This battle is simply unwinnable.

The opponent is strong, numerous, has strong physical defense, is also big, and has ferocious power.

They had wanted to defeat them individually before. After all, if the three major divine beast clans joined forces, they, the curse master clan, would be unable to withstand them.

Swish, swish, swish... They shot like they were rushing to reincarnate.

However, there were either dragons or phoenixes in the air and on the ground, leaving no room for them to escape.

No, I can't escape.

How they surrounded Feng Qi'er before, now they are surrounded by the dragon and phoenix tribe hundreds of times denser.

escape? That is absolutely impossible.

If you can't escape, you can only fight!

We are powerful spell masters. Of course we can't defeat these savage beasts with force. We can use spells.

We unite and use spells to fight our way out.

These spell masters all turned red-eyed. The power of the spell burst out crazily, condensing spells in the air.

Countless cracks were torn out on the ground, and the power of the curse poured in crazily.

Mu Qianxi teleported out, and her soul power spread.

There is a lot of fighting power on their side, the Dragon Clan and the Phoenix Clan are powerful and powerful.

But there is only one person who can deal with the spell.

The spell masters who came this time were very strong. No matter how high Mu Qianxi’s soul power and spell skills were, it would be difficult to deal with so many of them together.

The Complete Collection of Ten Thousand Curses, it's your turn to come out and help.

She couldn't handle it alone, but she had such a powerful helper, a guy who was named the Supreme by the curse master clan.

All the spells in the world come from it, so there is no spell used by anyone that it cannot break.

All the power of the curse used by the curse masters to unleash their spells poured into one place in the air. \u003c


All their spells disintegrated, and each one spurted blood due to backlash.

They looked up into the sky and said in astonishment: That's... that's the Master of Ten Thousand Curses.

It turns out that the mythical beast clan has already integrated the Ten Thousand Curses into one body?

Sir, it was the three great beasts who suppressed you for so many years. Why... why did you help them deal with us?

They are so puzzling and unbelievable!

The Collection of Ten Thousand Curses said: I am only helping my lord. If you dare to go against my lord and try to snatch me away from my lord, then you are destined to die here today.

What? It was difficult for them to accept the fact.

However, the Collection of Ten Thousand Curses is indifferent. It doesn't care about the lives of these curse masters at all, and looks aloof.

These spell masters were very shocked. In terms of force, they could not defeat the dragon and phoenix tribes.

He used a spell, but it was easily disintegrated by the All-In-One Mantra.

Lord Ten Thousand Curses, have you abandoned us?

The Encyclopedia of Mantras said: What are you giving up? It was just a temporary interest to teach you the spells. What happens to you in the future, whether you seek death or do something else, has nothing to do with me.

They were disheartened by the words of the Mantra, but even so, they did not want to die.

If you don't want to die, then you can only grit your teeth and fight. At least someone must survive and tell the clan leader what happened here?

Tell the clan leader that the collection of mantras has been completed and the master has been recognized.

Mu Qianxi said coldly: No one can let them escape.

Now that they have seen the Complete Collection of Ten Thousand Curses, they naturally will not let it go

Individuals go out to spread the word.

What's more, these people seriously injured my grandmother and wanted to kill my father and second uncle.

Yes, Mr. Mu!


The dragon and phoenix tribes looked up to Mu Qianxi, and the people of the curse master tribe were horrified. They were not as respectful as the arrogant holy beasts.

Moreover, this purple-clothed girl still exudes the power of a curse. She is not one of their tribesmen.

She is...she is the master of the Master of All Curses.

All the spell masters were extremely jealous of Mu Qianxi, and some wanted Mu Qianxi dead.

However, they had no chance to get close to Mu Qianxi and were shot away by the giant dragon and phoenix.

Boom! A shocking battle broke out in the Qilin Realm.

The Dragon Clan and Phoenix Clan are not weak, but the group of people sent to the Qilin Realm by the Curse Master Clan are also very tenacious, and the war continues.

In terms of endurance, these spell masters can never compete with the mythical beasts.

Their defeat was doomed from the beginning.

Because of Mu Qianxi's medicine, Feng Qier recovered quickly.

If Mu Yan hadn't been holding her and preventing her from getting injured in the battle, she would have rushed forward.

That's really great. Let me join the war! This is a settlement between our three clans and the Curse Master clan. How can we omit the Qilin? Even if there is only one of them in a large group, then I must kill the enemy on behalf of my Qilin clan. Feng Qi'er was decisive.

Mu Yan couldn't resist Feng Qi'er anymore, so he said, Okay, okay, I'll go with you!

A flash of silver light flashed, and wherever he went, spell masters vomited blood and fell to the ground.

Feng Qier's speed of destroying enemies is as fast as lightning, and the killing is super enjoyable.

Bang bang bang... The fallen curse master became more and more

More and more, their faces became more and more ugly.

They can only grit their teeth and continue fighting desperately. They don't want to die in the Qilin Realm.

In order to survive, as long as there is a slight possibility of survival, they will fight hard.

Just when Feng Qier was killing the enemy with great enthusiasm, a voice came from his mind.

Qier, they are all awake. We have something important to discuss with you.

Although she was not completely satisfied with the killing, it was her father who was talking to her, so Feng Qier had no choice but to go back.

Madam, you are finally willing to take a rest! I'm really afraid that you will be tired, Mu Yan said.

How can I be tired? Those dragons and phoenixes are all so energetic, so naturally my Qilin beast is not bad either. Feng Qier glared at him and said.

Let's go see father. Feng Qier said.

Father, it's great that everyone is awake. Feng Qier said excitedly.

The leader of the Qilin clan sighed: Yes! Our lives were in danger at the beginning. We thought we had completely disappeared from this world. We never thought that this day would come. It is simply a miracle that so many clan members can survive.

The leader of the Qilin clan was also in a good mood. He then said slowly: Qi'er, we have made a decision. The two children Fengyun and Feng Ling are undergoing bloodline awakening, and there is no danger now. They have completely awakened their bloodline. Of course there is no problem.”

But I want to give them something better. We want to separate part of our essence. Let them achieve the most perfect blood fusion and condense the Qilin soul. The Qilin clan leader said.

Half-blooded people cannot condense their souls unless they are sacrificed by their clansmen.

Although the Qilin clan is not very old-fashioned, they also pay attention to blood.

In the history of the Qilin clan, no one has ever sacrificed their soul to a half-blood child.

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