He actually wanted Mu Qianxi to stop Gu Baiyi from struggling and getting in the way.

In this case, he can kill Mu Qianxi, who is now at his mercy.

As for Mu Qianxi's suggestion of a solution, what kind of trouble could she cause if things were like this?

She just said this to appease Bei Gonghan.

Gu Baiyi's voice came out, Xi'er, Bei Gongjue and I have been destined to be mortal enemies since we were born. We can only live together. You have helped me a lot, otherwise I would have been defeated by my destined fate. Now, this Leave it all to me!

Bei Gong Jue hurt Xi'er to this point, and he tried his best to solve this scourge so that he could not continue to survive in this world.

Bei Gonghan, what are you doing? Bei Gongjue roared.

He felt like his soul was being torn apart and expelled from this body.

This is not his body, after all, he has been using it for so long.

She has the same blood as him and almost the same appearance, and she has long been regarded as her own.

Being kicked out so violently made Bei Gongjue's soul feel uncomfortable at all.

You...you can actually do this. Bei Gongjue's soul was in the void, with a look of astonishment on his face.

Mu Qianxi also had a hint of joy on her face. Xiaobai has become so powerful now that she can expel Bei Gongjue by herself.

Does this mean that his body will never be snatched away by Bei Gongjue again?

After Bei Gongjue's soul left, there was another soul in the sky.

The two souls have similar appearances, but completely different temperaments.

Bang! The body fell to the ground without a soul, and the man in the air burst out with powerful soul power.

This was a pure contest of soul power, and the secret skills of the soul clan were displayed in front of Mu Qianxi's eyes.

Their twin souls fought fiercely.

Beigong Han? Why? I was taught by my mother since I was a child, and you...and you are

If you are lucky enough to swallow the soul of the Evil Emperor of the Dead, you can compete with me. I don't accept it... Bei Gongjue gritted his teeth in anger.

Gu Baiyi had the upper hand. Bei Gong Jue's innate advantage was indeed much better. Gu Baiyi started too late and was suppressed by him everywhere.

However, Beigong Jue had completely angered Gu Baiyi today. He had to make Bei Gong Jue's soul fly away so that he would never have the chance to harm Xi'er.

This soul battle lasted for a long time, and Mu Qianxi injected herself with several medicine injections.

Her soul power was recovering well and she wanted to help.

However, now that the two soul powers are intertwined, her attack is likely to hurt Xiao Bai's soul, and she can only watch the battle from the sidelines.

Bei Gongjue is more skilled, while Bai Yi is direct and life-threatening.

At the end, it depends on who has the strongest soul and who can persevere better.

Compared to this, Beigong, who has been noble since childhood and has outstanding talent, is definitely no match for Gu Baiyi, a swordsman who is strict with him and has strong willpower.

Bang! Bei Gongjue's soul power collapsed and he began to retreat.

Mu Qianxi's face showed joy, Xiao Bai is going to win.

At this time, Gu Baiyi formed a seal with his hands.

He didn't know much about the Soul Clan's techniques, but he went very smoothly with this one.

Bei Gongjue's eyes widened and he said: Bei Gonghan, you dare to kill me! You actually want to kill me. Don't you want to live?

He also knew what he was going to do? When doing dangerous things, this seal can make people fly away from their souls.

Since your mother gave birth to us, what has been engraved in the depths of your soul has always been there. Unless you are a hundred times stronger than your mother, you can't get rid of it. My soul is shattered, and so will you. Beigong Jue said again.

Gu Bai

Yi said indifferently: So what?

It was as if it wasn't him who was about to lose his soul.

He couldn't stand Bei Gongjue hurting Xi'er anymore. Even if his soul was gone, he had to make him disappear.



Gu Baiyi really took action without any hesitation.

His soul was already wounded, and he was howling in pain after being attacked like this.

Xiaobai, stop! Mu Qianxi said hurriedly.

She wished that Beigong Juehun was gone, but she never wanted anything to happen to Xiaobai.

Gu Baiyi looked at Mu Qianxi and said with deep apology: Xi'er, I'm sorry. He must die!

Mu Qianxi wanted to run over, but was imprisoned by the sword energy. Although she would not be hurt, she could not move.

We can think of other ways...

Gu Baiyi shook his head slightly, that woman's methods were too unfathomable.

I don't know how long it will take to find a way, and during this period, Bei Gongjue will have countless opportunities to hurt Xi'er.

How could he endure this?

Bei Gongjue's roar was still heard in her ears, and Mu Qianxi was very panicked and sad.

Brother Imperial...Brother Imperial, please let me go. I will never occupy your body again, and I will never hurt Mu Qianxi's hair. Please spare my life. I don't want to lose my soul.

As arrogant as Bei Gongjue, he had never begged for mercy in such a humble way when his body died.

Now when he was about to lose his soul, he was completely panicked and actually begged for mercy from the person he had always looked down on and suppressed.

However, Gu Baiyi wanted to kill him, and even Mu Qianxi couldn't change it.

His hypocritical begging for mercy was of no use at all.

Bei Gongjue's soul dissipated in the air. He was fearful, unwilling and resentful.

r\u003e Why did the mother-in-law give birth to twins? Give him such a strong competitor.

Why does he obviously have such talents and abilities that are so arrogant to the world? But there are people like Mu Fengyun and Mu Qianxi.

It was clear that he would become the Lord of Xuantian, the most proud son of his mother, and lead the Soul Clan to an unprecedented peak.

Why is it that someone who has been inferior to him since he was a child is so confused here?

Before the soul completely dissipated, this place was full of Bei Gongjue's negative emotions.

When Beigong Jue's soul completely disappeared, Mu Qianxi was stunned.

Xiao Bai's soul power is weakening, and the shadow of that soul is getting lighter and fainter.

The sword energy that imprisoned her also weakened. Mu Qianxi got rid of the imprisonment and flew out in a flash.

Looking at the grief-stricken Mu Qianxi, Gu Baiyi didn't know what to say to comfort her.

He said in a deep voice: Xi'er, this is my choice.

Idiot! Do you know how bad your choice is? Mu Qianxi roared, her eyes getting wet.

No way, I'm not as smart as Xi'er. Gu Baiyi said helplessly.

If you're not as smart as me, you should listen to me. Who told you to make your own decisions?

He looked at the peerless face in front of him with nostalgia, feeling too much reluctance in his heart, but he did not regret the decision he made.

He was sure that Beigong was completely dead and his soul was gone, and he could no longer hurt Xi'er.

Mu Qianxi's soul power spread out, and all her life force burst out.

Countless potions fell from the sky and sprinkled like rain.

The soul that has become transparent cannot get any medicine, nor can it absorb any life force.

No matter how much Mu Qianxi used her super soul power, she couldn't keep Gu Baiyi's dissipated soul.

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