The head of the Curse clan had a gloomy look on his face, The Qilin clan has obviously been wiped out! One Qilin can wipe out their entire army. This is not normal. I don't believe in this evil, so I will send people over again!

Also, contact the Gods.

After wiping out so many people, the leader of the Curse Clan naturally had to be more cautious and led his allies to find out.

However, when they went to Qilin Realm again, they could not find the location of Qilin Realm. .??.

What's going on? We have already determined the location of the Qilin Realm, why can't we find it now?

Has the Qilin World been destroyed?

Too strange.

They tried their best to search, but could not find the hidden Qilin Realm.

Mu Fengyun looked at his reluctant mother and said, Mom, let's go! The Donghuang Dynasty is also our home. When my grandfather and others recover, we will let them come back and restore the Qilin Realm.

Feng Qi'er said: Okay!

In the Donghuang Dynasty, everything is as before, and Tianzhi is doing well under the guidance of the old man.

There was no movement in the Beigong Dynasty, and Mu Qianxi was sure that the current Bei Emperor was still Xiaobai.

The Supreme Throne also brought good news to Mu Fengyun.

Because your strength has increased rapidly, you have not only awakened the Qilin bloodline, but also possess the Qilin soul. And because Qian Xi's grass of life is so powerful, and now that it has recovered, you can completely become the master of the Hunyuan space with your strength. . The Supreme Throne said.

Come with me! Go take over the Hunyuan Space.

Mu Fengyun did not expect that this day would come so soon. He nodded and said: Okay!

Mu Fengyun successfully owned this ancient space, and the Hunyuan Space that had come to life was of great benefit.

Mu Fengyun put all his soldiers in, practice here, train troops, and make rapid progress.

Although the Northern Emperor of the Beigong Dynasty is not their enemy and the two countries are at peace, it is an uneasy feeling.

certain factors.

Maybe it won't be long before that person becomes a mortal enemy.

The Hunyuan Space has also become a training ground for the strong men under Mu Fengyun, allowing many spiritual masters to reach the peak of spiritual gods.

Mu Fengyun is accumulating the power under his hands, but the power of the five-star forces alone is far from enough.

He wanted to have the power to compete with the Seven Stars forces as soon as possible and bring his wife back.

The Supreme Throne said: When the Hunyuan Space recovers more powerfully, you can even bring Xuantian Realm into it. Or build a world that belongs only to you.

After Mu Qianxi came back, she began to prepare the elixir for her great-grandfather to restore his body, and asked the ghost doctor to look for materials everywhere, but he still needed a holy plant.

The old man's soul was already very stable. He said: Xi'er, don't be so gloomy! The old man is very happy like this. The body is not in a hurry. The later he gets the physical body, the later he will be! That boy Fengyun's Hunyuan Space is very powerful. Just focus on your own cultivation and leave me alone.


Not long after Mu Qianxi practiced in Hunyuan Space, she was promoted to the fifth level of Spirit Master.

Jiuye has been guarding Mu Qianxi, and the magic of Hunyuan Space also has a good effect on him.

However, after Mu Qianxi came out of seclusion, Lord Jiuye could not continue to be a hands-off shopkeeper. After all, the gods were staring at him eagerly.

So after bidding farewell to Mu Qianxi, he returned to the prison world under the fire-breathing eyes of his future father-in-law.

The overall strength of the Donghuang Dynasty was not long after Mu Fengyun took control of the Hunyuan Space.

It has gone from being weaker than the Beigong Dynasty due to civil strife to catching up with the Beigong Dynasty.

What? Beidi was assassinated and unconscious. The intelligence network on Mu Qianxi's side,

Naturally, he is always paying attention to the situation of the Beigong Dynasty.

Bai Ze said: Well! At present, the alchemists of the Beigong Dynasty are at a loss as they have only received these information. They have even asked you to come here.

After all, the ghost doctor is the first person to refine medicine in Xuantian Realm. If others can't cure it, she will definitely be able to cure it.

Then I'll go take a look. Mu Qianxi said.

Xi'er, you are so concerned that you are confused. What if this is a trap set by that kid when he wakes up! You can't go. Mu Fengyun came over and said.

What if it's not the case! Dad, I don't want to risk my friend's safety? Mu Qianxi had a solemn look on her face.

From the information obtained so far, it does not appear to be a trap.

Mu Qianxi insisted, and Mu Fengyun could only compromise.

But he had a request to bring a few people to protect her.

So Mu Qianxi went to the Beigong Dynasty under the protection of her second uncle, grandmother, and grandfather.

With their strength, even if this is a trap, they can still take Qian Xi out and leave the Beigong Dynasty.

The ghost doctor agreed.

The ghost doctor has already set off.

We have now reached the territory of the Beigong Dynasty.

After hearing this news, the people inside the Beigong Dynasty were both surprised and surprised.

After all, there are many grievances and grievances between His Majesty the Northern Emperor and His Royal Highness the Princess of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty, the owner of the Ghost Doctor Building!

Although there were some conflicts after Mu Fengyun succeeded to the throne, the two countries have been on good terms since then and are very harmonious.

But who doesn’t know that His Majesty’s mind is unpredictable? Is this a strategy?

However, after His Majesty was seriously injured in an assassination attempt, the ghost doctor actually agreed to come to treat him, not fearing that this was a dragon's pond and a tiger's den. How courageous!

Master Ghost Doctor has arrived in Beidu, go and greet him immediately.

As soon as Mu Qianxi arrived in Beidu, she was received with great ceremony by the officials of the Beigong Dynasty.

They looked at Mu Qianxi, expecting that when the princess came, she would be followed by numerous expert guards, but they did not expect that there would only be two of them.

One is the God of War of the Donghuang Dynasty, her second uncle.

There was a very unfamiliar man, holding a little pet in his arms. He looked gentle and weak.

Mu Yan is very low-key, so his two sons are not famous at all. It is estimated that few people in the Beigong Dynasty know his identity.

Master Ghost Doctor, please come this way!

On the way to the palace, Mu Qianxi asked several alchemists about Gu Baiyi.

These alchemists also admired Mu Qianxi very much and told her everything they had discovered.

Your Majesty's injuries are not serious, but he just can't wake up. We can't find out the reason. It's great that you can come, Ghost Doctor.

Everyone was also surprised that the ghost doctor seemed to be really concerned about His Majesty's condition and was so anxious to understand.

Those rumors that His Majesty and the Ghost Doctor have a grudge and are incompatible with each other are simply nonsense.

Mu Qianxi entered the Beigong Dynasty's palace and looked at the face that was as cold as nature.

The alchemist was right, the trauma was very minor and has been treated, but...

Mu Qianxi's face darkened, thinking that someone could poison him like this.

Soul-obliterating poison is a poison that can annihilate the soul.

Even though Gu Baiyi had practiced the soul clan's skills, he was still in great pain at this time.

And Bei Gongjue also broke free and competed with him.

Give up struggling! This throne is mine, this world is mine. My son is the one that my mother is most proud of, and I am the one I am! You are just my stepping stone, my foil. Bei Gongjue sneered.

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