Although you are a senior, those who offend our Donghuang Dynasty will definitely be punished no matter how strong they are! These spiritual god seniors said categorically.

Ha! Since you are looking for death, I will help you! The old man smiled gloomily and roared out with powerful spiritual power.


They thought that if several people joined forces, they should be able to stop him.

However, after a few moves, he was knocked away.

Poof! Their bodies hit the stone wall and they vomited blood, their faces became tense.

Damn, they are no match for this guy.

The old man in white waved his hand and said, You are dead. It seems that Mu Fengyun, who always calculated everything, made mistakes sometimes. He must not have thought that I was still alive and would personally take over the Seven Star Spirit Mine.

Mu Qianxi's face darkened. Even with the Hunyuan Space, the losses from the original war could not be made up in such a short period of time.

Compared to the Beigong Dynasty, their Donghuang Dynasty was at a disadvantage.

At least such an old monster, the Donghuang Dynasty almost died when they dealt with Mu Fengque.

Unless dad goes into battle himself, no one can stop him.

However, if my father, as the emperor of the Donghuang Dynasty, leaves the capital, Bei Gongjue will probably take advantage of the opportunity.

The dynasty war has not officially started, but the calculations and struggles between the two dynasties have already begun.

Those in power must mobilize all their wisdom and resources to deal with all the enemy's machinations.

When she came here, she had already sensed the formation here.

Dad has already prepared for the worst, that is, we will both die together.

Even if the Seven Star Spirit Mine, which is rare in ten thousand years, is destroyed, it will never be gained by the Beigong Dynasty.

The senior spiritual gods of the Donghuang Dynasty had turned pale, but they still said unswervingly: Even if we die, we will never let you succeed.

Boom! It was an almost life-threatening attack, but there was still no way to deal with it.

Pay the white-haired old man.

Qinglong secretly killed many people from the Beigong Dynasty, but he knew that the current situation was very bad.

The adoptive father has a life. If there is really danger, then he will take Xi'er to evacuate.

Xi'er's life was much more important than the Seven Stars Spirit Mine, and they naturally agreed.

Do you really want to die? Get out of the way. The palm of the old man in white was condensed with dangerous spiritual power.

Bang bang bang... He persisted until he exhausted all his strength.

Poof! Everything went smoothly for Qinglong's assassination, but the other party also had a troublesome master.

A little mouse in the dark wants to kill me, so weak!

The powerful spiritual power was released and hit Qinglong's body. The protective artifact shattered and he flew backwards.

Qinglong! A purple figure swept over, and the medicine needle shot out, sealing several of his acupuncture points.

Qian Xi, you, hurry up and leave! Qinglong said.

Ghost doctor Mu Qianxi!

Your Highness Qian Xi.

It's so great that she's here.

The moment Mu Qianxi appeared, everyone's eyes were enthusiastic.

Seeing Mu Qianxi, this was definitely their unexpected gain besides winning the Seven Star Mine.

They all gave up on breaking through the defense and rushed towards Mu Qianxi.

Invincible, Xiaohong, Xiaomomo! They rushed over fiercely, and Mu Qianxi also summoned her contracted fur suit.

However, there are so many enemies!

Burn the sky and kill!

The wind falls, the stars break!

With the blessing of the wind element, fire

Homura became even more terrifying.

Then the power of darkness spread, and the water dragon swept across the enemy in front of him.

There are too many enemies and it is not easy to deal with them at all.

The old man in white said: This is Mu Fengyun's daughter, a fourth-element elementalist. She is indeed a monster. If we take her down first, everything will be much easier.

Everyone knew that with Mu Qianxi's ability and Mu Fengyun's love for her, catching her would be equivalent to taking over half of the Donghuang Dynasty, which was more valuable than the seven-star spirit mineral vein.

Qinglong became anxious and said: You find a way to escape and leave us alone.

The old man in white said: Little girl, you don't stay in the palace and are protected by many experts, but you come to such a dangerous place. I'm really surprised.

Mu Qianxi moved her wrist, and countless medicine needles rained towards the old man in white.

The old man in white was also surprised. Faced with such strong pressure from him, this girl dared to sneak attack on him.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and the pressure became stronger again, and he grabbed Mu Qianxi,

Mu Qianxi used teleportation at extremely fast speeds.

It's interesting! He avoided it once, but the old man in white was cruel the second time.

Although His Majesty said that he doesn't care about life or death, I think you are more valuable alive, so you'd better not resist. Otherwise, if I accidentally kill you, don't blame me. The old man in white said.

Boom! When his power was about to fall on Mu Qianxi, light blue light enveloped her.

The force he used to attack Mu Qianxi was instantly rebounded.

Bang! The old man in white was knocked back.

It was also thanks to the fact that his aim was only to cripple Mu Qianxi, not to kill her.

So he can still withstand the force that bounces back, otherwise...

Poof! The old man in white was injured. \u003c


His face turned gloomy instantly. He was not injured in the battle with those high-level spiritual gods, but he actually vomited blood when dealing with a little girl from the spiritual master.

Little girl, it looks like that boy Mu Fengyun gave you something good! But you are too fanciful to think that you can escape from me like this!

Astonishing spiritual power burst out, he grinned and sneered towards Mu Qianxi again.

This time, whether you live or die, it all depends on your luck.

Mu Qianxi's face was solemn, and her whole body was mobilizing spiritual energy.

This old guy is the most important person among these people. We have to find a way to contain him so that others can relax.

Qinglong, leave immediately, quickly!

That's impossible. If I want to leave, I have to take you with me. Otherwise, how can I have the face to go back to see my adoptive father? Qinglong had a sullen face, waving a bloody sword to fight the enemy in front of him.

Your Highness Qian Xi, we will never abandon you, otherwise we will not be able to see His Majesty. Others made the same choice as Mu Qianxi.

Fight them to the bitter end!

Mu Qianxi's eyes narrowed and she was determined to fight this old guy, even though there was a huge gap in strength between her and him.

Boom! This wave of attacks from the old man in white was blocked again.

What was blocking him was not the power of crystal space, but a thick wall of spiritual power.

Bang! The old man in white was knocked back. Such strong spiritual power was really scary.

The old man in white had a solemn look on his face. Besides Mu Fengyun, there were actually hidden masters in the Donghuang Dynasty.

Who? Come out. If you can, fight me openly. What's the point of hiding?

An angry shout came, Mr. Bai Tao, you, an old man who has not yet reached the end of his life, shamelessly bullied my little great-granddaughter. Do you really think that I am dead?

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