The appearance of the young man seemed to illuminate the entire field of light.

His eyes were extremely pure, no matter how evil-doing people were, they would not have the heart to blaspheme or hurt him.

It was as if the darkness and evil in this world could be purified by him in an instant.

Such a pure and holy person! This is a person who only exists in the legend of the Light Realm. are the messenger of light. Elder Xu's eyes widened. .??.

He has seen some records in ancient books. There were some light messengers in the Light Realm in the past, and their strength was arrogant to the entire Light Realm.

Anyone who is dark and evil will be punished by them.

Such people suffered heavy losses after the laws of the Light Realm were changed.

Most of them were killed by their former enemies.

Even if someone can survive, the Light Realm is no longer suitable for them to survive.

They were once followers of the Lightbringer and had outstanding talents.

But then they were heretics rejected by the entire Light Realm, and it was difficult for them to advance a step further in cultivation.

There has been no news of the Light Messenger in the Light Realm for hundreds of years. Now that he has arrived here, Elder Xu and the others feel that they must be saved.

As long as Lightbringer is around, no killing will be allowed.

Of course, they will still be punished, but it will definitely be worse if the Prison Emperor Sect kills so many of them.

Elder Xu said: Mr. Lightbringer, this female devil is so crazy that she slaughtered so many people in our elixir trading center. We are just businessmen doing our duty. Please punish them and bring justice to us who are weak.

Elder Xu's shamelessness is simply eye-opening.

Ah Huan blinked and asked: The female devil? Who?

That's her. She is also a poison master. She is so talented at a young age and has killed countless people. She must be extremely evil. Elder Xu pointed at Mu Qianxi.

The next moment, he felt that the sunlight falling on his body became extremely cold.

The pair of warm golden eyes became very cold at this time, Who allowed you to give my master such an unpleasant name? How could my master be evil? My master is the best in the world. And you filthy people! You deserve it! Disappeared.

The light was extremely dazzling, and of course what hurt more was not their eyes, but their souls.

The soul is melted by the high temperature, and the more evil the soul, the more painful it is.

The power of light may seem gentle, but its purifying power is the most terrifying torture for evildoers.

The power of light, are obviously the bringer of light, why are you siding with the female devil? I must be having a nightmare, I must... Elder Xu was horrified.

Because she is the master! Ah Huan stood next to Mu Qianxi and smiled.

You... you... Elder Xu was in pain that was heartbreaking.

He couldn't understand that a female devil who was extremely evil was recognized as the master by a light messenger. This was too weird.

You...are you going to betray the will of the Lord of Light? The Lord of Light will definitely punish you.

What he said is also funny. He has obviously done all the bad things and turned his back on the light. At this time, he still thinks that the light side can save him.

Betrayal? No! Ah Huan said with a faint smile.

The previous laws of the Light Realm were also formed due to his will.

Now, the master's will is his will.

In everything, the owner’s wishes come first.

He agrees with whatever the master does, rather than stubbornly dividing good and evil across the board.

Disappear! I don't want you trash to waste my master's time.

The very pure power of light purifies their

Dirty soul and body.

The enemy in front of him completely disappeared, leaving only ashes.

After doing this, Ah Huan tilted his head and said: I solved them all by accident. They are so annoying. I forgot to ask the master if they want to kill them so cleanly?

At this time, everyone in the Prison Emperor Sect looked at this dazzling young man with shock on their faces. The power of this adult was too terrifying.

The Fourth City Lord said: You should not be judged by appearance! I didn't expect...I didn't expect...

The cute and cute vase they once thought revealed her real tricks, which scared their hearts out.

Fortunately, the power of light was not attacking them, otherwise they would have disappeared from this world without a trace before they could enjoy the time outside.

Only Yan Luo thinks that all this is normal. This is the Lord of Light, the Eternal Thousand Illusions!

What he had just used was just a little bit of his strength.

Mu Qianxi said: It's indeed annoying. Ah Huan helped me a lot by taking care of them! But can you bear it?

Ah Huan smiled brightly and said, Master cares about me, I'm happy.

In front of Mu Qianxi was a pure, well-behaved and obedient young man.

It was as if the guy who purified a large group of people at the snap of a finger was another person.

Yan Luo, I'll leave the aftermath to you, Mu Qianxi said.

Yes! Yan Luo replied.

In fact, there is nothing to deal with. As soon as Master Ah Huan purified the enemy, all the enemies disappeared, and there was no need to deal with the corpses.

The master's soul power really makes us feel very comfortable. I'm recovering very well now. I can spend more time with the master, as long as I don't use too much power. Ah Huan reported his situation obediently.

That's good.

What has Master been busy with in the Light Realm recently?

? Is there anyone Ah Huan can help with?

Practice and develop your power. But there are indeed people who need Ah Huan's help. I want to learn the formation in depth.

Ah Huan's eyes brightened a little, and he said excitedly: Teaching the master the formation? No problem! I guarantee that I will be hundreds of times more serious than the pervert who taught the master how to make medicine.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said, Then please give me some advice, Ah Huan.

Next, the disciples of the Prison Emperor Sect have one more training item, which is to test the power of various formations arranged by their sect leader and Lord Ah Huan.

None of the formations that Ah Huan taught Mu Qianxi were simple, and they were naturally tortured to death.

However, they all have a sense of crisis at this time. The elixir trading center has suffered heavy losses, and the Xuandan Sect will never remain indifferent.

The next thrilling battle is absolutely inevitable.

They must do everything possible to become stronger in order to have the strength to defend the sect.

The entire Prison Emperor Sect, with a radius of thousands of miles, has become a place for Mu Qianxi to learn formations. A more mature formation to protect the sect is taking shape than before.

Being able to work on the same thing as the owner is also super satisfying for Ah Huan.

It's a pity that some rare materials cannot be obtained immediately. Otherwise, no matter what level of people from the Light Domain come to the master's sect, they will all be wiped out. Ah Huan said.

The current formation is mainly focused on protection, and even the seventh-level sect cannot destroy the base camp of the Prison Emperor Sect.

In this case, the lethality can only be supplemented by hidden weapons and poison. Mu Qianxi said.

Ah Huan also dared to try to integrate the three for the sake of his master, which he found quite interesting.

Very good, you kidnapped the person I liked and dared to severely damage the elixir trading center. A mere eighth-level sect is too rampant and must not be allowed to stay. Many people on the side of Xuandan Sect were also furious.

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