The fairy father

Chapter 108 Yunzhong borrows Tao’s body to preach and teach Dalu!

‘How can Ping An provoke the Dao of Heaven? ’

Yun Zhongzi pinched his fingers and calculated, and his Taoist mind became more enlightened.

At this moment, Li Ping'an was concentrating on preaching, and his soul was concentrating on his words, completely unaware of the shadow of an experienced Taoist behind him.

Flowing clouds are everywhere.

Li Ping'an's clear and smooth voice was as gentle as the breeze, and many disciples looked thoughtful. Although the immortals did not gain anything, they listened attentively and did not dare to make any mistakes.

Li Ping'an's tomb.

Yun Zhongzi stopped counting with his fingers, his eyes became a little brighter, and he kept stroking his beard and nodding.

He actually checked the ‘memory’ of the Tiangong Vientiane Diagram and Cang Yuezhu.

Yun Zhongzi knew everything Li Pingan had done in the past few years: resisting the way of heaven, condensing the soul, killing people and animals, and punishing demons.

——Cang Yuezhu and Tiangong Wanxiang Map were used to supervise Li Ping'an.

Yun Zhongzi looked at this young disciple again and felt a little regretful.

You should never be so self-possessed and talk about being a half-disciple.

Ping An was chosen by Heaven but refused the temptation of Heaven with his weak Dao realm. This alone was enough to make him his first disciple.

Yun Zhongzi thought for a moment and looked up at the golden cloud.

He also cannot expel the invisible and helpless power of heaven.

But it doesn't matter, just because he doesn't have such means, it doesn't mean that his leader doesn't have such means.

Therefore, Yun Zhongzi held his ray of soul motionless and listened to Li Ping'an's explanation of the first chapter of "Wanyun Jue". Then he released another ray of soul power and rushed towards the main hall deep in Yuxu Palace.

After a moment, Yun Zhongzi's second ray of soul entered the mysterious fairyland.

Look at this mysterious realm:

The clear air moistens the Taoist fruit, and the immortal light protects the true nature.

The colored glaze paving the floor is extraordinary, and the stars on the top of the palace are all genuine.

Hundreds of pillars support the sky and block the sun and moon, and the curtains catch the dust in the wind.

Why does the Amyrlin need so much decoration? The leader of the seat is named Tianzun.

Yun Zhongzi bowed forward respectfully and shouted:

"Meet the leader."

A little fairy light appeared on the jade throne whose size could not be clearly seen.

This jade seat seems to be the size of an ordinary futon, and it seems to be able to accommodate all things in the world. The few rays of fairy light that are entangled in it also seem to return from the endless void, condensing into the middle-aged Taoist with black hair and black beard. .

The Taoist looked at Yun Zhongzi with a smile and said warmly: "You don't have to be polite to Immortal Fu, so why are you here in such a hurry?"

"Regards to the leader," Yun Zhongzi stood up and said with a smile, "Pindao has taken in a disciple. This disciple was chosen by the ancient way of heaven. He wants to turn my disciple into a slave of the way of heaven. I am helpless, especially Let’s find a solution.”


The Taoist pinched his fingers to calculate one or two, and then nodded slightly.

He said: "There is some mystery in this matter."

Yun Zhongzi hurriedly said: "Please tell me, Master."

The Taoist said slowly:

"Since the fall of the ancient emperor Jun, the human race has overthrown the nine heavenly palaces, the way of heaven has been hidden, and the order of heaven and earth needs to be re-established.

"Today, the human race has been in charge of the world for 68,000 years, and hundreds of races have returned to Xizhou. The ancient strong ones either linger in Xizhou or Beizhou, or leave this world and go to many smaller worlds.

"From what I can see, the small worlds will become three thousand worlds and return to order. There will definitely be a battle between the human race and the hundreds of races in the future.

"However, before this battle, the human race was already in crisis.

"Southern Continent is closed, luck comes naturally, the human race is grateful, and a new divine court is established. This divine court was supposed to be an opportunity for the reappearance of heaven, but it was not allowed by the strong men of the human race. Therefore, the divine court is still destroyed, and the heaven and earth are still disordered. Not the way to survive forever.

"The man with great luck in Dongzhou is named Li Dazhi. This person was born in response to this bad luck."

Yun Zhongzi said: "Let me tell you, the leader, this poor disciple is the son of Li Dazhi."

The Taoist nodded slowly and sighed:

“My Yuxu Palace should no longer interfere with human affairs.

“Blessed Immortal knows that if the human race wants to establish order in the heaven and earth, it will have to open a new heaven;

“If we want to open a new heaven and continue the way of heaven, we need to close the great road between heaven and earth.

"Master of the Great Dao, the three religions of our Taoist sect have gained so many people that it is extremely difficult to escape from this disaster. After the end of ancient times, I ordered Yuxu Palace not to get close to the human race anymore, just to avoid such a disaster."

Yun Zhongzi looked ashamed and lowered his head in salute: "The fault of this poor Taoist is just because Ping An has outstanding understanding and lofty aspirations. The poor Tao was inspired by this, so he passed down the inheritance of weapon refining."

"Don't worry, immortals. Tribulations of birth and destruction are the normal state of heaven and earth. Let me observe this world again."

The hall was quiet for a moment.

After a while, the middle-aged Taoist said again:

"There are three tribulations tomorrow, one is the Tao Immortal tribulation, the second is the tribulation of heaven and earth, and the three tribulations have not yet appeared.

"Among these three tribulations, the Taoist Immortal tribulation is the tribulation of the Taoist sect. I have already spoken to you before, and now all the disciples of the three sects of the Taoist sect are staying behind closed doors to avoid this tribulation.

"Of course, there is no way to avoid the Tao Immortal disaster. Sooner or later, the human race's heavenly court must be established, and the human race's heavenly emperor must preside over the way of heaven.

"The disciples of Fu Xian didn't have any chance at all, but because of their father's borrowing of luck, the way of heaven was disturbed, so that the disciples of Fu Xian had some opportunities.

"I can't say exactly what this opportunity is. Since ancient times, the evolution of heavenly secrets has been quite chaotic, and only a glimmer of light and shadow can be seen."

Yun Zhongzi asked: "Master, can Ping An join the Chan Cult?"

"You are not allowed to enter for the time being," the middle-aged Taoist said with a slight smile, "If you enter the Chan Cult, all opportunities will be lost. He is originally a human race, so he just needs to keep the human race."

Yun Zhongzi seems to have a clear understanding.

The middle-aged Taoist said again: "When the Yuxu ceremony comes, just let him listen to my lecture."


Yun Zhongzi was a little unsure of the leader's meaning, but the celestial light surrounded the jade throne in front of him, and the middle-aged Taoist Yuanshi Tianzun had disappeared without a trace.

This ray of Yun Zhongzi's soul was handed over and worshiped again, returning to the immortal body.

Then, Yun Zhongzi stood up and paced back and forth in front of the bed.

Leader, what does this mean?

Not only does it say that the power of heaven is driven away, but also that Ping An has some opportunities at this moment;

Not allowing Ping An to call himself a disciple of the Chan Cult, but also asking Ping An to come to Yuxu Palace to listen to the leader’s lectures during the next Yuxu Ceremony?

This is the order of the leader. Peace can sit beside the disciples of the leader!

Soon, Yun Zhongzi burst into laughter.

In fact, what the leader said just now boils down to two words.


The leader has already given a detailed explanation - Li Dazhi used the method of borrowing luck to give Ping An a chance to intervene in the catastrophe of heaven and earth. There was a 'slight' chance. In other words, Ping An belonged to himself to break into the original [final outcome] A small accident.

And since this accident is related to their Yuxu Palace, they can try to cultivate it.

How to cultivate?

Yun Zhongzi paced again, thinking constantly, and had a clear understanding in his heart.

Order, the way of heaven, the heaven of the human race.

Li Ping'an originally had nothing to do with the human heaven, but because of his 'rejection of heaven' last time, he became associated with the future human heaven.

The establishment of the human heaven was accompanied by the catastrophe of the Taoist Immortal. This was something that the leader had already asserted when the ancient world came to an end.

The person in charge of the human race's heavenly palace should be the ancient human emperor, one or more of the Suiren, Fuxi, Shennong, and Xuanyuan clans. How can Ping'an, a junior from the human race, get involved?

But now, the leader said, there is a chance for peace...

‘There should be a chance to become the number one figure in the new heaven. ’

Yun Zhongzi thought like this and already had an idea.

To sum up briefly, the leader's intention is not to expel this power of heaven, but to regard this power of heaven as an opportunity for Ping An. He will give Ping An a lot of help and let Ping An gain some say in the future of the human race's heaven. But he cannot Let Ping An openly become a disciple of Chanjiao to avoid other troubles.

Yun Zhongzi raised his eyebrows slightly.

He has fully understood the meaning of the leader.

The opportunity for peace may not be the opportunity for interpretation. Of course, for interpretation, whether such an opportunity exists or not does not have much impact.

At that moment, Yun Zhongzi softened and sat cross-legged, his mind returning to Li Ping'an's tomb.

Li Pingan happened to say at this moment:

"The beauty of clouds and mist is that it does not arise by itself. The wind blows and the sun shines, and it changes according to the situation."

Yun Zhongzi stroked his beard and chuckled, but he already had an idea.

How to help Ping An?

First of all, Ping An must have a force within the human race that can serve as the foundation of Ping An.

How to build this power?

Isn't this ready-made in front of me...

Yun Zhongzi called out: "Peace, peace?"

Li Pingan, who was preaching nervously, was startled for a moment and stopped talking. Yuanshen opened his eyes and looked forward. When he saw the familiar figure of the old Taoist, Yuanshen quickly stood up to pay his respects.

At this moment, Li Ping'an's soul lost contact with the Tao body, and the spiritual platform was also wrapped in Yun Zhongzi's Tao charm, so his words would not be heard by outsiders.

"Teacher, why are you here?"

Yun Zhongzi smiled and said: "You give me a stick of fragrance, and I automatically sense it, and I'm here to help you preach."


Li Pingan was really stunned.

Help him preach? Teacher, what does this mean?

However, before Li Pingan could ask, Yuanshen was moved to a corner, and his teacher sat calmly in front of him.

Yun Zhongzi twirled his fingers, and Li Ping'an suddenly stared in confusion.

Faintly, Li Ping'an found himself opening his mouth again and starting to preach. He was talking about the mysterious realm, and what he said was wonderful words.

Li Ping'an even saw a cloud appearing around him. The cloud condensed into white lotus flowers and dispersed towards the elders of the Wan Yun Sect ahead.

This... okay.

Li Ping'an had mixed feelings in his heart.

He has foreseen that from today on, he will never be able to take off his reputation as the Dongzhou Enlightenment Stone.

But he was able to attract Teacher Yun Zhongzi to teach the immortals of the Wan Yun Sect about the Great Way of the Clouds. This was a rare opportunity for the immortals of the Wan Yun Sect.

Just treat it as his feedback to Wan Yunzong.

Moreover, during the first half of Li Ping'an's sermon, the expectations in the hearts of the Wan Yun Sect's immortals were actually slowly dashed.

Everyone also knows that Li Ping'an has only been practicing Taoism for a long time. Now he is only in the realm of Heaven and Earth Bridge. He only practices the first chapter of "Wanyun Jue". Even if he preaches with all his strength without reservation, he can only give some to his disciples. gain.

The reason why Wan Yunxian moved together this time was mainly to increase Li Dazhi's great luck.

When Yun Zhongzi paid homage to Yuanshi Tianzun in Yuxu Palace, Li Ping'an had already been speaking for half an hour;

After listening to this for half an hour, the immortals could not say that they had gained nothing. They could only say that they had gained some new insights into the practice before becoming immortals.

The disciples have gained a lot, and many of them have directly meditated and begun to make up for the shortcomings of their Taoist foundation.

Overall, the disciples gained the most from this sermon.

Immortals have already begun to communicate with each other.

"Alas, it's hard to be safe. After all, it's just our wishful thinking."

"That's right. How can Ping An just say a few words and we can understand something?"

"That's not how the Enlightenment Stone is used. Let's go and make amends to the leader and Ping An later. It's all the fault of Ping Dao. We really want to hear Ping An's sermon."

"Oh, poor Taoist, I'm going to apologize."

"It's hard for the leader to refuse our invitation. It's really difficult for Ping An. He must be suffering at the moment."

On the futon in the front row.

Li Dazhi couldn't help but hold the leader's arm and secretly whispered:

"Brother, head, didn't you say that everything has been arranged? Let Ping An recite a few passages, and then we will do something to pretend to be a breakthrough."

The headmaster muttered: "Maybe Ping An wanted to talk about something real, so he taught me the disciples' practice method first. It's fine. He should read those few scriptures next."

Li Dazhi asked worriedly: "Are the arrangements appropriate?"

"Okay, don't worry."

The leader smiled and said:

“As long as they hear those few scriptures, some people will make breakthroughs, mainly those few scriptures.

"Look, Ping An stopped preaching."

Li Dazhi looked intently, and saw Li Ping'an sitting under the statue of the Virgin, lowering his head slightly, as if he was fast asleep.

The leader frowned slightly: "There seems to be something wrong. Why has the rhyme around Ping An's body changed? This rhyme is so profound... this..."

Li Pingan opened his eyes and smiled slightly.

His posture remained motionless, but just for a moment, his temperament suddenly changed.

It becomes incomprehensible and difficult to understand.

His starry eyes captured the boundless sea of ​​clouds between the sky and the earth, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, showing the carefreeness and indifference of thousands of immortals smiling while holding flowers.

All the immortals were shocked.

The next moment, three figures appeared in front of Li Ping'an, but they were the three golden immortals of Wanyun Sect!

They all knew the charm of Yun Zhongzi, and now they all knew that this was Yun Zhongzi himself, and they hurriedly sat cross-legged and meditated.

'Li Ping'an' spoke slowly:

"The way of thousands of clouds is slightly biased. Where do the clouds begin? The clear rises and the turbid falls.

“When the heaven and earth were first opened, there were three clouds. One was the innate cloud cloud, which turned into the innate powerful cloud sky. The other was the innate cloud energy, which turned into the innate powerful cloud king. The other was the innate cloud mass, which condensed into the avenue of clouds.

"By understanding this great road of clouds, one can lead to eternal life; those who understand it can achieve Taiyi, and those who have gained it can establish themselves in Daluo.

“The Dao of Clouds is different from the Dao of Water, but the Dao of Clouds is closer to the Dao of Qi.

“Qi is the foundation of life and the basis for the survival of all spirits. Therefore, in your practice, you should respect Qi instead of clouds.

"Yunxiao is the fairy of Biyou, and her way is difficult to understand. Yun Zhongjun has died with the collapse of the ancient heaven, and her way has disappeared. Her way can be explained.

"Therefore, today I will give the main lecture on the Tao of Clouds and the supplementary lecture on the Tao of Cloud Qi..."

Not far away, Qing Su was slowly falling in the clouds, looking at Li Ping'an's figure, mostly thinking in his eyes.

As he talked, the voice from 'Li Pingan''s mouth became faint and inaudible.

In a short while, white lotus flowers appeared around Li Ping'an. These lotus flowers seemed to be floating on the river, floating in all directions and merged into the bodies of all Taoists.

Kongming Taoist received a lotus flower, closed his eyes and concentrated, with a smile on his lips.

Granny Linghua got two lotus flowers, and the charm around her body began to flicker.

Taoist Tingyun got a lotus flower and felt a breakthrough.

After the three golden immortals, a group of old immortals each received different petals. Many old immortals who had been stuck for a long time actually had a few tears in their eyes. There was a real immortal who was filled with infinite joy in his heart and was about to shout, He forced himself to endure it again.

Everywhere in Liuyun Temple became increasingly quiet.

There are two people who stand out here.

One is Li Dazhi.

Yun Mo, the leader next to Li Dazhi, only accepted half of the white lotus and began to realize it carefully;

Li Dazhi's stomach seemed to open a big mouth and swallowed three white lotus flowers directly, and his face showed a holy light.

Look again at Li Ping'an's tomb.

Li Pingan listened drowsily, and soon he was about to fall asleep. Several white lotus flowers surrounded him and slowly entered his soul.

——Yun Zhongzi was actually telling him, and the others were just listening.

After an unknown amount of time, Li Pingan felt that his head was swollen and he had countless insights in his heart. Yun Zhongzi's voice sounded again:

"Peace, I have enlightened myself, and I have left as my teacher."

"Thank you teacher..."

Li Pingan responded vaguely.

Yun Zhongzi said again: "You must remember that you must not tell others that you are a disciple of Chanjiao."

"Yes, disciple remembers."

Li Ping'an responded and suddenly reacted.

No, the teacher just left like that?

Then how did he explain this sermon to the immortals of Wanyun Sect?

This, what should we do?

Li Ping'an was just about to get anxious, but there were too many insights in his heart, which directly squeezed out his anxiety, and his soul continued to bow his head and feel sleepy.

outside his body.

Immortal light is lingering in Liuyun Temple, and most of the immortals are practicing in seclusion in place.

All the disciples looked at each other.

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