The fairy father

Chapter 129 It’s hard to tell the truth from the truth

What a quick move.

Li Ping'an dodged backwards and secretly pinched the cuffs of his sleeves to signal the old man Jinxian in his sleeves not to take action.

Light and shadow intertwined, and his half-face armor was already in Sun Yingying's hand.

Sun Yingying's almond-shaped eyes were gleaming, she stared at Li Ping'an for a while, covered her mouth with the mask and chuckled:

"Why is the second brother more handsome than the eldest brother?"

The face that Li Ping'an showed at this moment was a mask he customized based on 'Mo Wentian' Xu Xuntian, which was fifty-six times similar to Xu Xuntian.

This kind of mask is made of a special material made from spirit animal skin, and some necessary padding is applied to the face.

——Casting spells can easily be detected by those with a higher level of Taoism, but it is safer to use the 'physical' method.

But at this moment, Li Ping'an was really afraid that Sun Yingying would take off his spirit animal skin mask too!

With an angry look on his face, he took a few steps back, frowned at Sun Yingying, and said firmly: "What do you mean by this!"

"I couldn't hold it back for a moment. Don't be angry, Brother Qingqing. The mask will be returned to you!"

Sun Yingying pursed her lips and smiled, holding the mask in both hands and taking small steps forward;

Li Ping'an didn't dare to let her get close, so he had to walk sideways.

For a while, the two of them actually walked around the case, repeating this three or four times.

Sun Yingying burst out laughing, her branches trembling slightly and her hair loose.


Li Pingan scolded.

"I'll give it back to you, I'll give it back to you, brother Qingqing, I won't make trouble with you anymore!"

Sun Yingying held back her laughter and stretched out her white arms.

Li Ping'an used magic power to take off the half-face armor, put it on his face casually, then swept his sleeves and hummed: "It's okay if you don't come here, I will go to other big cities to look for Zuiyue Tower!"

"Hey! Brother Qing!"

Sun Yingying hurried forward and opened her hands to block Li Ping'an's path.

She actually looked at Li Pingan pitifully and said:

"Yingying is wrong. The last time I saw him, I was very concerned about the appearance of Brother Qingqing. I have been thinking about it these days. Today I finally saw him again. I couldn't help but want to take off the mask of Brother Qingqing. Take a look...How about big brother hit me a few times to vent his anger?"

Li Ping'an narrowed his eyes and found a six-foot-long fairy treasure stick in his hand.

Sun Yingying took half a step back and said weakly: "You really want to fight."


Li Ping'an held his long stick aside, looking majestic.

Sun Yingying looked at Li Pingan a little depressed, as if she was worried that Li Pingan really wanted to hit her.

Li Ping'an secretly thought, "He has a big head."

How come this Sun Yingying is so out of the ordinary and doesn't play by the rules at all?

Was he teased just now? He was obviously being teased!

Good guy, as the son of Dazhi, the disciple of Yunzhong, the famous quasi-immortal of Wanyun Sect, the third-grade patrol envoy of ASEAN, and the only designated disciple of Qingsu Celestial Immortal, he was actually teased by this Happy Valley Demonic Cultivator!

However, Li Ping'an's mind was spinning rapidly. While keeping himself involved in the drama, he was thinking about how to obtain information about the Blood Demon Palace.

Li Ping'an said coldly: "Brother is indeed right. Just like your sister Sun Erniang, you like to tease people!"

"Well," Sun Yingying raised her hand and smoothed the hair beside her ears, "I don't know how to play tricks on other people."


Li Ping'an didn't want to be entangled, put away the fairy stick, shook his head with some disappointment at Sun Yingying, turned around, walked back to the low table, and sat down cross-legged.

Senior Xu Sheng said in his voice: "Be careful, Ping An, this person's strength is not inferior to your master's. She has hidden a lot of cultivation, and Huangu also has some powerful magical powers that are not spread to others."

Li Pingan nodded calmly.


Sun Yingying bowed to Li Pingan, turned around and left the wooden door.

Just when Li Ping'an thought that Granny Yin Lin would come back, the wooden door opened again, and Sun Yingying entered with two cups of tea, smiling again.

She served Li Ping'an tea, then knelt down beside the low table, holding her cheek with her wrist, looking at the eyes, lips and teeth of 'Second Brother Mo' and 'Brother Qingqing'.

"Are you still angry? How about I dance for you as an apology?"

"No need," Li Ping'an said calmly, "I am not Hall Master Sun's opponent. It is fair for Hall Master Sun to tease me no matter what."

"They just want to see what you look like," Sun Yingying whispered, "No matter what, I'll show you mine too."

"No, I'm not interested. I'm here for business."

Li Ping'an casually took out two storage bracelets and placed them in front of Sun Yingying.

These two bracelets were also made by Xu Xuntian casually, with Xu Xuntian's exclusive refining techniques.

He said: "Last time Wan Yunzong fought against the two evil spirits of the Blood Evil Palace, I secretly gave them some reminders, but when I returned, I was scolded by my elder brother."

Sun Yingying didn't even look at the two storage bracelets, she just looked at Li Ping'an, now slightly angry:

"Brother Qingqing, you are looking down on Yingying. You don't have to buy or sell news from now on. If you want to know anything, just ask me."

"Favours are favors, business is business."

Li Ping'an picked up the tea, lowered his head to smell it, and put it back to its original position.

He looked at Sun Yingying and said coldly: "If favors get mixed up with business, I'm afraid the business won't work either."

"Then how about we exchange news?" Sun Yingying said crisply, "You ask me a question, and I ask you a question, so that no one suffers."

"You ask."

Sun Yingying leaned forward and whispered: "Do you want me to call you Brother Qingqing, or Brother Mo?"

Li Ping'an had several black lines hanging on his forehead, frowning and scolding: "If you behave like this again! You and I don't need to talk anymore today!"

"Hey, I'm asking seriously!"

"You really don't have any respect for me!"

Li Ping'an said calmly: "The last time I came here, I thought you were a Yuanxian shopkeeper. After you returned, you were laughed at repeatedly by my brother. It was really frustrating."

"This," Sun Yingying wrapped a strand of hair around her fingertips, "this is the rule of Huangu. Anyone with the word drunk is the contact point. I am the local Huangu hall master, and I am indeed the shopkeeper of this contact point. My grandma is also under my control, but the information business is controlled by my grandma. There is a lot of confidential information that I cannot access because I am too young. In the final analysis, I hide some of my cultivation to protect myself."

Li Ping'an asked: "Then what is your true cultivation level?"

"Is that the first question?"


"Then make your decision first." Sun Yingying moved forward a little closer, almost falling down, "Do you want me to call you Brother Qingqing, or Brother Mo?"

Li Ping'an:...

"Call me to ask for help. I am many years younger than you, and my cultivation level is far inferior to yours."

"Then," Sun Yingying blinked, "Brother Qingqing..."

"Okay, okay, let's get down to business," Li Ping'an continued with a cold face, "Last time I secretly ventilated the Wanyun Sect, and the effect was pretty good, but after I went back, I was scolded a few times by my brother. What he actually meant was I want to take advantage of the Blood Fiend Palace incident and sell more favors to the ASEAN adults."

Sun Yingying nodded repeatedly: "I have also reported this matter to the superiors. The superiors want me to fully support you two brothers and try to have a good relationship with ASEAN. This is always good."

Li Ping'an asked: "Can I ask?"


"Is there any news about the Blood Demon Palace recently?"

"Yes, the Fire Rolling Demon appeared a few days ago. It is on the seabed more than three thousand miles east of here! There is a dark room there. It is not large in scale. It is a cave left from ancient times. There are already people gathered inside. A lot of big monsters.”

Sun Yingying smiled and said:

"Brother Qingqing, you don't know that after the Blood Evil Palace lost two evil spirits, a deputy palace master from the Golden Fairy Realm came to see me.

"He is quite arrogant. He tried to kill me several times. I have never heard of any demonic cultivator who dared to hurt my contact person in Happy Valley. Not to mention anything else, even Bihai Pavilion got a lot of information from us. Bought in batches.

"Moreover, this deputy palace master is stingy. He gave me three spiritual stones, asked two questions, and finally took the spiritual stones back!"

Sun Yingying clenched her pink fist and snorted: "This Blood Demon Palace really takes itself seriously! Really, I was so angry that I didn't eat for several days!"

Li Ping'an frowned and said, "You haven't been inedged?"

"Well, I like desserts, especially osmanthus cakes and glutinous rice cakes."

Sun Yingying blinked:

"Is this the second question? Then I have to ask.

"Brother Qingqing, how did you get rid of the old man in blood robe last time?

"The other party is a real fairy, and he is also good at using poison. It is very troublesome. I heard them come back and report that you just killed the other party with one wrong body, and they didn't even see you take action."

Li Ping'an nodded slightly, feeling really confused.

He really couldn't tell whether Sun Yingying was really interested in Mo Wenqing, or whether she was deliberately testing her.

This question seemed to be asked casually, but it pointed directly at the secret of her identity.

Li Ping'an said slowly: "He has his poisonous ways, and I have my magic weapons. This matter is not enough to be treated as humane."

"Hey," Sun Yingying sighed, "well, I'm still an outsider."

"Otherwise?" Li Ping'an glared at her angrily, "It's my turn to ask, apart from the traces of Huo Gunsha, is there any news related to Dong'an City?"

"Let me think about it...Brother Qingqing, you are so naughty. You ask such big questions."

Sun Yingying thought for a moment and said with a smile:

"The three golden immortals of Wanyun Sect are in retreat. Xu Sheng, the golden immortal ancestor of Weiyuan Sect, is here to support me. I also heard that the golden immortal ancestor of Tianyuan Sect also intends to go out. Two hours ago, he just made a statement to the outside world. .

"That Taoist Zhanyuan said that if Ping An needs it, I will rush to help at any time.

"Also, the last time Wan Yunzong took action against Shuangsha, a large cloud-like object appeared in Tuobahan's backyard. It was very similar to the famous Baoyun Pill. This method was also similar to that of Li Peace is very similar.

"Li Ping'an is still very powerful. He has realized the quasi-immortal and enlightened all the immortals. According to the information we have, he is good at poisoning, good at formations, and has a careful mind. Maybe he was hiding somewhere when he started to destroy the two evil spirits that night. Watching from the corner."

Li Ping'an remained calm on the surface, but felt puzzled in his heart.

Is Huangu's secret method so powerful?

From this point of view, the number of layers of disguise I usually wear is far from enough.

Sun Yingying suddenly said again: "About this Li Ping'an, there is another thing recently. About a few days ago, a lot of news suddenly came out from Xizhou, saying... Hahaha!"

Why did she laugh again.

Li Ping'an asked: "What did you say?"

"They say that Li Pingan is the illegitimate son of Emperor Xuanyuan! Haha! If the Immortal of Fortune heard this, I wonder if he would go after those monsters to fight for his life!"

"Really or not?" Li Ping'an's eyes were a little confused.

"Of course it's fake!"

Sun Yingying smiled and said:

“It’s just a rumor spread by someone with good intentions.

"We in Happy Valley investigated Immortal Dacai and Immortal Dawu. The father and son made a living by hunting in the mountains. Later, Li Ping'an encountered the Taoist temple of Chen Gongmin, the resident disciple of Wanyun Sect, and Chen Gongmin. Get acquainted.

"Since then, the father and son have had a chance. Li Ping'an has an extraordinary mind and knows how to take advantage of the situation. He relies on Chen Gongmin's relationship to build a family business in the common world.

"It was precisely because of this incident that he was able to join the outer sect of Wanyun Sect as an adult in his twenties. Unexpectedly, something went wrong on the day of the qualification test. No one thought that Li Ping'an's father Li Dazhi was actually Our current generation of great luck in the human race was accepted as a closed disciple by the founder of Wanyun Sect, and since then, the father and son have soared into the sky."

Sun Yingying looked at Li Pingan. Li Pingan had no flaws.

He said: "The so-called lucky people are just the boasts of Wanyun Sect themselves."

"It's really not true," Sun Yingying said sternly, "Huangu is now considering whether to show favor to Wanyun Sect. That person is really lucky. It is said that it is related to the upcoming Taoist Immortal Catastrophe."

Li Ping'an:...

No, behind this Happy Valley is someone as powerful as His Majesty Fuxi who can predict the future?

Where did Huan Gu come from with all this news?

Li Ping'an wondered: "Is anyone buying the news about their father and son? Why is Huangu investigating this?"

"At least several thousand copies of this news have been sold," Sun Yingying said with a smile, "mainly to the masters of the demon clan."

Li Ping'an held back the corners of his mouth from twitching.

He is really becoming more and more interested in this Happy Valley.

It was the woman in front of him that made him feel a little troublesome. It would be more appropriate to find Zuiyue Tower in another big city later.

Half an hour later.

Li Ping'an waved his hand and left Zuiyue Building through the back door.

Sun Yingying looked at the four storage magic weapons placed beside the table, as well as several spiritual stones and fairy treasures displayed inside, and couldn't help but narrow her eyes with a smile.

"Why does he insist on giving the spirit stone? He obviously won't use it."

Saying this, Sun Yingying put the storage magic weapon into her sleeves, and her whole body was filled with joy.

Mother-in-law Yin Lin came from outside, looked at Sun Yingying and said, "Are you asking for the right brother to leave?"

"Grandma," Sun Yingying blushed slightly, "I deliberately tested him. How can I ask him something without disturbing his mood?"

"Huh? Really?"

Granny Yin Lin was full of disbelief.

Sun Yingying shook the storage magic weapon in her hand: "I want to keep these storage items, and the spiritual stones inside will be put into the treasure house."

"Look at how useless you are," Mother-in-law Yin Lin snorted, "You can learn from grandma and me, and even if you are in trouble, you can learn from your mother. Which of us can't pinch these men with our hands and make them docile! I Look at you, you must be smitten by Mo Wenqing!"

"how come!"

Sun Yingying casually arranged several layers of barriers, her aura rose rapidly, and pink clouds appeared around her, completely surrounding her.

After a while, she walked out of the clouds and mist, but she changed into a more slender figure and a beautiful face.

This should be her true face. Her round, palm-sized face is lined with exquisite facial features, and her almond-shaped eyes are a little less beautiful and more delicate.

Sun Yingying hummed a little tune and changed her clothes in front of Granny Yin Lin. She put on slim-fitting leather trousers and a black long-sleeved coat. She also took out a ghost mask to cover her true face. .

Granny Yin Lin frowned and said, "Are you going to explore the trench?"

"Don't worry, mother-in-law," Sun Yingying said with a smile, "I'm just going to release a few spiritual fish, and then go to the dark shop for a walk. Maybe I can meet my brother."

"Here... there are at least a hundred demons over there. Don't act rashly. Just put the spirit scout outside and come back immediately!"

"Yes, my granddaughter obeys your orders! Grandma, please watch the shop."

Sun Yingying narrowed her eyes and smiled:

"The Blood Demon Palace owes me several squares of spiritual stones. I have to let them pay them back as soon as possible!"

After saying this, large dark lines appeared on her tights, and her figure turned into a wisp of smoke and disappeared strangely.

She did not rush to the East China Sea, but secretly pursued the 'Qing Brother'.

Sun Yingying originally thought that with her true strength of a fourth-grade heavenly immortal, coupled with Happy Valley's unique tracking and concealment techniques, she would not have any pressure to track Mo Wenqing, who was only in the Yuanxian realm.

But Sun Yingying never expected...

She lost track.

Second update in a row~

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