The fairy father

Chapter 132 Tips for Interrogation

Li Ping'an also didn't expect that his first encounter in his life would be in the deep sea, surrounded by dim seawater, facing a 'little' witch whom he had only met a few times.

Although it was to disturb the opponent's mind and cover for Senior Muto;

But this is always the case...

In the dense forest near Dong'an City, the masked man and woman were saying goodbye to each other.

Sun Yingying waved her hand: "Brother Qingqing, I'll go back first."

"Well, I will return to my brother's place right now. I probably won't be back soon."

Sun Yingying said: "How about I accompany Brother Wenqing to see Brother Mo?"

Li Ping'an felt a little helpless in his eyes.

Sun Yingying turned around and flew to the treetops, saying, "You're just kidding, I still have a lot of things to do, let's go."

Li Ping'an raised his hand and waved, turned around and fled towards the south.

Qing Su asked in a voice: "Apprentice, does this witch also like you? Just like Ning Ning does to you."

"Master, you may have misunderstood."

Li Pingan made up a few words in his heart:

"She is the leader of Huangu Hall, she comes into contact with too many people every day, and she is just used to making fun of every situation.

"If she really cares about her disciple, why would she keep using a false mask to show him? She must just find an opportunity to show her true face and see how the disciple reacts."


Qingsu showed ‘a little understanding of the master’.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind:

"Oops, I fell! Why did the mask fall off?"

Li Ping'an's spiritual sense swept over, and he saw that Sun Yingying, who was powerful in the fairyland, fell from the tree, and the ghost mask fell on the grass nearby.

Qing Su whispered: "She took off her mask."

"Run away, master! Go back and interrogate Huo Gunsha!"

There was smoke at Li Ping'an's feet and he headed straight to the southwest.

In the forest, Sun Yingying fell to the ground 'delicately', turning her head to look at Li Ping'an's retreating back, first she made a face, and then she was slightly lost in thought.

He just left and never looked back.


Sun Yingying's figure flashed, turned into a wisp of smoke and disappeared, and she returned to Zuiyue Tower.

When Li Ping'an returned to his residence, Elder Yan Sheng and Senior Xu Sheng had already examined the Fire Gun Evil.

In the underground secret room, the two seniors looked a little sad.

Qing Su left Li Ping'an's chest, walked to Huo Gunsha's side with light steps, pointed at the other person's chest, and then frowned slightly.

Elder Yan Sheng puffed his smoke and said slowly: "His soul has been placed under an unbreakable restriction. As long as his soul is forcibly searched, the soul will be broken into pieces, leaving him to speak on his own."

Li Ping'an's eyes lit up: "Can I learn it? This kind of restriction?"

He raised his head and glanced at Wen Ling'er, who was bored and dazed in the room.

It is somewhat inhumane to keep Wen Ling'er at home all the time. In fact, she should be left in the mountains to practice.

"Peace," Xu Sheng asked, "What should we do now?"

"Let's torture him using conventional means first," Li Ping'an said. "If you can't open his mouth, I have a secret method that I can use."

The two old men's eyes lit up.

Xu Sheng already knew that Li Ping'an was the only official disciple of Teacher Yun Zhongzi. If he was not a formal disciple, how could he pass down the teacher's personal storage treasure?

Li Ping'an said there was a secret method, and Xu Sheng naturally thought of Cang Yuezhu.

Elder Yan Sheng asked: "When interrogating this person, should we make some disguise? The restrictions on his soul may allow other masters to spy on you and me through his eyes."

"Then let's get some scary masks."

Li Pingan took out twelve animal masks from the ring.

This was something he had prepared before to pretend to be a demon cultivator. The twelve masks were all of the same style, with a white background dyed blood red and a sneer at the corners of the mouth. The styles were the twelve zodiac signs he was most familiar with.

"That's interesting."

Xu Sheng took a 'cow noodle' at random, gestured towards his face, and said with a smile:

"It's just that the weapon refining technique is a bit rough."

"This looks pretty cute," Qing Su chose a 'rabbit face' to cover her pretty face.

Elder Yan Sheng thought carefully and chose a rat face.

——The elder also took into consideration that young people like authority. This rat-faced one looked the trickiest, so he chose it himself.

Li Ping'an casually picked up the lamb noodles and put it on his face.

The four of them walked to the unconscious Huo Gunsha together, formed a circle, and looked down at the unconscious Huo Gunsha.


Senior Xu Sheng slapped him, and the body of the immortal Taoist trembled a few times. His face was visibly red and swollen. When he opened his eyes, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Xu Sheng said in a deep voice: "The fire is rolling, do you know your sin?"

"Hehe, hehe, hahahaha!"

‘Fire Rolling Evil’ Zeng Yimu laughed a few times, his eyes filled with silence:

"I actually fell into your trap! No need to say more, just kill me!"

Senior Xu Sheng slapped him again with his backhand, and several of Huo Gunsha's teeth flew aside.

Elder Yan Sheng said slowly: "Your mask has been taken off at this time, but I have some impression of you, Zeng Yimu, right? You are a famous senior expert among casual cultivators, why? Do you want to work for the Blood Demon Palace? I'm afraid there are many innocent souls buried in your hands over the years."

When Zeng Yimu's name was revealed, his eyes became a little brighter, and he smiled miserably: "From the first day I became a fire demon, I have become neither a human nor a ghost, but I have no regrets. Please give me a good time. Don’t let poor Taoists look down on you!”

Senior Xu Sheng kicked him firmly.

The stone chair behind Zeng Yimu exploded to pieces, and he was shaking all over, lowering his head and vomiting blood.

But he still had a sneer on his face and had no intention of speaking.

Li Ping'an sighed: "Since you are a human race, why should you be loyal to demon cultivators like the Blood Demon Palace?"

Zeng Yimu said calmly: "Don't persuade others to do good unless they have suffered."

Senior Xu Sheng grabbed the man by the collar and slapped him with both hands.

The old man couldn't help but uttered a curse word: "Grandma, are you using this sentence here? Are you still reasonable? You haven't suffered from others yet. Do you know how much suffering those people you killed suffered?"

"Senior, senior," Li Pingan said hurriedly, "don't beat him to death, I will interrogate him."

Yan Sheng said: "If there is any secret method, just use it."

Qing Su stood aside with her hands behind her back and said softly: "I'm not very good at interrogating. If you let me try, I can only freeze him and then use a dagger to hit his forehead little by little from the outside. This is easier. moves."

Li Ping'an, Yan Sheng, Xu Sheng:...

It’s not easy to think of this method!

However, Li Ping'an didn't want his master to get his hands dirty after all.

He motioned for several people to step back, turned around, made preparations, and put on the magic mask behind the mask.

Later, Li Ping'an took out a gourd wrapped in various restrictions and poured out a small cup of the spiritual liquid in the gourd.

"Senior, pry open his mouth."


Xu Sheng's big iron hoop-like hand almost broke Zeng Yimu's chin.

Li Ping'an put the cup into Zeng Yimu's mouth, and after a while, a large mouthful of spiritual liquid penetrated into Zeng Yimu's throat.

Zeng Yimu was speechless: "You...what did you give me to drink..."

Li Ping'an didn't say anything, closed the stopper of the gourd, sealed it with more than ten restrictions, and sent it back to a separate storage magic weapon.

A strange group of spiritual power quickly spread out within Zeng Yimu's body.

Just as Zeng Yimu was about to speak, he suddenly felt a slight pain in his abdomen. The big man looked at his lower abdomen in astonishment, then raised his head and stared ahead.

He He……

Is he pregnant?

"You, you! Poor Dao Jing!"

Li Ping'an said slowly: "Elder, open a secret room by yourself. Senior, add a few more restrictions to him. Let's try again in two days."

Yan Sheng and Xu Sheng each agreed, and then they both looked at Zeng Yimu's belly with curiosity.

Although they all knew that Li Ping'an was using the characteristics of the Fountain of Youth to break Zeng Yimu's Taoist heart.


Boy, it's unheard of for a man to get pregnant.

Xu Sheng asked: "Ping, cough, can I put a photo ball next to him?"

The corners of Li Ping'an's mouth twitched slightly.

When it comes to perversion, you have to look at the seniors of the human race. What’s so interesting about this?

The four of them locked Huo Gunsha in a new secret room, sealed his six senses, and allowed the evil demon to give birth to a new life there.

The four of them then moved to the study room on the ground floor and each took off their masks.

Li Ping'an said: "Everyone keep the masks by yourself, they will be used for subsequent interrogations...Senior, is it still calm over there in the dark workshop?"

Xu Sheng took the cow mask in his hand and played with it, and said seriously: "They haven't found out that their leader has been captured yet. This Huo Gunsha is really unlucky. He has to come out to ambush you and that Sun Yingying."

Qing Su said: "There is a doubt. When I investigated in the dark workshop, I did not find any other people from the Blood Demon Palace. It stands to reason that a Blood Demon will have at least a dozen subordinates. There are only more than a hundred of them who are not very powerful. demon."

Yan Sheng said: "Are you going to slay demons?"

"No, these monsters are in no hurry to be exterminated."

Li Ping'an tapped his fingers on the table, his eyes full of thoughts.

He said quickly:

"It might be a fluke to catch the Fire Rolling Evil.

"At first I thought that this might just be Huo Gunsha's general who happened to be carrying Huo Gunsha's token, but when I saw his stored magic weapon, I believed that he was Huo Gunsha."

He threw several storage rings on the desk, and the restrictions on them were unlocked.

——With the Heavenly Works of Everything, there are not many restrictions on refining in this world that can stump Li Ping'an.

Several people explored inside and soon discovered several key jade talismans.

Li Ping'an said: "This Fire Rolling Demon is responding to all the big demons. There seems to be some kind of messenger elder in the Blood Demon Palace, and he is constantly mobilizing the big demons to come here. But the strange thing is that the strength of these big demons is not too great." Strong, they are only comparable to the Yuanxian of our human race."

Yan Sheng asked: "Could it be that he has hidden his cultivation?"

Xu Sheng shook his head: "I have personally investigated. They are all thousands of years of cultivation, and they are all riddled with karma. They are not the demonic power that is orthodoxly cultivated by absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth, but are generated by swallowing the souls of living beings."

"These big demons may be a cover."

Li Pingan unfolded the map he carried with him, marked Dong'an City, and drew a line to the secret room where the monsters were hiding.

He said: "This Fire Rolling Demon hasn't spoken yet, and we don't know yet what he wants to do, but I can vaguely guess something... these big demons may be used to lure tigers away from the mountains."

"Turn the tiger away from the mountain? Three thousand immortal soldiers?"

"That's right," Li Ping'an said, "Although I don't know where these Demon Cultivators from the Blood Demon Palace got the courage to challenge ASEAN head-on, but if they were targeting Dong'an City, this would probably be the case. They would use demons to mobilize the immortal soldiers. Then the Blood Demon Palace sent a group of masters to attack Dong'an City."

Xu Sheng said: "This sounds a bit unbelievable. Although most of the casual cultivators in the city are unreliable, there are always some warm-hearted people among so many people. There must be a large number of people in the city."

Li Ping'an said: "With the title of Blood Fiend Palace, they only need to shout and kill the whole family of anyone who dares to meddle in other people's business, and most of the casual cultivators will disperse."

Qing Su asked: "Apprentice, are you saying that the target of the Blood Demon Palace is us?"

"Well, their target should be Wan Yunxian."

Li Ping'an narrowed his eyes slightly:

"Aren't Hungry Sha and Feng Sha just trying to sneak attack us?

"One of the two evil spirits that was initially damaged by the Blood Evil Palace was the third elder of Guan Hai Sect. Since then, Guan Hai Sect's reputation in the immortal world has been greatly damaged.

"I always feel that there is a golden immortal in Guanhai Gate and Blood Demon Palace who is angry and wants to make our Wan Yun Sect pay the price.

“But they don’t have the strength to attack our mountain gate, and Dong’an City is the best target.

"The Blood Demon Palace sounds bluffing, but most of the eighteen Blood Demons are in the Celestial Immortal Realm, and all of their generals are also in the True Immortal Realm. In terms of strength and foundation, Haimen is far from the Wanyun Sect."

Xu Sheng smiled and said: "Ping An, do you want to... invite me to the urn?"

"Yes," Li Ping'an nodded, "These hundred monsters are not a big threat, but they should be the key here."

Yan Sheng said: "How about Pindao pretending to be the Fire Rolling Demon? The difference in stature between Pindao and the Fire Rolling Demon is not too big."

Li Ping'an said in a deep voice: "Although we have the storage magic weapon of the Fire Rolling Evil, we don't know how he communicates with other blood evil spirits, nor how they arrange it... This is too dangerous."

"His grandma's!"

Xu Sheng slapped his thigh: "I'm going to beat that bastard!"

"Senior, don't hit his abdomen! He will give birth in ten days!"

Li Pingan warned:

"When the time comes, cut open his belly and take out the new Dao body. Then we can cut off his old Dao body and move his memory to the new Dao body, thereby bypassing the restriction on his soul!"

Xu Sheng shouted: "I know! I know! Let's see if he can move now!"

Yan Sheng smiled and said: "Pin Dao means that Ping'an will not be aimless. That spiritual spring must have a purpose. It turns out that this method is used to bypass the restriction of the soul. It's wonderful."

Li Ping'an smiled shyly: "Elder, please stop boasting. In fact, I also want to see what it's like for a man to give birth to a child."

Qingsu pursed her lips slightly and said reproachfully: "Ping'an, it is the law of nature for a woman to have children, and what is important in cultivation is to imitate nature."

"Yes, yes, master, don't worry, I'm just doing some research."

Qing Su nodded and turned to go to the 'canteen' next door. Wen Ling'er had already prepared a sumptuous dinner.

However, as soon as Qing Su picked up the chopsticks, senior Xu Sheng hurriedly called out to the three of them:

"Hurry! This guy's done it! Ping An, your unique skill in giving birth is really wonderful! Hahaha!"

Qingsu pursed her lips and resisted the urge to grab a meal. She picked up a small mouthful of crispy meat with chopsticks and put it in her mouth to chew. She stood up gracefully and escaped underground.

In the newly opened interrogation chamber.

The four strange faces of cattle, sheep, rats and rabbits reappeared, looking down at Huo Gunsha who was tied to the chair by the immortal lock.

Zeng Yimu looked at Li Ping'an with complicated eyes. He could feel it. These four people were headed by this young voice.


Zeng Yimu let out a long sigh, looked down at his slightly bulging Taoist robe, and said slowly:

“If you want to ask me, just ask.

"I just ask, I just ask that I be allowed to live for ten days and that the fetus in my belly can be safely delivered... He is innocent.

"I have had no children in my life, and I don't deserve any. But today, today I suddenly have one."

"Based on your answer, I can consider it," Li Ping'an said slowly, "tell the biggest secret in your heart, about the Blood Demon Palace."

Zeng Yimu thought for a while and whispered: "I am the adopted son of my adoptive father."

Xu Sheng said angrily: "You are leaving this here and this!"

"Senior," Li Ping'an took out a photo bead and said slowly, "Tell me about your adopted father."

Zeng Yimu smiled bitterly: "I don't know the true identity of my adoptive father. My adoptive father is the first deputy master of the Blood Demon Palace and the main person responsible for the daily operation of the Blood Demon Palace. I was saved by him. I became his minion and lackey, and over the past ten thousand years, I have done countless unscrupulous things..."

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