They replied: Only the sect master can decide on the recruitment. Unless you can persist until the sect master comes here, there is only a dead end.

There is no point begging for mercy when the person who calls the shots is not here!

These Xuan Dan Sect demigods who could no longer fight were pale, they were really desperate!

There are not many people left in the Xuan Dan Sect, only Mu Qianxi and Yan Luo are fighting.

In the end, only Yan Luo, the master of the sixth level of False God from the Xuandan Sect, and the others were left.

Xuan An, the leader of the Xuan Dan Sect, had been trapped in the formation for unknown lengths of time.

He cursed angrily: A bunch of rats from the Prison Emperor Sect only dare to use formations to trap me and dare not challenge me? This sect leader doesn't believe that your formation can last forever.

He was going crazy!

Suddenly a gust of wind blew over, and Xuan An smelled the strong smell of blood. .??.??

His eyes were gloomy, and he finally arrived.

The visitors were a powerful team of over a hundred people, almost gathering the top demigods of the Prison Emperor Sect.

Everyone is covered in blood, some from the enemy, but most of them are their own.

After all, if it were not for the belief that one must die, it would be impossible to solve the two virtual gods.

Even those two are far behind compared to this sect master.

Even though a lot of blood was shed, their sect leader’s medicine was amazing!

Now they can continue to fight!

When Xuan An was surrounded by people, he sneered and said, You rats dare to attack me. You must have come here to kill me on purpose!

The next moment, two tombstones, black and white, appeared in the sky.

They bombarded him with extremely mysterious power.

A thick fog swept over, causing his spiritual power to not function smoothly.

Boom! Even though he blocked the blow, he took a step back.

The two men and women in front of them, dressed strangely and fiercely, were still far away from the False God Realm.

But being able to do it to such an extent made him feel furious.

r\u003e “Abominable formation!”

You all, go to hell!

Xuan An's hair was dancing wildly, it was obvious that he was about to go on a killing spree.

Yan Luo's eyes also had a solemn look, the gap was too big.

He waved his hand and said: Line up and fight!


Boom! A terrifying loud noise came out.

Within ten moves, there are not many people in the Prison Emperor Sect who can stand.

The smell of blood here is even stronger. The opponent is at the sixth level of the False God Realm. How can any demigod dare to fight him?

They fought and survived until now.

Even if I give my last breath, I want to keep fighting.

A bunch of lunatics! Xuan An spat.

Not only is he crazy, but his life is also quite strong, and he has a lot of powerful elixirs in his body!

Let's all die! There is no need to waste elixirs on those who must die. Xuan'an was very curious about the powerful restorative elixirs, even though their Xuandan Sect was not short of elixirs.

This blow was a terrifying magical skill that could kill them completely, and the air was filled with a depressing aura.

咻咻咻咻- At this moment, a series of piercing sounds came out.

It's a hidden weapon again. It's ridiculous that you still want to rely on such a trail to save your life. Xuan An said disdainfully.

Now that he has unleashed such powerful spiritual power and used such defense, how can he break through a mere hidden weapon?

The medicine needle is the product of thousands of eternal illusions. Is it difficult to break such a careless defense?

Apparently it's not difficult!

When the medicine needle easily broke through the spiritual energy defense, Xuan An shouted bad.

His spiritual skills have exploded, but he has to take care of his own life first, so he is naturally unsure.

Boom! The ultimate move that wasted so much spiritual power was useless, so he hurriedly blocked the medicine injection.

Pfft! There were too many, and the speed was so fast that he was dazzled, and he still missed one after all.

It was just a scratch on his skin, and he instinctively felt uneasy, so he hurriedly took the strongest detoxifying pill given to him by Master Xiang.

Sect Master! A bright light flashed in everyone's eyes.

The sect master is here, and even if they can't defeat the sixth level of the False God Realm with their lineup, they firmly believe that they can win.

Damn female devil. Xuan An stared at the purple figure sinisterly.

It was difficult to find a beauty who could rival her in the Light Realm. Her unparalleled arrogance gave him the feeling of meeting the proud daughter of the Gods.

The title Devil doesn't match her temperament at all.

But this is the realm of light, and the female devil is the most intimidating title for a strong female.

You're here just in time, let's kill them together! You can't change anything about a mere spiritual god? Even if the hidden weapon is poisoned, our Xuandan Sect has the detoxifying pill from the chief alchemist. Do you think you can poison me? Ridiculous!

Mu Qianxi said jokingly: It's not difficult to poison you!

Nonsense, I didn't feel like I was poisoned at all, ah - Xuan An felt a sharp pain in his eyeballs before he could finish his words.

He felt like his eyes were going to explode, and blood and tears spurted out from the corners of his eyes.

A cold voice came into his ears, The detoxification pill you used is indeed made of good poison-suppressing materials and can slow down the outbreak of poison.

But the poison of the poison mist just happens to enter your eyes, and when mixed with the poison of my medicine needle, it can become a poison that makes you blind.

And your chief alchemist’s detoxifying pill only targets the inside, and can’t save the outside eyes!

Ahhhh-I'm going to tear you into pieces! The pain in his eyes

It's going to torture people crazy.

Even though he was completely plunged into darkness, his strength was still there, and his spiritual power exploded towards Mu Qianxi.

Yan Luo, Yan Ling and his men took action quickly.

A virtual god who was poisoned and blinded had his strength weakened a lot, so they naturally wanted to take the opportunity to fight.

Mu Qianxi used teleportation, so she would not be hit by him.

Immediately afterwards, she released Ayu's wood auxiliary skill.

The spiritual power of wood brushed through their every wound, filling their spiritual and soul power.

Let the scarred warriors of the Prison Emperor Sect recover to their best condition, and the attack on Xuan An will naturally become more powerful.

Damn it! It was as if they had seen a ghost. Not only were they not weak after being severely injured, their levels had actually improved a lot.

In the end what happened?

It's a pity that he can't see with his eyes, otherwise he would have a chance to see the powerful auxiliary skills of Eternal Hagoromo before he died.

Death, death, death - Xuan An was forced to do this and went crazy. The lethality was also terrifying.

The counterattack also made Yan Luo and the others uncomfortable.

What Xuan An wanted to kill most was the female devil, but unfortunately he couldn't determine where she was hiding?

Mu Qianxi whispered: The strength is still a little behind! Then use this!

When Xuan An desperately wanted to release the power to destroy everything around him.

Mu Qianxi waved her hand, and a holy and burning white light suddenly appeared in this place shrouded in blood energy and poisonous mist.

Boom - The white light rushed towards Xuan An, tightly restraining his power.

He would not be able to exert much of the power of this attack, and he would suffer the backlash.

The power of light and warmth was a devastating blow to him.

He roared: What kind of power is this? Impossible. How can a light elemental spiritual master help you?

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