The fourth city lord clapped his hands excitedly and said: As expected of our master, I also think that the Light Realm is the best place for us!

What's your reason? How much do you know about the Light Realm? Mu Qianxi glanced at him and asked.

She was almost unfamiliar with everything in the God Realm. She decided to go to the Light Realm because of Ah Huan.

The fourth city lord said: Master, do you know that in the past, the kinder the Light Realm was, the stronger it was. Because they were all too kind and there was not much competition, no matter how strong they were, they would never get anywhere? This is the most powerful place in the God Realm. Weak places.

However, things must be reversed at the extremes. About ten thousand years ago, the rules of the entire Light Realm were completely different. The more evil there is, the more powerful it is. People who have done all bad things in other realms hide in the light realm, which is now called the light and evil realm.

And those of us who came out of the Land of Baptism will not be better than those in the Light and Evil Realm, but will only be more evil than them. We will definitely be able to get along like a fish in water when we go to the Light Realm.

Yan Luo also nodded and said: Actually, my hometown is also in the Light Realm, and the situation in the Light Realm is indeed the same as what he said.

He also guessed the reason why his master wanted to go to the Light Realm, because Lord Eternal Qianhuan! That was once the area he controlled.

But now the Light Realm is not what Master Huan expected, and he will probably be very disappointed.

Mu Qianxi was slightly startled. Has the law set by Ah Huan been reversed, causing the order to be destroyed like this?

Ah Huan, are you okay? Mu Qianxi asked worriedly.

Master, it's okay! When I suffered the backlash, I expected this result. Ah Huan took a deep breath and said, he didn't want the master to worry too much.

We will definitely find a solution. Mu Qianxi said solemnly.

Master, that's natural! Ah Huan smiled.

As long as the master is here, he is not afraid of heaven's conspiracy.

Yan Luo asked: Master, are you still going?

The laws of the Light Realm are a good thing for them,

But not necessarily for the owner.

Ah Huan said: The master is my contractor, and the law of reversal cannot affect the master. This guy is so worried and underestimates me.

Mu Qianxi nodded and said: Go! You must go!

Others showed excitement on their faces. It was great that the master agreed to go to the Light Realm.

Under the leadership of their master, they will definitely be able to show off their talents.

This place is not far from the Light Realm. Let's set off now. Yan Luo said.

At this time, they were on a void island, surrounded by endless void.

You can reach it by crossing the void in the direction of the Light Domain.

After emerging from the place of baptism, everyone’s space can be opened.

Some took out artifacts to assist flight, some summoned contracted beasts, and no one allowed some to take a ride.

Little Momo! Mu Qianxi said.

A black phoenix appeared in the sky, its momentum was so overwhelming that other flying beasts lowered their proud heads.

Everyone was shocked: This... this is the phoenix beast.

As expected of a master, he actually has a phoenix beast as his mount.

Even the gods can hardly possess the Phoenix beast!

Yan Luo was also a little surprised. His family was old and well-educated, so his eyesight was naturally better than others.

This is Mo Phoenix, but it is not an ordinary Mo Phoenix. It actually possesses the power of darkness and its potential is immeasurable.

His master's origins are mysterious, his identity is extraordinary, and he has many secrets.

Mu Qianxi jumped on Xiao Momo's back and said to them: Let's go!

In the God Realm, apart from the nine realms created by the nine eternal artifacts, the largest region is the God Realm.

The divine clan is the most respected in the divine domain, and the supreme divine emperor is in the Supreme Palace.

There is a palace in the Supreme Palace that is filled with terrifying evil spirits, turning this place surrounded by immortal energy into a sinister hell.

Damn God Emperor! Where did you hide my sister's fragments? Still can't find it. A young man who looked like an elf said angrily in this palace that was a world unto itself.

If you don't kill him, it will be difficult to get the crystal fragments. A cold voice came.

The man stood at the door of the palace, looking into the distance, his ice-blue eyes like an endless abyss.

This guy was anxious, and he was naturally anxious too. He thought she was going crazy.

Why is that guy the God Emperor so easy to kill? We can only guarantee that we will not be killed by him together, not to mention he has so many helpers. A Ting said depressedly.

At this time, there was movement outside the door.

Your Highness Jiuye, the Lord has an order.

Say! His figure was as cold as ten thousand years of ice.

The Lord wants you to go to the Light Realm and find the Light Holy Palace. If you control the Light Holy Palace, you can control the entire Light Realm.

Although Your Highness, you and the Lord had some conflicts before, after all, you are his only heir, and the Lord is interested in cultivating you.

Use the power of light to purify the evil spirits you accumulated in hell, only then can you restore your identity as the supreme god and become the successor of the Lord. The person outside said.

Go away - The cold voice sounded like it was coming from hell, making people's hearts tremble.

The person who sent the message was also trembling with fear. After all, he had heard that too many of his colleagues were turned into bones under the terrifying power of His Highness Jiuye and died without a burial place. He was afraid that he would be the next one.


After the man rolled away, Ah Ting said: If you go to the Light Realm, just go to the Light Realm! In the Guangming Holy Palace, there may be news about Ah Huan. Even if there is another trap waiting for you, we will just take advantage of it. It’s boring to stay here and not find any news about my sister’s fragments, isn’t it?”

Eternity Qianhuan, you might as well find it and give it to Xi. Jiuye said in a deep voice.

He also knew that Xi wanted to find Eternal Qianhuan, so he naturally wanted to help her find it.

Yes! That stupid woman is thinking about that shadow very much!

Jiuye's eyes became extremely dangerous, and he glanced at him and said: Shut up! Xi will only miss me.

Come on! You are too narcissistic. Maybe she has forgotten you a long time ago.

If I forget you, I will never forget you.

How could that hateful woman forget me?


When two people who are born with mismatches become natal partners, they will also have mismatches.

The only advantage is that it allows Jiuye to talk more, otherwise they would not know how boring they would be in the God Realm.

My lord, His Highness Jiuye has agreed to go to the Light Realm.

My lord, His Highness Jiuye has already set off, but we didn't follow him.


Whenever there is any movement in Jiuye, someone will come to notify the God Emperor.

The God Emperor looked at the moon-white figure and said, Can it be done this time?

Jiuye did return to the God Realm as he wished. Not only did he destroy the Xuantian Realm's formation, he also killed many of his confidants.

It was clear that his dragnet would surely bring him a bad death, but he never thought that he would contract with the Eternal Pavilion, the Ninth Level Chaos Pavilion.

So much so that he could occupy a place in the Supreme Palace openly and openly, but he couldn't do anything to Jiuye, and Jiuye couldn't kill him.

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