Lei Ming exited the Cave Heaven Paradise and said, Of course I have to rest before fighting. If I continue fighting, I will die from exhaustion.

Well! Let's adjust to the best condition and come back. Mu Qianxi was not in a hurry.

After resting, Mu Qianxi and Lei Ming went to the second battle.

These puppets are made from a special product of the Thunder Territory, a thunder stone with extremely high strength that can explode powerful thunder and lightning.

Despite its rough and wild appearance, it is a very powerful fighting machine.

Less than half an hour into the battle, Lei Ming was already sweating profusely.

It can be said that they were beaten with blood.

Mu Qianxi said, Back off!

Fortunately, their active area will only be in that Cave Heaven Paradise and cannot come out.

As long as they withdraw, they will be safe.

Lei Ming said, No wonder Senior Sister said that I came to participate in the Ten Peaks Competition to be beaten. After defeating the competitors, the biggest challenge remains here. Xi, how can we win?

Mu Qianxi said to him, Get some rest before fighting, and look for its weaknesses.

But after trying it many times, I found that this thing has no weaknesses at all.

In addition, others on the Nine Peaks, like Mu Qianxi and Lei Ming, encountered strong puppet opponents.

They were furious and cursed.

It's so stubborn that it can't be broken, and it's so powerful that it can't be beaten!

There are still many of them. Even the middle-level God Emperor may not be able to defeat them!

Who put this puppet in place just so that no one can become the Lord of the Ten Peaks this time!

Our City of Thousand Thunders is not rich! We actually hired a puppet master to create this thing.

There is indeed no money in Leiyu, but there are stones!

The stone is powerful, but the puppet is a bit crude.

Mu Qianxi observed carefully and felt that the puppet master's level was actually about the same as hers.


Qian Xi plans to continue fighting. The puppets set up here do not require someone to be strong to pass the level, but to have enough perseverance.

Once the number of attacks and combat time are sufficient, these puppets will automatically stop attacking.

But at this time, Mu Qianxi noticed someone approaching, with a murderous intent.

Mu Qianxi said, Someone is here, probably from the Jin clan, to avenge their young master?

What should we do? How is the opponent's strength? Can we beat him? If we can't beat him, just retreat! We can't defeat this puppet anyway, so we have to give up being the Lord of the Ten Peaks! Lei Ming's expression changed.

Mu Qianxi glanced at the puppets and said, They were defeated so miserably before, so they know our strength! This time they are very strong, we are no match, but we are not invincible.

The fact that Jin Ke woke up and became an idiot and useless made the entire Jin clan angry.

The Jin clan will not give up until this revenge is avenged.

So they immediately spread the word and asked those participating in the Ten Peaks Competition to deal with Mu Qianxi and Lei Ming.

The masters of the Jin clan who had occupied the peak and were fighting the puppets gave up on seizing the tokens and gathered together to head to the peak where Mu Qianxi and Lei Ming were.

Those two people must die today!

And when they arrived, they saw the two people who were still in great embarrassment after being attacked by puppets, so it became obviously easier to kill them.

Before they took action, Mu Qianxi teleported to Lei Ming's side, grabbed his arm and got out of the way.

Boom - A terrifying attack broke out, but Mu Qianxi and Lei Ming were at peace because there was a puppet blocking them.

What's going on? They also felt incredible.

After all, they have dealt with it before

These puppets are particularly difficult to deal with. I never thought they could protect people!

Mu Qianxi looked at them and said, You are not just here to steal tokens, but also to kill people, right?

You dare to destroy our young master, don't even think about walking out of here alive today. They said coldly.

Okay! In that case... As soon as Mu Qianxi finished speaking, they discovered that these puppets were in action.


They did not attack them immediately, but blocked the only entrance and exit first. ??

You can give it a try! Mu Qianxi's lips curled up slightly in a very arrogant provocation.

The next moment, all the puppets launched an attack on these uninvited guests.

Unexpected changes made these people feel overwhelmed, but they had to concentrate on dealing with the puppets.

Not to mention that it was difficult for them to understand, Lei Ming didn't even react at this time, What...what happened? They stopped attacking us?

Obviously this puppet will attack everyone who enters here, but now it will protect them and not attack them.

Mu Qianxi rushed over and got the token, which made the other people vomit blood in anger.

what is this?

Mu Qianxi's answer cleared up their confusion.

Because now their master is me.

No way! they roared.

This is an assessment for the masters of the Ten Peaks. How could a puppet change hands casually? That would be unfair. Where is the prestige of the City of Ten Thousand Thunders?

Nothing is impossible. Anyone who knows a little bit about puppetry can do it. Mu Qianxi replied.

I see, Qian Xi, you are still a puppet master! Lei Ming was very accepting of Qian Xi and was very calm as he knew a lot about Qian Xi and had various skills.

other people

His face condensed, she turned out to be the puppet master!

It's too foul for a puppet master to participate in this assessment!

But before the competition, no one knew that the card keeper was a puppet.

Mu Qianxi said to Lei Ming, If you can still fight, continue to deal with the enemy!

Okay! Lei Ming replied excitedly.

It would be particularly difficult if the two of them were to deal with them.

but! The puppets are so powerful that they give Lei Ming a lot of confidence. There is no problem in defeating them!

Boom-- loud noises came out.

The puppets were difficult to deal with, and Mu Qianxi, her contracted beast, and Lei Ming attacked them after they showed their flaws, which also gave them a big headache.

They have clearly realized that this mission of avenging the young master is difficult to complete, even if it costs their own lives.

Then withdraw!

But Mu Qianxi had already let the puppets block their retreat, making them unable to retreat.

They can only drag their exhausted and injured bodies to continue fighting and find a way to evacuate.

Mu Qianxi didn't kill them, but she hurt each of them badly.

They finally broke out of the siege and escaped from here.

Mu Qianxi did not pursue them, but repaired the broken puppet and asked, Lei Ming, this peak is done, do you want to build another one?

Ah... Lei Ming has a very clear understanding of his own strength. He just ran with him and didn't want to win.

Mu Qianxi had previously thought that if they teamed up to conquer a peak, it would be a huge achievement.

but! Because the card was guarded by a puppet, and it was so rough and simple that she could change the control of the puppet, it would not be difficult to win another one. Qian Xi, you can control these puppets and go to other peaks to fight. Lei Ming quickly understood and was shocked.

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