The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 2632: Knowing the danger but wanting to approach

Long Chuheng took a step forward, raised his hand, and gently stroked Tang Sheng’s cool cheeks with the back of his fingers. The redness of her eyes fell on her eyes, and she just smiled and said with a warm smile: "I feel you need my presence. I showed up."

"You located me!" Tang Sheng deliberately accused of dissatisfaction, but the corners of his mouth raised slightly because of his warm heart.

Long Chuheng's smile deepened, "Yes, I am afraid that when you need me to appear, I can't make it in time, so I can only use some methods that are not good for you."

He heard that Tang Sheng's tone on the phone was wrong at that time, and when a rival appeared, he would always think a little bit more.

When the Tang Sheng signal was located so far away, he didn't think about anything at all, so he rushed over...

Thank you!

Having walked so far back to the city, coupled with her current physical condition, he now only hates that he didn't come faster.

Tang Sheng's nose was sour again because of Long Chuheng's words. If such a man didn't want to hurt, she really wanted to hide in his arms and cry aloud at this moment.

But she cannot be selfish.

She couldn't give Chu Heng some deep hope just because she wanted to make herself comfortable... Then she would hate herself.

"Get in the car!" Long Chuheng smiled softly and outrageously. He almost instinctively took Tang Sheng's hand and walked towards the car, "Wait for the warm pot, this day, I will definitely drink some warm bone soup. Very comfortable."

"Yeah." Tang Sheng replied with his nose, and got into the car.

Long Chuheng smiled at her and closed the car door for her, then went to the other side to get in the car.

Xiaoying started the car, took a look at the equestrian club far away and then retracted it, turned the direction of the car, and drove towards the city...

"At the end of the year," Long Chuheng said after being silent for a while in the car, "you can start your business thoroughly."

Tang Sheng originally tilted his head to look out of the car window. Hearing what Long Chuheng said, he suddenly turned back to look at him, with a turning mood in his eyes.

It seems to be expectation, and it seems to be excited, and there are some unclear things.

"Sheng Sheng," Long Chuheng looked at Tang Sheng's complicated gaze, "I know, if this matter is not resolved, you will never be happy, and there will be no way to let yourself go... I leave the Congress with only one purpose."

Tang Sheng looked at something, "Chu Heng..."

"I want you to let yourself go." Long Chuheng's voice was calm, "Don't refuse my help, even if I am the Long family, I know you don't want to let the Tang family and the Long family have a relationship because of your business. What an irreversible collision."

After a slight pause, he smiled and said: "Moreover, when I leave the Congress, you will know it very well, and this can't be avoided."

Yes, it cannot be avoided.

The moment Long Chuheng left the Congress, the Tang family knew exactly why he did this.

"Chu Heng, I owe you a lot." Tang Sheng felt heavy, "I have no right to interfere with your decision, but you are for me..."

"It's also for myself." Long Chuheng interrupted Tang Sheng directly.

If, in the past, he used friendship to keep Tang Sheng, then, since he left the Congress, he would work hard to really keep her.

Tang Sheng looked at Long Chuheng again.

His sight is hot, firm, strong...

Tang Sheng had never seen him like this since he knew Long Chuheng.

The heart jumped suddenly, which was a dangerous signal.

But many times, people are like this.

He knows the danger, but for some reason, he tries to come into contact with the danger... It's like the poppy is poisonous, but its flowers always confuse people and want to get close.



The sallow face has been popular day and night, and the whole person is in collapse.

Li Yanzheng weakly supported the wall, and his face was pale and pale, "Old guy, you are too cruel to start this time!"

"With each other..." Feng Xing gritted his teeth and continued to fiddle with the pharmaceutical utensils.

Li Yanzheng was also waiting for the results from his side. During this period, he could only endure abdominal cramps, and his face was unlovable.

The doorbell rang in due course.

"You go to open the door." Fengxing ordered.

"It's so painful that you can't move, you go." Li Yanzhen played a rogue.

"How can labor and capital meet people with this face?" Fengxing suddenly pointed to his sallow face in anger, "This way, how am I going to mess with?"


Li Yanyin couldn't hold back, he immediately watched Fengxing's face burst into laughter, causing Fengxing to almost jump his feet, "So, I said, you hand over the antidote, and I will give you the antidote... I have to match it myself!"

He smiled, and even complained.

"I'll tell you, you are getting old..." Li Yanzhen smiled so much that it was a gloat, completely forgetting that he was suffering too, "Although you are strong, your mind is rigid!"

"You brat, are you looking for death?!" Feng Xing was completely irritated, and he picked up a measuring cup and smashed it towards Li Yanzhen.

Where did Li Yanyin get hit by him, a flash of body, people have already come to the side.

"Yes, I'll go, I'll go, your old man, don't get angry." Li Yanzhen said with a smile, "This family has an old like a treasure, and I can't bear you to be old!"

There was a ‘bang’ again.

Li Yanyan was flashing fast, and when he looked back at the fast steel tuft on the ground, he suddenly looked disgusted, "What a cruel!"

He shook his head, clutching his abdomen that had been cramped because of the big movement, and went outside to open the door.

It is certainly not a stranger who can enter through the courtyard door and press the doorbell.

Li Yanzhen didn't see who it was, and opened the door casually.

"Less alkyne, this is a blood sample sent here."

"Yeah." Li Yanyan answered the sound and took the box. After closing the door, he checked the appearance, and then took the phone and called Graphite Chen, "Brother Chen, the sample has been received."

"Yeah." Graphite Chen faintly responded, and asked, "have you become angry again recently?"

"Where is it?" Li Yanyan pouted, "The old guy, experimenting with me all day long, I don't give him some color and let him work, I can't be worse?"

Graphite Chen lowered his eyes and chuckled, "If you let Uncle Ze know your current situation, I'm afraid you will blame me in your heart."

The Li family is a family of medicine, and Xiaoyin has a talent for pharmacy, even if he stays in the Li family, he cannot be buried.

In fact, when used in medicine, the Li family's abilities are enough to give Xiaozhen the sky.

But the popularity is different, he is the descendant of the ghost doctor.

Following the trend, Xiao Jie will definitely be even better than he stayed in the Li family in terms of pharmaceutical attainments.

"I'm here so soon." Fengxing didn't know when he also arrived in the living room.

Hearing his voice, Graphite Chen asked Li Yanyan to call Fengxing. "What are you doing?" Fengxing was in a bad mood, and his tone of answering the phone was naturally worse.

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