Everyone looked at Mu Qianxi in surprise. She actually dared to argue head-on with the Holy Son of the Holy Star Clan.

This was an unfamiliar face, one they had never seen before.

Sheng Yao said: Sheng Yeyu didn't come, but you came. It seems that your skills are not inferior to hers. You should be the next saintess of the Shengyue Clan!

I am the boss of the Holy Moon Clan this time. I advise you not to bully my companions! Otherwise, you will be responsible for the consequences? Mu Qianxi said with a chuckle. .??.

Their faces darkened, this girl was threatening them.

The great elder also had a look of astonishment on his face, wondering if the ace that their clan leader had found was a little too arrogant.

Ever since the Holy Moon Clan was suppressed, no member of the clan has dared to be so public for a long time.

However, the more arrogant Mu Qianxi's attitude became, the more unpredictable she became.

The centipede insect is dead but not stiff. It seems that the Holy Moon Clan still has a trump card!

A playful smile appeared on the corner of Shengqiu's lips, We are all from the same clan who went to Xingyue Pond to practice. How could we bully our fellow clansmen?

Hmph! You're talking so arrogantly, but you don't know how much real ability you have. I hope it's not just words. Sheng Yao snorted coldly.

Others also laughed contemptuously and said: No matter how powerful the people of the Holy Moon Clan are, how powerful can they be? They are just showing off here. When the time comes to truly compete, I am afraid they will be vulnerable.

Everyone in the Shengyue Clan said: You know nothing about our boss Xi's strength. Let's meet him when the time comes!

Restrictions were set up around the Xingyue Sacred Pond. It was sealed for three years to accumulate the holy power, and outsiders were not allowed to enter.

Only when it is opened every three years can clan members be allowed in, and they can only practice there for seven days at a time.

It was time to open the Xingyue Sacred Pond, and a passage appeared in front of them.

The rich holy power rushed out from the entrance like a fountain.

Feeling the rich holy power, it seems that she will gain a lot if she goes inside.

At least her holy power is better adjusted and more familiar.

After the Xingyue Holy Pool was opened, their saint son and saintess said: Go in immediately!

The members of the Saint Star Clan rushed in first, and Mu Qianxi led them in slowly.

The Great Elder looked at their backs and said worriedly: Be careful, if you are defeated, don't show off!

After entering the Xingyue Holy Pond, Mu Qianxi took out all the bottles and cans as she walked and said: If you encounter someone you can't beat, just throw it away. It doesn't cost you any money.

These are all poisonous, and certainly not the masterpieces of the past few days.

After all, the masterpieces these days were all about people's lives, and she didn't want to cause too much trouble here.

Is this poison? they asked.

Can't we use poison? The patriarch didn't tell me!

Yes, I heard that the Holy Star Clan has used it before, as long as no one is killed.

That's good.

From the outside, Xingyue Pond looks very big. Once inside, it feels even more vast, as if you have entered a vast ocean.

Mu Qianxi's soul power was scattered, and she had to find a place with the strongest holy power to practice in order not to waste these precious seven days.

found it!

Come with me! Mu Qianxi rushed over.

At the beginning, everyone was looking for a suitable place to practice instead of choosing to deal with them.

Only when they absorb the holy power to the limit that they can bear and can no longer absorb it, will they start targeting the people of the Holy Moon Clan,

Then rob them of the holy power they obtained in the Xingyue Sacred Pond, and even more ruthlessly, take away the holy power they cultivated themselves.

Of course, there is another situation where you will take action.

That is, if both parties choose the same place, they will take action to compete for territory.

As for the place Mu Qianxi found, there was actually no one there, they were just passing by.

But the other party didn't think so. They felt that the place they chose was already excellent, and it was impossible for the people of the Shengyue Clan to choose anything better.

This is our territory, you get out immediately! Otherwise we will knock you down directly, so that you will not be able to absorb any holy power here.

All the members of the Holy Moon Clan are here. If they are defeated, the entire Holy Moon Clan will be wiped out!


Mu Qianxi said: We are really just passing by, but I don't like your attitude very much. I apologize!

Hahaha! What did we hear? How dare they ask us to apologize. They laughed disdainfully.

Originally, I wanted you to live a good life in this Xingyue Sacred Pond for a few days. Since you are looking for death, it's time to test your strength. Those whose strength is not up to standard will not be qualified to practice here.

They all looked at them maliciously, and the others' expressions darkened.

In particular, Sheng Yanyu was so frightened that he cried, You...don't bully us, wuwuwu...

These guys took action instantly, and the holy power turned into a giant net and rushed towards them.

They had decided that since these people from the Shengyue Clan came to their door on their own initiative, they should tie them up here first.

Wait until they have absorbed the holy power of the Star-Moon Sacred Pool, and then seize the holy power from them.

After all, there are too few members of the Shengyue Clan, and they don’t even have enough to share. If they encounter it first, they can just divide it up and not give anyone else a share.

There are thousands of holy threads, extremely fast and fierce, but they cannot touch Mu Qian

Half a minute.

On the other hand, the other members of the Shengyue Clan were a little flustered and hurriedly dodged, making them a little embarrassed.

You guys, stop it! There was another person on the Shengyue clan's side who was trembling.

Such a fragile and timid appearance made him even more bullied by these bad people from the Holy Star Clan.

Hahaha! This little guy was so scared that he fainted.

He waved his hand, and countless rays of light burst out again, trying to penetrate his limbs.

Sheng Yanyu dodged in a panic and without any plan, which made other friends sweat for him.

The other party teased Sheng Yan Yu like an ant, very casually.

However, in the next moment, the terrifying sword of holy power appeared out of thin air.

Poof! In an instant, it penetrated directly through the thigh of the Saint Star Clan person.

Bang! The holy thread he erupted disappeared and fell into the pool.

Spirit Master, third level Spirit Master. They looked at Sheng Yan Yu in shock.

Sheng Yanyu lowered his head, his ears seemed to be on fire, The breakthrough was made not long ago...

This guy thought he was a pitiful weakling if he didn't take action, but with this action, he could kill his opponent in an instant!

Damn it! This Shengyue tribe has a master who pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger. Let's take him down first. One of them was injured first, so they were naturally furious and concentrated their efforts on attacking Sheng Yanyu.

Seeing those streaks of holy light coming, Sheng Yanyu seemed to be frightened and said: You... don't come here!

Don't bully people like this.

He was in a daze, obviously frightened by this scene.

Boss Xi, save A Yu! Although Sheng Yan Yu had defeated a man in a blockbuster before, in their impression, he was still a pitiful little man who needed protection.

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