The fairy father

Chapter 134 The battle to destroy the demon in Dong'an!

"Peace! The demon clan is coming!"

"The immortal soldiers have left the barracks! Pounce on the East China Sea with all your strength!"

"The operation of the city's formation was suddenly blocked, and the formation in the southwest was weakened!"

Wei Yanzi and the two Yuanxian deacons rushed into Li Ping'an's study.

Li Ping'an, who was reading scripture with his head down, looked up at the three of them. Just a slight smile at the corner of his mouth made the three Yuanxian deacons calm down.

Li Ping'an said: "Don't worry, everyone, everything will go according to plan."


The three of them bowed at the same time.

Li Ping'an is now the elder of the inner sect. Although it is only an unusual appointment, the three of them should also bow.

Wei Yanzi was about to leave with the two of them and continue to inquire about the situation from all sides, but was stopped by Li Ping'an:

"Deacon, have the targets been set up?"

"The arrangements are ready," Wei Yanzi said hurriedly, "As mentioned before, a group of people have been placed on the Immortal Street, and a group of people have been placed on a high building in the city. I will rush to the Immortal Street above immediately!"

Li Ping'an said: "Then deacon, please take me with you. With me, a quasi-immortal of great enlightenment, appearing, they may be more motivated."

Wei Yanzi hurriedly said: "This is absolutely impossible! You...puppet?"

Li Ping'an took out a storage magic weapon from his sleeve and released a human-sized puppet.

Li Ping'an flicked the fingers of his right hand, and a drop of blood penetrated into the back of the puppet. He quickly pinched his fingers with his left hand and pointed it at the back of the puppet.

The next moment, strong spiritual power ripples appeared around the puppet's body, and its skin quickly became warm and plump, 90% similar to a real person.

Wei Yuanzong’s secret technique of puppetry!

Li Pingan warned:

"Deacon needs to keep this puppet with him at all times and cover it with your Tao Yun. Others will think that this puppet also has the cultivation level of Yuanxian Realm.

"It will take about two hours for this drop of my blood essence to evaporate completely.

"Remember, if the enemy charges too fiercely, just throw the puppets out. I still have many puppets like this, but they are just bait to lure the enemy."


Wei Yanzi grasped the puppet's arm. It was still hard to the touch, and he was amazed.

Wei Yanzi did not dare to delay any longer, so he dragged the puppet and rushed to the courtyard, riding the clouds directly out of the courtyard array and towards the fairy street suspended in the sky.

Wei Yanzi called out: "The demon is coming! We will gather our combat forces from Immortal Street! Get ready to go to the East China Sea to rescue! A few more immortals will come to protect the peace!"

"Why is Ping An here?"

"It's really safe! I wonder if these monsters in the East China Sea are powerful monsters!"

"Silence! Silence! Don't expose Ping An's traces!"

Nearly a hundred people from Wan Yunxian rushed out from the city, most of them were from Yuanxian Realm and Hezhen Realm;

The Immortal Street, which was already home to dozens of Yuan Immortals and seven or eight True Immortals, suddenly became lively.

That's what Li Ping'an said was the target.

This target is by no means an abandoned target.

The blood evil is in the dark and thousands of clouds are in the light. Li Ping'an can only lure the enemy deeper.

There are a large number of casual cultivators and hundreds of thousands of mortals in Dong'an City. During the fierce battle later, if the Blood Fiend casually sprinkles a piece of real fire, a large number of mortal cultivators will suffer an unreasonable disaster.

Li Ping'an would not blame himself for the killings committed by his enemies. He did not have such a 'great sentiment'.

He just wanted to minimize the casualties of innocent people within his own power.

The Blood Demon Palace wants to target Wan Yun Sect, so wouldn't it be good if Wan Yun Xian can be gathered together?

He calculated several times from the perspective of the Blood Demon in the Blood Demon Palace.

Everyone is not a fool.

According to Huo Gun Sha Zeng Yimu's confession, Zeng Yimu didn't understand the sneak attack arranged by the deputy palace master, and he also had a premonition that something would happen. There was no guarantee that the other Blood Fiends would not flee immediately when they saw the situation was amiss.

The person above is just the deputy palace master.

For the masters of the Blood Demon Palace, they must fight quickly.

The more than a hundred big demons that appeared in the East China Sea are no match for the group of immortal soldiers with their own battle formations. The demon clan will be defeated at the first touch, and the two thousand immortal soldiers will pursue the victory.

The Blood Demon Palace only has a short window period to take action. After this window period, they must retreat.

Therefore, the two targets set up by Li Ping'an will most likely become the opponent's first targets.

"I can't be idle either."

Li Ping'an got up from his desk, went to Wen Ling'er's place for a walk, and told Wen Ling'er to hide in the underground secret room. Then he put on a spirit animal skin mask, transformed into an 'ordinary green-robed Yuanxian', and escaped. near the second target point.

Time is on the side of Wanyun Sect.

Li Ping'an hid at the base of a wall and met two Immortals from the Wan Yun Sect. Since he was also a Daoyun from the Wan Yun Sect, he did not attract the attention of these two Yuan Immortals.

Everything is going according to his plan.

There was some commotion in the city, and dozens of outer sect unimmortal deacons who formed the atmosphere group were speeding around everywhere at the moment, shouting:

"Don't worry, everyone! Wan Yun can protect Dong'an's stability!"

After a while, there was a roar from the southwest.

Li Ping'an hid at the base of the wall and looked up, and saw a huge bolide suddenly appearing in the southwest sky, crashing into the city defense formation very quickly!

In just one breath, bolide bombarded the disturbed formation, and the wall of light in the southwest shattered.

The bolide exploded into pieces, and the billowing fire poured into Dong'an City!

The mortal monks in the city looked up, their expressions mostly confused and frightened.

An elder from the Wan Yun Sect shouted: "Demon attack!"

To the southwest, black shadows appeared from bottom to top. At least three to four hundred figures jumped into the air at the same time and appeared outside the gap in the formation!

More than a hundred Immortals from the Wan Yun Sect leaped up in various places in the city, but they were "a step too late after all." The group of dark shadows that had been premeditated rushed into the city like a school of fish!

A bloody evil spirit raised its head and laughed, spreading layers of black fire.

A bloody evil spirit shouted loudly: "Kill all Wan Yunxian!"

There was a blood demon who raised his head and stared at the Immortal Street. His immortal consciousness was locked on 'Li Ping'an' next to Wei Yanzi, and he let out a roar.

The blood evil divided into two groups, and one elite rushed straight into the Fairy Street in the sky.

And a large number of demon cultivators who were temporarily summoned flew towards Wan Yunxian.

The three blood demons led their troops and charged into the Immortal Street!

Without him...

"Great enlightenment to the quasi-immortal!"

"It's Dawu Quasi-immortal! Catch him! Wanyun Sect will be controlled by you and me!"

The Blood Demon roared like this, and many Wan Yun Sect immortals showed anxious expressions, while the four Wan Yun Sect Celestial Immortal elders hiding in the city showed their presence and sniped at the three Blood Demons!

There was great chaos in the city.

Outside the city, five hundred figures flew quickly against the city wall, using the city defense formation to cover their aura, and surrounded the gap in the formation.

Li Pingan is waiting for these people.

He held the fourth jade talisman in his hand, and his spiritual consciousness kept scanning everywhere. He could see the demon cultivators killing people wantonly, he could see the scattered cultivators fleeing hastily, and he could see the mortals in the city panic.

It's just four hundred demon cultivators who have already killed such evil people.

‘The Blood Demon Palace is just a blade in the hands of Wan Mo Tian’.

Li Pingan's heart sank inexplicably.

The immortal soldiers outside the city had passed the 'way point'. Li Ping'an silently counted three times in his heart. He pressed his thumb hard and the jade talisman in his hand collapsed.

no response?

Li Ping'an subconsciously wanted to stand up and shout, but as soon as he stood up, rapid whistles appeared all over the city.

On the Immortal Street, Wei Yanzi grabbed the 'Li Ping'an' puppet and retreated crazily, blowing a harsh noise from the magical weapon 'Bamboo Whistle' in his mouth.

Hundreds of figures rushed out of the Immortal Street at the same time, and faced the blood evil elites rushing below!

Under the Immortal Street, the same bamboo whistle sounded in six areas of the city. The roofs of houses were smashed open, and the windows of more than ten high-rise buildings were smashed. An immortal named Wan Yunzong and Wei Yuanzong rushed out of the house, carrying With swords and magic weapons hanging on their shoulders, and robes fluttering, they rush out to kill.

An elder of Wan Yun Sect’s Heavenly Immortal shouted loudly:

"Finish your duty to eradicate evil! Protect the common people!"

The immortals suddenly agreed, and more than six hundred immortals surrounded the demon cultivator!

Li Ping'an was now among the six hundred immortals. Together with the two Yuanxian who jumped up next to him, he attacked the two demon cultivators passing by in front.

This is not some kind of fighting in the ring, but a real life-and-death fight.

The Zongyun Gun lit up a beam of cold light!

Li Ping'an had already performed the Cloud Transformation, and twelve spears swept across the front points. A demonic cultivator was already somewhat unable to parry.

The other two Yuanxian looked shocked and stared at Li Pingan's profile, but they didn't say anything and worked together to kill the other demon cultivator.

Look at this big city on the East China Sea!

Immortal lights and demonic lights flashed randomly, and the good and the evil were fighting fiercely.

Immortal treasures and magic weapons all appeared, and the big demon appeared and provoked a siege.

There were dozens of big demons in the Blood Fiend Palace, and half of them had revealed their real bodies at this moment. However, they attracted the attention of the immortals of Wan Yun Sect. Magic weapons were smashed randomly and fairy swords were flying at high speeds.

Look at Li Pingan again.

He used a long spear and transformed into a cloud to suppress the demon cultivator in front of him. The demon cultivator who was beaten could only use all his immortal power to protect himself.

Unprepared, Li Ping'an suddenly abandoned his spear, mixed his body among the phantoms, and punched the demon cultivator.

This demonic cultivator was a masked middle-aged man. He suddenly turned around and stared at Li Ping'an with his snake-like eyes. Several black lights flew out of his sleeves!

Li Ping'an was not afraid, and punched forward with his right fist. The wide sleeves of his Taoist robe suddenly expanded!

The moment his fist was about to collide with Wu Mang, the five fingers of his right hand suddenly opened wide!

A large seal is pushed forward!

The black mands were all blocked, and the word "Zhenshan" at the bottom of the big seal filled the eyes of the demon cultivator.


The body of the demon cultivator collapsed!

As soon as the big seal appeared and disappeared, Li Ping'an's body returned to the phantoms. The phantoms merged into one and rushed towards the nearest demonic cultivator with a gun, helping the two sledgehammer-wielding Wei Yuanzong Yuanxian to kill the demonic cultivator!

At this time!

At the gap in the formation, two powerful angelic auras soared into the sky!

One man and one woman, two ASEAN generals wearing silver chainmail and carrying long knives and swords, just entered the formation.

The long sword was raised high, and three hundred immortal lights lit up behind it. Like a flood, they poured into the city. A group of eighteen people rushed toward the sky and the demon cultivators in the city.

Two hundred immortal lights filled the gap in the formation and turned into two hundred yuan immortals, blocking the gap in the formation like a stack of arhats.

The two immortals screamed and attacked the three blood evil spirits from behind!

At this point, no matter how unwilling these three blood evil spirits were, they could only shout:

"Oops! I fell into a trap!"

"That bastard is furious, but he betrayed me!"

"Catch Li Pingan! If you catch Li Pingan, you can still escape!"

The demon cultivators who were in trouble seemed to have grasped a straw. Regardless of the fierce attack of a total of eight immortals in front and behind, Sanxue Sha led his troops to rush towards the Immortal Street.

Wei Yanzi has never seen this scene before!

The Yuanxian deacon finally remembered the skills he had learned when he led Li Ping'an and Qing Su into Ten Thousand Miles, and directly used the escape technique, leading 'Li Ping'an' to dash through the Immortal Street in various ways.

On a normal day, even if Wei Yuanzong's puppet secret skills were outstanding, it would be very difficult to hide it from the vicious eyes of the Three-blooded Evil.

But at this moment, there was fighting everywhere, the immortal power was interfering, and the immortal consciousness could not be extended smoothly. The three blood evil spirits did not recognize that they were just puppets with blood essence added, and started to chase them from a distance.

The target set by Li Ping'an actually worked wonders.

Otherwise, the three blood evil spirits and their subordinates will go crazy, and countless casual cultivators and ordinary people in the city will suffer.

Seeing this, Li Ping'an became so proud that he just wanted to take off his mask and directly attract many demon cultivators.

Of course, he just thought about it this way, and he strangled him to death as soon as the idea came up.

His strength is only comparable to Yuan Xian, and at this moment he can only do the work of Yuan Xian.

As for Deacon Wei Yanzi... I will record a great contribution later!

The spear roars, eight spears unite!

Li Ping'an followed the gun, his figure was like an arrow from the string, and each shot brought out a rainbow, instantly piercing the neck of the horse-faced monster in front of him!

Several rays of fairy light then struck, and the horse demon's huge figure fell downwards.

A true immortal immediately took action and patted the horse demon's body to the edge of the city defense formation, falling to the uninhabited land on the edge of the city.

Li Ping'an doesn't stop.

The mana in his body is still full, and the soul that looks like glass is emitting a little bit of aura, and his combat power has not decreased but increased!

So what if you can't become an immortal?

Who is the demon cultivator in Yuanxian Realm who is his enemy with hundreds of moves!

Li Ping'an escaped to the fierce battle on the other side, raised his gun and approached a demon cultivator again. The other party used his agile body skills to spin around the two Wan Yun Sect immortals.

Li Ping'an walked sideways with his spear, Zongyun morphed and approached forward, and pieces of talismans flew out of his sleeves, blocking the opponent's movement path with the aftermath of the explosion of the talismans!

He was fighting fiercely when a wisp of sound came into his ears, but it was an immortal from Wei Yuanzong asking:

"Your Majesty wants to launch a large formation, can it be done?"

"The situation here has been decided! There is no use coming here!"


The elder Tianxian used the move of the formation to send a message to Wanyun Sect.

The elders who were protecting the moving formation at this time could naturally overlook the entire scene.

Because the Wan Yun Sect was fully prepared and a group of immortals from the Wei Yuan Sect assisted in the ambush, Wan Yun Sect won one-sided victory in every battle.

Although Wan Yun Sect also suffered some casualties, as the advantage continued to roll in, it became more and more obvious that there were more strikes and fewer attacks. It only took a moment to destroy the demon cultivators here.

At this moment, open the big formation again and let the immortals of Wan Yun Sect come forward. The immortals of Wan Yun Sect who are waiting for reinforcements will spread out their formation. The fight here has just finished.

The reason why Li Ping'an agreed to move the formation like this was actually only for one thing.

To prevent the 'Deputy Palace Master from above' from jumping over the wall and appearing in person to suppress Dong'an City.

If this golden immortal appears, Li Dazhi will immediately call Kong Ming Lao Dao out of the gate, and the moving formation here will be quickly opened, and more than thirty immortals will rush over to minimize the casualties in Dong'an City.

The anger of Jinxian is no small matter.

But at this moment...

Li Ping'an slung his spear across his back and looked up at various places in the city.

Most of the evil cultivators summoned by the Blood Fiend Palace were dead or wounded, and only a few were left to resist. Each demon cultivator was greeted by six or seven Wan Yunxian.

On the Immortal Street, there are basically only three Blood Fiends and a few of their powerful cronies left struggling.

But as more and more True Immortals and Yuan Immortals rushed from the ground to the air, the range of activity of the three blood demons became smaller and smaller.

They still want to catch up with 'Li Pingan' and Wei Yanzi, but 'Li Pingan' is getting further and further away from them.

Hearing another loud shout, the sword of the immortal general holding a long sword flashed horizontally in his hand, and the head of a blood evil spirit was thrown away.

The mask on it was broken, revealing the old face of the 'Dongzhou Famous Master' underneath.

The overall situation is decided!

The female general shouted firmly: "I'll capture you without any help! How many more days will I be able to keep you alive?"

The two blood demons gave up chasing 'Li Pingan' and started to rush left and right, but they were tightly entangled by two immortal generals, and eight immortals around them jointly bombarded them.

Deacon Wei Yanzi took ‘Li Pingan’’s arm and stood at the edge of the Fairy Street. He looked up and laughed, very proud of it.

"How many people do you still have in the Blood Demon Palace! Hahahahaha! Why don't you become a demon cultivator if you are a good monk! Killing people is quick, but the blood debt must be repaid!"

Li Pingan felt a little want to laugh when he saw this.

Deacon Wei Yanzi became serious, and that was quite serious.

He breathed out softly. After a series of battles, most of the mana in his body had been depleted. It was better to imitate other immortals who retired from the war and just meditate and rest.


Wei Yanzi's laughter stopped abruptly.

Li Ping'an suddenly felt a warning sign in his heart and raised his head to stare at the sky.

I don’t know when there was a woman behind Wei Yanzi!

This woman was wearing an ancient robe, and her aura was not visible. There was originally a snake tail under the skirt, but at this moment, the snake tail was shining with fairy light and turned into a pair of long legs.

The innate Dao body is conducive to fighting.

The woman ignored Wei Yanzi, and the 'Li Ping'an' puppet had been caught by her neck from behind.

The woman took a gentle breath, and a drop of dim blood flew out from the puppet's head.

That's Li Ping'an's blood essence!

This woman is here for this essence and blood!

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