Mu Qianxi went to Wanbao City and took Yan Luo, brother and sister, and Yuesheng Liang with her.

It was already dusk when we arrived at Wanbao Building, and all the workers in Wanbao Building were busy.

Because there was only one hour left before the auction started, many distinguished guests came.

When they arrived, people from other forces happened to be entering the venue.

When they saw Elder Gongsun and the others, someone came over to say hello.

Followed by some young people, handsome women and beautiful men.

A voice with a hint of evil came, Brother Wei Qu, when did you have such a beautiful junior sister in Shadow Pavilion? Why don't you introduce her to me?

His eyes were smiling, but he was arrogant and superior to others, which showed that he had a higher status than Wei Qu, the disciple of the great elder Gongsun.

This is one of the geniuses of the first-class seventh-level sect and nine war sects, Situ Liu. He is extremely talented and very romantic.

Wei Qu said: Sect Master Mu is not from the Shadow Pavilion, and he is different from the women you hooked up with before. It's best to keep your mind at ease.

The smile on Situ Liu's face grew stronger, So he is still the leader of the same sect! Which sect is it? With such a sect leader, I will definitely take care of him.

And today at the Wanbao Tower auction house, the location of my Nine Heavens Alliance is better and more spacious than that of the Shadow Pavilion. Why don't you, beauty, come with me first?

Situ Liu came from the Nine War Alliance, and many women threw themselves into his arms.

Even if Wei Qu calls her the sect leader, it doesn't necessarily mean that her status is very noble. She should be a small force attached to the Shadow Pavilion.

Their Nine Heavens Alliance is stronger than the Shadow Pavilion, and smart people should make better choices.

At this time, a cold snort came.

Situ Liu, you go around flirting with women again. It's strange that you haven't died from a woman after so many years.

A group of people arrived in a hurry. They were dressed simply, but their aura could not be underestimated.


Mu Qianxi raised her eyes to look at the person who spoke. He was a very tall young man.

His whole body was full of power, but his face and hands were all burnt black.

With such black color, Mu Qianxi was sure without even thinking that it was struck by lightning!

Siko Liu said: Lei Juntian, you have such a black face, even if you are the chief disciple of Bafang Leishan, no woman can like you!

You're so ugly and you don't know how to hide it, beauty! Are you scared? His romantic eyes turned to look at Mu Qianxi.

Mu Qianxi looked at the dark-faced man. His face was calm and he didn't care about his appearance.

She said: Master Lei is actually right! Even if you continue, you won't die from women, but you will not do it at all!

Woman, say it again! These words undoubtedly touched Situ Liu's back.

Mu Qianxi said calmly: You don't like to hear the truth, and I don't like to tell it a second time. Great Elder Gongsun, let's go in!

You want to leave if you offend me, what a dream! Even the Shadow Tower can't protect you today! Situ Liu blocked Mu Qianxi's path with a cold face.

Wei Qu and the others shook their heads helplessly. Taking a peerless beauty out would indeed cause trouble.

They didn't expect that Sect Leader Mu would cause big trouble so soon.

A black shadow flashed past, and an astonishing power of thunder and lightning erupted from his body.

Situ Liu, I wonder how much you have grown recently. Do you want to make some gestures?

The tyrannical power of thunder and lightning made Mu Qianxi's eyes light up. This power of thunder and lightning was unusual and very strong.

I heard about the eight mountains of Thunder Mountain in Bafang

, all covered with powerful thunder and lightning.

However, she felt that no matter how strong she was, it would probably not be able to meet her body tempering needs, and now she realized that she was wrong.

If the power of thunder and lightning used by Lei Juntian was cultivated in Bafang Lei Mountain, then the quality of the thunder and lightning is good.

She must try it if she has the chance to improve her physical strength.

Mu Qianxi said: Thank you very much!

Lei Juntian's eyes were cold and he said: You woman, don't be so sentimental. I just did it because he didn't like him. It has nothing to do with you! And like him, I am not interested in women.

What he said was true. He was indeed the Lord who was not moved by beauty.

The troublesome master was blocked by his sworn enemy, so she had nothing to worry about. They successfully entered the Wanbao Tower.

Elder Gongsun said: You take Sect Master Mu's subordinates to our box first, and I will go with Sect Master Mu to identify the elixir.


Old boy, you have made me wait too long! If you come so late, if the things you bring out are too bad, they won't be on my auction stage!

The owner of Wanbao Tower was good friends with the Great Elder Gongsun. The Great Elder Gongsun had already greeted him, so he kept waiting.

But it came too late, making him impatient to wait.

Elder Gongsun said: Sect Master Mu, take out the elixir you want to send and show it to this old boy!

Mu Qianxi took out three medicine bottles, and Louzhu Wan handed the items to the appraiser for appraisal.

Not long after, exclamations came from the appraisal room.

Then all the treasure appraisers from Wanbao Tower gathered together in a hurry.

Oh my God!'s true...

Great Elder Gongsun has never seen the treasure appraiser from Wanbao Tower.

Pan lost his composure and asked: Sect Master Mu, you won't really take out the Holy Pill, will you?

Mu Qianxi replied: No!

Lord Wan also couldn’t wait to ask: “What level is it?”

Master, it's a semi-holy elixir. It's at least twice as effective as Master Xiang's elixir. And...and there are three bottles in total! Oh my god...

Elder Gongsun exclaimed: The most powerful alchemists in the Light Realm have not been able to refine even one semi-holy pill for decades, and the failure rate is extremely high! Sect Leader Mu actually took out three bottles.

If he had known that she had so many elixirs of this level, he should have ordered them earlier.

It doesn't matter if it's expensive, because if they want to buy it at Wanbaolou's auction, it will be more expensive.

Now that the great elder Gongsun has regretted his death, Master Wan is about to smile and says: Show me!

This elixir fragrance, this color, this mysterious power... He clicked his tongue in praise.

Taking out these three bottles of elixir will definitely create a glorious moment that only happens once in ten years at the Wanbaolou auction.

Old boy, you really surprised me this time! Hahaha! I'll buy you a drink!

Elder Gongsun smiled bitterly and said, Can drinking make me feel better than the pain in my heart? You are so good at taking advantage.

At this time, Mu Qianxi said: Master Wan, I still have something to send for photography.

Elder Gongsun exclaimed: What's more, is it better than the Half-Saint Pill? Isn't it the Holy Pill? Sect Master Mu! Let's go, let's talk outside the Wanbao Tower, and we won't stay in this miserable place anymore.

Master Wanbao stopped him and said, Now that you're here, why are you leaving? Where can I sell treasures at the price I paid at Wanbaolou's auction? You can't cheat other girls.

Little girl, if you have any treasures, just bring them out. I will never let you suffer! Master Wan looked at Mu Qianxi with bright eyes and said.

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