female cultivator. She just broke through to become a heavenly immortal. I'm afraid she doesn't have any Taoist skills!"

Li Ping'an suddenly clutched the scripture tightly, jumped up and rushed to the door of the house!

He raised his foot and kicked open the door, his stern eyes scanning the entire place.

Today is different from the past. After the spiritual metamorphosis of Yuanshen, Li Ping'an's own strength has stabilized the ninth-level Yuanxian;

At this moment, relying on the power of the immortal on the roof, he was condescending from the three steps, so that the Haimen disciples watching below did not dare to look at him!

"You want to discuss the doctrine?"

Li Ping'an raised his hand to unbuckle the Taoist robe, raised his right hand, and the Taoist robe floated into the room, revealing the bright white placket, trousers and cloth boots underneath, and his long hair flowing from his back.

"Senior! Set up a cloud platform!"


Xu Sheng agreed, waving his big sleeves, and he casually picked off a few white clouds in the sky, forming a 100-foot-square cloud platform that hung over the courtyard.

Li Pingan bent his legs slightly, rose into the sky, and landed in the middle of the cloud platform.

"Today you and I are going to fight over each other!

"I am a disciple of Wanyun Sect, and I only represent the Caiyunfeng Qingsu lineage of Wanyun Sect and all the disciples of Luntao Guanhai Sect.

"Who dares to fight!"

"Me!" Dugu Mei raised her sword and rushed into the air.

The disciples of Guanhai Sect became energetic and flew from the courtyard to the cloud platform.

In an instant, beams of light swept across Guanhai Gate, and figures appeared in the sky.

On the shore of the East China Sea, amid the blue sea and blue sky, Li Ping'an stood on the cloud platform, and a disciple named Guan Haimen Tiandi Bridge and Hezhen Realm quickly fell around him.

Li Ping'an stood with his hands behind his back, and all the disciples were gearing up.

Ye Zisang excitedly took out a photo ball. If there weren't too many people around, he would still have to act like a seventh-grade pure border envoy, otherwise he would definitely shout "Brother Li is mighty" several times.

Then I heard a loud shout: "Guanhaimen Dugumei, come forward and learn from me!"

Li Ping'an didn't answer, staring at his old rival expressionlessly.

The last time the Tao discussion in Guanlan Tower was empty, this man's Taoist heart was damaged and his Tao realm was trapped in the Tiandi Bridge, unable to become an immortal. Today's battle is his only chance to become an immortal in the near future!

The sword in Dugu Mei's hand burst out with streaks of light, and he made a test move with his hand, throwing out three crescent arc lights, cutting three ravines from the cloud platform.

Li Ping'an closed and opened his eyes, thinking about Master's teachings in his heart, and took a step forward.

‘Move on the defensive, keep your unclearness from increasing, concentrate on action, cut ten to survive. ’

‘Fighting can only be done in three words: strength, speed and method. If you can defeat ten with one force, the moves should be as simple as possible. ’

'Apprentice, you must remember that if you encounter a strong enemy, the only way to survive is to concentrate on using all your strength. ’

Of course, Li Ping'an didn't quite agree with these words. He more agreed with the puppet's escape route.

But today, he only used the fighting methods taught by his master.


Li Ping'an suddenly rushed forward. In the spiritual consciousness capture of the disciples, his figure flashed just a few times before he rushed in front of Dugu Mei.

The long sword in Dugu Mei's hand threw out a starburst, but the starburst stopped abruptly before it fully bloomed.

Two slender fingers pinched the thin blade of the long sword, and a big hand pressed Dugu Mei's neck.

Dugu Mei's eyes widened.

This strength... This is really the speed that the Heaven and Earth Bridge Realm can have...

Li Ping'an flicked his hand, and Dugu Mei flew out, falling from the edge of the cloud platform, creating a cloud of smoke and dust on the ground.

It's just that falling like this will not cause too much injury to a Qi practitioner in the Heaven and Earth Bridge realm.

But Dugu Mei looked at the sky, her eyes a little hollow.

One move failed.

Why? He was defeated in one move.

I can't move now. A ray of mana from the other party has sealed my soul, and this mana... is pure, pure, and contains Qingyun Dao. It has indeed never become an immortal.

how come?

Is there such a big difference between the Heaven and Earth Bridge Realm and the Heaven and Earth Bridge Realm?

Li Pingan's calm voice came from the cloud: "Who else is dissatisfied?"

"I'll teach you!"

After a while, a figure appeared in Dugu Mei's eyes, fell from the air, and landed next to Dugu Mei.

"Who else?"


"Li Ping'an, don't be so arrogant!"

"Everyone might as well come together and watch the Haimen's skills, that's all."


"We must defeat him today! Let's go together!"

Listening to these words in Dugu Mei's ears, figures flying into the air kept appearing in her sight. With the sound of collisions, figures kept falling from the air and lined up neatly beside Dugu Mei.

The battle on Yun Shang was not fierce.

It should be said that this is not a fight, but a simple lesson.

A Heaven and Earth Bridge Realm Qi Practitioner from Wan Yun Sect was teaching all the Tian Di Qiao Realm Qi Practitioners from Guanhai Sect.

Half an hour later.

Several courtyards were filled with figures, and the surroundings were filled with immortal soldiers.

The cloud platform collapsed on its own and turned into a few white clouds floating toward the East China Sea.

Li Pingan fell from the air with his hands behind his back, and landed on the wall of the courtyard under the admiring gazes of the immortal soldiers. He lowered his head and looked at the two to three hundred Guanhaimen disciples.

'That's it? Do you still dare to say whether my master’s teaching is good or not? ’

Li Ping'an thought for a moment and did not leave directly at this moment. Instead, he sighed softly and said slowly:

“If you blindly pursue fast practice, the Tao foundation you gain is nothing more than superficial and rootless.

"It's just some lost people who don't understand the true meaning of Taoism. How can they be worthy of being my opponents?

"A disciple of Tiandiqiao like me is just ordinary in the Wanyun Sect."

After saying that, Li Ping'an turned around and returned to his house, leaving the two to three hundred Guanhaimen disciples lying there with blank eyes.

The... true meaning of monasticism?

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