After entering the space rift, the whole world seemed to be plunged into darkness.

And there are pits everywhere on this ship.

If you are not careful, you will be imprisoned by a spell, either tied to something, or swallowed by a monster...

Mu Qianxi's eyes were calm, and it had to be said that the magic clan was somewhat creative.

An assessment, but it gives people the feeling of stepping into a thriller movie.

Of course, these pitfalls have nothing to do with Mu Qianxi or the people who follow her.

Everyone has discovered that as long as you are not too far away from the boss, you will not be attacked.

Because her reaction speed was too fast, it was destroyed before the surrounding spells took effect.

Mu Qianxi walked around the boat and came to a conclusion. .??.

The passage out of here is not on this ship!

Where will that be? Outside? The elders probably won't kill us in the first test! Everyone looked out of the ship in horror.

It was a dark and chaotic void. Even if they had life-saving treasures in their hands, they probably wouldn't be able to last for half an hour.

But for half an hour, the passage could not be found at all.

They will surely be miserable when the ship disappears.

Mu Qianxi said: Find a clean place and wait and see what happens!

This boat is, presumably, the first round of testing.

After a while, there should be new changes.

These elders certainly didn't expect that they would be able to deal with it so easily.

Therefore, they have to wait leisurely.


It was easy for them, but it was not easy for the young spell masters who did not follow Mu Qianxi.

Jiang is still old and hot, and the elders of the curse master clan have more and more tricks to deceive people.

Unless someone like Mu Qianxi has absolute strength to crush him, he is doomed to be miserably cheated!

There is no change of sun and moon in this space, and Mu Qianxi estimates that half a day has passed.

Suddenly there is no outside

It's pitch black again, but it's getting brighter and brighter, so bright that it's blinding.

Mu Qianxi's eyes darkened. The next test was finally here.

Be careful! Use your strongest defense.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically, and they obeyed the boss's order without hesitation.

Boom—— A powerful wave of destruction enveloped the entire ship.

The next moment, the ship was torn apart.

The people in the boat were blown out and injured!

It's just that the assessment is not against a mortal enemy. This power may seem powerful, but in fact the purpose is not to kill everyone instantly.

He just wanted to destroy the ship and seriously injure the examiner.

As long as you defend in time, you won't be seriously injured.

If you are slow to react and have no defense, it will be a disaster!

Mu Qianxi did not defend herself and blocked it with her physical body.

Next, is their nightmare!

Ahhh! The space storm is coming! They were horrified.

Facing the space storm, their defense is as fragile as soft tofu.

Soon, some people were already bruised and wanted to give up!

Mu Qianxi glanced at the fragments of the ship scattered around and said, If you don't want to give up now, find a fragment to hold! It should help!

They were convinced by Mu Qianxi, and of course they believed her, so they immediately took action.

Sure enough, after getting a piece of debris, the surrounding space storm was reduced a lot.

Others also went to grab it one after another. The other people over there discovered this and took action.

Of course, there are also those who are brave enough to use spells to defend themselves, and look at Mu Qianxi proudly.

Who would have thought that Mu Qianxi didn't take the fragments of the ship, nor did she use any spells, but she was still unscathed.

How can this be?

As a spell master, he actually cultivated his physical body!

She is not defensive in this situation. It seems that she is really a crazy person!

Mu Qianxi was looking for something around her, and there was everything in the void.

There were boulders, debris, and a broken piece of land.

She understands the power of space, and she sensed space fluctuations on that broken continent, and the exit is probably over there.

Her destination was the ancestral land, and she didn't want to waste too much time on the preliminary assessment, so she naturally wanted to make a quick decision.

Go look over there!

Boss! Aren't you going to act separately? There could be exits over there and here?

The biggest crisis has passed, and they are still confident that they can separate from the boss and avoid being eliminated.

No! That's it! Mu Qianxi said firmly.

We got it, brothers! Let's go!

Choose to follow and don’t question.

Because the boss has proven time and time again that she is indeed powerful and trustworthy.

Others snorted coldly: With so many people heading towards the same place, it would be a waste of time if they don't find the exit. Then the human race is not ordinary conceited!

We will also send some people there! Let's look for the others together!

This continent is very cold and full of glaciers.

Mu Qianxi said: Now we can split up and find the exit to inform each other.


As for who follows the boss, they are still arguing.

Mu Qianxi interrupted them and said, No, I'll take a look alone.

From the beginning of the assessment, the boss has helped them.

They are not unweaned children. They are too dependent on their boss.

Embarrassed, he nodded and said: Okay!

Mu Qianxi said that she was walking around alone because she was being watched.

It seems that someone is eager to attack her here.

The silver-gray glacier suddenly cracked, and a slender figure came out.

His face is as delicate as a snow doll, but his narrow eyes are charming.

Who are you? Why am I here? Can you tell me? He is cold and charming, coupled with that beautiful and charming face, it is enough to make people fascinated.

Mu Qianxi's heart felt like water. This monster was no match for Snow Monster and Fei Cha. He was simply no match for Ah Huan. What was he trying to do in front of her?

His eyes as bright as stars were filled with a bit of coldness, and he said sarcastically: Could it be that you soul tribe has not mastered the soul arts, so you are so crooked as to play with charms? That would really make people laugh!

The other party's seductive eyes instantly erupted with deep murderous intent, You are really not simple, you actually saw my identity at a glance! I think you are not a human race at all, but a chess piece of the gods buried in the curse master clan!

He will not admit that a person who dares to mock him is a human race, and only the gods dare to be so arrogant to them.

The corner of his mouth curled up, I heard that you only like people who are better-looking than you. I kindly let you see them, and maybe you can have a relationship. I didn't expect you, a woman, to be so ignorant! So...

This person couldn't die, he just wanted to control her, so he used soul power to attack.

The stern eyes seemed to suck in the soul of a person.

The soul clan has always felt that their soul power is powerful and invincible. Unfortunately, when they faced Mu Qianxi, they were destined to pay the price for their arrogance.

Mu Qianxi smiled sarcastically: Then you can disappear!

He was quite strong, but it was a pity that he used the wrong method when he took action.

If he had used other means of attack, she would probably have no choice but to reveal her identity here.

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