It’s not that these little nine-tailed civets are not very defensive, but the scent is so overwhelming that the cats can’t help it!

Human, what kind of medicine are you making? A cat stepped forward and asked.

It's just an ordinary potion that enhances the strength of divine beasts. Mu Qianxi said lightly.

How is this ordinary? Don't fool them just because they don't understand the outside world. .??.

Ordinary medicine will not make them so out of control.

Human, what do you mean by refining medicine openly here? Are you showing off that you are an alchemist?

Of course not, I'm not that boring. Mu Qianxi replied.

Then you just want to use the elixir to trade with us, but our clan leader has the final say on our clan's affairs. It's useless for you to seduce us or bribe us! However, if you want to sell this medicine, we are willing to pay.

These nine-tailed civet cats all appear to be very reserved, but their eager eyes have betrayed them.

Mu Qianxi said: I won't sell it!

What, you won't sell it! The cats were anxious.

Just because I don't sell it doesn't mean I can't give it away! We are here to be guests in your territory, so at least we should give you some gifts. Everyone who meets you will get a share, three bottles of medicine for each cat. Mu Qianxi said with a smile.

This human being is so generous. Is there some conspiracy? They are very confused.

One person boldly said: How about I give it a try first?

Okay, I'll give you three bottles. Mu Qianxi smiled and gave the greeting gift.

It drank a bottle of potion in one breath and felt a surge of strength all over its body. All its limbs felt very comfortable. It felt great.

I couldn't hold it back at once and drank all three bottles.

It took a deep breath and said: It's not poisonous, it's good stuff, and it tastes good!

The next moment, it disappeared from the same place, rolling around happily somewhere?

I also want……


Seeing that their partner responded well, the other cats couldn't wait and lined up to receive Mu Qianxi's medicine.

Mu Qianxi made a lot of potions, so no matter how many cats came, they would be there.

After the distribution was completed, Mu Qianxi said to the little fox: The nine-tailed civet clan has many more members than your nine-tailed fairy fox clan.

The little fox said: As for giving birth to cubs, our nine-tailed fairy fox clan also admires the nine-tailed civet cat.

However, although it is difficult for our cubs to be born, they will be nine-tailed when they are born. It is not easy for the nine-tailed civet clan to cultivate nine-tails.

After the delivery was completed in the morning, Mu Qianxi found that some cats came over in the afternoon.

They didn't come to line up, they just watched secretly, and they were in human form.

It's just that the human figures are not very complete, some have cat ears exposed, some have cat tails exposed, some have two tails, some have three tails, and they are all no more than ten years old.

The little fox looked at it and said, The Nine-tailed Civet Clan can transform at such a young age, I'm so envious!

Actually, I also want to transform. With my bloodline, I can do it. But my uncle said that I have just repaired the problem of my congenital deficiency, so I shouldn't be too anxious.

Mu Qianxi said: Then listen to your uncle. After all, I prefer your furry body! When the time comes when Little Momo reaches the fourth star, it would be nice for you two to transform together.

The thunder catastrophe caused by one contracted beast alone is no longer enough to satisfy her. The power of two together is enough.

The little fox is her contracted beast, so it is inevitable that she will advance to transform into a thunder tribulation.

Mu Qianxi discovered

Not only are those kittens timid, they also have other problems.

Mu Qianxi said: Little fox, go and call them over. They can come and get any of my potions, you're welcome!

The little fox said: Master, don't worry, I will definitely be able to complete the task.

They are all little cubs, and those kittens don't hate the little fox very much.

They also heard that other companions talked about this strange potion and were very curious about it and wanted it very much, but they were too timid to move forward due to their own reasons. ??

After being persuaded by the little foxes to queue up, Mu Qianxi distributed potions to them and said: These potions can also help you get better. You can try it boldly.

Their bodies are in very poor shape. Although they are not as bad as the little foxes before, they are still underdeveloped and have stopped growing.

After they took the potion and drank it, they felt very comfortable and warm all over.

On the first day, Mu Qianxi distributed potions to the nine-tailed fairy fox, and on the second day, she continued to ask the little fox and others to distribute them!

Even the older cats couldn't resist the temptation.

There was also a cat coming to Mu Qianxi, How on earth did you know how to subdue the puppet?

Mu Qianxi replied: Because I know puppetry!

Their eyes lit up completely, So you understand, come on, come on! We have something to ask you for help. If we can do it well, we will definitely thank you.

These cats took Mu Qianxi to a warehouse filled with abandoned puppets.

These are our toys, built for us by human puppet masters who were willing to serve us a long time ago. But the lifespan of the older generation of puppet masters has come to an end, and the new generation of puppet masters are not willing to help us at all, causing us to abandon So much.


In the dark realm, humans and orcs help each other.

Now that they are hostile, and there are only a few puppet masters, the Nine-Tailed Civet has been looking for so long but has not found the right one.

Mu Qianxi said: No problem, I'll try to repair your toys!

Except for us, the nine-tailed civet clan, to cooperate with the nine-tailed fairy fox to deal with the Western Beast King and destabilize the entire beast world, all other conditions are easy to negotiate!

Mu Qianxi agreed so readily, they were excited, but some things had to be made clear.

Mu Qianxi said to them: I know you won't agree to this, and of course you won't mention it! All I need is you to find me some magic medicine. The Far East Forest is so vast, and you must have collected many precious medicines. Miraculous medicine.”

They said: Magic medicine, this is easy to talk about!

The next day, Mu Qianxi began to repair the puppet.

This was a big project, but once she became familiar with these puppets, it wouldn't be very difficult to repair them with her inexhaustible soul power.

After dark, the cat who managed the puppets felt incredible when he saw that all the puppets looked like brand new. did you do that?

The puppet master in their memory couldn't repair the puppets so quickly!

She only has one person, not a hundred people!

Mu Qianxi said: That's it. I know a lot. You will definitely not suffer any loss if you cooperate with the nine-tailed fairy fox. Just talk to your clan leader!

Repairing so many puppets in one day really made the Nine-Tailed Civets find it incredible.

The leader of the cat clan said: The human being who can be the contract leader of the nine-tailed spirit fox clan leader, the human being who dares to bet with me, is obviously low in strength, but can refine such magical medicine, and is so proficient in puppetry. He is definitely not an ordinary person. .”

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