The fairy father

Chapter 121 A drop of spiritual spring swallowed into the belly! [Three updates please vote and subs

Of course Li Ping'an didn't know it at the moment, because his enlightenment had alarmed the 'original owner' of the Fountain of Youth.

He is immersed in the endless fairy light, searching up and down and constantly gaining insights.

Li Ping'an's goal is to prevent Mu Ningning from being 'seized' by the spiritual power inherited from the Mu family; to solve this problem, he must unlock the secret of the Fountain of Youth.

In fact, he has already mastered many clues. Now he only needs to connect these clues together to restore the truth of the Fountain of Youth.

The more than 3,600 wounded human beings who followed the daughter of Limu here are the key to these clues.

Continuing to explore along this line of thought, Li Ping'an gradually sank into the realm of enlightenment.

The drop of the fountain of youth that he took into his palm gradually revealed some mysterious and obscure Taoist rhymes under the exploration of his spiritual sense. When he tried to analyze these Taoist rhymes, a portal seemed to appear in front of him.

Li Ping'an's mood at this moment was neither sad nor happy, and his Taoist heart was empty.

His Yuan Shen was surrounded by the Heavenly Works Map, the Zhenshan Seal, and the Cang Yue Pearl. The golden cloud above his head seemed to be constantly surging. Thousands of blue clouds came one after another, directly suppressing the golden cloud.

Li Ping'an kept moving forward from the portal.

How to rescue Ning Ning’s mother?

Gradually, Li Ping'an seemed to be holding a rope. As he kept pulling the rope, Dao Xin understood many truths.

The great avenue contained in the Fountain of Youth is to gather vitality and continue vitality.

If this principle is applied to the cultivation of the soul, what effect will it have?

An idea suddenly appeared in Li Ping'an's heart, his soul trembled slightly, and there were more and more ropes in his hands, and insights emerged from his heart.

I do not know how long it has been.

There was a loud noise from Li Ping'an's mourning platform.

The fountain of youth burst out with a beam of golden light, hitting the top of the palace, causing the entire valley to tremble.

"Peace! What's going on!"

Li Dazhi, Xiao Yue, senior Xu Sheng, the Mu family's mistress and Lin Fei hurried to the underground hall.

They were about to move forward, but were stopped by the barrier placed by Qingsu.

Qing Su was standing in the corner of the Fountain of Youth at this moment, waving gently to everyone.

Li Dazhi looked closely and saw that Li Ping'an was floating above the fountain of youth at some unknown time.

The fountain of youth bloomed with immortal light, which connected to Li Ping'an's chest. These immortal lights poured out from Li Ping'an's back and returned to the fountain of youth.

During this process, no vitality leaked from the Fountain of Youth.

It seems that Li Ping'an and the great road contained in this place are communicating and understanding each other.

Three days had passed since Li Ping'an said he would retreat here, and they had eaten seven or eight meals.

Thanks to the pills that Li Dazhi took out, Mu Cilin's complexion became much softer than before, and he now had more strength to walk.

Mu Cilin asked: "Is Ping An really enlightening?"

"Ah," Li Dazhi sighed, "This kid likes to guess things when he has nothing to do. He wants to get to the bottom of everything, hahaha! If he understands the secret of the Fountain of Youth now, will it be possible in the future... If he glares at others, others will Pregnant?"


Xiao Yue covered her mouth with a sweet smile, lightly hit Li Dazhi on the shoulder, and said softly:

"Uncle Master, don't talk nonsense, Ping An is practicing!"

"Ah," Li Dazhi clicked his tongue, "This way of practice is too scary. What should I do if I am unstable and fall directly into the Fountain of Youth!"

Xu Sheng smiled and said: "Stop talking, I can't even imagine this situation. If you send Wang Xinhui to Tianzhi Ruins, will he get lost?"

"It's okay to get lost!"

Li Dazhi smiled and said:

"I'm just afraid that he won't be able to meet such a master as Old Tianli, but don't worry, senior, I've also taught him some tips, which will surely attract the attention of Old Man Tianli."

Xu Sheng slightly felt guilty: "You asked Wang Xinhui to go to the ASEAN headquarters to cry and hang himself, saying that he admired the old man Tianli, and committed suicide on the spot without seeing him... Is it really okay?"

"What's the point," Li Dazhi said with a smile, "I will promote Xin Hui to the rank of outer sect elder later, add some monthly payments, and write his name into the Wan Yun Sect's hero list."

Xu Sheng nodded, feeling vaguely that something was not right.

Ah, yes, Wang Xinhui broke through into the True Immortal Realm, and he should have been promoted to the Outer Sect Elder...

Suddenly, I heard a rough curse coming from above my head: "Oh, what a wealthy immortal! Even I dare to scheme against you!"

Everyone felt like they were facing a powerful enemy.

Qing Su looked up, with a slight smile on her lips, and her figure flashed out.

After a while, Qing Su returned with a gentle-faced, rather young-looking female celestial being, followed by a handsome and unrestrained Taoist priest.

These are the Heavenly Immortal Wenrou and Taoist Zisang.

Wenrou smiled and said: "Senior Xu Sheng, Immortal Da Cai, and these Taoist friends, my father is waiting outside. This place seems to be the place left by the ancient human race, but don't destroy things here easily."

Li Dazhi and Xu Sheng looked at each other.

Li Dazhi's bald head dimmed a bit, and he asked in a low voice: "Is that old man Tianli really here?"

"Hahaha! It's been a long time since I've seen this senior. Let's go, nephew Dazhixian. Why are your feet weak?"

Xu Sheng grabbed Li Dazhi, pulled him up and down, and carried Li Dazhi out of the underground hall, rushing to meet the old man Tianli.

Wenrou and Zisang, the master and disciples, moved forward at the same time, took a closer look at the Fountain of Youth and Li Ping'an, and were also amazed.

Wenrou smiled and said: "Ping'an can even comprehend this rumored fountain of youth? He really deserves the name of great enlightenment."

"Master, let me tell you, every time Brother Li passes by, he either gets some benefits or gains some insights."

Taoist Zisang smiled and said:

"Before, I only met Uncle Li briefly on the shore of the East China Sea. The disciple went over to say hello."

Wenrou frowned and said, "Are you trying to get lucky?"

"Oh, Master, please save some face for your disciple! This is a wealthy immortal! He has the heart of the world and is the backbone of the human race!"

Taoist Zisang cupped his hands and ran back to the corridor holding the hem of his robe.

On the side, Mu Cilin and Lin Fei looked at each other, each feeling a little confused.

This peach blossom forest has never been so lively.

not long;

The old man Tianli, who was dressed in a scarlet robe, slowly walked into the underground hall with his hands behind his back.

Under the guidance of Li Dazhi, old man Tianli visited the murals here and learned about the history of the Mu family. He was filled with emotions for a while.

When he saw Mu Cilin, Old Man Tianli also bowed his hands and said in a deep voice:

"The ancestors of the Mu family have passed through the ages.

"There is such a secret place in East Continent, and we in ASEAN have never discovered it before, so it is really undeserved for God General Li Mu to suffer such a disaster in the future.

"Back then, I followed General Li Mu to fight against hundreds of tribes. Now that I am alive in this world, I don't know that Li Mu's daughter is trapped here by the great formation..."

Old Man Tianli's eyes were a little red.

That long sigh ended countless hardships and ups and downs.

Mu Cilin said hurriedly: "Sir, you don't have to be like this. The ancestors of my Mu family have always been very happy."

Old Man Tianli glanced at Li Ping'an and couldn't help but clicked his tongue: "Good guy, can you understand the Queen Mother of the West's Fountain of Youth? As expected of him!"

After saying this, Old Man Tianli glared at Li Dazhi again.

Li Dazhi was smiling all over his face, but he didn't know where he had offended the old man Tianli, and he didn't know how to get close to this meritorious old man of the human race.

Old Man Tianli said: "Mother of the Mu family, let's go up first. I'll diagnose your illness first. If I can't do it, I'll call you the person with the highest medical skills in ASEAN. If you still can't do it, I'll take you to the Fire Dragon Cave to meet the human emperors." … Our human race is in today’s prosperous world thanks to the sacrifices of our sages, and ASEAN will never allow the loyalists to suffer such disasters in the future!”

After saying this, old man Tianli handed over his hand to invite him.

Mu Cilin looked at Li Dazhi as if asking for help. Li Dazhi stepped forward to comfort him and asked Xiao Yue to help Mu Cilin get out of the ground.

On the Fountain of Youth, the drop of spring water in Li Pingan's palm has turned into wisps of colorful rays of light.

This drop of spring water is constantly gathering and decomposing.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Li Ping'an's mouth. He had clearly understood the truth here and grasped the beginning of the avenue.

I don’t know the name of this way.

What Li Pingan realized was not exactly the same as the avenue that created the Fountain of Youth. There were many insights and understandings of Li Pingan himself.

——For example, the human Qi Refiner only "faculates heaven and earth" rather than "melts heaven and earth".

Li Ping'an named this new avenue "Spiritual Slaughter".

This path is a simple branch of the great road of life and death, and it is also a small road leading to the great road of life and death.

Li Ping'an's enlightenment was smooth here;

But the problem with the Mu family's mistress left everyone at a loss.

Old Man Tianli was a Golden Immortal at the pinnacle of Dzogchen cultivation. He was well-informed and perfect in Taoism. He carefully diagnosed Mu Cilin and revealed Mu Cilin's ailment.

The reason is as Li Ping'an realized - due to the incorrect use of the Fountain of Youth, more than 1,600 independent consciousnesses appeared over the long years, and these consciousnesses were mixed with the spiritual power of the Fountain of Youth. One mass, indistinguishable.

Old Man Tianli sighed:

“If you look at it from the perspective of the Fountain of Youth, for more than 70,000 years, a person has been constantly reincarnating in life and death.

“But in fact, with every rotation, a brand new soul is born.

"That is to say, Mu Ningning is not the daughter of Li Mu at this moment. Only when the mistress of the Mu family passes away and this spiritual power returns to Mu Ningning, will Mu Ningning become the daughter of Li Mu.


He didn't say anything further, because to solve this problem, the only answer he could think of was to make a trade-off.

Because their essence is one, only one of mother and daughter can survive.

Li Dazhi asked: "Can I use elixirs to keep my mother-in-law alive?"

"The Fountain of Youth wants to take away her vitality and transfer it to Mu Ningning," Old Man Tianli shook his head, "If you are rougher, you can directly destroy the Fountain of Youth, but that way... ugh!"

The spiritual power containing more than 1,600 consciousnesses, as well as Mu Cilin himself, will perish with the Fountain of Youth.

"Don't worry," said the old man Tianli, "I will send a message and ask for a few golden immortals with superb medical skills."

Mu Cilin stood up and kowtowed: "Senior, please save my daughter! I don't have much life left, so why worry about it! Please save my daughter, senior!"

Old Man Tianli hurriedly helped her up and said seriously: "I promise you that if something cannot be done, I will protect your daughter's life. But how can you give up so easily before you even try it? Please trust me, the mistress of the Mu family, as an old man." If we can save two people with a handful of bones, we should save two people!"

"This...thank you, senior."

"Hey, don't call me senior," said the old man Tianli with emotion. "If we really follow the rules of the Fountain of Youth, you are the daughter of General Li Mu. I should call you "sir."

Mu Cilin didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Old Man Tianli looked at Li Dazhi and said with a smile: "Mother of the Mu family, look at your father-in-law. He is the most lucky person in our human race today. With him here, you will be able to turn bad luck into good luck and everything will be safe." ."

Mu Cilin said awkwardly: "Ping An and Ning Ning haven't gotten married yet, but they can't shout like this."

"You're not married?"

Old Man Tianli blinked and looked at Li Dazhi, his thoughts starting to come alive inexplicably.

Yes, he has a daughter too.

Moreover, his daughter praised him for being safe many times in front of him.

Who is Ping An? That was a young man from the Hezhen Realm who stood up to Heaven!

Busy with business, busy with business.

Old Man Tianli sent out six jade talismans, and within half a day he recruited six golden immortals who were retiring in the secret realm of ASEAN.

These six human miraculous doctors kept going back and forth between Mu Cilin and the Fountain of Youth. In the end, they each shook their heads and pulled Old Man Tianli to a corner outside the bamboo house. They secretly spoke to Old Man Tianli:

"Destroying the spring, the Mu family's mistress still cannot be saved. The Mu family's mistress's soul has become one with the souls of her ancestors."

"Perhaps only the Queen Mother of the West can be saved."

"But the Queen Mother of the West has not shown up in the past ten thousand years. The fountain of youth here was not a gift from the Queen Mother of the West, but the one imitated by His Majesty Fu Xi..."

"Now, it's better to comply with the wishes of the Mu family's mistress and protect her daughter."

"Li Mu's daughter can no longer be saved. One thousand and six hundred souls are mixed with each other. It is impossible to save her. If the spring is not destroyed, the spiritual power will still find her daughter."

"The only option is to go to the Queen Mother of the West. There must be nothing we can do to go to His Majesty Fuxi."

Old Man Tianli closed his eyes and sighed, with a bit of helplessness in his eyes.

Although this Fountain of Youth is precious, there is actually a batch of stocks within ASEAN, and the restrictions on this item are also very high. Those who take the Fountain of Youth to heal injuries can only be under the influence of gods...

But the daughter of Limu is right in front of him, and the only bloodline of God General Limu is here. If the spring is destroyed and the soul is destroyed, his heart will be really uneasy.

Old Man Tianli said: "I will go and ask the Queen Mother of the West!"

As soon as he finished speaking, an old golden immortal suddenly pointed to the horizon and shouted: "Qingluan!"


Old Man Tianli and a few others turned around to look, only to see patches of clouds appearing on the horizon. A divine bird with a blue-white body and wrapped in fairy light spread its wings from the northwest, leaving behind a trail of glow.

Qingluan divine bird!

Messenger of the Queen Mother of the West!

The only one in the world!

Old Man Tianli's eyes were filled with golden light, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw a graceful fairy holding a jade talisman on the back of the sacred bird Qingluan.

"Well done! The Queen Mother of the West must have known about the predicament of the Fountain of Youth here, and specially sent a messenger to give us a solution!"

"Ah, I don't think so. It's possible that he took back the Fountain of Youth here."

In the blink of an eye, the Qingluan had arrived at the peach blossom forest, slowly circling over the river valley. Villages with a radius of a hundred miles were crowded with people, all looking at the Qingluan.

Behind old man Tianli, Li Dazhi and others also ran out to watch.

Someone suddenly said: "Why doesn't Qingluan messenger come down?"

At this moment, the blue luan bird cried loudly.

The entire valley shook again!

The peach blossom forest suddenly shone with rays of light, and the underground hall actually broke through the stone and soil and rose rapidly.

The original formations of the main hall were all ineffective, and the earthen and stone walls on all sides collapsed outwards. The dome of the main hall cracked and slipped, and was blown away by the fairy light propped up by the Fountain of Youth.

Within a moment, the fountain of youth that was originally buried underground appeared in the peach blossom forest and became a simple altar.

Li Pingan is still sitting on the Fountain of Youth.

Wisps of fairy light seemed to penetrate his body, making him almost compatible with the Fountain of Youth. At this moment, with a slight smile on his lips, Li Pingan lowered his head and sighed softly.

His murmur was clearly captured by the immortals.

"I see.

"Refining death and rebirth is not allowed by heaven, and reversing life and death also requires a price.

"The fountain of youth needs a guardian spirit, and the daughter of Li Mu is the guardian spirit of this fountain of youth.

"Someone once told you that if the human race wins for at least a hundred years, they will come here to pick you up, but in the end no one came. You thought the human race was defeated and stayed here. Alas, that person must have died in the war. "


Li Pingan seemed to be talking to others.

He sighed softly, made a simple magic formula with both hands, and the drop of spiritual spring in his palm immediately flew up.

The next moment, Li Ping'an's soul suddenly rushed out of the spiritual platform. The little soul opened his mouth and swallowed the drop of the fountain of youth that Li Ping'an had refined countless times in one gulp!


Li Dazhi was so frightened that he was trembling all over.

Senior Xu Sheng, Old Man Tianli, and the group of pension immortals all widened their eyes at the same time.

"You brat!" Old Man Tianli yelled, "Don't eat this stuff randomly! It will give birth to children!"

But the person who acted fastest was a heavenly immortal here.

Qing Su appeared behind Li Ping An and struck Li Ping An's soul with a knife!

But fortunately, Qing Su was still a little hesitant when he started, and the knife in his hand stopped behind Li Ping'an Yuanshen.

Without him, Li Ping'an's soul shone out in streaks of rays of light, and a layer of wrinkled 'old skin' appeared on the outer layer. This layer of old skin quickly fell off, revealing... the new soul wrapped in rays of light inside!

Qingsu noticed it.

Li Ping'an's soul power was reduced by about 20%;

But the new soul that was transformed at this moment was without impurities and extremely transparent. The spiritual energy in the world seemed to be attracted by Li Ping'an's new soul, just like the transformation that only happens when you become an immortal.

But there is no vision of becoming an immortal here.

The new soul stretched and crawled back into Li Ping'an's chest.

Li Ping'an opened his eyes and exhaled softly. The vast spiritual energy in a radius of a hundred miles rushed toward him and was absorbed by his body.

If the Tao realm does not increase, the mana will increase greatly!

Li Ping'an raised his head and looked at his master and said with a smile: "Master, I know how to solve this dilemma! Eh? Why is there a magical bird in the sky?"

Qingsu pointed to the golden immortals below.

Li Ping'an looked down and saw old man Tianli and a group of unknown old men.

Previously, his spiritual consciousness had been absorbed into his soul, and he was unaware of the surrounding situation. Now he became energetic and quickly stood up to greet him.

The six old golden immortals frowned and said nothing, looking Li Ping'an up and down.

Old Man Tianli frowned and said: "Don't talk nonsense! I've met a few seniors here. They are all ancient masters of my human race, and they are now serving as worshipers in ASEAN!"

"Hey, it's...Father, this is Old Man Tianli!"

Li Dazhi laughed sarcastically at the side.

Good guy, he has been lectured by this old man Tianli a lot in the past few days, and now he really doesn't dare to get involved.

Each time there are three updates, basically 14,000 words are updated that day. Everyone, just enjoy reading the book~ If you have any questions about the plot, you can ask me in chapter or chat with me in the group~ I will continue to write the chapters that will be updated tomorrow~

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