Get out of the way! Mu Fengling shouted.

Susu—— Everyone moved as fast as possible to get far away from the place that shook the core.

However, the thing that rushed out from below was too huge.

Bang bang bang! They were all taken flying into the air.

He hurriedly used his spiritual power to fly in the air, and then stabilized his body.

Swish, swish, swish... The white snow covering it slid down from the sky like a waterfall.

This is... Mu Qianxi also saw clearly what was emerging from the ground. It was an ice and snow palace.

It was dragged by a mysterious force and suspended in the air, like a mysterious cold moon in this land of ice and snow.

Its appearance made the destructive avalanche in the Ice God Realm stop as if the pause button had been pressed.

The crazy conspiracy of Bei Gongjue's confidant was completely dismantled. .??.

Those who had survived the disaster breathed a sigh of relief.


This damn avalanche finally stopped.

It feels so bad to be buried alive by ice and snow!

Look over there...what's over there?

This palace is like a cold moon and can be seen anywhere in the Ice God Realm.

I have never heard of such a palace in the Ice God Realm.

It's a miracle. I think we were able to escape because of it.

Let's go! Go and take a look. This great opportunity has happened to us, so we can't miss it.

Mu Qianxi stood in the air, looked at Gu Baiyi beside her and said, Xiao Bai, what is this palace?

I have read all the records about the Ice God Realm, and there is no mention of such a palace. Gu Baiyi replied.

He is the leader of the Beigong Dynasty, so the information he has obtained is naturally the most complete.

If there is no record of this, it means that no one has ever seen this palace.

Mu Qianxi asked: Enter

Go and have a look?

I feel that there is a familiar force attracting me in this palace, even... The next moment, the ice elemental spiritual power in his body burst out uncontrollably.

This was Bei Gong Jue's power. Gu Baiyi was used to using swords and rarely used it.

Could it be that there is a powerful inheritance of ice element spiritual power here? Come on! Let's go in and have a look. She hoped that Xiao Bai would become stronger. Only by being stronger could Bei Gongjue not hurt him so easily.

Okay! They soared into the sky, reached high in the sky, and arrived at the entrance of the palace.

It looks like a palace from the outside, but it's another world inside.

This world is colder than the Ice God Realm, but it possesses extremely powerful power.

In front of us is a majestic snow-capped mountain, which is so high that we can't see the end.

It was invisible to the naked eye, so Mu Qianxi decided to use her soul power to detect it.

Her soul perception climbed to the top of the snow mountain and she felt a cold and powerful force.

What made Mu Qianxi's eyes shine even more was that there were three sacred plants on the top of the snow-capped mountains.

All of them are top-notch sacred plants that cannot be found in this world.

Let's go! Let's go up. Mu Qianxi said excitedly.


When Mu Qianxi climbed the snow peak, many people entered the palace one after another.

Everyone who entered the Ice God Realm gathered here, and then rushed up to the snowy peak against the clock.

This snow peak is no better than the ones outside. Once you reach the foot of the mountain, you will face terrifying pressure.

If you can't withstand it, you may be destined to become an ice sculpture.

The road ahead is difficult and dangerous, but everyone who comes here has excitement in their eyes.

The harder it is to get close, the more

It means how powerful the things on the top of the snow-capped mountains are.

They were climbing hard, and suddenly someone said: There are others faster than us.

They are so far away from us.

I have good eyesight. I can roughly see clearly from such a distance. It seems to be His Majesty Beidi and the ghost doctor.

As expected of His Majesty Beidi, he can still be so fast despite such strong pressure.

Hey! They're gone.

The people in front seemed to be shrouded in a white mist, making them completely invisible.

Swish, swish, swish - At this moment, countless figures rushed out from behind them.

Some are slower, some are faster.

The fastest ones were like souls without bodies, ignoring the pressure here and rushing forward.

They don't feel the pressure at all. They are still not human!

The Beigong Dynasty actually hides such a master. It seems that we know too little about it.

Mu Qianxi and the others are caught in the fog and will face a test that is more dangerous than coercion.

The white mist hinders all their senses. If they accidentally take the wrong path, they will fall from the sky and be smashed into ice slag.

They have been trapped here for a while, and Mu Qianxi has been thinking of a solution.

This is a formation, I've probably figured it out clearly. Fortunately, although the suppression here is very strong, my soul power can still detect forward. Follow me!

Try to keep everyone as close together as possible to be safer.

They finally passed through the fog, and their vision became clear.

Bang! However, the next moment, Zhan Xing's brother was kneeling on the snow.

I feel like my soul is frozen and I can't walk, but the strange thing is that my body has absorbed stronger spiritual power, as if I will break through if I stay for a while! I can't do it anymore. With my ability

If I can’t improve my strength, I will cultivate here. He gasped.

It seems that whether it is the pressure or the fog below, it is a test. After reaching this third level, even if you can't move forward, there are benefits. Mu Qianxi said.

Zhan Xing said: Then you stay here, I can still leave.

They continued to climb the snow-capped mountain, and then they could no longer hold on.

I will stay here to practice. He said solemnly.

Even though he longed to continue, he already knew that he had reached his limit.

If you are not greedy enough, you may become an ice sculpture on this snowy peak.

However, he was a little surprised. His Majesty Beidi and Mu Fengling were extremely powerful. It was normal for the ghost doctor to be a genius to survive.

But the person who was weaker than him still looked very relaxed.

Mu Yan could still walk, and what made him feel happy was not that he was so powerful, but that his wife had blocked it for him.

They continued, and now they were very close to the top of the mountain, and Mu Yan couldn't hold on any longer.

Feng Qier said: Just practice here! Just concentrate on me and work harder. You are so much weaker than my son. You feel embarrassed, right?

Mu Yan said: Okay!

Madam, it's me who is dragging you down. If it weren't for me, you would probably go to the top of the mountain instead of staying here with me. Mu Yan said apologetically.

I have the supreme inheritance of the Qilin clan. Other powerful inheritances, even the inheritance of gods, cannot compare to it. It is not rare.

Mu Qianxi said: Grandpa, please stay here to practice, and we will continue to see.

We were about to reach the top of the mountain, but the road in front of us changed.

The road ahead was paved with pieces of suspended transparent ice. It felt like such a thin layer of ice could not bear the heavy weight.

Mu Qianxi's eyes darkened, The most dangerous test has just begun!

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