When he pretended to self-destruct before, Bei Gongjue had already determined that Mu Qianxi was not hard-hearted.

She was particularly concerned about Bei Gonghan's life.

Mu Qianxi's face darkened and she said coldly: Can you still have some facial expressions?

You forced me. Bei Gongjue said gloomily.

Xi'er, it's up to you to decide. Mu Fengyun said.

For him, the most important thing is that Xi'er is happy, and he is not in a hurry to conquer the kingdom of Xuantian Realm at once.

Give up and let Bei Gongjue be proud.

If you don't give up, Xiaobai will be in danger.

Dad. Mu Qianxi whispered. .??.??

Mu Fengyun also knew what his daughter was thinking. He ordered: Retreat the entire army and evacuate the Beigong Imperial City.

Mu Qianxi's compromises and concessions did not satisfy Bei Gongjue.

He knew that he had caught Mu Qianxi's weak spot, so he pushed even further.

Wait a minute, since you agreed to retreat, there is no rush to retreat! Mu Qianxi, you also promised me a request. Bei Gongjue said again.

What request? Mu Qianxi was sure that he would never ask for anything good.

Beigong Jue said: Be my queen, marry the two countries, and have a truce.

Brothers Mu Fengyun and Mu Fengling could no longer control their anger, You're really pushing your limits.

The emperor of the defeated country still dared to dream of marrying the most noble woman of their Donghuang Dynasty. The treasure they held in their palms was a dream!

Mu Qianxi, don't you agree? Bei Gongjue's eyes turned gloomy.

I already have a fiancé, and I will never be engaged to you. It's okay for you, Beidi, to risk death to save your life. But to get a wife, you're not afraid of making a fool of yourself if you force someone to die like this. Mu Qian Xi said mockingly.

Since you don't agree to my request, Mu Qianxi, do you dare to go up to the city wall and fight me one on one to the death? We have had so many years of grudges, and I think it would be better for us to settle them alone. Bei Gongjue stared at him.

Mu Qianxi said.

Mu Fengyun pulled Mu Qianxi and said, Xi'er, there must be a scam.

Bei Gongjue has ulterior motives and naturally has a plan. This is something that everyone knows very well.

You rejected one of my conditions, and then another. Mu Qianxi, I advise you not to challenge my patience. His eyes became cold.

How could he be satisfied with just retreating?

The Beigong Dynasty has fallen into decline, and he must reverse the situation, otherwise it will be difficult to turn around.

He has the biggest bargaining chip in his hand, and now is a good opportunity to make a comeback.

Whoosh whoosh... A cold sharp blade appeared in the air, aiming at Beigong Jue himself.

I think you don't want to see this body riddled with holes!

Puff puff!

Countless sharp blades grazed him, leaving a trail of blood on his body.

The color of blood stung Mu Qianxi's eyes, and others were shocked and said: Your Majesty, what are you...

Many people don't understand what their Majesty is doing?

They were defeated and were attacked in the imperial city. The eternal foundation of the Beigong Dynasty would be destroyed in one day.

His Majesty actually threatened to harm himself, forcing His Highness Qian Xi to agree to withdraw.

Now he is ruthless to himself...

Mu Qianxi took a deep breath and said, Beigong Jue, isn't this just a one-on-one battle with you? You have been defeated by me so many times, do you think you can make a comeback this time?

Beigong Jue said with a smile: Who knows until the end! Your contracted beasts are not allowed to be used. After all, all my contracted beasts were killed by them.

He had indeed suffered a lot from her hands, and he did not dare to do so at all.

She took it lightly, so it was safer to let her throw away her cards one by one.

Invincible, Xiaohong, Xiaomomo... Mu Qianxi released her contracted beast.

Mu Fengyun's face showed a solemn look, and he said solemnly: Xi'er, have you decided?

I have decided that Bei Gongjue is creating a chance for a comeback, and the target is me. If I really don't agree to his promise, then his only chance will be gone. Who knows what he will go crazy and do? Mu Qian Xi said coldly.

Okay! Dad won't stop you, but if your life is in danger, even if it kills your important friend, I will kill him to save you. You are my daughter, and you are more important to me than that Gu Baiyi Countless times.”

Don't worry, Dad! Bei Gongjue really has a conspiracy. If I can't defeat him, I can still escape. Mu Qianxi gave Mu Fengyun a reassuring smile.

Mu Fengling said: Xi'er, big brother has said everything that needs to be said. If you are in danger, I will definitely fight with big brother regardless of anything.

Mu Qianxi's body lightened up, and she flew into the air with the wind, getting closer and closer to the city wall.

People on both sides who did not know the inside story were dumbfounded, His Royal Highness Qian Xi really agreed to take the risk.

This is the first time they have seen such an incredible threat. His Highness Qian Xi obviously wants to kill His Majesty Beidi quickly, but he is also willing to risk everything to not want him to die. This is simply too contradictory.

When Mu Qianxi landed on the city wall, Bei Gongjue's lips curled up slightly and he looked at Mu Qianxi.

The next moment, a terrifying cold air spread from around the walls of the imperial city.

The city wall turned into a transparent ice wall, and the entire palace turned into a palace of ice and snow.

This magnificent palace froze in an instant, and seemed like two different worlds from everything outside.

Xi'er! Mu Fengyun suddenly felt something was wrong and summoned the Supreme Throne.

Burst out the most powerful attack.

The same goes for Mu Fengling.

Boom! Their attacks were so powerful, but they couldn't leave any trace on the ice city wall, let alone rush into the ice and snow palace.

Beigong Luo was shocked: This is... this is...

Beigong Jue actually activated the Wan Binghan Sealing Formation. Oh my god! This formation is not...

Bang! Before he could finish his words, Beigong Luo was instantly arrested by Mu Fengling.

Mu Fengling asked gloomily: What kind of formation is this? How to break it?

The Ten Thousand Ice Sealing Formation is a powerful formation created by our ancestors when they founded the Imperial Palace. This formation was opened with the Emperor's order as a key when the Beigong Dynasty was in danger, sealing off the powerful enemies who entered the Imperial Palace. If you don't open it, it will never be broken! Beigong Luo is from the royal family and knows something about it.

But Bei Gongjue is still alive, why can he activate the real formation? Or...Imperial brother...

Bei Gongluo's eyes widened, how dare Bei Gongjue...

The current emperor is Beigong Jue, but the previous Bei Emperor was his imperial brother!

Mu Fengyun said coldly: Is there really no way to break it?

There is really nothing we can do. Your Donghuang Mu clan is powerful, but don't underestimate our Beigong royal family! Beigong Luo replied.

Mu Fengyun and Mu Fengling were going crazy with worry. They could no longer see clearly what was happening in the ice and snow world inside.

But they were sure that Xi'er must be in danger.

No matter what, they have to find a way to save her!

Boom! When the formation was fully activated, the power of ice and snow around Bei Gongjue soared to its peak.

Mu Qianxi, this is the place I specially prepared for you to die. Isn't it beautiful? Beigong asked her with a desperate smile.

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